Civil war from a left and right perspective.

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You probably bitch about getting out of your la-z-boy to fight a spider in the bathroom. As to my skills, don't assume. I am a military veteran and regularly go into the river swamps to collect all manner of animals for consumption as well as sunken logs for the high end furniture I build on the side. I can fix anything, build anything and outwork men half my age. By all rights I ought to be a conservative except I don't have the meanness and the lack of education common to to your type.

Whatever, cupcake. I bet you you don't have my survival, or combat, or marksmanship skills, punkass. I have teh edumacation, too.

Unless you can shoot like this, and post it being you, you're fulla shit. 1st 3 clockwise I was dialing it in. That's @ 12 to 3 o'clock. I'm excellent with a bow, too.

View attachment 264904 impressive....from 5 feet?

Surely you have some range targets Plywood Pete, no? Sup?

Should I post my 100 yard chicken-neck target pic? It's kinda NSFW. That's with a much bigger gun than the paper plate one. C'mon Plywood Pete, post your 100 yard targets so I can laugh at your fat ass. And know there's a shit ton of Americans with better marksmanship. The guy that works with me killed a deerfly @ 200 yards with an HMR. I laughed my ass off! (I hate deerflies)
We get it, dear are quite the bad ass against paper/styrofoam plates. Color me impressed.

You couldn't do anything like that on the best day of your shooting, bitch. Ever.
If you say so, dear boy.....Shall I lose sleep over it?
This is the most comprehensive analyses of what would happen if civil war were to break out in America I've come across...and it paints a very bleak outcome for the left.

A lot of these points have been brought up here but this guy really nails it down.

Interesting video. However, I do not believe America is headed or even close to a shooting civil war 2.0. Rather, I think we've been (the U.S.A) engaged in a full blown cultural and technological cold civil war for about six or seven decades, a war fought through the entertainment industry and academic ideology on and from campuses across the country. Further, I do believe that the ultimate aim of Democrat majority controlled states such as California and Washington is secession. Yes, I predict such states will either actually secede from "the Union" or at least threaten secession as extortion to gain more power and advance cultural war objectives.

Now, speaking to what an actual shooting civil war 2.0 might look like, well . . . in my opinion, the opinion of a twenty-seven year Army veteran . . . what we'd at most see is as follows. We'd see governors and mayors of sanctuary states and cities using the combined might of their police and national guard forces to sort of keep out the Feds, and protect their rule and the rule of their ultra-liberal policies in those places. We might also see something very similar to the Paris Commune during the French Revolution in cities such as LA and Portland, where essentially those metropolitan centers of radical liberal culture become micro-nations unto themselves. As for regular US Military forces, I highly doubt they would be used domestically beyond a very basic crowd control and anti-insurrectionist/terrorist capacity. No sitting President, again in my opinion, would authorize use of heavy air bombardment against domestic population centers, unless the imminent danger was great enough to threaten the seat of our federal government itself. Mass desertion from regular, active duty forces for ideological purposes? The chances of that are very, very low.

The biggest fault I see in your hypothesis is the state of California using it's Nat Guard.
They like most Military personnel are right wing,and the vast majority of those troops in California dont even come from there,they're just stationed there.

When, in the history of this country, has the military refused to go against its citizens?

It will when leftards like you think they're going to back your Commie ways, you piece of shit. They take an oath to uphold the Constitution. Whatcha think think about that, bitch?

I ask again...when in the history of this country, has the military refused to go against its citizens? Can you tell me of a time they did that?

Again ya stupid twat.
Try that on a mass scale.
The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Than why is the military 2/3 conservative?
Where did you get that figure from? And how would that be reflected when it comes to following orders?

It's around that oath to uphold the Constitution, you stupid fucking Plywood Pete lying piece of shit. You ain't got no military rank, and you're a piece of shit lying dyke, ok? You actually think the military is going to attack their friends and family, you stupid fucking dyke leftist kunt? I say bring it! We'll kill you fucking all, bitch!
Fucking bring it! Bring it now, you hairy butt queer kunt!

We'll do away with pieces of shit like you like there's no tomorrow and love it, bitch. Believe that
You sound upset. Does my pointing out that the military has never, in the history of this country, refused to go against our own citizens trigger you?

