Claire McCaskill Rips into Lying Hatch over tax plan for people making $50,000 or less..

More lies and dishonesty from the reprehensible right.

The Republican plan is in fact bad for middle class Americans:

‘Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)…explained, accurately, that the Senate GOP tax plan isn’t intended to help the middle class; it’s written to benefit the richest Americans.
Brown’s argument was, at its core, substantive: non-partisan analyses of the Senate Republican tax plan make clear that it would disproportionately benefit the wealthiest Americans, and raise taxes on millions of middle-class families. That’s not some lazy “political play”; it’s an argument backed up by evidence.’

A senatorial clash that explains what's wrong with the tax fight
Why does a tax plan have to benefit anyone to be acceptable? The middle class wants new roads, healthcare etc.Just like everyone else. Why would they think they shouldn't pay for it but the rich should?

I've never got this part of the liberal mind set. We want all of this free government shit but don't want to be the ones to pay for it. How can that possibly work?

The middle class has been subsidizing corporate wages through the earned income credits for years. Corporations get tax breaks to bring jobs into states that every taxpayer in that state subsidized, the subsidies often meaning that the corporations come out dollars ahead.

The wealthy pay the lowest tax rates as a percentage of income of any taxpayers in the country and that rate is going lower.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

Top 40% paying ALL income taxes, and leaving a tip
No excuse

They have most of the wealth
I absolutely loved Sherrod Brown's take down of the Republican Senate Tax plan..

I'll laugh when we vote that asshole out of office. He's been a plague and embarrassment to our state since day one.

He is.not going to get beat. All the Koch bros money will make it close but Brown will be back in the Senate and thank god compared to his weasel of an opponent.
If you haven't noticed by now... he complains about EVERYTHING.

No more or no less than anybody else here. WTF do you think political discourse is about anyway????

He complains about people that get disability by saying it is easy to get and too many people are on it that don't deserve it. (Not true)

Yes, this is true. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor Mike. You can find him in the garage drinking his compensation check; he and his mother (who has been supporting him his entire adult life) don't get along, so he stays outside as much as he can.

He complains that people that get food stamps all don't deserve them and abuse the system. (Not true)

I dare you to find where I said "all" abuse the system. I said many do. You cradle-to-gravers love to exaggerate.

He complains people that receive HUD are just lazy and if they wouldn't stay up all night and sleep all day they could get a job and pay their own rent. (Not true)

Absolutely. And maybe then I could get some uninterrupted sleep during the work week.

He complained and called the cops on kids playing basketball, when they could be out doing drugs and breaking the law instead.

Right, because when I was growing up and our parents stopped us from playing all night long, we did drugs and broke laws just like every other kid in the neighborhood.

You see if you worked for a living, you would understand the value of being able to come home and relax in peace. If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that putting up with noise all afternoon long until the sun goes down is a pretty fair compromise. But because you're a liberal, you only understand that you should have things your way all the time.

He went to his local government to complain about taxes...

Yep, and so do thousands of others every year. In fact after you file for a hearing, it takes seven months to get a date they are so backed up.

He complains about the insurance program...

Which insurance program?

He complained about his renters... and if you want to know why he probably doesn't have the cheap insurance like many others can get, this probably explains it, but he just seems not to bring it up. If he has his own place, and owns other properties that he is making money off of renting to others... the government probably assumes he can pay for his insurance.

The government are dopes. The only thing they know is my adjusted income. They don't care where or how I came about it. In the end, I'm just a working middle-class guy who likely votes Republican. Commie Care was designed by Democrats so their constituents mostly benefit at the cost of people who likely vote Republican. Commie Care is a perfect example of why government shouldn't be involved in healthcare; because then it does become political.

Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.
Claire is in my district...She has a lot of nerve to bitch abut taxation on low wage earners...That bitch has tried for years to get rid of prevailing wages and stop paying people extra for govt jobs(they pay union wages).. She is like the rest, just a game playing rhetorician with flabby boobs....

But isn't Trump trying to cut the government employees jobs and wages? I thought they did a freeze on raises ect on government jobs..

