Civil war from a left and right perspective.

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The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Than why is the military 2/3 conservative?
Where did you get that figure from? And how would that be reflected when it comes to following orders?

You didnt watch the video.
And you're a dumb dyke if you think American soldiers are going to massacre their family and friends.
I never said they were going to massacre their family and friends.....but if given orders to fire on rioting or ARMED attackers, they will not hesitate like they never have hesitated in the history of this country.

What rioting attackers?
They'll blow all the bridges and rail along with power lines.
You dumbfucks will be starving inside a week. Then the rioting your big cities.
The big cities produce nothing and are totally reliant on the heartland for food and southern states for gas and oil.
Also, there is a huge difference in ideology between wanting small government and shooting U.S. citizens.

You think real Americans aren't ready to off pieces of shit such as you? You better think again, boy. We've killed Nazis, anybody that fucked with us, and you're the one fucking with us now. What do you think is going to happen there, dumbass?

Then why haven't you?
Excellent question. We're seeing a lot of action however. And it's ironic to brag about killing NAZIs when those on the Far Right are waving NAZI flags these days in places like Charlottesville and Detroit.

I honestly think to most of these guys it's an act. An anonymous message board where threats against U.S. citizens and posters is tolerated is a great opportunity for a nobody to pretend he's a somebody.

Whatever, cupcake. I bet you you don't have my survival, or combat, or marksmanship skills, punkass. I have teh edumacation, too.

Unless you can shoot like this, and post it being you, you're fulla shit. 1st 3 clockwise I was dialing it in. That's @ 12 to 3 o'clock.

View attachment 264904
Paper plates don't shoot back.
No they don't...and it's pretty easy to hit them at 5 feet...even with a sharpened pencil.

No target pics? FAIL, you leftwing kunt.
I don't feel this overpowering need to show off to anonymous people on an anonymous forum about how "manly" my shooting is. But you go right ahead and continue waving your little paper targets around.

Because you have no shooting, Plywood Pete, you just talk shit like the leftist POS shill you are. Like I said, break bad, leftists. You're going to lose, and lose bigly, even if I fail.

View attachment 264905
You keep saying that, dear boy. Perhaps you should say it even's bound to become convincing eventually.
The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Bullshit. There is no Left or Right to military strategy. You do what works or you fail.

Communists have been good at starting murderous revolutions and they also been good at fucking up everything even worse after the revolution.

My point is that for all your talk and all your guns you right-wing fantasy confederates lack the kind of courage that it takes to stand up to an actual Authoritarian dictatorship. It's alright, you would probably fight pretty hard for your family or your stuff but other than that you don't care to risk what you have for people you don't know.

You keep thinking that, cupcake. I'll be grinding up a ladder for me to throw at your feet in a bag and then be running away as someone else shoots it. I am not the Lone American, it's a majority of us, you dumbshit. 70%+ ..Don't forget that now, faggot, even if I get banned, because that's reality.
Reality is that you will die an extremely unhappy and unfulfilled person no matter what. You are too angry, too fearful, too old and too blind to ever know contentment at this late date.

You stupid Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome are the ones that are suffering from a mental illness that is making your life miserable.
You think real Americans aren't ready to off pieces of shit such as you? You better think again, boy. We've killed Nazis, anybody that fucked with us, and you're the one fucking with us now. What do you think is going to happen there, dumbass?

Then why haven't you?
Excellent question. We're seeing a lot of action however. And it's ironic to brag about killing NAZIs when those on the Far Right are waving NAZI flags these days in places like Charlottesville and Detroit.

I honestly think to most of these guys it's an act. An anonymous message board where threats against U.S. citizens and posters is tolerated is a great opportunity for a nobody to pretend he's a somebody.

Paper plates don't shoot back.
No they don't...and it's pretty easy to hit them at 5 feet...even with a sharpened pencil.

No target pics? FAIL, you leftwing kunt.
I don't feel this overpowering need to show off to anonymous people on an anonymous forum about how "manly" my shooting is. But you go right ahead and continue waving your little paper targets around.

