Clapper: Obama ORDERED Us To Spy On Trump

POPCORN...Getchyr popcorn here...nobody wants to watch the rats eat each other without POPCORN...
Ohhhh...that would be the intel assessment that agrees with what was just reported out by the Republican Senate Intel Committee.

The one that found that the Russians hacked the 2016 election.

That one.

Barr and Durham just came back from Italy ,, that’s where George said he left thousands of dollars in a locker, given to him by a spy.. Let s see where that money came from.. hmmmmm
Obama should be in jail.

Clapper too

in fact all the past Administration should be in jail....

and that if they are lucky

what scum my God!
Can you imagine if Manafort gets released and Obama gets put in jail Omg the joy
Don’t forget broke ass Ukraine donated $10 million to Hillary Clinton in 2016 ... helloooooo something is up
Sounds pretty vague. Care to flesh that out?

No problem...all I have to do is replace the word "Obama" with "Trump" and you'll understand perfectly!

President TRUMP is going to order the FBI and CIA to spy on the democrat candidate for president in the 2020 election. He will wiretap their phones and sting operations to set them up for "collusion" with another country. Have that country make up a dissier full of lies which Trump will then use to use FISA spying tools against them as well as set up 4 different investigations which the media can run wild with.

Get the idea?
It only stands to reason that Obama would want to do anything to stop Donald Trump. He knew what would happen to his legacy with a Trump Presidency.
As did a boatload of co-conspirators who willfully, perhaps eagerly violated Trump's civil rights in the belief Shrillary would win and rather than prison they'd all get great jobs and big raises.

Then there was the matter of that "insurance policy."

No wonder they've been spinning so furiously.

Guess who said the following in a House Judiciary meeting on Dec 10, 1998? (hint: he was very, very fat)

The effect of impeachment is to overturn the popular will of the voters as expressed in a national election. We must not overturn an election and remove a president from office except to defend our very system of government or our constitutional liberties against a dire threat. And we must not do so without an overwhelming consensus of the American people and of their representatives in congress of the absolute necessity.

There must never be a narrowly voted impeachment or an impeachment substantially supported by one of our major political parties and largely opposed by the other. Such an impeachment would lack legitimacy, would produce divisiveness and bitterness in our politics for years to come. And will call into question the very legitimacy of our political institutions.

Transcript: Opening statement of Rep. Nadler - December 10, 1998
Who the fuck knew, in 2018, 2 officials in Ukraine
were charged with and found guilty off
influencing the 2016 elections in favor of Hillary Clinton
I sure wish someone would read the article. Clapper SAID in his actual statements that Obama wanted the Russian interference investigated, and that is what they were doing--NOT to spy on Trump, to spy on the Russians. If Trump's people hadn't been hanging around with a bunch of Russians, the intelligence boys would never have had anything to do with Trump or his campaign. Lay with dogs, catch fleas.

It's all a lie...4 investigations (including the 2 year Mueller investigation) PROVED it was all a lie.

The only russian interference were facebook ads that russia paid for & most of them were anti-Trump ads AFTER the election (organizing anti-Trump protests).

All 4 investigations proved THERE WAS NO TRUMP-RUSSIA COLLUSION.

That's why it's so important to investigate how it all got started...this is killing our country & all democrats want to do is up the ante.

I sure wish someone would read the article. Clapper SAID in his actual statements that Obama wanted the Russian interference investigated, and that is what they were doing--NOT to spy on Trump, to spy on the Russians. If Trump's people hadn't been hanging around with a bunch of Russians, the intelligence boys would never have had anything to do with Trump or his campaign. Lay with dogs, catch fleas.

It's all a lie...4 investigations (including the 2 year Mueller investigation) PROVED it was all a lie.

The only russian interference were facebook ads that russia paid for & most of them were anti-Trump ads AFTER the election (organizing anti-Trump protests).

Don Jr. met with a russian plant for 20 minutes who (it was proven later) came from fusion-GPS went straight to that meeting & then went straigh beack to fusion GPS...she was an FBI plant to make it look like the Trumps were colluding with russia. When she didn't have any dirt on hillary don Jr. walked out of the meeting.

Popadopolus was set up in the same way but the flew him to rome to do it in order to get around american law.

The list of those in on it was the FBI, CIA, (possible the US treasury TBD), the gov'ts of italy, austrailia, UK and ukraine (that's what we know for certain so far).

All 4 investigations proved THERE WAS NO TRUMP-RUSSIA COLLUSION.

That's why it's so important to investigate how it all got started...this is killing our country & all democrats want to do is up the ante.
I sure wish someone would read the article. Clapper SAID in his actual statements that Obama wanted the Russian interference investigated, and that is what they were doing--NOT to spy on Trump, to spy on the Russians. If Trump's people hadn't been hanging around with a bunch of Russians, the intelligence boys would never have had anything to do with Trump or his campaign. Lay with dogs, catch fleas.

It's all a lie...4 investigations (including the 2 year Mueller investigation) PROVED it was all a lie.

The only russian interference were facebook ads that russia paid for & most of them were anti-Trump ads AFTER the election (organizing anti-Trump protests).

