Clapper, Brennan To Testify Before House Weaponization Probe on Hunter Biden letter signed by 51 intelligence agents, including...Clapper & Brennan!

5. “Joe Biden’s presidential campaign prompted former acting CIA Director Mike Morell to “help Biden” by organizing 50 colleagues to sign a letter in October 2020 falsely claiming that damning emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop published by The Post were Russian disinformation
The link is to an opinion column in Rupert Murdoch's NY Post, and Cut n' Paste Xīn yán wants to just slip it in here like it's valid and factual. Sorry, but the Left on this website are not the mindless idiots that the Right on this website are. Your propaganda gets exposed every single time.

Nothing purported to be from Hunter Biden’s laptop can be trusted as factual simply because Republicans completely botched the chain of custody.
Yes, we all know crack heads banging hookers & strippers are the main source of tithing in the world.
Hunter is so pious I'm just surprised he didn't give any more to the church.

The real treason took place both before, during & after the election & had nothing to do with the Jan 6 Fedsurrection.
These corrupted & lying spies should be arrested for sedition
You just don't have any proof to prosecute..
6. Evidence in the laptop included the fact that Hunter gave 10% of every bribe to ‘the big guy.”

View attachment 783013

Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm

$Millions to the Bidens to alter US policy. If we were in an open war with the Chinese, this would be punishable as treason.

Who'd you vote for?
And Jared did it while working in the White House with needs to be made illegal to do such when working as a member of the federal govt.
1.After Biden was claimed to have won in 2020, a poll of Democrat voters found that 18% said that they would not have voted for the fraud if they had known that the Hunter Biden laptop was accurate, and proved that the Bidens sold out America to our enemies.

I haven't talked to one Democrat voter who told me that.

In 2020, we were more concerned with Covid, Riots, and recessions to care that Hunter might have had lunch with a Chinese somewhere.
I haven't talked to one Democrat voter who told me that.

In 2020, we were more concerned with Covid, Riots, and recessions to care that Hunter might have had lunch with a Chinese somewhere.
Democrats don’t care about Hunters laptop
Only the RW media
The link is to an opinion column in Rupert Murdoch's NY Post, and Cut n' Paste Xīn yán wants to just slip it in here like it's valid and factual. Sorry, but the Left on this website are not the mindless idiots that the Right on this website are. Your propaganda gets exposed every single time.

Nothing purported to be from Hunter Biden’s laptop can be trusted as factual simply because Republicans completely botched the chain of custody.

As usual, I will have no problem obliterating lying scum like you:

“On Oct. 14, 2020, a New York Post exclusive exposed Hunter Biden’s so-called “Laptop from Hell.” Abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop, its emails and other contents uncovered Joe Biden’s son’s international influence peddling and dodgy deals while his father was vice president.

Oct. 19: This communique, signed by Morell and 50 other former intelligence leaders, said: “ … the arrival on the U.S. political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” It added: “If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election … .” (Emphasis theirs.)

The regime media echoed loyally, as Politico’s headline typified: “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former officials say.”

The “Russian disinformation” label was a Big Lie. In a Feb. 1 letter, Hunter’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, conceded that “the Laptop from Hell” stored “hundreds of gigabytes of Mr. Biden’s personal data.” CBS News and The Washington Post also authenticated the laptop as Hunter’s.

Alas, Biden’s Big Lie, based on a letter filled with lies, convinced millions of voters that Trump was hallucinating or, even worse, helping Russia try to steal the White House.

The regime media used Morell-Blinken’s phony missive to justify their widespread non-coverage of the New York Post’s 10-megaton laptop revelations.

Twitter, Facebook, and other social media giants cited Morell-Blinken to censor online discussion of the laptop and squelch customers who shared this story. For 15 days, Twitter even padlocked the account of the New York Post, America’s oldest living newspaper, which Alexander Hamilton founded in 1801.” Biden Presidency Built Atop an Actual Big Lie

I wiped up the floor with you....not a particularly difficult task.... .....and, I'm certain I'm far from the only one to accomplish that feat. You probably lose arguments to garden tools. Time for you to accept facts, you're a fool and a liar, and move on....
I haven't talked to one Democrat voter who told me that.

In 2020, we were more concerned with Covid, Riots, and recessions to care that Hunter might have had lunch with a Chinese somewhere.

So I am correct that no person of any stripe, would stoop to speak to you?

When will you get the message?
Who can you trust when" former" CIA agents are shown to be shills for the corrupt Biden administration and FBI agents used a faked dossier to undermine the President of the United States?

Time for us to face the truth, that there are Americans, and then there are the sort that Arendt accurately describes as Eichmanns.....those with no moral compass, no values other than self advancement. We call them Democrats.
Time for us to face the truth, that there are Americans, and then there are the sort that Arendt accurately describes as Eichmanns.....those with no moral compass, no values other than self advancement. We call them Democrats.

