Claire McCaskill Rips into Lying Hatch over tax plan for people making $50,000 or less..

If you haven't noticed by now... he complains about EVERYTHING.

No more or no less than anybody else here. WTF do you think political discourse is about anyway????

He complains about people that get disability by saying it is easy to get and too many people are on it that don't deserve it. (Not true)

Yes, this is true. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor Mike. You can find him in the garage drinking his compensation check; he and his mother (who has been supporting him his entire adult life) don't get along, so he stays outside as much as he can.

He complains that people that get food stamps all don't deserve them and abuse the system. (Not true)

I dare you to find where I said "all" abuse the system. I said many do. You cradle-to-gravers love to exaggerate.

He complains people that receive HUD are just lazy and if they wouldn't stay up all night and sleep all day they could get a job and pay their own rent. (Not true)

Absolutely. And maybe then I could get some uninterrupted sleep during the work week.

He complained and called the cops on kids playing basketball, when they could be out doing drugs and breaking the law instead.

Right, because when I was growing up and our parents stopped us from playing all night long, we did drugs and broke laws just like every other kid in the neighborhood.

You see if you worked for a living, you would understand the value of being able to come home and relax in peace. If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that putting up with noise all afternoon long until the sun goes down is a pretty fair compromise. But because you're a liberal, you only understand that you should have things your way all the time.

He went to his local government to complain about taxes...

Yep, and so do thousands of others every year. In fact after you file for a hearing, it takes seven months to get a date they are so backed up.

He complains about the insurance program...

Which insurance program?

He complained about his renters... and if you want to know why he probably doesn't have the cheap insurance like many others can get, this probably explains it, but he just seems not to bring it up. If he has his own place, and owns other properties that he is making money off of renting to others... the government probably assumes he can pay for his insurance.

The government are dopes. The only thing they know is my adjusted income. They don't care where or how I came about it. In the end, I'm just a working middle-class guy who likely votes Republican. Commie Care was designed by Democrats so their constituents mostly benefit at the cost of people who likely vote Republican. Commie Care is a perfect example of why government shouldn't be involved in healthcare; because then it does become political.

Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

I'm not a fucking Lib... but it is funny how if someone throws common sense at you, you automatically attack them by trying to throw them into a group.

They are fucking kids... Are you so old, or did you come from such a prudish family that you forget what it was like to be a kid? 10 pm? You think 10 pm is "late?" A lot of schools don't start anywhere near as early as they used to... and 10 pm is not that late. And I seriously doubt the kids are out playing basketball at 10 pm every night, as you sure as hell exaggerate so often.

And no, you don't have a fucking clue if the parents care about their kids or not, or how well the kids do in school... or if their homework is getting done at night. You are doing the exact same thing you complain about all the time. Stay the fuck out of those parent's business, and worry about your own business.

Some jobs you don't have the choice in what shift you work. I was working for the state of Ohio and shift placement and position was all seniority based. Besides that, I learned how to sleep during the day, and that was the point, you still don't seem to grasp. If the kids were making too much noise, then fucking make some white noise with a fan or something else. Talk to the kids and their parents and learn to compromise, that's what living in a world together is about. Fucking calling the cops over kids playing basketball is just fucking ridiculous.

If I were your neighbor I'd prolly fucking hate you and do shit to irritate the fuck out of you on purpose. You are more than likely causing your own issues.
No more or no less than anybody else here. WTF do you think political discourse is about anyway????

Yes, this is true. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor Mike. You can find him in the garage drinking his compensation check; he and his mother (who has been supporting him his entire adult life) don't get along, so he stays outside as much as he can.

I dare you to find where I said "all" abuse the system. I said many do. You cradle-to-gravers love to exaggerate.

Absolutely. And maybe then I could get some uninterrupted sleep during the work week.

Right, because when I was growing up and our parents stopped us from playing all night long, we did drugs and broke laws just like every other kid in the neighborhood.

You see if you worked for a living, you would understand the value of being able to come home and relax in peace. If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that putting up with noise all afternoon long until the sun goes down is a pretty fair compromise. But because you're a liberal, you only understand that you should have things your way all the time.

Yep, and so do thousands of others every year. In fact after you file for a hearing, it takes seven months to get a date they are so backed up.

Which insurance program?

The government are dopes. The only thing they know is my adjusted income. They don't care where or how I came about it. In the end, I'm just a working middle-class guy who likely votes Republican. Commie Care was designed by Democrats so their constituents mostly benefit at the cost of people who likely vote Republican. Commie Care is a perfect example of why government shouldn't be involved in healthcare; because then it does become political.

Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

I'm not a fucking Lib... but it is funny how if someone throws common sense at you, you automatically attack them by trying to throw them into a group.