Because you have no shooting, Plywood Pete, you just talk shit like the leftist POS shill you are. Like I said, break bad, leftists. You're going to lose, and lose bigly, even if I fail.

View attachment 264905
You keep saying that, dear boy. Perhaps you should say it even's bound to become convincing eventually.

Pete, that's the very 1st time I said that, and you have no targets, bitch. You ain't shot since 1995. Tell the truth and shame the devil.
Most of your fantasy confederates see themselves as the general, never the foot soldier who would have to actually fight. Wars are fought by the young who for some reason don't give a damn about the entitled complaints of a bunch of spoiled geezers.

The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Bullshit. There is no Left or Right to military strategy. You do what works or you fail.

Communists have been good at starting murderous revolutions and they also been good at fucking up everything even worse after the revolution.

My point is that for all your talk and all your guns you right-wing fantasy confederates lack the kind of courage that it takes to stand up to an actual Authoritarian dictatorship. It's alright, you would probably fight pretty hard for your family or your stuff but other than that you don't care to risk what you have for people you don't know.

Most of my militia buddies are veterans that have demonstrated their courage long before you pink pussy hat Moon Bats even learned how to play your video games.. They know how to use firearms and they are "well regulated".

You Moon Bat commie boys better be on your A Game if you ever decide to piss us off.
^anti-intellectualism. Gosh, when has that ever gone wrong?
That's when Islam started going south....when the far right reactionary imams took over from the scientists and mathematicians at the end of the Islamic Golden Age.

That's true.

When the RIGHT WING ISLAMIC fundies took over they started down the path of blood thirsty religion.....

Wrong as always. The Islamic "Fundies" are LEFT WING.
  • Total government control.
  • Monoachy ruled by a few
  • Attack and destroy everything they don't agree with or doesn't submit to them.
Fundamentalists of all religions are conservatives.
We have two Muslim bitches in Congress and had a male previously, all Democrats. Idiot.

We have two Muslim bitches in Congress and had a male previously, all Democrats. Idiot."
^anti-intellectualism. Gosh, when has that ever gone wrong?
That's when Islam started going south....when the far right reactionary imams took over from the scientists and mathematicians at the end of the Islamic Golden Age.

That's true.

When the RIGHT WING ISLAMIC fundies took over they started down the path of blood thirsty religion.....

Wrong as always. The Islamic "Fundies" are LEFT WING.
  • Total government control.
  • Monoachy ruled by a few
  • Attack and destroy everything they don't agree with or doesn't submit to them.
Fundamentalists of all religions are conservatives.
Leftards aren't religious. They are Fundamentalist Atheists. They merely think the universe put THEM in charge to rule other people's lives.

"Leftards aren't religious. They are Fundamentalist Atheists. They merely think the universe put THEM in charge to rule other people's lives."

So you want a civil war so you can kill as many leftards as you can and then rule the lives of all the rest.

you seem to think that the universe put YOU in charge
I'm a vet and would never fire on a fellow citizen by direction of the government. We are expected to disobey all unlawful orders

Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Bullshit. There is no Left or Right to military strategy. You do what works or you fail.

Communists have been good at starting murderous revolutions and they also been good at fucking up everything even worse after the revolution.

My point is that for all your talk and all your guns you right-wing fantasy confederates lack the kind of courage that it takes to stand up to an actual Authoritarian dictatorship. It's alright, you would probably fight pretty hard for your family or your stuff but other than that you don't care to risk what you have for people you don't know.

You keep thinking that, cupcake. I'll be grinding up a ladder for me to throw at your feet in a bag and then be running away as someone else shoots it. I am not the Lone American, it's a majority of us, you dumbshit. 70%+ ..Don't forget that now, faggot, even if I get banned, because that's reality.
Reality is that you will die an extremely unhappy and unfulfilled person no matter what. You are too angry, too fearful, too old and too blind to ever know contentment at this late date.