Arendt argued that Eichmann, far from being a "monster," as the Israeli prosecutor insisted, was nothing more than a thoughtless bureaucrat, passionate only in his desire to please his superiors. Eichmann, the unthinking functionary capable of enormous evil, revealed the dark potential of modern bureaucratic man.
Until the Rs start investigating its just all a bunch of blah blah blah. Rs are spineless cowards.
There’s nothing to investigate here. No laws were broken. There’s no legislation that has anything to do with this matter.
“Ex-CIA chief spills on how he got spies to write false Hunter Biden laptop letter to ‘help Biden’” 23/04/20/biden-campaign-pushed-spies-to-write-false-hunter-laptop-letter/

1.After Biden was claimed to have won in 2020, a poll of Democrat voters found that 18% said that they would not have voted for the fraud if they had known that the Hunter Biden laptop was accurate, and proved that the Bidens sold out America to our enemies.

51 bureaucrats had signed a letter that Biden used in the debates to deny it.

We now know that the laptop was Biden’s and that he accepted $millions to alter American policy to aid our enemies.

2. In 1963, Hannah Arendt authored a book, ‘Eichmann In Jerusalem,’ the subtitle of which has been the spearhead in an understanding of evil: “the banality of evil.”

3. “Adolf Eichmann had been a leading official in Nazi Germany's SS, one of the key figures in the implementation of the Final Solution, and he had managed to remain in hiding in Argentina until Israeli agents captured him in 1960. In her critical account of his 1961 trial for crimes against the Jewish people and humanity, Arendt argued that Eichmann, far from being a "monster," as the Israeli prosecutor insisted, was nothing more than a thoughtless bureaucrat, passionate only in his desire to please his superiors. Eichmann, the unthinking functionary capable of enormous evil, revealed the dark potential of modern bureaucratic man.

This idea of evil was almost entirely new.

The novelist Leslie Epstein, writing in 1987, argued that "the outrage . . . that greeted Arendt's thesis when applied to Adolf Eichmann indicates the depth of our need to think of that bureaucrat as different from ourselves, to respond to him, indeed, as a typical character in Holocaust fiction--a beast, a pervert, a monster." Epstein's point is that modern bureaucratic man, unthinkingly going about his daily routine, whatever it is, is always a potential Eichmann.”
A Note on the Banality of Evil | Wilson Quarterly

4. Actually, the idea is not so distant from that of the Bible, comparing Democrat leadership with Satan, the Prince of Lies.
Welcome back!!!

They were all “just following orders”
There’s nothing to investigate here. No laws were broken. There’s no legislation that has anything to do with this matter.

What a good little Nazi we have here!

Should I say 'good bye,' or do you prefer your more traditional Sieg Heil????
Evidence in the laptop included the fact that Hunter gave 10% of every bribe to ‘the big guy.”
That’s a lie. Although it was mentioned in one deal, it couldnt have been a bribe since Biden was already out of office.

Saying it was a part of every deal is baseless.
What a good little Nazi we have here!

Should I say 'good bye,' or do you prefer your more traditional Sieg Heil????
You can’t debate me so you’ll just call me names.

Just say “I give up and run away”. It’s more honest than you’re usually capable of.
As usual, I will have no problem obliterating lying scum like you:

“On Oct. 14, 2020, a New York Post exclusive exposed Hunter Biden’s so-called “Laptop from Hell.” Abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop, its emails and other contents uncovered Joe Biden’s son’s international influence peddling and dodgy deals while his father was vice president.

Oct. 19: This communique, signed by Morell and 50 other former intelligence leaders, said: “ … the arrival on the U.S. political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” It added: “If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election … .” (Emphasis theirs.)

The regime media echoed loyally, as Politico’s headline typified: “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former officials say.”

The “Russian disinformation” label was a Big Lie. In a Feb. 1 letter, Hunter’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, conceded that “the Laptop from Hell” stored “hundreds of gigabytes of Mr. Biden’s personal data.” CBS News and The Washington Post also authenticated the laptop as Hunter’s.

Alas, Biden’s Big Lie, based on a letter filled with lies, convinced millions of voters that Trump was hallucinating or, even worse, helping Russia try to steal the White House.

The regime media used Morell-Blinken’s phony missive to justify their widespread non-coverage of the New York Post’s 10-megaton laptop revelations.

Twitter, Facebook, and other social media giants cited Morell-Blinken to censor online discussion of the laptop and squelch customers who shared this story. For 15 days, Twitter even padlocked the account of the New York Post, America’s oldest living newspaper, which Alexander Hamilton founded in 1801.” Biden Presidency Built Atop an Actual Big Lie

I wiped up the floor with you....not a particularly difficult task.... .....and, I'm certain I'm far from the only one to accomplish that feat. You probably lose arguments to garden tools. Time for you to accept facts, you're a fool and a liar, and move on....
Nice try

But nothing on the laptop that is prosecutable for Hunter and definitely the President

You lose again

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