Don Jr. met with a russian plant for 20 minutes who (it was proven later) came from fusion-GPS went straight to that meeting & then went straigh beack to fusion GPS...she was an FBI plant to make it look like the Trumps were colluding with russia. When she didn't have any dirt on hillary don Jr. walked out of the meeting.

Popadopolus was set up in the same way but the flew him to rome to do it in order to get around american law.

The list of those in on it was the FBI, CIA, (possible the US treasury TBD), the gov'ts of italy, austrailia, UK and ukraine (that's what we know for certain so far).

All 4 investigations proved THERE WAS NO TRUMP-RUSSIA COLLUSION.

That's why it's so important to investigate how it all got started...this is killing our country & all democrats want to do is up the ante.
That's why it's so important to investigate how it all got started...
We already know how it all got started. You've swallowed a bunch of nutty conspiracy theories; next you'll be telling me that Democrats are aliens from another galaxy.

The only russian interference were facebook ads that russia paid for & most of them were anti-Trump ads AFTER the election (organizing anti-Trump protests).
Have you forgotten the DNC hack and sale to Wikileaks?

The fact that Russia is doing its best to foment trouble amongst us should tell you that they are not our friend and that them being involved in our election would be very troubling to our CIA. If it had been another candidate--Bernie, say--they would have done the same thing. It was Trump because Trump's idiot campaign staffer Papadopulous TOLD them they were involved.

No one was trying to stop Trump from running, or winning! And he did win! This was all about protecting our country and there never would have been a Mueller investigation if Trump hadn't gone into a snit and fired Comey, who was investigating and actually said he had never investigated Trump.
Folks the Swamp, Deep state (ZOG) is quite substantial. I would not be surprised if Hussaine never has to testify as to his TREASONOUS actions where in the good old days treasonous POS douchebags would face the hangman or firing squad.
James Clapper on CNN tonight...

Former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper spoke with CNN’s Jim Sciutto on Monday, where he admitted that he and others are being investigated by Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Connecticut Attorney John Durham, for doing what former President Obama “told them to do.”

Sciutto said that the Attorney General is “traveling the world” and meeting with U.S. intelligence partners to investigate whether anyone participated in “Obama-led efforts to undermine President Trump” during the 2016 election.

James Clapper: 'It's Disconcerting To Be Investigated For Having Done Our Duty & What We Were Told To Do By The President'
Thunk, Clapper said they were investigating the RUSSIANS, not Trump. Because of certain contacts between the Russians and campaign officials in Trump's team, they were involved but how many times do you folks need to be told that yes, the intelligence community was investigating the RUSSIANS. Trump's team was tangential.

Lay down with dogs, you will get fleas. Of course, in his international business dealings, Trump no doubt knew plenty of Russians and Russian backed businesses, and he may have thought nothing of it. When the intelligence services realized, though, that the Russians were worming their way into the campaigns for the Presidency, they had a very different viewpoint.
when you live in a world where both sides are far too willing to twist any situation to their favor, this is what happens.

that said, what clapper has been quoted for *is* very "twistable".

“If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events, which are still unfolding today, notably, Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation,” he said.

fine. investigate the russians. but to investigate a political opponent as well? mueller spent 2 years looking into trump, not the russians. evidence we found so far is they put out facebook ads and i looked at a lot of those (and there were TONS) and 90% were non political, just getting extreme group a pissed at extreme group b and letting them take it from there.

look around - both sides are still extreme in nature and still fighting. just as they wanted, i suppose. but there are no laws against posting those ads and i still don't see how they impacted our election. between highly questionable FISA warrants to spy on US CITIZENS *not* RUSSIANS, was investigating Russia the overall goal, or hindering Trump.

in the actions since his election victory, they have been after him for anything and everything. i never see them go after the russians or even really care other than they need the narrative to stay alive. when mueller found nothing that was turned into WELL HE DIDN'T CLEAR HIM!!!!! just said nothing could be found, in 2 years.

at least with hillary we found the e-mails on a laptop used by a convicted sex offender. imagine if that were trump the uproar that would have caused. nothing from the left.

how can we go for equal justice under the law if we let social justice override our laws?

that's what we have to figure out today. put aside hate and emotion and are laws being broken, or are you looking for any port in a storm to satisfy hate? (not you - but everyone these days).

until we're honest and unbiased about what we find, it's all a stupid game tearing this country up.
Old have now crossed the line into being a stalker.

I swear if I started a thread titled "I FARTED" you would come in and argue that I didn't.

Nothing you just wrote was accurate, but I don't have all day to piss away arguing nonsense.
Folks the Swamp, Deep state (ZOG) is quite substantial. I would not be surprised if Hussaine never has to testify as to his TREASONOUS actions where in the good old days treasonous POS douchebags would face the hangman or firing squad.

I'm sad to say it...but you are correct :(
Yep he did. Of course investigating to get to the bottom of Russian interference in the 2016 could only be seem as an attack on Russia's partner (read: useful idiot) in the 2016 election, our Criminal President, King Trumpybear. (Don't mention his clothes)

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