Claimed value of sleepy NY estate could come to haunt Trump


Prosecutors’ interest in the local planning process could relate to the property’s valuation, and whether it was improperly inflated on financial documents, lawyers said. Mr. Trump valued the property at $291 million in 2012, according to what he called his “statement of financial condition,” a collection of financial information compiled but not audited by his accountants. Mr. Trump valued the property at between $25 million and $50 million on financial-disclosure paperwork filed when he was president.

Local tax-assessment rolls list the market value of the property at about $19 million.
I see our po', mistweeted, pathetic pathos pushers are planning part two phony impeachment/frivolous lawsuit against President Trump, who with shamed FBI oath busters are gonna get even with themselves one more hail mary time. OMG, I didn't realize how screamin' funny you rooty toot tooters could be with one more wild west foot shootout on the ready. Thanks for bein' so friggin funny!
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :badgrin: :whipg::rofl::banana::eusa_dance: :icon_lol::iyfyus.jpg: :laugh2: :lmao: :smile: :biggrin:
This is why Trump fought so hard to hide his tax and financial records.
Even Eric Trump knew the dangers that lay within.

he's not nearly as 'rich' as he claims.

a carnival barker will say what he needs to lasso the dupes.
Maybe so, but I am more concerned with the fact that Xiden is far richer then he claims due to his family deals with foreign Govts, such as China.....who we know owns him.
President Biden has released his taxes
Trump never did
So? Tax returns don't tell you where money came from...have you ever filed a tax return? It's concerning that you didn't know that
Yes, tax returns show where the money came from
They also show what you claimed as a deduction
No tax return shows where the money was earned...there is no line for employer etc

Show me the line:

The real issue here, is the money Xiden is hiding, likely in his son's name, or brother's....we know they have deep ties to foreign countries, and we know Hunter was used as the front man, with his dad's backing....
I file a W2
Don‘t you?

You have no proof of Biden taking a cent from the Chinese
No, I am self employed. Moreover, I get income from a number of different places, not just my business.
If you own a business you have to file a form for that business and list revenue and expenses

Would you support a Prosecutor making up shit, lying to the judge, if it meant getting Trump in jail where you want to see him?

You Goofy

What the hell does that have to do with what I posted?

Well, I see you arguing the supposed merits of this case, but I don't think you care about that. You want the President in jail, because you hate him and oppose him, not because of some question about a piece of real estate.

You don't give a damn about that, and if Trump wasn't a political enemy of people like you, no one would be looking at this or caring.

View attachment 465827

Well, I see you arguing the supposed merits of this case, but I don't think you care about that. You want donny free as a jaybird, because you love him and give blind loyalty to him, not because of some question about ethics & morals & reality.

You don't give a damn about that, and if Trump wasn't a political savior & provacateur of people like you, no one would be taking him or you seriously.

I've made no comment on the merits of the case because I dont' care about that. My concern is the political motive behind the prosecution, as I clearly stated.

My position on this is because I don't want the concept of political prisoners to become normal in this country, if it is not already too late.


<pfffft> save yer bullshit, CB.

And he did not follow though. She got a pass on criminal behavior.

oh i see ... & gov whitmer? lock HER up?

& biden? lock HIM up?

& ilhan omar? lock her up too?

are you kidding? look who's giving who a pass.

god damn, CB ... can you be anymore brainwashed & get anymore excusable?

Trump talked a lot of bluster. You people have people in jail and want to put more in, for political reasons.

That is not something that happens in free countries. You do that, and we become a NOT free country.

trump is not above the law.

looks like he had you specifically in mind when he was talking about his cult:

Once again, what laws has he violated, and how?

all investigations are open & ongoing ... he'll either eventually get charged or he won't. i'm willing to bet it's the former. like donny says:

' we'll see what happens ' .

So, still no crimes.

i see you flunked reading comp. but that's ok; donny loves the poorly educated long time.
I see our po', mistweeted, pathetic pathos pushers are planning part two phony impeachment/frivolous lawsuit against President Trump, who with shamed FBI oath busters are gonna get even with themselves one more hail mary time. OMG, I didn't realize how screamin' funny you rooty toot tooters could be with one more wild west foot shootout on the ready. Thanks for bein' so friggin funny!
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :badgrin: :whipg::rofl::banana::eusa_dance: :icon_lol::iyfyus.jpg: :laugh2: :lmao: :smile: :biggrin:
This is why Trump fought so hard to hide his tax and financial records.
Even Eric Trump knew the dangers that lay within.

