Clearing Up The Mystery Why HIV/AIDS Epidemic Keeps Getting Worse

How effective do you think the CDC's ad campaign to ask gay guys to be honest with each other is?

  • Fine, it is a perfect solution. Gay guys will be honest with each other.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Somewhat OK but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A very poor choice. This subpopulation isn't going to suddenly curb its appetite to "get honest".

    Votes: 8 80.0%

  • Total voters
We were talking about this, idiot, which was on topic, remember?

Idiot! No one said round them up in camps for extermination. They are desirable to others who have HIV/AIDS to have sex with. It just warns un-infected potential sex partners to use caution.
Very good point. HIV positive guys are thrilled to find each other. It means their sex addiction can go on unfettered and guilt-free. Great suggestion. It's just the guys like my friend who had such little regard for human life, [their own and others via a suicidal/vendetta affect of untreated mental wounds from childhood molestation] wouldn't want to get that tattoo.
Heck, don't worry though. It's not like there's a pervasive epidemic of gay guys walking around with untreated mental wounds from childhood molestation...
..ooops...wait a minute.... :scared1:
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
We were talking about this, idiot, which was on topic, remember?

Idiot! No one said round them up in camps for extermination. They are desirable to others who have HIV/AIDS to have sex with. It just warns un-infected potential sex partners to use caution.
Very good point. HIV positive guys are thrilled to find each other. It means their sex addiction can go on unfettered and guilt-free. Great suggestion. It's just the guys like my friend who had such little regard for human life, [their own and others via a suicidal/vendetta affect of untreated mental wounds from childhood molestation] wouldn't want to get that tattoo.
Heck, don't worry though. It's not like there's a pervasive epidemic of gay guys walking around with untreated mental wounds from childhood molestation...
..ooops...wait a minute.... :scared1:
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
You either care about and get serious about boys getting HIV or you don't. I'll log "daws101" down in the "don't" category...
Mandate an HIV / AIDS bio-hazard tramp stamp on all infected victims to warn potential partners not to screw this asshole. :lol:

You know, you might be on to something. Tattooing people you consider undesirable

Idiot! No one said round them up in camps for extermination. They are desirable to others who have HIV/AIDS to have sex with. It just warns un-infected potential sex partners to use caution.

And when they asked the Jews to wear the Yellow Stars and the gays to wear the pink triangles, they weren't talking about rounding them up then, either.

Until they did.
And when they asked the Jews to wear the Yellow Stars and the gays to wear the pink triangles, they weren't talking about rounding them up then, either.

Until they did.
Do you believe that young boys should be taught to not stick anything in their eyes, ears, nose or anus? Why or why not? [That's the topic]
And when they asked the Jews to wear the Yellow Stars and the gays to wear the pink triangles, they weren't talking about rounding them up then, either.

Until they did.
Do you believe that young boys should be taught to not stick anything in their eyes, ears, nose or anus? Why or why not? [That's the topic]

Uh, no, the topic is, "Why is Sil so deranged at the thought people might actually be enjoying themselves?"

Look, bud, i grew up Catholic. There was nothing more ironic than getting the kind of brainwashing you are on about from a Priest or a Christian Brother who was Queer as a Square Donut and you knew you never wanted to be left in a room alone with.

People can usually figure out the sex thing without help from busybodies like you.
You hate gay people. No mystery to be solved.
Who hates "gay people" more.

1. A person trying to keep them from dying from AIDS by encouraging children to never stick anything in their eyes, ears, nose or anus ...or

2. A person who wants to keep from teaching that safety to children so that they underestimate the dangers of unprotected anal sex, do it unprotected if they're foolish, like most teenagers statistically do, and then die from it?
You hate gay people. No mystery to be solved.
Who hates "gay people" more.

1. A person trying to keep them from dying from AIDS by encouraging children to never stick anything in their eyes, ears, nose or anus ...or

2. A person who wants to keep from teaching that safety to children so that they underestimate the dangers of unprotected anal sex, do it unprotected if they're foolish, like most teenagers statistically do, and then die from it?

So teach them protection. I'm good with that.

What you want to teach them is that if they ever stick anything in the poopyhole, God will curse them or some such sh it.
So teach them protection. I'm good with that.

What you want to teach them is that if they ever stick anything in the poopyhole, God will curse them or some such sh it.

But I just got done telling you that teenagers don't use condoms no matter how much you teach them, scare them etc. In the heat of the moment they just don't do it. They're dumb reckless, hormone-poisoned kids. It's why we don't give them a driver's license either until they are of age. And why insurance companies charge the highest premiums to males under the age of 25. Because they're cocky dumbshits without any care for themselves or anyone else in the moment.