They are fucking kids... Are you so old, or did you come from such a prudish family that you forget what it was like to be a kid? 10 pm? You think 10 pm is "late?" A lot of schools don't start anywhere near as early as they used to... and 10 pm is not that late. And I seriously doubt the kids are out playing basketball at 10 pm every night, as you sure as hell exaggerate so often.

And no, you don't have a fucking clue if the parents care about their kids or not, or how well the kids do in school... or if their homework is getting done at night. You are doing the exact same thing you complain about all the time. Stay the fuck out of those parent's business, and worry about your own business.

Some jobs you don't have the choice in what shift you work. I was working for the state of Ohio and shift placement and position was all seniority based. Besides that, I learned how to sleep during the day, and that was the point, you still don't seem to grasp. If the kids were making too much noise, then fucking make some white noise with a fan or something else. Talk to the kids and their parents and learn to compromise, that's what living in a world together is about. Fucking calling the cops over kids playing basketball is just fucking ridiculous.

If I were your neighbor I'd prolly fucking hate you and do shit to irritate the fuck out of you on purpose. You are more than likely causing your own issues.

How do you talk to parents when you don't even know WTF they are? These kids came here from five streets away. They came here after school and stayed well into the night, so I know exactly how their parent was. And no, they stopped making noise at night because I did call the police. Had I not, they would have been here every night.

Yes, I remember how it was when I was a kid. We played during daylight and went home well before dark. Yeah, I did try to tell the kids to cut it out for the night. Do you know what one lowlife said to me? He said "Dis aint yo yad so you can't tell us what to do." Okay, fine. You don't want to listen to me, then you'll listen to the cops. It's against the law for me to do anything outside of that. I can't grab them by the collar and throw them out. WTF do you expect me and my complaining tenants to do about it? Just tolerate it, lose sleep, turn the television set louder? That's what's Fn ridiculous. I don't pay the tax money I pay here to be next to a makeshift playground. If I wanted to live next to a playground, I would have purchased a home next to a playground.
If you haven't noticed by now... he complains about EVERYTHING.

No more or no less than anybody else here. WTF do you think political discourse is about anyway????

He complains about people that get disability by saying it is easy to get and too many people are on it that don't deserve it. (Not true)

Yes, this is true. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor Mike. You can find him in the garage drinking his compensation check; he and his mother (who has been supporting him his entire adult life) don't get along, so he stays outside as much as he can.

He complains that people that get food stamps all don't deserve them and abuse the system. (Not true)

I dare you to find where I said "all" abuse the system. I said many do. You cradle-to-gravers love to exaggerate.

He complains people that receive HUD are just lazy and if they wouldn't stay up all night and sleep all day they could get a job and pay their own rent. (Not true)

Absolutely. And maybe then I could get some uninterrupted sleep during the work week.

He complained and called the cops on kids playing basketball, when they could be out doing drugs and breaking the law instead.

Right, because when I was growing up and our parents stopped us from playing all night long, we did drugs and broke laws just like every other kid in the neighborhood.

You see if you worked for a living, you would understand the value of being able to come home and relax in peace. If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that putting up with noise all afternoon long until the sun goes down is a pretty fair compromise. But because you're a liberal, you only understand that you should have things your way all the time.

He went to his local government to complain about taxes...

Yep, and so do thousands of others every year. In fact after you file for a hearing, it takes seven months to get a date they are so backed up.

He complains about the insurance program...

Which insurance program?

He complained about his renters... and if you want to know why he probably doesn't have the cheap insurance like many others can get, this probably explains it, but he just seems not to bring it up. If he has his own place, and owns other properties that he is making money off of renting to others... the government probably assumes he can pay for his insurance.

The government are dopes. The only thing they know is my adjusted income. They don't care where or how I came about it. In the end, I'm just a working middle-class guy who likely votes Republican. Commie Care was designed by Democrats so their constituents mostly benefit at the cost of people who likely vote Republican. Commie Care is a perfect example of why government shouldn't be involved in healthcare; because then it does become political.

Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

When we were kids it was very rare to see LatchKeyKids basically raising themselves because their parents are working 3 jobs to make ends meet.

After WWII the economy opened up for the middle class Ray, since then the republicans have basically taxed the middle class to death to give the rich tax breaks..

Thanks to Commie Care, I lost my employer sponsored insurance. On top of that, Commie Care is unaffordable to middle-class working people.

That's their dirty little secret. For moochers who get Obamacare for cheap, meaning OTHER taxpayers foot the bill for their health insurance they think Obamacare is great. But for working class Americans forced onto Obamacare they pay insane insurance premiums for a plan with insane deductibles. For most healthy people its like not having any insurance plus you shell out thousands a year for a plan that never pays a dime because of the sky high deductible and YOUR money is given to the moochers.