he's not nearly as 'rich' as he claims.

a carnival barker will say what he needs to lasso the dupes.
Maybe so, but I am more concerned with the fact that Xiden is far richer then he claims due to his family deals with foreign Govts, such as China.....who we know owns him.
President Biden has released his taxes
Trump never did
So? Tax returns don't tell you where money came from...have you ever filed a tax return? It's concerning that you didn't know that
Yes, tax returns show where the money came from
They also show what you claimed as a deduction
No tax return shows where the money was earned...there is no line for employer etc

Show me the line:

The real issue here, is the money Xiden is hiding, likely in his son's name, or brother's....we know they have deep ties to foreign countries, and we know Hunter was used as the front man, with his dad's backing....
I file a W2
Don‘t you?

You have no proof of Biden taking a cent from the Chinese
No, I am self employed. Moreover, I get income from a number of different places, not just my business.
If you own a business you have to file a form for that business and list revenue and expenses

Would you support a Prosecutor making up shit, lying to the judge, if it meant getting Trump in jail where you want to see him?

You Goofy

What the hell does that have to do with what I posted?

Well, I see you arguing the supposed merits of this case, but I don't think you care about that. You want the President in jail, because you hate him and oppose him, not because of some question about a piece of real estate.

You don't give a damn about that, and if Trump wasn't a political enemy of people like you, no one would be looking at this or caring.

View attachment 465827

Well, I see you arguing the supposed merits of this case, but I don't think you care about that. You want donny free as a jaybird, because you love him and give blind loyalty to him, not because of some question about ethics & morals & reality.

You don't give a damn about that, and if Trump wasn't a political savior & provacateur of people like you, no one would be taking him or you seriously.

I've made no comment on the merits of the case because I dont' care about that. My concern is the political motive behind the prosecution, as I clearly stated.

My position on this is because I don't want the concept of political prisoners to become normal in this country, if it is not already too late.


<pfffft> save yer bullshit, CB.

And he did not follow though. She got a pass on criminal behavior.

oh i see ... & gov whitmer? lock HER up?

& biden? lock HIM up?

& ilhan omar? lock her up too?

are you kidding? look who's giving who a pass.

god damn, CB ... can you be anymore brainwashed & get anymore excusable?

Trump talked a lot of bluster. You people have people in jail and want to put more in, for political reasons.

That is not something that happens in free countries. You do that, and we become a NOT free country.

trump is not above the law.

looks like he had you specifically in mind when he was talking about his cult:

Once again, what laws has he violated, and how?

all investigations are open & ongoing ... he'll either eventually get charged or he won't. i'm willing to bet it's the former. like donny says:

' we'll see what happens ' .

So, still no crimes.

i see you flunked reading comp. but that's ok; donny loves the poorly educated long time.

hey, just FYI.....Trump still isn't charged with anything.....
I see our po', mistweeted, pathetic pathos pushers are planning part two phony impeachment/frivolous lawsuit against President Trump, who with shamed FBI oath busters are gonna get even with themselves one more hail mary time. OMG, I didn't realize how screamin' funny you rooty toot tooters could be with one more wild west foot shootout on the ready. Thanks for bein' so friggin funny!
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :badgrin: :whipg::rofl::banana::eusa_dance: :icon_lol::iyfyus.jpg: :laugh2: :lmao: :smile: :biggrin:
This is why Trump fought so hard to hide his tax and financial records.
Even Eric Trump knew the dangers that lay within.

he's not nearly as 'rich' as he claims.

a carnival barker will say what he needs to lasso the dupes.
Maybe so, but I am more concerned with the fact that Xiden is far richer then he claims due to his family deals with foreign Govts, such as China.....who we know owns him.
President Biden has released his taxes
Trump never did
So? Tax returns don't tell you where money came from...have you ever filed a tax return? It's concerning that you didn't know that
Yes, tax returns show where the money came from
They also show what you claimed as a deduction
No tax return shows where the money was earned...there is no line for employer etc

Show me the line:

The real issue here, is the money Xiden is hiding, likely in his son's name, or brother's....we know they have deep ties to foreign countries, and we know Hunter was used as the front man, with his dad's backing....
I file a W2
Don‘t you?

You have no proof of Biden taking a cent from the Chinese
No, I am self employed. Moreover, I get income from a number of different places, not just my business.
If you own a business you have to file a form for that business and list revenue and expenses

Would you support a Prosecutor making up shit, lying to the judge, if it meant getting Trump in jail where you want to see him?