Here ya go

Trump’s federal hiring freeze draws immediate fire from unions

Trump sets pay rate for federal workers
You almost gotta laugh that democrats apparently think that anyone who makes over 50k is rich. Democrats are so out of touch that they think Hilly and Barry Hussein cared about the poor and weren't stooges for Wall Street banks. Hilly received a quarter of a million each for 15 minute mystery speeches to Wall Street bankers because they wanted her advice? Keep working on that playbook if y'all democrats want to keep losing elections.
Do not pass a tax that increases the middle class load in four years and keeps the corporate tax in perpetuity, and have the nerve to call it a middle class tax cut.

Claire is in my district...She has a lot of nerve to bitch abut taxation on low wage earners...That bitch has tried for years to get rid of prevailing wages and stop paying people extra for govt jobs(they pay union wages).. She is like the rest, just a game playing rhetorician with flabby boobs....

But isn't Trump trying to cut the government employees jobs and wages? I thought they did a freeze on raises ect on government jobs..

These are jobs that the construction worker becomes a temporary prevailing union wage earner on govt. jobs, like building a school...
You almost gotta laugh that democrats apparently think that anyone who makes over 50k is rich. Democrats are so out of touch that they think Hilly and Barry Hussein cared about the poor and weren't stooges for Wall Street banks. Hilly received a quarter of a million each for 15 minute mystery speeches to Wall Street bankers because they wanted her advice? Keep working on that playbook if y'all democrats want to keep losing elections.
I enjoy making 75k a year in an area with lower cost of living than many metropolitan areas....
All current GOPers in congress should agree to sign a pledge to QUIT if their tax plan does INCREASE taxes for middle class Americans in the next 3 years...

I'd love to see them putting their sorry asses on the line.....LOL

The problem is what is considered middle-class.

In this current bill, the middle-class is defined as anybody not in poverty making up to well in the six figures. So if your salary is 180K per year, you are considered middle-class.

In this group, the lower part of the middle-class will see a tax decrease while the upper part will see a tax increase. It's actually a 60/40 margin.

I would think that this depends on where you live ... I could live on $40,000 a year in the Midwest where I visit but would be considered poverty in the San Francisco Bay Area..

Another thing I want you to consider Ray is my cousin was a courtroom Sheriff who worked and raised her son. She is in poverty now at 70 years old with her pension in the bay area. She now lives in an affordable housing retirement home..
She would rather starve than ask for anything , but we all know and her brother is helping her now.

She would have given her life to protect these fat cats..

Being a cop is not going to stop you from being below that $50,000 mark.


Correct, it does depend on where you live, but no matter where you live, a six figure income is doing pretty well. We can't create policy around a few liberal hellholes that allowed their cost of living to go so high because of unions and taxation. The rest of the country doesn't live like them.

Ray you are so wrong about this comment..

The bay area (where I live ) is one of the most expensive places in the country to live.. The lower and middle class are getting pushed out..

I watched it happen ,

1. The San Francisco Mayor gave tax cuts to the High Techs to come and set up shop in his city.
So like the gold rush they came running to get rich quick . Low income middle class were evicted so the rich could tear down the homes to build skyscraper million dollar apartments.

2. I seriously don't know who allowed this to happen but the Chinese were told to invest in the Bay area Real estate even if they didn't live here.
They came in over bid and jacked up the prices which are now so high only the very wealthy can afford.

Some of these homes are called ghost homes , because the Chinese bought homes and are left vacant.

With both of the rich High tech and Chinese this area has become un-affordable unless if you are rich, or a long time resident.

Ray it is coming your way this is happening in many cites across the nation..

We are so focused on gays, blacks, perverts, and the election this is happening right under our noses.


I was talking about the cost of living in general. Several years ago I rented an apartment to a kid (actually his mother since I put the lease in her name) so he could attend trade school here. He was from New York. He and his mother were so delighted with what they got for their money. I charged him $500.00 a month for a very small house I call the cottage.

My apartment prices are generally in that area, and he told me if there was a possible way I could move my property to NYC, I could charge four times more for rent than I charge here. He was also very happy with the prices of groceries, gasoline and cigarettes even though we are taxed out of the ass for them.