Without a doubt. Hey, if you make french fries for a living or sweep floors at Walmart, you're set. The subsidy is so large it's impossible not to afford it. Me? They wanted over 25% of my net pay for plan that had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescription, no dental, no eye care, and a $50.00 doctor visit copay. Even the lady that took my application over the phone at Commie Care said she wouldn't be able to afford it. And hell, she works for the government.
Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

I'm not a fucking Lib... but it is funny how if someone throws common sense at you, you automatically attack them by trying to throw them into a group.

They are fucking kids... Are you so old, or did you come from such a prudish family that you forget what it was like to be a kid? 10 pm? You think 10 pm is "late?" A lot of schools don't start anywhere near as early as they used to... and 10 pm is not that late. And I seriously doubt the kids are out playing basketball at 10 pm every night, as you sure as hell exaggerate so often.

And no, you don't have a fucking clue if the parents care about their kids or not, or how well the kids do in school... or if their homework is getting done at night. You are doing the exact same thing you complain about all the time. Stay the fuck out of those parent's business, and worry about your own business.

Some jobs you don't have the choice in what shift you work. I was working for the state of Ohio and shift placement and position was all seniority based. Besides that, I learned how to sleep during the day, and that was the point, you still don't seem to grasp. If the kids were making too much noise, then fucking make some white noise with a fan or something else. Talk to the kids and their parents and learn to compromise, that's what living in a world together is about. Fucking calling the cops over kids playing basketball is just fucking ridiculous.

If I were your neighbor I'd prolly fucking hate you and do shit to irritate the fuck out of you on purpose. You are more than likely causing your own issues.

How do you talk to parents when you don't even know WTF they are? These kids came here from five streets away. They came here after school and stayed well into the night, so I know exactly how their parent was. And no, they stopped making noise at night because I did call the police. Had I not, they would have been here every night.

Yes, I remember how it was when I was a kid. We played during daylight and went home well before dark. Yeah, I did try to tell the kids to cut it out for the night. Do you know what one lowlife said to me? He said "Dis aint yo yad so you can't tell us what to do." Okay, fine. You don't want to listen to me, then you'll listen to the cops. It's against the law for me to do anything outside of that. I can't grab them by the collar and throw them out. WTF do you expect me and my complaining tenants to do about it? Just tolerate it, lose sleep, turn the television set louder? That's what's Fn ridiculous. I don't pay the tax money I pay here to be next to a makeshift playground. If I wanted to live next to a playground, I would have purchased a home next to a playground.

Bull shit. You just like to complain. It is quite evident you cause most of your own problems. At 57 you will probably never change, but if you handled things like a fucking adult and could use communication skills with people you'd more than likely have so much less stress and conflict in your life.

You are one of the top 5 most miserable people on this forum. Everything with you has to do with money. Taxes this, taxes that...Jesus man, get help.
No more or no less than anybody else here. WTF do you think political discourse is about anyway????

Yes, this is true. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor Mike. You can find him in the garage drinking his compensation check; he and his mother (who has been supporting him his entire adult life) don't get along, so he stays outside as much as he can.

I dare you to find where I said "all" abuse the system. I said many do. You cradle-to-gravers love to exaggerate.

Absolutely. And maybe then I could get some uninterrupted sleep during the work week.

Right, because when I was growing up and our parents stopped us from playing all night long, we did drugs and broke laws just like every other kid in the neighborhood.

You see if you worked for a living, you would understand the value of being able to come home and relax in peace. If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that putting up with noise all afternoon long until the sun goes down is a pretty fair compromise. But because you're a liberal, you only understand that you should have things your way all the time.

Yep, and so do thousands of others every year. In fact after you file for a hearing, it takes seven months to get a date they are so backed up.

Which insurance program?

The government are dopes. The only thing they know is my adjusted income. They don't care where or how I came about it. In the end, I'm just a working middle-class guy who likely votes Republican. Commie Care was designed by Democrats so their constituents mostly benefit at the cost of people who likely vote Republican. Commie Care is a perfect example of why government shouldn't be involved in healthcare; because then it does become political.

Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

When we were kids it was very rare to see LatchKeyKids basically raising themselves because their parents are working 3 jobs to make ends meet.

After WWII the economy opened up for the middle class Ray, since then the republicans have basically taxed the middle class to death to give the rich tax breaks..


How is that possible when the middle-class pay very little if any income taxes? Republicans don't increase taxes--Democrats increase taxes.

Most of the tax deductions from your paycheck are like savings accounts; you will get all that money back (and then some) if you live to the average age in the US. You will get all that Medicare money back, you will get all of that SS money back, FICA is just a cute acronym for Social Security, so you get that back.

The only thing you pay besides that is local taxes from your paycheck.
There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

I'm not a fucking Lib... but it is funny how if someone throws common sense at you, you automatically attack them by trying to throw them into a group.