You Goofy

What the hell does that have to do with what I posted?

Well, I see you arguing the supposed merits of this case, but I don't think you care about that. You want the President in jail, because you hate him and oppose him, not because of some question about a piece of real estate.

You don't give a damn about that, and if Trump wasn't a political enemy of people like you, no one would be looking at this or caring.

View attachment 465827

Well, I see you arguing the supposed merits of this case, but I don't think you care about that. You want donny free as a jaybird, because you love him and give blind loyalty to him, not because of some question about ethics & morals & reality.

You don't give a damn about that, and if Trump wasn't a political savior & provacateur of people like you, no one would be taking him or you seriously.

I've made no comment on the merits of the case because I dont' care about that. My concern is the political motive behind the prosecution, as I clearly stated.

My position on this is because I don't want the concept of political prisoners to become normal in this country, if it is not already too late.


<pfffft> save yer bullshit, CB.

And he did not follow though. She got a pass on criminal behavior.

oh i see ... & gov whitmer? lock HER up?

& biden? lock HIM up?

& ilhan omar? lock her up too?

are you kidding? look who's giving who a pass.

god damn, CB ... can you be anymore brainwashed & get anymore excusable?

Trump talked a lot of bluster. You people have people in jail and want to put more in, for political reasons.

That is not something that happens in free countries. You do that, and we become a NOT free country.

trump is not above the law.

looks like he had you specifically in mind when he was talking about his cult:

Once again, what laws has he violated, and how?

all investigations are open & ongoing ... he'll either eventually get charged or he won't. i'm willing to bet it's the former. like donny says:

' we'll see what happens ' .

So, still no crimes.

i see you flunked reading comp. but that's ok; donny loves the poorly educated long time.

I read just fine. You have yet to list a single crime by Trump. Not one.

From the fascist Democrat war party. It got the US four years of peace with North Korea Obama could have only dreamed of
Yes, we shall always remember the Great Korean War of 2010.
You libs will never give Trump credit for the long hours he put in getting the Korean peace deal done.

From the fascist Democrat war party. It got the US four years of peace with North Korea Obama could have only dreamed of
Yes, we shall always remember the Great Korean War of 2010.
You libs will never give Trump credit for the long hours he put in getting the Korean peace deal done.
What 'peace deal is that? It's just the same ole, same ole..absent a few photo ops.
yah, but he'd need a big reason to flip on the hand that fed him, and he goes back to Trump's daddy and roy cohn. The guy's in his 70s. It's true that Trump NEVER protects anyone beyond Stone, and even Stone did time. Like Flynn, the guy's kids are his weak spot. But they don't seem obviously dirty.

I never expected Vance to actually get Trump in jail. But tax penalties going back as far as possible, will put a dent in him. The best outcome would of course just be Trump taking his retirement like all other ex-presidents, but that's not gonna happen.

I think the prospect of doing time was Rump's top motivation both pre and post election.
Vegas doesn't have odds on this but they will. I agree with you that the odds are fairly slim, but not out of the question.
I'd put them at about 30% ...
Trump's cheated at taxes his whole life. I'll be surprised if he doesn't get "a bigger bill" from NYstate

Standing by my prediction and our resident Trumpeltons are welcome to bookmark.
Donald will be bankrupt (again) and also destitute by 2023.
He can't get a loan, his brand is mud, he's got 400+ million in personally assured loans coming due in next 2 years, and he'll spend a butt-ton defending himself in litigation (including civil) on short order.
The vultures are circling around his resort properties and will likely obtain them for pennies on the dollar.

Why is it Leftists always want to totally destroy their opponents...It really does make you fools look petty.
From the fascist Democrat war party. It got the US four years of peace with North Korea Obama could have only dreamed of
Yes, we shall always remember the Great Korean War of 2010.

You're a retard
Sorry, did you not realize how stupid your post was? Obama could only dream of the peace that Trump achieved?

colfax: OMG, kaz, Obama's a DEMOCRAT and you said he wasn't perfect! LMAO. You know how stupid that was????

lest anyone ferget that the don, al capone, slid past the law for all kindsa crimes; & what was it that finally nabbed him & put the syphilitic brain addled in prison?

tax evasion.

me thinx he & 'the donald' have much in common.
Al Sharpton owes 400K in back taxes and will start riots if he’s called out on it.

okey dokey. unlike donny, he served time for crimes he committed as well as he should have. i remember tawana brawley quite clearly & am no fan of al sharpton.

your very obvious & extremely lame attempt at some kinda deflection is so impotent no amt of little blue pills will get it off the ground.

major fail groucho.
Al Sharpton owes 400K in taxes.
Let’s hear your outcry.

then he should pony up. the feds should go after him.

there ... see? easy peasy...