I am a Property Brothers fan. I love that show on HGTV. Very often they do episodes in NE states or some other liberal mecca where prices are outrageous. They show a house for 800K, and it's about the same kind of house you can get here for about 225K or less. For 800K here, you would just about be living in a mansion.
Two school teachers with Masters can make a very good living in the rural south.
All current GOPers in congress should agree to sign a pledge to QUIT if their tax plan does INCREASE taxes for middle class Americans in the next 3 years...

I'd love to see them putting their sorry asses on the line.....LOL

The problem is what is considered middle-class.

In this current bill, the middle-class is defined as anybody not in poverty making up to well in the six figures. So if your salary is 180K per year, you are considered middle-class.

In this group, the lower part of the middle-class will see a tax decrease while the upper part will see a tax increase. It's actually a 60/40 margin.

I would think that this depends on where you live ... I could live on $40,000 a year in the Midwest where I visit but would be considered poverty in the San Francisco Bay Area..

Another thing I want you to consider Ray is my cousin was a courtroom Sheriff who worked and raised her son. She is in poverty now at 70 years old with her pension in the bay area. She now lives in an affordable housing retirement home..
She would rather starve than ask for anything , but we all know and her brother is helping her now.

She would have given her life to protect these fat cats..

Being a cop is not going to stop you from being below that $50,000 mark.


Correct, it does depend on where you live, but no matter where you live, a six figure income is doing pretty well. We can't create policy around a few liberal hellholes that allowed their cost of living to go so high because of unions and taxation. The rest of the country doesn't live like them.

Ray you are so wrong about this comment..

The bay area (where I live ) is one of the most expensive places in the country to live.. The lower and middle class are getting pushed out..

I watched it happen ,

1. The San Francisco Mayor gave tax cuts to the High Techs to come and set up shop in his city.
So like the gold rush they came running to get rich quick . Low income middle class were evicted so the rich could tear down the homes to build skyscraper million dollar apartments.

2. I seriously don't know who allowed this to happen but the Chinese were told to invest in the Bay area Real estate even if they didn't live here.
They came in over bid and jacked up the prices which are now so high only the very wealthy can afford.

Some of these homes are called ghost homes , because the Chinese bought homes and are left vacant.

With both of the rich High tech and Chinese this area has become un-affordable unless if you are rich, or a long time resident.

Ray it is coming your way this is happening in many cites across the nation..

We are so focused on gays, blacks, perverts, and the election this is happening right under our noses.


I was talking about the cost of living in general. Several years ago I rented an apartment to a kid (actually his mother since I put the lease in her name) so he could attend trade school here. He was from New York. He and his mother were so delighted with what they got for their money. I charged him $500.00 a month for a very small house I call the cottage.

My apartment prices are generally in that area, and he told me if there was a possible way I could move my property to NYC, I could charge four times more for rent than I charge here. He was also very happy with the prices of groceries, gasoline and cigarettes even though we are taxed out of the ass for them.

I am a Property Brothers fan. I love that show on HGTV. Very often they do episodes in NE states or some other liberal mecca where prices are outrageous. They show a house for 800K, and it's about the same kind of house you can get here for about 225K or less. For 800K here, you would just about be living in a mansion.
Bentonville, Arkansas, downtown building lot 500k homes run 300k+...
If you haven't noticed by now... he complains about EVERYTHING.

No more or no less than anybody else here. WTF do you think political discourse is about anyway????

He complains about people that get disability by saying it is easy to get and too many people are on it that don't deserve it. (Not true)

Yes, this is true. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor Mike. You can find him in the garage drinking his compensation check; he and his mother (who has been supporting him his entire adult life) don't get along, so he stays outside as much as he can.

He complains that people that get food stamps all don't deserve them and abuse the system. (Not true)

I dare you to find where I said "all" abuse the system. I said many do. You cradle-to-gravers love to exaggerate.

He complains people that receive HUD are just lazy and if they wouldn't stay up all night and sleep all day they could get a job and pay their own rent. (Not true)

Absolutely. And maybe then I could get some uninterrupted sleep during the work week.

He complained and called the cops on kids playing basketball, when they could be out doing drugs and breaking the law instead.

Right, because when I was growing up and our parents stopped us from playing all night long, we did drugs and broke laws just like every other kid in the neighborhood.

You see if you worked for a living, you would understand the value of being able to come home and relax in peace. If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that putting up with noise all afternoon long until the sun goes down is a pretty fair compromise. But because you're a liberal, you only understand that you should have things your way all the time.

