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Civil war?

Anyone that knows what war actually looks like knows we arent even close to it.

We're just a bunch of disorganized people that either want to be left alone or rattle our sabers at another tribe we don't like. There is no war coming soon.

We might have some civil unrest but that's about it. Most Americans are soft and weak and even if begrudgingly they are sheep that can be herded. Most Americans take the path of least resistance, and a civil war is not that path.

The current administration would have to do something major in order to spark a civil war. But they are gradual, always pushing the line just enough people may not like it but they adjust to it.

We're like a wild hog. You can't just put up a trap and put food in it, they won't go in. But if you put food out and every couple days put another fence up and build the trap over time eventually they will go after the food and the door closes behind them. They ignore traps they see being built slowly.
Some wise words on the unlikely move to war. I've added some specifics to the discussion that essentially further explains the situation developing.
Especially troubling is the lack of certainty on the reaction of the military and whether it will uphold government?
An big group of protesters descends upon capital hill because for the first time in this country’s history, millions of mail in ballots were used in an election, without proper verification. And they had the right to, unlike the Leftist inspired looting, killing and burning encouraged by Democrat politicians.

and now they’re doing a banana republic mock trial to provide interference for a party and presidency that is on the verge of collapse.

Yeah....none of that happened. And nobody had the right to infiltrate the Capitol or attempt to subvert the work of Congress.

But listen, if you don't want to live in this great country, why don't you move somewhere else? We already had a Civil War, and thanks to the bravery of true American patriots and the leadership of President Lincoln the true United States of America prevailed. Why do you want to undo that?

Yeah....none of that happened. And nobody had the right to infiltrate the Capitol or attempt to subvert the work of Congress.

But listen, if you don't want to live in this great country, why don't you move somewhere else? We already had a Civil War, and thanks to the bravery of true American patriots and the leadership of President Lincoln the true United States of America prevailed. Why do you want to undo that?
Leftist protesters inspired by Democrat leaders like Pelosi did actually attack and try to torch govt buildings. I don’t see any committees being formed as to what happened and why these Democrat run cities let their cities be over run by barbaric animals.


Will Trump misjudge what he can do and say, and that will result in him putting himself vulnerable to being arrested?

Not likely, due to the blowback of taking the guns to the streets in support of Trump. The DOJ is already cowed and intimidated into taking no action against him.

But there's little doubt that Trump won't be able to hold back through tonight's show.


I wonder if it ever occurs to them that when one side believes they are at war, the other side might want to consider what has happened to make that one side harbor such a belief.

Instead, Mac fans the flames by doing THE VERY THING that causes such a belief.


I guess the only thing left to do is.......


Strangely, there isn't a new chart after 2017 that I could find.

I suppose a blue mountain and and red mountain separated by three feet of space is hard to fit on a webpage...
The only problem I have with that chart is that "conservative" and "liberal" are terms so muddled and undefined that it is impossible to separate them.

What it really represents is authoritarianism vs. libertarianism. The left is largely swinging authoritarian and the right is where most libertarians find haven.

Then you have guys like Mac and g5000 who do not even realize how authoritarian they have become.

This is a fight for liberty vs. authority and the authoritarians are all but DARING us to do something to stop them.
There will be NO actual civil war.

Americans are not stupid.

They see the horrors of actual war in Ukraine. "No, thank you," they think.

BUT the silent "civil war" continues unabated.

Everyone is trying his/her best to find a safe zone to live in and a safe school to send their kids to and a safe place to shop and a safe place to relax, etc.

To find a reasonably safe place in this country, one needs enough MONEY. So people need to get a good education in order to get a good job that gives them the MONEY to have a reasonably safe life.

Young Democratic men were the most agreeable to the idea, with 44% saying they could countenance such an assassination. Younger Republican women ranked second, with 40% approving of the idea. Older folks — defined as those 50 and older — were not fans of assassination, no matter their party or gender.

The fragility.........

There is only ONE SIDE who daily, for the past 150 years, constantly opined about a Civil War...

When policies of re-Construction started being implemented...these same morons talked about a Civil War....

When the Civil Rights movement made it no longer acceptable to be blatantly racist.....these same morons talked about a Civil War...

And every time, they accused the "OTHERS" of being the one who is going to start it.....yet, its ALWAYS them talking about it...

Then whenever one of these nutcases, who are also fixated on Civil Wars, goes and murders a bunch of people behind their paranoia.....the same Conservatives turn bitch and act like the idea of a Civil War is stupid and only Democrats want that....

Yall are clowns
This follows the CRT playbook nicely.

There are no longer blatant acts of racism....so we must deem benign acts as acts of racism...

That follows Critical Theory nicely. "Justice" must remain a moving target until it stops on Marxism.

I know your playbook BETTER than you.
Sorry son, that honor belongs to Trump. And I wish your just and righteous outrage extended to all members of the SC, because I have a feeling that if it were Sotomeyer or Kagan, you'd find it funny, even make a joke about it. Some of you would even find it justified. So spare me your faux outrage. It was handled by the appropriate authorities. You members of Alt-Right Nation are DIRECTLY responsible for the bile and vitriol that contributes to the poisonous atmosphere we now enjoy in this country. Your side has been doing this kind of threatening since the night Barack Obama was declared the winner. Why are you outraged when the tactics you've been espousing and employing for years, get used on your side?
This has NOTHING to do with my reaction, or even yours, rather, it is the reaction of the party in power that is most frightening.

They are suppose to represent the nation and not just fringe extremists outlaws.

That is the point here.
We need to unite, not further divide ourselves. The elite/oligarchy wants us divided and resorting to violence. Violence begets violence and the elite/oligarchy benefits. The rest of us lose as they continue to limit our rights and impose tyranny.
Inciting people to murder by what you say and allowing people to have the address of their political opponents and allow them to protest at their homes, which all are illegal, and not come out and publicly condemn any of it is a good way to divide the country.

I would ignore it if I think it would go away, but ignoring lawlessness seems to make it only worse.

So if they come for Kav, when will they come for me or you?

Sometimes seeing a division is better than trying to pretend it is not really there.
I would call your statement intellectually dishonest.

Your warped perceptions and assumptions do not dictate reality.
Do you condemn the attempted assassination?

Has any democrat here done that on these boards?

More importantly, has anyone in your DNC party condemned it?
Unfortunately it is the fantasy and paranoia from both extremes that could very well trigger another civil war. The rhetoric has become more radicalized and the use of the judiciary for political "assassination" of opponents is getting out of control. I'm 68 and I've never seen it this bad and it seems to be getting worse. I pray it doesn't happen but afraid it will.

It does appear that a reckoning is drawing closer.

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