Civil War Facts

While it is a movie...........Lincoln ordered Southern States to form regiments to fight against their own neighbors..................WASN'T GOING TO HAPPEN............

He forced states like Virginia to make a choice........and killing their own people of the State Forced them to arm up against the Union............

The North could have toned it down..........and allowed discussion over War with Lincoln...........which guaranteed a War............

If your neighbor was about to be attacked in your own neighborhood.....and the police ordered you to join them in killing knew their kids.........Had barbaques with them............WOULD YOU DO IT.

No YOU WOULDN'T.........and many who fought were left with that choice GUARANTEEING a long and bloody War.

Every state in the so-called confederacy DID have regiments that DID resist the illegal actions of the traitors.

You mean they fought Union troops ...

No, I mean they fought the traitorous dogs that had taken over their states.

They elected those "traitorous dogs," you Stalinist douchebag.
Every state in the so-called confederacy DID have regiments that DID resist the illegal actions of the traitors.
Lincoln asked them to kill their neighbors whether you like it or not......most that fought were too dang poor to own slaves...........

Had Lincoln taken a different approach then the War may not have happened.

We look at the Civil War via the PRISM of NOW and not the past................Ideologies back then were not the same..........neither was Morality of it.............Slavery was dying and rightfully so...........but the mindset of then versus NOW was not the same.........

The very Name of New York was named after the Duke of York who was a slave Trader.........should we change the name of that STATE??????????? Did the North also do slavery..........yes it did......Changing the name or applying the continual bitching over the Civil War is NOT EQUAL to the mindset of that time...........Doesn't change the History of can't wash it away........all you can do is play the stupid little game of using it for Political reasons from a time that is long gone.......

Don't like my words I don't care...........I call it like I see it......and the neighbors back then would not have turned their guns on their neighbors........Forced the Lincoln policy.

Promulgating lies and misrepresentation on behalf of long-dead traitors drenches you in shame and exposes your disdain for the United States of America, and for freedom and justice in general.
...history of Japan you always whine about.

What “whining” are you referring to?

Lincoln asked them to kill their neighbors whether you like it or not......most that fought were too dang poor to own slaves...........

Had Lincoln taken a different approach then the War may not have happened.

We look at the Civil War via the PRISM of NOW and not the past................Ideologies back then were not the same..........neither was Morality of it.............Slavery was dying and rightfully so...........but the mindset of then versus NOW was not the same.........

The very Name of New York was named after the Duke of York who was a slave Trader.........should we change the name of that STATE??????????? Did the North also do slavery..........yes it did......Changing the name or applying the continual bitching over the Civil War is NOT EQUAL to the mindset of that time...........Doesn't change the History of can't wash it away........all you can do is play the stupid little game of using it for Political reasons from a time that is long gone.......

Don't like my words I don't care...........I call it like I see it......and the neighbors back then would not have turned their guns on their neighbors........Forced the Lincoln policy.

Promulgating lies and misrepresentation on behalf of long-dead traitors drenches you in shame and exposes your disdain for the United States of America, and for freedom and justice in general.
...history of Japan you always whine about.

What “whining” are you referring to?


Reread your own history of posting and take the blinders off.
Promulgating lies and misrepresentation on behalf of long-dead traitors drenches you in shame and exposes your disdain for the United States of America, and for freedom and justice in general.
STFU...............You look at History through todays PRISM.............


Through the PRISM of that time, the majority of Americans opposed the illegal actions of your beloved traitors.
"Through the prism of time?" You mean after thorough brainwashing

No, that’s not what I mean, you dishonest sack of shit.
Right, because the public understanding of the facts gets better the further back in time they are.

What a dumbass.

Make up your ‘mind.’ You’ll still be wrong either way.
Promulgating lies and misrepresentation on behalf of long-dead traitors drenches you in shame and exposes your disdain for the United States of America, and for freedom and justice in general.
...history of Japan you always whine about.

What “whining” are you referring to?


Reread your own history of posting and take the blinders off.

So you’ve got nothing to support your claim. Figures.

While it is a movie...........Lincoln ordered Southern States to form regiments to fight against their own neighbors..................WASN'T GOING TO HAPPEN............

He forced states like Virginia to make a choice........and killing their own people of the State Forced them to arm up against the Union............

The North could have toned it down..........and allowed discussion over War with Lincoln...........which guaranteed a War............

If your neighbor was about to be attacked in your own neighborhood.....and the police ordered you to join them in killing knew their kids.........Had barbaques with them............WOULD YOU DO IT.

No YOU WOULDN'T.........and many who fought were left with that choice GUARANTEEING a long and bloody War.

Every state in the so-called confederacy DID have regiments that DID resist the illegal actions of the traitors.

You mean they fought Union troops ...

No, I mean they fought the traitorous dogs that had taken over their states.

They elected those "traitorous dogs," ....

Some of them, yeah. They lived to regret it. Some idiots, like you, can only learn the hard way.

While it is a movie...........Lincoln ordered Southern States to form regiments to fight against their own neighbors..................WASN'T GOING TO HAPPEN............