He went to his local government to complain about taxes...

Yep, and so do thousands of others every year. In fact after you file for a hearing, it takes seven months to get a date they are so backed up.

He complains about the insurance program...

Which insurance program?

He complained about his renters... and if you want to know why he probably doesn't have the cheap insurance like many others can get, this probably explains it, but he just seems not to bring it up. If he has his own place, and owns other properties that he is making money off of renting to others... the government probably assumes he can pay for his insurance.

The government are dopes. The only thing they know is my adjusted income. They don't care where or how I came about it. In the end, I'm just a working middle-class guy who likely votes Republican. Commie Care was designed by Democrats so their constituents mostly benefit at the cost of people who likely vote Republican. Commie Care is a perfect example of why government shouldn't be involved in healthcare; because then it does become political.

Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.
If you haven't noticed by now... he complains about EVERYTHING.

No more or no less than anybody else here. WTF do you think political discourse is about anyway????

He complains about people that get disability by saying it is easy to get and too many people are on it that don't deserve it. (Not true)

Yes, this is true. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor Mike. You can find him in the garage drinking his compensation check; he and his mother (who has been supporting him his entire adult life) don't get along, so he stays outside as much as he can.

He complains that people that get food stamps all don't deserve them and abuse the system. (Not true)

I dare you to find where I said "all" abuse the system. I said many do. You cradle-to-gravers love to exaggerate.

He complains people that receive HUD are just lazy and if they wouldn't stay up all night and sleep all day they could get a job and pay their own rent. (Not true)

Absolutely. And maybe then I could get some uninterrupted sleep during the work week.

He complained and called the cops on kids playing basketball, when they could be out doing drugs and breaking the law instead.

Right, because when I was growing up and our parents stopped us from playing all night long, we did drugs and broke laws just like every other kid in the neighborhood.

You see if you worked for a living, you would understand the value of being able to come home and relax in peace. If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that putting up with noise all afternoon long until the sun goes down is a pretty fair compromise. But because you're a liberal, you only understand that you should have things your way all the time.

He went to his local government to complain about taxes...

Yep, and so do thousands of others every year. In fact after you file for a hearing, it takes seven months to get a date they are so backed up.

He complains about the insurance program...

Which insurance program?

He complained about his renters... and if you want to know why he probably doesn't have the cheap insurance like many others can get, this probably explains it, but he just seems not to bring it up. If he has his own place, and owns other properties that he is making money off of renting to others... the government probably assumes he can pay for his insurance.

The government are dopes. The only thing they know is my adjusted income. They don't care where or how I came about it. In the end, I'm just a working middle-class guy who likely votes Republican. Commie Care was designed by Democrats so their constituents mostly benefit at the cost of people who likely vote Republican. Commie Care is a perfect example of why government shouldn't be involved in healthcare; because then it does become political.

Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

That guy in the garage sounds creepy.... so I can see why you hate freeloaders.

I have 2 nieces who had to get a job after years of welfare and kept having babies.

This is a the law right now in California.

If you haven't noticed by now... he complains about EVERYTHING.

No more or no less than anybody else here. WTF do you think political discourse is about anyway????

He complains about people that get disability by saying it is easy to get and too many people are on it that don't deserve it. (Not true)

Yes, this is true. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor Mike. You can find him in the garage drinking his compensation check; he and his mother (who has been supporting him his entire adult life) don't get along, so he stays outside as much as he can.

He complains that people that get food stamps all don't deserve them and abuse the system. (Not true)

I dare you to find where I said "all" abuse the system. I said many do. You cradle-to-gravers love to exaggerate.

He complains people that receive HUD are just lazy and if they wouldn't stay up all night and sleep all day they could get a job and pay their own rent. (Not true)

Absolutely. And maybe then I could get some uninterrupted sleep during the work week.

He complained and called the cops on kids playing basketball, when they could be out doing drugs and breaking the law instead.

Right, because when I was growing up and our parents stopped us from playing all night long, we did drugs and broke laws just like every other kid in the neighborhood.

You see if you worked for a living, you would understand the value of being able to come home and relax in peace. If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that putting up with noise all afternoon long until the sun goes down is a pretty fair compromise. But because you're a liberal, you only understand that you should have things your way all the time.