They are fucking kids... Are you so old, or did you come from such a prudish family that you forget what it was like to be a kid? 10 pm? You think 10 pm is "late?" A lot of schools don't start anywhere near as early as they used to... and 10 pm is not that late. And I seriously doubt the kids are out playing basketball at 10 pm every night, as you sure as hell exaggerate so often.

And no, you don't have a fucking clue if the parents care about their kids or not, or how well the kids do in school... or if their homework is getting done at night. You are doing the exact same thing you complain about all the time. Stay the fuck out of those parent's business, and worry about your own business.

Some jobs you don't have the choice in what shift you work. I was working for the state of Ohio and shift placement and position was all seniority based. Besides that, I learned how to sleep during the day, and that was the point, you still don't seem to grasp. If the kids were making too much noise, then fucking make some white noise with a fan or something else. Talk to the kids and their parents and learn to compromise, that's what living in a world together is about. Fucking calling the cops over kids playing basketball is just fucking ridiculous.

If I were your neighbor I'd prolly fucking hate you and do shit to irritate the fuck out of you on purpose. You are more than likely causing your own issues.

How do you talk to parents when you don't even know WTF they are? These kids came here from five streets away. They came here after school and stayed well into the night, so I know exactly how their parent was. And no, they stopped making noise at night because I did call the police. Had I not, they would have been here every night.

Yes, I remember how it was when I was a kid. We played during daylight and went home well before dark. Yeah, I did try to tell the kids to cut it out for the night. Do you know what one lowlife said to me? He said "Dis aint yo yad so you can't tell us what to do." Okay, fine. You don't want to listen to me, then you'll listen to the cops. It's against the law for me to do anything outside of that. I can't grab them by the collar and throw them out. WTF do you expect me and my complaining tenants to do about it? Just tolerate it, lose sleep, turn the television set louder? That's what's Fn ridiculous. I don't pay the tax money I pay here to be next to a makeshift playground. If I wanted to live next to a playground, I would have purchased a home next to a playground.

Bull shit. You just like to complain. It is quite evident you cause most of your own problems. At 57 you will probably never change, but if you handled things like a fucking adult and could use communication skills with people you'd more than likely have so much less stress and conflict in your life.

You are one of the top 5 most miserable people on this forum. Everything with you has to do with money. Taxes this, taxes that...Jesus man, get help.

Correct, we pay too much in taxes and it's money wasted. When somebody takes my money against my will, sure I will complain. And for the taxes I pay, the least I want is a nice quiet home to go to. Is that too much to ask of in Liberal Land?
No more or no less than anybody else here. WTF do you think political discourse is about anyway????

Yes, this is true. If you don't believe me, ask my neighbor Mike. You can find him in the garage drinking his compensation check; he and his mother (who has been supporting him his entire adult life) don't get along, so he stays outside as much as he can.

I dare you to find where I said "all" abuse the system. I said many do. You cradle-to-gravers love to exaggerate.

Absolutely. And maybe then I could get some uninterrupted sleep during the work week.

Right, because when I was growing up and our parents stopped us from playing all night long, we did drugs and broke laws just like every other kid in the neighborhood.

You see if you worked for a living, you would understand the value of being able to come home and relax in peace. If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that putting up with noise all afternoon long until the sun goes down is a pretty fair compromise. But because you're a liberal, you only understand that you should have things your way all the time.

Yep, and so do thousands of others every year. In fact after you file for a hearing, it takes seven months to get a date they are so backed up.

Which insurance program?

The government are dopes. The only thing they know is my adjusted income. They don't care where or how I came about it. In the end, I'm just a working middle-class guy who likely votes Republican. Commie Care was designed by Democrats so their constituents mostly benefit at the cost of people who likely vote Republican. Commie Care is a perfect example of why government shouldn't be involved in healthcare; because then it does become political.

Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

When we were kids it was very rare to see LatchKeyKids basically raising themselves because their parents are working 3 jobs to make ends meet.

After WWII the economy opened up for the middle class Ray, since then the republicans have basically taxed the middle class to death to give the rich tax breaks..


I grew up in the early 80's and maybe it was because of where I lived, but parents might ask where or when you were leaving, but most of the time as long as they never got a visit from the cops, you were free to go do whatever. My house was where all the kids in the neighborhood came to, because my yard was perfect for playing "tennis ball" (basically baseball but with a tennis ball, football, or any other game we wanted to play. But we stayed out late playing flash light tag, and whatever else. Nowadays a kid can't go to the park by themselves without some fucking nosy person calling the cops to say someone is being a bad parent. And then you get people like Ray who has no clue what kind of grades a kid is getting in school, or anything else going on in their home life, who makes a statement that someone is a bad parent because their kid is playing basketball at 10 pm.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

I'm not a fucking Lib... but it is funny how if someone throws common sense at you, you automatically attack them by trying to throw them into a group.