You stupid Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome are the ones that are suffering from a mental illness that is making your life miserable.
I'm not the one going around this board continually enraged and calling people bad names. I'm not like you. I'm not here to vent rage, I just want to understand better why you people are like you are.
The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Bullshit. There is no Left or Right to military strategy. You do what works or you fail.

Communists have been good at starting murderous revolutions and they also been good at fucking up everything even worse after the revolution.

My point is that for all your talk and all your guns you right-wing fantasy confederates lack the kind of courage that it takes to stand up to an actual Authoritarian dictatorship. It's alright, you would probably fight pretty hard for your family or your stuff but other than that you don't care to risk what you have for people you don't know.

You keep thinking that, cupcake. I'll be grinding up a ladder for me to throw at your feet in a bag and then be running away as someone else shoots it. I am not the Lone American, it's a majority of us, you dumbshit. 70%+ ..Don't forget that now, faggot, even if I get banned, because that's reality.
Reality is that you will die an extremely unhappy and unfulfilled person no matter what. You are too angry, too fearful, too old and too blind to ever know contentment at this late date.

My point is that for all your talk and all your guns you right-wing fantasy confederates lack the kind of courage that it takes to stand up to an actual Authoritarian dictatorship. It's alright, you would probably fight pretty hard for your family or your stuff but other than that you don't care to risk what you have for people you don't know.

I'm ready to fight to the death, you cuntboy piece of shit. I have more skills than you, and this country should not continue if left into the hands of your pos commie ass.

In case you didn't know where we're at, that's where we are. I don't care about myself, but it would be nice if future generations had somewhat of the freedoms I had growing up. Without that, it's simply unAmerican and Communist. If you can't walk down the street with a rifle, that's different. That was legal when I was a kid. Shooting doves with a .22 in the city and eating them was perfectly accepted when I waa a kid.
You probably bitch about getting out of your la-z-boy to fight a spider in the bathroom. As to my skills, don't assume. I am a military veteran and regularly go into the river swamps to collect all manner of animals for consumption as well as sunken logs for the high end furniture I build on the side. I can fix anything, build anything and outwork men half my age. By all rights I ought to be a conservative except I don't have the meanness and the lack of education common to to your type.

Whatever, cupcake. I bet you you don't have my survival, or combat, or marksmanship skills, punkass. I have teh edumacation, too.

Unless you can shoot like this, and post it being you, you're fulla shit. 1st 3 clockwise I was dialing it in. That's @ 12 to 3 o'clock. I'm excellent with a bow, too.

View attachment 264904 impressive....from 5 feet?

Surely you have some range targets Plywood Pete, no? Sup?

Should I post my 100 yard chicken-neck target pic? It's kinda NSFW. That's with a much bigger gun than the paper plate one. C'mon Plywood Pete, post your 100 yard targets so I can laugh at your fat ass. And know there's a shit ton of Americans with better marksmanship. The guy that works with me killed a deerfly @ 200 yards with an HMR. I laughed my ass off! (I hate deerflies)

You must be itching to kill yourself a leftard.

cons sure do like to kill

after saying "all life is precious"
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Than why is the military 2/3 conservative?
Where did you get that figure from? And how would that be reflected when it comes to following orders?

You didnt watch the video.
And you're a dumb dyke if you think American soldiers are going to massacre their family and friends.
I never said they were going to massacre their family and friends.....but if given orders to fire on rioting or ARMED attackers, they will not hesitate like they never have hesitated in the history of this country.

What rioting attackers?
They'll blow all the bridges and rail along with power lines.
You dumbfucks will be starving inside a week. Then the rioting your big cities.
The big cities produce nothing and are totally reliant on the heartland for food and southern states for gas and oil.
I find it interesting that you seem to think that CRCs have explosives. That's very interesting. Do you think that the Government would find that interesting and rather provocative?
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Bullshit. There is no Left or Right to military strategy. You do what works or you fail.

Communists have been good at starting murderous revolutions and they also been good at fucking up everything even worse after the revolution.