He went to his local government to complain about taxes...

Yep, and so do thousands of others every year. In fact after you file for a hearing, it takes seven months to get a date they are so backed up.

He complains about the insurance program...

Which insurance program?

He complained about his renters... and if you want to know why he probably doesn't have the cheap insurance like many others can get, this probably explains it, but he just seems not to bring it up. If he has his own place, and owns other properties that he is making money off of renting to others... the government probably assumes he can pay for his insurance.

The government are dopes. The only thing they know is my adjusted income. They don't care where or how I came about it. In the end, I'm just a working middle-class guy who likely votes Republican. Commie Care was designed by Democrats so their constituents mostly benefit at the cost of people who likely vote Republican. Commie Care is a perfect example of why government shouldn't be involved in healthcare; because then it does become political.

Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.
More lies and dishonesty from the reprehensible right.

The Republican plan is in fact bad for middle class Americans:

‘Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)…explained, accurately, that the Senate GOP tax plan isn’t intended to help the middle class; it’s written to benefit the richest Americans.
Brown’s argument was, at its core, substantive: non-partisan analyses of the Senate Republican tax plan make clear that it would disproportionately benefit the wealthiest Americans, and raise taxes on millions of middle-class families. That’s not some lazy “political play”; it’s an argument backed up by evidence.’

A senatorial clash that explains what's wrong with the tax fight
Why does a tax plan have to benefit anyone to be acceptable? The middle class wants new roads, healthcare etc.Just like everyone else. Why would they think they shouldn't pay for it but the rich should?

I've never got this part of the liberal mind set. We want all of this free government shit but don't want to be the ones to pay for it. How can that possibly work?

The middle class has been subsidizing corporate wages through the earned income credits for years. Corporations get tax breaks to bring jobs into states that every taxpayer in that state subsidized, the subsidies often meaning that the corporations come out dollars ahead.

The wealthy pay the lowest tax rates as a percentage of income of any taxpayers in the country and that rate is going lower.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

Top 40% paying ALL income taxes, and leaving a tip
No excuse

They have most of the wealth

There is no such thing as "the wealth." This is something you on the left have been brainwashed to believe. You have been taught by your puppet masters that we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much money. If somebody in our bubble has too much money, that's the reason others don't have enough.

It's a pure lie. I've never been denied a raise because the rich have too much money. I've never been denied a credit card or bank loan because they don't have the money to give me because of rich people. This is America, and in America, you can make as much money as you desire or as little as you desire, and it doesn't matter what others have.
If you haven't noticed by now... he complains about EVERYTHING.

No more or no less than anybody else here. WTF do you think political discourse is about anyway????

He complains about people that get disability by saying it is easy to get and too many people are on it that don't deserve it. (Not true)

Yes, this is true. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor Mike. You can find him in the garage drinking his compensation check; he and his mother (who has been supporting him his entire adult life) don't get along, so he stays outside as much as he can.

He complains that people that get food stamps all don't deserve them and abuse the system. (Not true)

I dare you to find where I said "all" abuse the system. I said many do. You cradle-to-gravers love to exaggerate.

He complains people that receive HUD are just lazy and if they wouldn't stay up all night and sleep all day they could get a job and pay their own rent. (Not true)

Absolutely. And maybe then I could get some uninterrupted sleep during the work week.

He complained and called the cops on kids playing basketball, when they could be out doing drugs and breaking the law instead.

Right, because when I was growing up and our parents stopped us from playing all night long, we did drugs and broke laws just like every other kid in the neighborhood.

You see if you worked for a living, you would understand the value of being able to come home and relax in peace. If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that putting up with noise all afternoon long until the sun goes down is a pretty fair compromise. But because you're a liberal, you only understand that you should have things your way all the time.

He went to his local government to complain about taxes...

Yep, and so do thousands of others every year. In fact after you file for a hearing, it takes seven months to get a date they are so backed up.

He complains about the insurance program...

Which insurance program?

He complained about his renters... and if you want to know why he probably doesn't have the cheap insurance like many others can get, this probably explains it, but he just seems not to bring it up. If he has his own place, and owns other properties that he is making money off of renting to others... the government probably assumes he can pay for his insurance.