They are fucking kids... Are you so old, or did you come from such a prudish family that you forget what it was like to be a kid? 10 pm? You think 10 pm is "late?" A lot of schools don't start anywhere near as early as they used to... and 10 pm is not that late. And I seriously doubt the kids are out playing basketball at 10 pm every night, as you sure as hell exaggerate so often.

And no, you don't have a fucking clue if the parents care about their kids or not, or how well the kids do in school... or if their homework is getting done at night. You are doing the exact same thing you complain about all the time. Stay the fuck out of those parent's business, and worry about your own business.

Some jobs you don't have the choice in what shift you work. I was working for the state of Ohio and shift placement and position was all seniority based. Besides that, I learned how to sleep during the day, and that was the point, you still don't seem to grasp. If the kids were making too much noise, then fucking make some white noise with a fan or something else. Talk to the kids and their parents and learn to compromise, that's what living in a world together is about. Fucking calling the cops over kids playing basketball is just fucking ridiculous.

If I were your neighbor I'd prolly fucking hate you and do shit to irritate the fuck out of you on purpose. You are more than likely causing your own issues.

How do you talk to parents when you don't even know WTF they are? These kids came here from five streets away. They came here after school and stayed well into the night, so I know exactly how their parent was. And no, they stopped making noise at night because I did call the police. Had I not, they would have been here every night.

Yes, I remember how it was when I was a kid. We played during daylight and went home well before dark. Yeah, I did try to tell the kids to cut it out for the night. Do you know what one lowlife said to me? He said "Dis aint yo yad so you can't tell us what to do." Okay, fine. You don't want to listen to me, then you'll listen to the cops. It's against the law for me to do anything outside of that. I can't grab them by the collar and throw them out. WTF do you expect me and my complaining tenants to do about it? Just tolerate it, lose sleep, turn the television set louder? That's what's Fn ridiculous. I don't pay the tax money I pay here to be next to a makeshift playground. If I wanted to live next to a playground, I would have purchased a home next to a playground.

Bull shit. You just like to complain. It is quite evident you cause most of your own problems. At 57 you will probably never change, but if you handled things like a fucking adult and could use communication skills with people you'd more than likely have so much less stress and conflict in your life.

You are one of the top 5 most miserable people on this forum. Everything with you has to do with money. Taxes this, taxes that...Jesus man, get help.

Correct, we pay too much in taxes and it's money wasted. When somebody takes my money against my will, sure I will complain. And for the taxes I pay, the least I want is a nice quiet home to go to. Is that too much to ask of in Liberal Land?

Your fucking taxes goes to pay for the cops you are fucking tethered to, to complain all the time. In fact you probably use up more than your alloted amount of taxes and are dipping into other's by the sounds of it. So get over your fucking self with all this talk about others living off your dime.
Yeah like I have never worked in my life... :rofl:

I worked THIRD SHIFT for 5 years... which meant having to sleep in the middle of the fucking day. I learned to adapt to it without calling the cops on my neighbor for mowing his grass at 3 pm in the afternoon when I needed to get sleep. Maybe you should quit being such a shitty neighbor and learn to do the same thing.

It's always someone else's fault and never your own.

There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

When we were kids it was very rare to see LatchKeyKids basically raising themselves because their parents are working 3 jobs to make ends meet.

After WWII the economy opened up for the middle class Ray, since then the republicans have basically taxed the middle class to death to give the rich tax breaks..


I grew up in the early 80's and maybe it was because of where I lived, but parents might ask where or when you were leaving, but most of the time as long as they never got a visit from the cops, you were free to go do whatever. My house was where all the kids in the neighborhood came to, because my yard was perfect for playing "tennis ball" (basically baseball but with a tennis ball, football, or any other game we wanted to play. But we stayed out late playing flash light tag, and whatever else. Nowadays a kid can't go to the park by themselves without some fucking nosy person calling the cops to say someone is being a bad parent. And then you get people like Ray who has no clue what kind of grades a kid is getting in school, or anything else going on in their home life, who makes a statement that someone is a bad parent because their kid is playing basketball at 10 pm.


Yep, that's exactly what I think. Then when these kids fail school, you leftists cry we need to tax people more to pump money into the schools instead of blaming the parents. So the kids are running around all night, can't stay awake during school, can't get their homework done, end up doing poorly in school, and you say it's great they are out all night; now to solve the problem, give the schools even more tax dollars. Yeah, that will help. Hey! Maybe if you take enough tax money, those kids will be able to stay out until midnight every school night.
There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

When we were kids it was very rare to see LatchKeyKids basically raising themselves because their parents are working 3 jobs to make ends meet.

After WWII the economy opened up for the middle class Ray, since then the republicans have basically taxed the middle class to death to give the rich tax breaks..