You're advocating erring on the side of making sure none of them are scared off to anal sex. I'm erring on the side of making sure none of them die. You teach them "nothing in the anus" in their young formative years and less of them die. What about that is hard for you to understand?

So I'll ask again, given those two stances, which one of us "hates gays" more? You or me?
So teach them protection. I'm good with that.

What you want to teach them is that if they ever stick anything in the poopyhole, God will curse them or some such sh it.

But I just got done telling you that teenagers don't use condoms no matter how much you teach them, scare them etc. In the heat of the moment they just don't do it. They're dumb reckless, hormone-poisoned kids. It's why we don't give them a driver's license either until they are of age. And why insurance companies charge the highest premiums to males under the age of 25. Because they're cocky dumbshits without any care for themselves or anyone else in the moment.

You're advocating erring on the side of making sure none of them are scared off to anal sex. I'm erring on the side of making sure none of them die. You teach them "nothing in the anus" in their young formative years and less of them die. What about that is hard for you to understand?

So I'll ask again, given those two stances, which one of us "hates gays" more? You or me?

So your argument here is that they won't use rubbers no matter how much you warn them, but they WILL be disuaded from letting other teens stick something in their poopy-holes if you brainwash them with enough homophobic propaganda.

Um. Nope. Probably they still have anal sex with chicks and just turn into raving homophobic assholes like you.
What mystery? The most at risk group are gay men and they simply shun condoms to the point libs are pushing a 14k a year medication called truvada.
So your argument here is that they won't use rubbers no matter how much you warn them, but they WILL be disuaded from letting other teens stick something in their poopy-holes if you brainwash them with enough homophobic propaganda.

Um. Nope. Probably they still have anal sex with chicks and just turn into raving homophobic assholes like you.

Telling a child not to stick something in his eyes isn't "homophobic". Telling a child not to stick something in his ears isn't "homophobic". Telling a child not to stick something in his nose isn't "homophobic". Telling a child to not stick something in his anus isn't "homophobic". It's injury, illness or death saving information. Information they must have.

You act as if gays can only have sex with each other anally? What the hell is wrong with you that you'd sentence teens to death before you'd teach them other ways of gay sex? That's what you're after right? To induct in the little ones minds that sex with the same gender is really cool, right?

Telling a child not to stick something in his eyes isn't "homophobic". Telling a child not to stick something in his ears isn't "homophobic". Telling a child not to stick something in his nose isn't "homophobic". Telling a child to not stick something in his anus isn't "homophobic". It's injury, illness or death saving information. Information they must have.

You act as if gays can only have sex with each other anally? What the hell is wrong with you that you'd sentence teens to death before you'd teach them other ways of gay sex? That's what you're after right? To induct in the little ones minds that sex with the same gender is really cool, right?

No, my goal is to demolish the stupidity of homophobes.

Homophobic arguments can be put down to two arguments-

1) My Magic Sky Fairy says it's bad.

2) I think it's icky when it's two dudes.

Neither of these are valid arguments. An frankly, you've spent the 17 pages here talking about anal sex, which is probably more thought than I've given the subject in 52 years.
Homophobic arguments can be put down to two arguments-

1) My Magic Sky Fairy says it's bad.

2) I think it's icky when it's two dudes.


But anal sex is bad. It kills more predicatbly than any other type of sex when unprotected especially. And kids always have unprotected sex. So, logically, the only thing that will save lives is to teach little kids never to stick anything in their eyes, ears, nose, mouth or anus. "Sex" never has to even be mentioned. So all the other forms of having sex are still open to exploring adolescents.

Why do you have a problem with saving lives?

But anal sex is bad. It kills more predicatbly than any other type of sex when unprotected especially. And kids always have unprotected sex. So, logically, the only thing that will save lives is to teach little kids never to stick anything in their eyes, ears, nose, mouth or anus. "Sex" never has to even be mentioned. So all the other forms of having sex are still open to exploring adolescents.

Why do you have a problem with saving lives?

Uh, because people have been having anal sex since ancient times, and frankly, if we want to talk about what kills people, alcohol, tobacco and firearms kill a lot more every year. So do car accidents. So do fatty foods.

But you want to go on and on about the butt sex... because you think it's icky.
You hate gay people. No mystery to be solved.
Who hates "gay people" more.

1. A person trying to keep them from dying from AIDS by encouraging children to never stick anything in their eyes, ears, nose or anus ...or

2. A person who wants to keep from teaching that safety to children so that they underestimate the dangers of unprotected anal sex, do it unprotected if they're foolish, like most teenagers statistically do, and then die from it?
We're talking about you so neither applies.
Given gay men proven they will shun condo usage, worse things than aids will come along and infect gays first if it's blood born. If you cared about gays you'd want this to change

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