Try to implement socialism......please!
Most of your fantasy confederates see themselves as the general, never the foot soldier who would have to actually fight. Wars are fought by the young who for some reason don't give a damn about the entitled complaints of a bunch of spoiled geezers.

The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Bullshit. There is no Left or Right to military strategy. You do what works or you fail.

Communists have been good at starting murderous revolutions and they also been good at fucking up everything even worse after the revolution.

My point is that for all your talk and all your guns you right-wing fantasy confederates lack the kind of courage that it takes to stand up to an actual Authoritarian dictatorship. It's alright, you would probably fight pretty hard for your family or your stuff but other than that you don't care to risk what you have for people you don't know.

You keep thinking that, cupcake. I'll be grinding up a ladder for me to throw at your feet in a bag and then be running away as someone else shoots it. I am not the Lone American, it's a majority of us, you dumbshit. 70%+ ..Don't forget that now, faggot, even if I get banned, because that's reality.
Most of your fantasy confederates see themselves as the general, never the foot soldier who would have to actually fight. Wars are fought by the young who for some reason don't give a damn about the entitled complaints of a bunch of spoiled geezers.

The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Than why is the military 2/3 conservative?
The military recruits heavily in depressed areas where decent jobs are scarce AKA Trump country. Are you saying all those "conservative" soldiers would betray their country and make war on their fellow Americans? Maybe a few would, White supremacists urge military service in order to learn weapons and tactics. If you are counting on them you are fucked.

The south has far more military volunteers ya dumb twat.

Science fiction..and not even good sci-fi!

High desertion rates..our military?

He's drunk. The US military takes their oaths far more seriously than he believes.

I have heard this bs for years now..and i get a kick out of it every time. 4G warfare...rendering heavy weapon meaningless?

Never really seen a ToT barrage before..or understand that artillery is an area denial weapon?

There no such thing as the Conservative army! No Liberal counter-forces!

Just s shop-worn fantasy of some dystopian end of days they call SHTF! Not going to happen least not with some civil war twixt the cons and the Libs..

Now is you're talking the coming resource wars..when water and power will dwindle---might need a gun or some areas.

but in that case..the military would be in there helping..stem the tide of hungry people.

So while they're stemming the tide of hungary people who's doing their fighting?

And no the military will not fire on American citizens.
Yes..they have..many times...and would do so again..if that situation arose.

fighting is not everything a military does...just sayin'

And when did our military fire on American citizens?

Kent State in Ohio

Another dumbfuck who didnt read the thread before opening their piehole.
Consider the following:

THE LEFT tell us every single day how they are the educated, university-bred, science-orientated and progressive, their best friends are the textbook, computer and slide rule. Their idea of a bad day is their mocha latte being served cold at Panera Bread.
View attachment 264887

And by their definition, every day the Left tell us that THE RIGHT are backward hillbillies, crazed gun nuts, who live in swamps and live on roots, bugs, swamp water and dirt, paranoid sociopaths who think nothing of slaughtering illegals as they cross the border with no regard for civility or human decency. Their idea of a bad day is shooting one of their own hunting dogs by mistake while aiming for a pack of rabid wild wolves in the outbacks of Montana.
View attachment 264888

WHO you going to bank on again in an all out civil war?

^anti-intellectualism. Gosh, when has that ever gone wrong?
That's when Islam started going south....when the far right reactionary imams took over from the scientists and mathematicians at the end of the Islamic Golden Age.

That's true.

When the RIGHT WING ISLAMIC fundies took over they started down the path of blood thirsty religion.....

Wrong as always. The Islamic "Fundies" are LEFT WING.
  • Total government control.
  • Monoachy ruled by a few
  • Attack and destroy everything they don't agree with or doesn't submit to them.
Fundamentalists of all religions are conservatives.
We have two Muslim bitches in Congress and had a male previously, all Democrats. Idiot.
You probably bitch about getting out of your la-z-boy to fight a spider in the bathroom. As to my skills, don't assume. I am a military veteran and regularly go into the river swamps to collect all manner of animals for consumption as well as sunken logs for the high end furniture I build on the side. I can fix anything, build anything and outwork men half my age. By all rights I ought to be a conservative except I don't have the meanness and the lack of education common to to your type.

Whatever, cupcake. I bet you you don't have my survival, or combat, or marksmanship skills, punkass. I have teh edumacation, too.