I grew up in the early 80's and maybe it was because of where I lived, but parents might ask where or when you were leaving, but most of the time as long as they never got a visit from the cops, you were free to go do whatever. My house was where all the kids in the neighborhood came to, because my yard was perfect for playing "tennis ball" (basically baseball but with a tennis ball, football, or any other game we wanted to play. But we stayed out late playing flash light tag, and whatever else. Nowadays a kid can't go to the park by themselves without some fucking nosy person calling the cops to say someone is being a bad parent. And then you get people like Ray who has no clue what kind of grades a kid is getting in school, or anything else going on in their home life, who makes a statement that someone is a bad parent because their kid is playing basketball at 10 pm.


Yep, that's exactly what I think. Then when these kids fail school, you leftists cry we need to tax people more to pump money into the schools instead of blaming the parents. So the kids are running around all night, can't stay awake during school, can't get their homework done, end up doing poorly in school, and you say it's great they are out all night; now to solve the problem, give the schools even more tax dollars. Yeah, that will help. Hey! Maybe if you take enough tax money, those kids will be able to stay out until midnight every school night.

So if you KNOW it, then what's the kid's grades? Go ahead, take your time and get back with me. And quit fucking wasting the police's time and resources... they have more important things to take care of. I'm tired of my tax dollars being wasted by old grumpy assholes that can't act like adults. See how that works? ;)
Why Orin Hatch is being the pit bull for the tax bill:

Poll: Three-quarters of Utah voters want Hatch to retire

He needs the money the Mercer Family can provide for his reelection campaign. 78% of Utah voters want him out.

His behavior is intolerable and an example of the foolish CU supreme court decisions.

He is a Slime..


Orrin G Hatch
Senator (UT)
First Election:

TOP INDUSTRIES 1989 - 2018
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products

Securities & Investment

Votesane PAC

Blue Cross/Blue Shield
There is no law against somebody mowing their lawn during the day. There are laws against making noise at night when MOST people are trying to get some sleep for work the next day. It's called Disturbing The Peace. And I bet if I was up all night because of lowlife kids who's parents could give two shits about their sleep, their education, their whereabouts, and I was to slam my tractor-trailer into the back of your minivan, maybe then you'd realize how important it is for working people to get proper rest at night.

You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

When we were kids it was very rare to see LatchKeyKids basically raising themselves because their parents are working 3 jobs to make ends meet.

After WWII the economy opened up for the middle class Ray, since then the republicans have basically taxed the middle class to death to give the rich tax breaks..


I grew up in the early 80's and maybe it was because of where I lived, but parents might ask where or when you were leaving, but most of the time as long as they never got a visit from the cops, you were free to go do whatever. My house was where all the kids in the neighborhood came to, because my yard was perfect for playing "tennis ball" (basically baseball but with a tennis ball, football, or any other game we wanted to play. But we stayed out late playing flash light tag, and whatever else. Nowadays a kid can't go to the park by themselves without some fucking nosy person calling the cops to say someone is being a bad parent. And then you get people like Ray who has no clue what kind of grades a kid is getting in school, or anything else going on in their home life, who makes a statement that someone is a bad parent because their kid is playing basketball at 10 pm.


Yep, that's exactly what I think. Then when these kids fail school, you leftists cry we need to tax people more to pump money into the schools instead of blaming the parents. So the kids are running around all night, can't stay awake during school, can't get their homework done, end up doing poorly in school, and you say it's great they are out all night; now to solve the problem, give the schools even more tax dollars. Yeah, that will help. Hey! Maybe if you take enough tax money, those kids will be able to stay out until midnight every school night.

It is so sad that you are so ignorant and incapable of thinking panoptically. The world and its problems are not all black or white. It is no wonder you are so angry, you can't see out of the box you've built around yourself.
You totally glanced over the point. MANY people work third shift and have to sleep during the day when people are all out and a bout making noise. If you can't figure out how to deal with that, the few times kids might be playing basketball, you are more part of the problem than the victim.

You have absolutely NO WAY of knowing how much the parents care about their kids based on them playing basketball at night... nor how well they are doing at school or anything else. You are just throwing shit out there to try and justify your actions.

If you are so tired you fear getting in an accident, then you are at fault for not being a responsible truck driver and knowing better.

Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

When we were kids it was very rare to see LatchKeyKids basically raising themselves because their parents are working 3 jobs to make ends meet.

After WWII the economy opened up for the middle class Ray, since then the republicans have basically taxed the middle class to death to give the rich tax breaks..