My point is that for all your talk and all your guns you right-wing fantasy confederates lack the kind of courage that it takes to stand up to an actual Authoritarian dictatorship. It's alright, you would probably fight pretty hard for your family or your stuff but other than that you don't care to risk what you have for people you don't know.

You keep thinking that, cupcake. I'll be grinding up a ladder for me to throw at your feet in a bag and then be running away as someone else shoots it. I am not the Lone American, it's a majority of us, you dumbshit. 70%+ ..Don't forget that now, faggot, even if I get banned, because that's reality.
Reality is that you will die an extremely unhappy and unfulfilled person no matter what. You are too angry, too fearful, too old and too blind to ever know contentment at this late date.

You stupid Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome are the ones that are suffering from a mental illness that is making your life miserable.
And yet...we have this thread chock full of CRCs planning a revolution and how to blow up infrastructure and bragging about how good they are at shooting paper plates.
I'm ready to fight to the death, you cuntboy piece of shit. I have more skills than you, and this country should not continue if left into the hands of your pos commie ass.

In case you didn't know where we're at, that's where we are. I don't care about myself, but it would be nice if future generations had somewhat of the freedoms I had growing up. Without that, it's simply unAmerican and Communist. If you can't walk down the street with a rifle, that's different. That was legal when I was a kid. Shooting doves with a .22 in the city and eating them was perfectly accepted when I waa a kid.
You probably bitch about getting out of your la-z-boy to fight a spider in the bathroom. As to my skills, don't assume. I am a military veteran and regularly go into the river swamps to collect all manner of animals for consumption as well as sunken logs for the high end furniture I build on the side. I can fix anything, build anything and outwork men half my age. By all rights I ought to be a conservative except I don't have the meanness and the lack of education common to to your type.

Whatever, cupcake. I bet you you don't have my survival, or combat, or marksmanship skills, punkass. I have teh edumacation, too.

Unless you can shoot like this, and post it being you, you're fulla shit. 1st 3 clockwise I was dialing it in. That's @ 12 to 3 o'clock. I'm excellent with a bow, too.

View attachment 264904 impressive....from 5 feet?

Surely you have some range targets Plywood Pete, no? Sup?

Should I post my 100 yard chicken-neck target pic? It's kinda NSFW. That's with a much bigger gun than the paper plate one. C'mon Plywood Pete, post your 100 yard targets so I can laugh at your fat ass. And know there's a shit ton of Americans with better marksmanship. The guy that works with me killed a deerfly @ 200 yards with an HMR. I laughed my ass off! (I hate deerflies)

You must be itching to kill yourself a leftard.

cons sure do like to kill

after saying "all life is precious"

After stupid fucktards get all unAmerican and shit, yeah, It tends to piss a cracker off. Do you find something wrong with that? Should I give a fuck?
Bullshit. There is no Left or Right to military strategy. You do what works or you fail.

Communists have been good at starting murderous revolutions and they also been good at fucking up everything even worse after the revolution.

My point is that for all your talk and all your guns you right-wing fantasy confederates lack the kind of courage that it takes to stand up to an actual Authoritarian dictatorship. It's alright, you would probably fight pretty hard for your family or your stuff but other than that you don't care to risk what you have for people you don't know.

You keep thinking that, cupcake. I'll be grinding up a ladder for me to throw at your feet in a bag and then be running away as someone else shoots it. I am not the Lone American, it's a majority of us, you dumbshit. 70%+ ..Don't forget that now, faggot, even if I get banned, because that's reality.
Reality is that you will die an extremely unhappy and unfulfilled person no matter what. You are too angry, too fearful, too old and too blind to ever know contentment at this late date.

You stupid Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome are the ones that are suffering from a mental illness that is making your life miserable.
And yet...we have this thread chock full of CRCs planning a revolution and how to blow up infrastructure and bragging about how good they are at shooting paper plates.