He forced states like Virginia to make a choice........and killing their own people of the State Forced them to arm up against the Union............

The North could have toned it down..........and allowed discussion over War with Lincoln...........which guaranteed a War............

If your neighbor was about to be attacked in your own neighborhood.....and the police ordered you to join them in killing knew their kids.........Had barbaques with them............WOULD YOU DO IT.

No YOU WOULDN'T.........and many who fought were left with that choice GUARANTEEING a long and bloody War.

Every state in the so-called confederacy DID have regiments that DID resist the illegal actions of the traitors.

You mean they fought Union troops ...

No, I mean they fought the traitorous dogs that had taken over their states.

They elected those "traitorous dogs," ....

Some of them, yeah. They lived to regret it. Some idiots, like you, can only learn the hard way.

So you lied, in other words.

They learned to regret being invaded by the Federal government?

What a stupid comment. Why would anyone be happy about being invaded?
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While it is a movie...........Lincoln ordered Southern States to form regiments to fight against their own neighbors..................WASN'T GOING TO HAPPEN............

He forced states like Virginia to make a choice........and killing their own people of the State Forced them to arm up against the Union............

The North could have toned it down..........and allowed discussion over War with Lincoln...........which guaranteed a War............

If your neighbor was about to be attacked in your own neighborhood.....and the police ordered you to join them in killing knew their kids.........Had barbaques with them............WOULD YOU DO IT.

No YOU WOULDN'T.........and many who fought were left with that choice GUARANTEEING a long and bloody War.

Every state in the so-called confederacy DID have regiments that DID resist the illegal actions of the traitors.

You mean they fought Union troops ...


No, I mean they fought the traitorous dogs that had taken over their states.

They elected those "traitorous dogs," ....

Some of them, yeah. They lived to regret it. Some idiots, like you, can only learn the hard way.

Ok your past life you were in Devils Den killing Rebels......

You Imagine shit a lot don't you.............You haven't done a dang thing but run your big mouth all your life......LOL

Got news for you........No one alive today fought in the Civil War.........So save your I'M RAMBO with a Musket BS for someone else.
The more perfect Perpetual Union was not maintained by force. A forceful rebellion was put down.
How was it a "forceful rebellion," when none of the confederate states ever set foot in a Union State? You're obviously one of those idiots who believes wives deserve to be beaten when they do something their husbands don't like.
South Carolinians thought bombarding fort Sumter was a good idea. It wasn`t.
The more perfect Perpetual Union was not maintained by force. A forceful rebellion was put down.
How was it a "forceful rebellion," when none of the confederate states ever set foot in a Union State? You're obviously one of those idiots who believes wives deserve to be beaten when they do something their husbands don't like.
South Carolinians thought bombarding fort Sumter was a good idea. It wasn`t.
Every state in the so-called confederacy DID have regiments that DID resist the illegal actions of the traitors.
You mean they fought Union troops ...

No, I mean they fought the traitorous dogs that had taken over their states.
They elected those "traitorous dogs," ....


They learned to regret being invaded by the Federal government?


They learned by being held accountable for their treason. They were brought to heel like the filthy curs that they were, that you are.
Every state in the so-called confederacy DID have regiments that DID resist the illegal actions of the traitors.
You mean they fought Union troops ...

No, I mean they fought the traitorous dogs that had taken over their states.
They elected those "traitorous dogs," ....

Some of them, yeah. They lived to regret it. Some idiots, like you, can only learn the hard way. your past life you were in Devils Den killing Rebels...........

I don't have any past lives that I'm aware of, but it I did it would probably have involved growing potatoes.
The more perfect Perpetual Union was not maintained by force. A forceful rebellion was put down.

Uh, well, no, no, no. Who invaded whom? The federal government sent armies into the South to force the Southern states to rejoin the Union against their will. Even after the Fort Sumter attack, Jefferson Davis expressed his desire for peace and repeated his offer for peaceful coexistence and MFN trading status, but by that time the Republicans were determined to invade.

You are taking the same attitude toward the right of peaceful separation that the British took when the colonies sought to exercise it. The South did not want to fight.

The actual war, with battles and casualties, began when federal armies invaded states that had revoked their ratification of the Constitution, which they had every right to do.
When people do not understand a language and the sense of adjectives and comparatives, discussion in that language is futile.
The more perfect Perpetual Union was not maintained by force. A forceful rebellion was put down.

Uh, well, no, no, no. Who invaded whom? The federal government sent armies into the South to force the Southern states to rejoin the Union against their will. Even after the Fort Sumter attack, Jefferson Davis expressed his desire for peace and repeated his offer for peaceful coexistence and MFN trading status, but by that time the Republicans were determined to invade.

You are taking the same attitude toward the right of peaceful separation that the British took when the colonies sought to exercise it. The South did not want to fight.

The actual war, with battles and casualties, began when federal armies invaded states that had revoked their ratification of the Constitution, which they had every right to do.
Jeff Davis spoke of a peaceful co-existence between the two countries but there was only one country. The confederacy was recognized by no other nations. It was a southern fantasy.

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