I grew up in the early 80's and maybe it was because of where I lived, but parents might ask where or when you were leaving, but most of the time as long as they never got a visit from the cops, you were free to go do whatever. My house was where all the kids in the neighborhood came to, because my yard was perfect for playing "tennis ball" (basically baseball but with a tennis ball, football, or any other game we wanted to play. But we stayed out late playing flash light tag, and whatever else. Nowadays a kid can't go to the park by themselves without some fucking nosy person calling the cops to say someone is being a bad parent. And then you get people like Ray who has no clue what kind of grades a kid is getting in school, or anything else going on in their home life, who makes a statement that someone is a bad parent because their kid is playing basketball at 10 pm.


Yep, that's exactly what I think. Then when these kids fail school, you leftists cry we need to tax people more to pump money into the schools instead of blaming the parents. So the kids are running around all night, can't stay awake during school, can't get their homework done, end up doing poorly in school, and you say it's great they are out all night; now to solve the problem, give the schools even more tax dollars. Yeah, that will help. Hey! Maybe if you take enough tax money, those kids will be able to stay out until midnight every school night.

It is so sad that you are so ignorant and incapable of thinking panoptically. The world and its problems are not all black or white. It is no wonder you are so angry, you can't see out of the box you've built around yourself.

You will probably need to define panoptically. It's something I learned in school when dealing with Jeremy Bentham, but I doubt some others here know what it means. :lmao:
More lies and dishonesty from the reprehensible right.

The Republican plan is in fact bad for middle class Americans:

‘Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)…explained, accurately, that the Senate GOP tax plan isn’t intended to help the middle class; it’s written to benefit the richest Americans.
Brown’s argument was, at its core, substantive: non-partisan analyses of the Senate Republican tax plan make clear that it would disproportionately benefit the wealthiest Americans, and raise taxes on millions of middle-class families. That’s not some lazy “political play”; it’s an argument backed up by evidence.’

A senatorial clash that explains what's wrong with the tax fight
Why does a tax plan have to benefit anyone to be acceptable? The middle class wants new roads, healthcare etc.Just like everyone else. Why would they think they shouldn't pay for it but the rich should?

I've never got this part of the liberal mind set. We want all of this free government shit but don't want to be the ones to pay for it. How can that possibly work?

The middle class has been subsidizing corporate wages through the earned income credits for years. Corporations get tax breaks to bring jobs into states that every taxpayer in that state subsidized, the subsidies often meaning that the corporations come out dollars ahead.

The wealthy pay the lowest tax rates as a percentage of income of any taxpayers in the country and that rate is going lower.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

Top 40% paying ALL income taxes, and leaving a tip
No excuse

They have most of the wealth

There is no such thing as "the wealth." This is something you on the left have been brainwashed to believe. You have been taught by your puppet masters that we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much money. If somebody in our bubble has too much money, that's the reason others don't have enough.

It's a pure lie. I've never been denied a raise because the rich have too much money. I've never been denied a credit card or bank loan because they don't have the money to give me because of rich people. This is America, and in America, you can make as much money as you desire or as little as you desire, and it doesn't matter what others have.

It is you, Ray, who has no understanding of wealth, or equity, and how changes to the tax code have steadily siphoned off the net worth of working Americans in favour of corporations and the wealthy.
Typical lib. If I can't sleep because of the irresponsibilities of others, it's not their fault, it's mine because they kept me awake.

Well I am being a responsible driver. When somebody IS keeping me awake, I call the cops. The cops come out and tell them to cut it out because they have to follow our laws like anybody else. If you decide to take a job of a different shift, then that's on you. If you can't sleep during the day because of noise, then don't take a second or third shift job. Take a first shift job like most everybody else.

Yes, if I see kids out to 10:00 pm on a school night, I KNOW they have irresponsible parents that can care less about them. When we were kids, home before the street lights come on. Take your shower, get your homework done, and in bed to get ample sleep for school tomorrow.

When we were kids it was very rare to see LatchKeyKids basically raising themselves because their parents are working 3 jobs to make ends meet.

After WWII the economy opened up for the middle class Ray, since then the republicans have basically taxed the middle class to death to give the rich tax breaks..


I grew up in the early 80's and maybe it was because of where I lived, but parents might ask where or when you were leaving, but most of the time as long as they never got a visit from the cops, you were free to go do whatever. My house was where all the kids in the neighborhood came to, because my yard was perfect for playing "tennis ball" (basically baseball but with a tennis ball, football, or any other game we wanted to play. But we stayed out late playing flash light tag, and whatever else. Nowadays a kid can't go to the park by themselves without some fucking nosy person calling the cops to say someone is being a bad parent. And then you get people like Ray who has no clue what kind of grades a kid is getting in school, or anything else going on in their home life, who makes a statement that someone is a bad parent because their kid is playing basketball at 10 pm.