The government are dopes. The only thing they know is my adjusted income. They don't care where or how I came about it. In the end, I'm just a working middle-class guy who likely votes Republican. Commie Care was designed by Democrats so their constituents mostly benefit at the cost of people who likely vote Republican. Commie Care is a perfect example of why government shouldn't be involved in healthcare; because then it does become political.

Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.
Two school teachers with Masters can make a very good living in the rural south.

Check this out... Jet owners get a tax cut, while teachers pay for their own school supplies..

One of those exemptions in the Senate version of the bill, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, would give a break to owners and operators of private jets.

The Republican tax bill has a provision that would end a headache for private jet owners
All I see is a tax cut for rich fat cats like the president, even though his position on the rich men list fell 44 spots due to his over inflation of his worth..
If you haven't noticed by now... he complains about EVERYTHING.

No more or no less than anybody else here. WTF do you think political discourse is about anyway????

He complains about people that get disability by saying it is easy to get and too many people are on it that don't deserve it. (Not true)

Yes, this is true. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor Mike. You can find him in the garage drinking his compensation check; he and his mother (who has been supporting him his entire adult life) don't get along, so he stays outside as much as he can.

He complains that people that get food stamps all don't deserve them and abuse the system. (Not true)

I dare you to find where I said "all" abuse the system. I said many do. You cradle-to-gravers love to exaggerate.

He complains people that receive HUD are just lazy and if they wouldn't stay up all night and sleep all day they could get a job and pay their own rent. (Not true)

Absolutely. And maybe then I could get some uninterrupted sleep during the work week.

He complained and called the cops on kids playing basketball, when they could be out doing drugs and breaking the law instead.

Right, because when I was growing up and our parents stopped us from playing all night long, we did drugs and broke laws just like every other kid in the neighborhood.

You see if you worked for a living, you would understand the value of being able to come home and relax in peace. If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that putting up with noise all afternoon long until the sun goes down is a pretty fair compromise. But because you're a liberal, you only understand that you should have things your way all the time.

He went to his local government to complain about taxes...

Yep, and so do thousands of others every year. In fact after you file for a hearing, it takes seven months to get a date they are so backed up.

He complains about the insurance program...

Which insurance program?

He complained about his renters... and if you want to know why he probably doesn't have the cheap insurance like many others can get, this probably explains it, but he just seems not to bring it up. If he has his own place, and owns other properties that he is making money off of renting to others... the government probably assumes he can pay for his insurance.

The government are dopes. The only thing they know is my adjusted income. They don't care where or how I came about it. In the end, I'm just a working middle-class guy who likely votes Republican. Commie Care was designed by Democrats so their constituents mostly benefit at the cost of people who likely vote Republican. Commie Care is a perfect example of why government shouldn't be involved in healthcare; because then it does become political.

Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

That guy in the garage sounds creepy.... so I can see why you hate freeloaders.

I have 2 nieces who had to get a job after years of welfare and kept having babies.

This is a the law right now in California.


This drunk never had a job. When he needed booze money, he found some construction site, worked for a few days or a week, then quit when he got enough money for beer. One of those few times he got hurt on the job, and he's been collecting disability for over five years now.

It's almost comical. The guy is my age (around 57) and he would sit in that garage getting drunk at 10:00 am watching the landscape guys that his retired mother paid to cut the lawn. After a while, she bought a riding mower to get him to cut the lawn instead of paying those guys, and to get him off of his lazy ass. So he'd get drunk and ride around on that mower. A few weeks went by, and they're fighting again. I asked my neighbor what it was about this time, and he said that the mother is pissed off at her son because he's now driving the riding mower to the gas station to buy beer. It's unbelievable over here.
Thanks to Commie Care, I lost my employer sponsored insurance. On top of that, Commie Care is unaffordable to middle-class working people.

That's their dirty little secret. For moochers who get Obamacare for cheap, meaning OTHER taxpayers foot the bill for their health insurance they think Obamacare is great. But for working class Americans forced onto Obamacare they pay insane insurance premiums for a plan with insane deductibles. For most healthy people its like not having any insurance plus you shell out thousands a year for a plan that never pays a dime because of the sky high deductible and YOUR money is given to the moochers.

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