Unless you can shoot like this, and post it being you, you're fulla shit. 1st 3 clockwise I was dialing it in. That's @ 12 to 3 o'clock.

View attachment 264904
Paper plates don't shoot back.

IDGAF, I'm in it to win it, you leftist faggot. You're not taking this country over, bitch. Break bad, you leftist pieces of shit, I'm waiting.
Waiting for what? The sweet release of death to end your self-imposed living hell? I don't live in fear, that's a luxury you will never have.

Break bad and let's see what happens.

Your dream of shooting hippies and Ghetto Thugs trying invade your fortress/double wide will never come to pass. Sorry.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Than why is the military 2/3 conservative?
Where did you get that figure from? And how would that be reflected when it comes to following orders?

It's around that oath to uphold the Constitution, you stupid fucking Plywood Pete lying piece of shit. You ain't got no military rank, and you're a piece of shit lying dyke, ok? You actually think the military is going to attack their friends and family, you stupid fucking dyke leftist kunt? I say bring it! We'll kill you fucking all, bitch!
Fucking bring it! Bring it now, you hairy butt queer kunt!

We'll do away with pieces of shit like you like there's no tomorrow and love it, bitch. Believe that
You sound upset. Does my pointing out that the military has never, in the history of this country, refused to go against our own citizens trigger you?

Try to implement socialism......please!
We already have Social Security....didn't see you stop that.
We already have Medicare...didn't see you stop that.
The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Than why is the military 2/3 conservative?
The military recruits heavily in depressed areas where decent jobs are scarce AKA Trump country. Are you saying all those "conservative" soldiers would betray their country and make war on their fellow Americans? Maybe a few would, White supremacists urge military service in order to learn weapons and tactics. If you are counting on them you are fucked.

The south has far more military volunteers ya dumb twat.

Yep....dumb twat.
^anti-intellectualism. Gosh, when has that ever gone wrong?
That's when Islam started going south....when the far right reactionary imams took over from the scientists and mathematicians at the end of the Islamic Golden Age.

That's true.

When the RIGHT WING ISLAMIC fundies took over they started down the path of blood thirsty religion.....

Wrong as always. The Islamic "Fundies" are LEFT WING.
  • Total government control.
  • Monoachy ruled by a few
  • Attack and destroy everything they don't agree with or doesn't submit to them.
Fundamentalists of all religions are conservatives.
We have two Muslim bitches in Congress and had a male previously, all Democrats. Idiot.
Are they fundies?
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Than why is the military 2/3 conservative?
The military recruits heavily in depressed areas where decent jobs are scarce AKA Trump country. Are you saying all those "conservative" soldiers would betray their country and make war on their fellow Americans? Maybe a few would, White supremacists urge military service in order to learn weapons and tactics. If you are counting on them you are fucked.

The south has far more military volunteers ya dumb twat.

Yep....dumb twat.
Awaiting your enlightening post as to why it is significant that there are more military volunteers from the South.
That's when Islam started going south....when the far right reactionary imams took over from the scientists and mathematicians at the end of the Islamic Golden Age.

That's true.

When the RIGHT WING ISLAMIC fundies took over they started down the path of blood thirsty religion.....

Wrong as always. The Islamic "Fundies" are LEFT WING.
  • Total government control.
  • Monoachy ruled by a few
  • Attack and destroy everything they don't agree with or doesn't submit to them.
Fundamentalists of all religions are conservatives.
We have two Muslim bitches in Congress and had a male previously, all Democrats. Idiot.
Are they fundies?
Yep. What do you think?
Consider the following:

THE LEFT tell us every single day how they are the educated, university-bred, science-orientated and progressive, their best friends are the textbook, computer and slide rule. Their idea of a bad day is their mocha latte being served cold at Panera Bread.
View attachment 264887

And by their definition, every day the Left tell us that THE RIGHT are backward hillbillies, crazed gun nuts, who live in swamps and live on roots, bugs, swamp water and dirt, paranoid sociopaths who think nothing of slaughtering illegals as they cross the border with no regard for civility or human decency. Their idea of a bad day is shooting one of their own hunting dogs by mistake while aiming for a pack of rabid wild wolves in the outbacks of Montana.
View attachment 264888

WHO you going to bank on again in an all out civil war?