You think you're going to get away with bitching your way to your glorious leftist revolution real Americans will squash like a bug? Not going to happen girl, if indeed you are actually one.
You probably bitch about getting out of your la-z-boy to fight a spider in the bathroom. As to my skills, don't assume. I am a military veteran and regularly go into the river swamps to collect all manner of animals for consumption as well as sunken logs for the high end furniture I build on the side. I can fix anything, build anything and outwork men half my age. By all rights I ought to be a conservative except I don't have the meanness and the lack of education common to to your type.

Whatever, cupcake. I bet you you don't have my survival, or combat, or marksmanship skills, punkass. I have teh edumacation, too.

Unless you can shoot like this, and post it being you, you're fulla shit. 1st 3 clockwise I was dialing it in. That's @ 12 to 3 o'clock. I'm excellent with a bow, too.

View attachment 264904 impressive....from 5 feet?

Surely you have some range targets Plywood Pete, no? Sup?

Should I post my 100 yard chicken-neck target pic? It's kinda NSFW. That's with a much bigger gun than the paper plate one. C'mon Plywood Pete, post your 100 yard targets so I can laugh at your fat ass. And know there's a shit ton of Americans with better marksmanship. The guy that works with me killed a deerfly @ 200 yards with an HMR. I laughed my ass off! (I hate deerflies)

You must be itching to kill yourself a leftard.

cons sure do like to kill

after saying "all life is precious"

After stupid fucktards get all unAmerican and shit, yeah, It tends to piss a cracker off. Do you find something wrong with that? Should I give a fuck?
Do you?
Bullshit. There is no Left or Right to military strategy. You do what works or you fail.

Communists have been good at starting murderous revolutions and they also been good at fucking up everything even worse after the revolution.

My point is that for all your talk and all your guns you right-wing fantasy confederates lack the kind of courage that it takes to stand up to an actual Authoritarian dictatorship. It's alright, you would probably fight pretty hard for your family or your stuff but other than that you don't care to risk what you have for people you don't know.

You keep thinking that, cupcake. I'll be grinding up a ladder for me to throw at your feet in a bag and then be running away as someone else shoots it. I am not the Lone American, it's a majority of us, you dumbshit. 70%+ ..Don't forget that now, faggot, even if I get banned, because that's reality.
Reality is that you will die an extremely unhappy and unfulfilled person no matter what. You are too angry, too fearful, too old and too blind to ever know contentment at this late date.

You stupid Moon Bats afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome are the ones that are suffering from a mental illness that is making your life miserable.
And yet...we have this thread chock full of CRCs planning a revolution and how to blow up infrastructure and bragging about how good they are at shooting paper plates.

...and we also have evidence of shitheads like ANTIFA planning on killing anybody that doesn't toe the commie line. Then we have the Muslim shitheads that are being financed by the billions of dollars that asshole Obama gave to his Mullah buddies.
Whatever, cupcake. I bet you you don't have my survival, or combat, or marksmanship skills, punkass. I have teh edumacation, too.

Unless you can shoot like this, and post it being you, you're fulla shit. 1st 3 clockwise I was dialing it in. That's @ 12 to 3 o'clock. I'm excellent with a bow, too.

View attachment 264904 impressive....from 5 feet?

Surely you have some range targets Plywood Pete, no? Sup?

Should I post my 100 yard chicken-neck target pic? It's kinda NSFW. That's with a much bigger gun than the paper plate one. C'mon Plywood Pete, post your 100 yard targets so I can laugh at your fat ass. And know there's a shit ton of Americans with better marksmanship. The guy that works with me killed a deerfly @ 200 yards with an HMR. I laughed my ass off! (I hate deerflies)

You must be itching to kill yourself a leftard.

cons sure do like to kill

after saying "all life is precious"

After stupid fucktards get all unAmerican and shit, yeah, It tends to piss a cracker off. Do you find something wrong with that? Should I give a fuck?
Do you?

I do not, fuck you and your anti-American agenda and ..shit .die in a bath of fire, motherfucker!

Bring on ANTIFA next, we want some target practice! :banana:
The Left won’t fight. They will ask the willing America-hating nations that they worship and appease to come fight for them. Pussies.
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