The Honky Democrat representatives won't go after a Black man who can invoke riots.

Trump's a Republican. Nuf said for a Nazi Democrat like playtime

nazi democrat .... :lmao:

A picture that has nothing to do with anything, you're typical Nazi Democrat response
colfax: OMG, kaz, Obama's a DEMOCRAT and you said he wasn't perfect! LMAO. You know how stupid that was????

Kaz, your statement was absurd. You described Trump achieving a piece Obama could only dream of. There was no significant changes. We weren't at war under Obama. We weren't at war under Trump. There was no change in peace or war. It was the same old same old.

Stop being so delusional.
From the fascist Democrat war party. It got the US four years of peace with North Korea Obama could have only dreamed of
Yes, we shall always remember the Great Korean War of 2010.
You libs will never give Trump credit for the long hours he put in getting the Korean peace deal done.

From the fascist Democrat war party. It got the US four years of peace with North Korea Obama could have only dreamed of
Yes, we shall always remember the Great Korean War of 2010.
You libs will never give Trump credit for the long hours he put in getting the Korean peace deal done.
What 'peace deal is that? It's just the same ole, same ole..absent a few photo ops.

My God you're stupid, clueless and uninformed.

You remember perfectly well all the missile tests and aggressive behavior North Korea did with Obama that ended with Trump, fascist.

Stop being a stupid, lying fascist douche
My God you're stupid, clueless and uninformed.

You remember perfectly well all the missile tests and aggressive behavior North Korea did with Obama that ended with Trump, fascist.

Stop being a stupid, lying fascist douche
So the extent of Trump's victory was ending missile tests?

Oh, be still my heart.
colfax: OMG, kaz, Obama's a DEMOCRAT and you said he wasn't perfect! LMAO. You know how stupid that was????

Kaz, your statement was absurd. You described Trump achieving a piece Obama could only dream of. There was no significant changes. We weren't at war under Obama. We weren't at war under Trump. There was no change in peace or war. It was the same old same old.

Stop being so delusional.

Fucking lying fascist. You remember perfectly well all the missile tests and aggressive North Korean behavior under Obama that stopped under Trump. Fuck off and stop lying, boy
My God you're stupid, clueless and uninformed.

You remember perfectly well all the missile tests and aggressive behavior North Korea did with Obama that ended with Trump, fascist.

Stop being a stupid, lying fascist douche
So the extent of Trump's victory was ending missile tests?

Oh, be still my heart.

Talk about stupid posts. Fuck Japan and South Korea, huh fascist?
Fucking lying fascist. You remember perfectly well all the missile tests and aggressive North Korean behavior under Obama that stopped under Trump. Fuck off and stop lying, boy
I remember. I'm saying that you're taking something minor and trying to paint it as a momentous victory. It certainly fell far short of Trump's lofty aspirations. Far short.
From the fascist Democrat war party. It got the US four years of peace with North Korea Obama could have only dreamed of
Yes, we shall always remember the Great Korean War of 2010.
You libs will never give Trump credit for the long hours he put in getting the Korean peace deal done.

From the fascist Democrat war party. It got the US four years of peace with North Korea Obama could have only dreamed of
Yes, we shall always remember the Great Korean War of 2010.
You libs will never give Trump credit for the long hours he put in getting the Korean peace deal done.
What 'peace deal is that? It's just the same ole, same ole..absent a few photo ops.

My God you're stupid, clueless and uninformed.

You remember perfectly well all the missile tests and aggressive behavior North Korea did with Obama that ended with Trump, fascist.

Stop being a stupid, lying fascist douche
I'd tell you to quit being stupid..but I know that it's genetic with you...and there is no cure.

All that posturing shit with NK was was its temporary halt.
My God you're stupid, clueless and uninformed.

You remember perfectly well all the missile tests and aggressive behavior North Korea did with Obama that ended with Trump, fascist.

Stop being a stupid, lying fascist douche
So the extent of Trump's victory was ending missile tests?

Oh, be still my heart.

Talk about stupid posts. Fuck Japan and South Korea, huh fascist?
As if you give a shit about any of those countries...lapper of Trump anus.

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