^anti-intellectualism. Gosh, when has that ever gone wrong?
That's when Islam started going south....when the far right reactionary imams took over from the scientists and mathematicians at the end of the Islamic Golden Age.

That's true.

When the RIGHT WING ISLAMIC fundies took over they started down the path of blood thirsty religion.....

Wrong as always. The Islamic "Fundies" are LEFT WING.
  • Total government control.
  • Monoachy ruled by a few
  • Attack and destroy everything they don't agree with or doesn't submit to them.
Fundamentalists of all religions are conservatives.
Leftards aren't religious. They are Fundamentalist Atheists. They merely think the universe put THEM in charge to rule other people's lives.
Most of your fantasy confederates see themselves as the general, never the foot soldier who would have to actually fight. Wars are fought by the young who for some reason don't give a damn about the entitled complaints of a bunch of spoiled geezers.

The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Bullshit. There is no Left or Right to military strategy. You do what works or you fail.

Communists have been good at starting murderous revolutions and they also been good at fucking up everything even worse after the revolution.

My point is that for all your talk and all your guns you right-wing fantasy confederates lack the kind of courage that it takes to stand up to an actual Authoritarian dictatorship. It's alright, you would probably fight pretty hard for your family or your stuff but other than that you don't care to risk what you have for people you don't know.

You keep thinking that, cupcake. I'll be grinding up a ladder for me to throw at your feet in a bag and then be running away as someone else shoots it. I am not the Lone American, it's a majority of us, you dumbshit. 70%+ ..Don't forget that now, faggot, even if I get banned, because that's reality.
Reality is that you will die an extremely unhappy and unfulfilled person no matter what. You are too angry, too fearful, too old and too blind to ever know contentment at this late date.
Than why is the military 2/3 conservative?
The military recruits heavily in depressed areas where decent jobs are scarce AKA Trump country. Are you saying all those "conservative" soldiers would betray their country and make war on their fellow Americans? Maybe a few would, White supremacists urge military service in order to learn weapons and tactics. If you are counting on them you are fucked.

The south has far more military volunteers ya dumb twat.

Yep....dumb twat.
Awaiting your enlightening post as to why it is significant that there are more military volunteers from the South.

If you're so stupid as to not realize the significance of those numbers I cant help you.
Of course I know you're aware of the significance since you're constantly bashing the south as a bunch of gun toting bible thumping right wing gun clingers.
Go try and sell your bullshit elsewhere....nobody's buying it.
Not a good example for you--they shot law-abiding Americans exercising their constitutional rights. yeah, they were throwing rocks and acting the fools....but the shooting was deemed as egregious by most.

Better for your example would be any of the numerable times the army was used to break strikes..killing workers and upholding the sacred right of Ownership.

Oh it's a great example.
They were shooting leftist hippies.
AKA college students...many of whom were on their way to class.

While throwing rocks and bottles.
Maybe they should have just went to class.
So those shot were throwing rocks and bottles? Kent State shootings - Wikipedia

Notice that doesn't change that the Nat'l Guardsmen didn't refuse to fire on citizens.

They fired on a few dirty hippies.
That a far stretch from killing Americans nation wide.
They fired on American citizens with no qualms.
Oh it's a great example.
They were shooting leftist hippies.
AKA college students...many of whom were on their way to class.

While throwing rocks and bottles.
Maybe they should have just went to class.
So those shot were throwing rocks and bottles? Kent State shootings - Wikipedia

Notice that doesn't change that the Nat'l Guardsmen didn't refuse to fire on citizens.

They fired on a few dirty hippies.
That a far stretch from killing Americans nation wide.
They fired on American citizens with no qualms.

And you believe they'll do the same against friends and family?
Most of your fantasy confederates see themselves as the general, never the foot soldier who would have to actually fight. Wars are fought by the young who for some reason don't give a damn about the entitled complaints of a bunch of spoiled geezers.

The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.

Than why is the military 2/3 conservative?
Where did you get that figure from? And how would that be reflected when it comes to following orders?

You didnt watch the video.
And you're a dumb dyke if you think American soldiers are going to massacre their family and friends.
I never said they were going to massacre their family and friends.....but if given orders to fire on rioting or ARMED attackers, they will not hesitate like they never have hesitated in the history of this country.
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