Yep, that's exactly what I think. Then when these kids fail school, you leftists cry we need to tax people more to pump money into the schools instead of blaming the parents. So the kids are running around all night, can't stay awake during school, can't get their homework done, end up doing poorly in school, and you say it's great they are out all night; now to solve the problem, give the schools even more tax dollars. Yeah, that will help. Hey! Maybe if you take enough tax money, those kids will be able to stay out until midnight every school night.

It is so sad that you are so ignorant and incapable of thinking panoptically. The world and its problems are not all black or white. It is no wonder you are so angry, you can't see out of the box you've built around yourself.

You will probably need to define panoptically. It's something I learned in school when dealing with Jeremy Bentham, but I doubt some others here know what it means. :lmao:

You mean some can't discern its meaning within the context of my post? Wow, that never occurred to me, thank you. I'll PM him and maybe he'll echo it, those on the right are very good at echoing each other; maybe the wealth of words in our language can spread to those who lack a dictionary and the curiosity to use one.
When we were kids it was very rare to see LatchKeyKids basically raising themselves because their parents are working 3 jobs to make ends meet.

After WWII the economy opened up for the middle class Ray, since then the republicans have basically taxed the middle class to death to give the rich tax breaks..


I grew up in the early 80's and maybe it was because of where I lived, but parents might ask where or when you were leaving, but most of the time as long as they never got a visit from the cops, you were free to go do whatever. My house was where all the kids in the neighborhood came to, because my yard was perfect for playing "tennis ball" (basically baseball but with a tennis ball, football, or any other game we wanted to play. But we stayed out late playing flash light tag, and whatever else. Nowadays a kid can't go to the park by themselves without some fucking nosy person calling the cops to say someone is being a bad parent. And then you get people like Ray who has no clue what kind of grades a kid is getting in school, or anything else going on in their home life, who makes a statement that someone is a bad parent because their kid is playing basketball at 10 pm.


Yep, that's exactly what I think. Then when these kids fail school, you leftists cry we need to tax people more to pump money into the schools instead of blaming the parents. So the kids are running around all night, can't stay awake during school, can't get their homework done, end up doing poorly in school, and you say it's great they are out all night; now to solve the problem, give the schools even more tax dollars. Yeah, that will help. Hey! Maybe if you take enough tax money, those kids will be able to stay out until midnight every school night.

It is so sad that you are so ignorant and incapable of thinking panoptically. The world and its problems are not all black or white. It is no wonder you are so angry, you can't see out of the box you've built around yourself.

You will probably need to define panoptically. It's something I learned in school when dealing with Jeremy Bentham, but I doubt some others here know what it means. :lmao:

You mean some can't discern its meaning within the context of my post? Wow, that never occurred to me, thank you. I'll PM him and maybe he'll echo it, those on the right are very good at echoing each other; maybe the wealth of words in our language can spread to those who lack a dictionary and the curiosity to use one.

Well it gets a little more difficult to understand when you get into the deeper concept.
Why does a tax plan have to benefit anyone to be acceptable? The middle class wants new roads, healthcare etc.Just like everyone else. Why would they think they shouldn't pay for it but the rich should?

I've never got this part of the liberal mind set. We want all of this free government shit but don't want to be the ones to pay for it. How can that possibly work?

The middle class has been subsidizing corporate wages through the earned income credits for years. Corporations get tax breaks to bring jobs into states that every taxpayer in that state subsidized, the subsidies often meaning that the corporations come out dollars ahead.

The wealthy pay the lowest tax rates as a percentage of income of any taxpayers in the country and that rate is going lower.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

Top 40% paying ALL income taxes, and leaving a tip
No excuse

They have most of the wealth

There is no such thing as "the wealth." This is something you on the left have been brainwashed to believe. You have been taught by your puppet masters that we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much money. If somebody in our bubble has too much money, that's the reason others don't have enough.

It's a pure lie. I've never been denied a raise because the rich have too much money. I've never been denied a credit card or bank loan because they don't have the money to give me because of rich people. This is America, and in America, you can make as much money as you desire or as little as you desire, and it doesn't matter what others have.

It is you, Ray, who has no understanding of wealth, or equity, and how changes to the tax code have steadily siphoned off the net worth of working Americans in favour of corporations and the wealthy.

Absolutely correct. If we tax the wealthy at 50%, the only effect it has on me is my company may lose some business because of the economical impact. But it doesn't change my life one iota if they tax the wealthy at 20% or 30%.

That's besides the fact the job producers seldom pay taxes. They simply increase the cost of their product or service to us in order to offset the loss. Either that or they cut benefits and salary increases for their employees.

It's the same way with environmental regulations. Think businesses pay that? I work for a transportation company and although a small family operation, we've been hit with hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses because of the environmentalists. My boss doesn't have that money. The only thing he can do is increase the cost of our services, and then we the consumers eventually pay for those hundreds of thousands of dollars when we buy the products our company delivers.

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