Clearing Up The Mystery Why HIV/AIDS Epidemic Keeps Getting Worse

How effective do you think the CDC's ad campaign to ask gay guys to be honest with each other is?

  • Fine, it is a perfect solution. Gay guys will be honest with each other.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Somewhat OK but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A very poor choice. This subpopulation isn't going to suddenly curb its appetite to "get honest".

    Votes: 8 80.0%

  • Total voters
Actually, the Klansman tried to wrap up their hate in "good intentions", to. Why them colored would have no clue what to do on their own, and we are protecting white womanhood.

It was horseshit, of course, just like what you're peddling.

That's nice JoeB. But it's obvious all you're doing here is verbal gyrations around your priorities which are:

1. Making sure young boys are not dissuaded to anal sex.

2. Saving the lives of young boys.

In that order. Which of course is sort of the legal cousin to negligent homicide...

No, man. I only have one priority

Giving one of these to religious assholes. :fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

I'm sorry you j ust don't get that.
That's nice JoeB. But it's obvious all you're doing here is verbal gyrations around your priorities which are:

1. Making sure young boys are not dissuaded to anal sex.

2. Saving the lives of young boys.

In that order. Which of course is sort of the legal cousin to negligent homicide...

Well whatever your motivation, it still results in more deaths that were preventable, if people were to side with your argument and priorities..
Actually, the Klansman tried to wrap up their hate in "good intentions", to. Why them colored would have no clue what to do on their own, and we are protecting white womanhood.

It was horseshit, of course, just like what you're peddling.

That's nice JoeB. But it's obvious all you're doing here is verbal gyrations around your priorities which are:

1. Making sure young boys are not dissuaded to anal sex.

2. Saving the lives of young boys.

In that order. Which of course is sort of the legal cousin to negligent homicide...

No, man. I only have one priority

Giving one of these to religious assholes. :fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

I'm sorry you j ust don't get that.

Are you upset, Joe?

Joe, you don't have to teach kids about sex one way or the other at all in order to save their lives. You're OK with saving lives, right? I mean that's your first priority with boys ages 13-24, right? Secondary to that is if they feel comfortable doing gay sex, right? That's the order of your priorities, right?

Guy, I think people are generally smart enough to protect their own lives, and if they aren't- Darwinism in action.

I also don't think thumping a bible and propagandizing to kids is going to do anything but make you look like kind of a twit.

Seriously, 12 years of Catholic School, I could not get away from those stupid fucks fast enough. And I'm straight. I can imagine what kind of damage they'd have done otherwise.

Catholic school does not teach bible study. You are mistaken about that. I attended Catholic school too. Bible reading was not encouraged at all, Joe. Let's keep to the truth here. Thanks.

Catholic school does not teach bible study. You are mistaken about that. I attended Catholic school too. Bible reading was not encouraged at all, Joe. Let's keep to the truth here. Thanks.

Well, your half-right. No CHurch encourages "bible Reading'. they selectively pick the scriptures that don't make the Abrahamic Sky Pixie look like that much of a douchebag or crazy person. Which is hard, because the God of the Bible really is fucking nuts.

So, you are right, I didn't hear about Jephthah butchering his daughter or Elisha sending out bears to maul 42 children to death or God making David choose between plague, war and famine because David did a census that God ordered him to do.

If more people read the bible, we'd have more atheists.
Are you upset, Joe?

Only that I'm living in the 20th century where we h ave computers and space shuttles, and i'm still arguing with complete fucking morons who believe in Bronze Age Sky Pixies.

Thanks for asking.
Only that I'm living in the 20th century where we h ave computers and space shuttles, and i'm still arguing with complete fucking morons who believe in Bronze Age Sky Pixies.

Thanks for asking.
No, actually, what's happening is I'm nailing you on your twisted priorities. Again you would rather that....

1. Boys not learn anal sex is dangerous.

2. Boys won't die from AIDS.

In that order, and never to be reversed. Which again is negligent homicide. Me pointing that out makes you angry. And so you reacted. People engaged in deep personal denial and defensive reactions often do get angry when the truth is brought up to the light.

The bottom line is it's more important to talk about what will actually save boys lives ages 13-24 than it is to not risk making twisted minds lash out in angry defensiveness..
Only that I'm living in the 20th century where we h ave computers and space shuttles, and i'm still arguing with complete fucking morons who believe in Bronze Age Sky Pixies.

Thanks for asking.
No, actually, what's happening is I'm nailing you on your twisted priorities. Again you would rather that....

1. Boys not learn anal sex is dangerous.

2. Boys won't die from AIDS.

In that order, and never to be reversed. Which again is negligent homicide. Me pointing that out makes you angry. And so you reacted. People engaged in deep personal denial and defensive reactions often do get angry when the truth is brought up to the light.

The bottom line is it's more important to talk about what will actually save boys lives ages 13-24 than it is to not risk making twisted minds lash out in angry defensiveness..
none of the above is fact...
Fast Facts
  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. CDC - HIV Among Youth - Age - Risk - HIV AIDS
In spite of being educated to use condoms...teens didn't! Who could imagine such a thing?

I wonder if getting at them younger and teaching them fear of sticking ANYTHING in their eyes, ears, nose or anus would save lives?
Fast Facts
  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. CDC - HIV Among Youth - Age - Risk - HIV AIDS
In spite of being educated to use condoms...teens didn't! Who could imagine such a thing?

I wonder if getting at them younger and teaching them fear of sticking ANYTHING in their eyes, ears, nose or anus would save lives?
what was it like to grow up in a closet?
what was it like to grow up in a closet?
Don't know. But I can tell you what it was like to lose a friend to AIDS when he could've been saved with truth, education and therapy from his childhood wounds..
what was it like to grow up in a closet?
Don't know. But I can tell you what it was like to lose a friend to AIDS when he could've been saved with truth, education and therapy from his childhood wounds..
I can tell you about ten friends who died from complications from aids.he could have but wasn't and all your obsessive yammering will not bring him back.
your "crusade" has a whole lot more to do with you than saving lives.
I can tell you about ten friends who died from complications from aids.he could have but wasn't and all your obsessive yammering will not bring him back.
your "crusade" has a whole lot more to do with you than saving lives.
We aren't talking about bringing dead men back. We are talking about helping boys not become dead men. That should be obvious by now. For the mentally slow: this is about using the past to change the future.
I can tell you about ten friends who died from complications from aids.he could have but wasn't and all your obsessive yammering will not bring him back.
your "crusade" has a whole lot more to do with you than saving lives.
We aren't talking about bringing dead men back. We are talking about helping boys not become dead men. That should be obvious by now. For the mentally slow: this is about using the past to change the future.
those boys will in the end have to make their own choices.
your kind of help is no different then the kind of help the nazi's gave the jews
those boys will in the end have to make their own choices.
your kind of help is no different then the kind of help the nazi's gave the jews

Well there's no choice quite equal to an informed one...

I'm not the one advocating for those choices to be interfered with by not giving them the truth of the dangers of anal sex at the earliest of impressionable ages. You are. YOU are the nazi wishing to indoctrinate youth without giving them the full story. I'm willing to say that not a word should be spoken to them about sex early on. Only where we have statistical proof that shows where it is dangerous to make a habit of sticking things in the body [eyes, ears, nose, anus]. YOU are advocating that we withhold that information so they can "choose wisely" know...without all the pertinent information necessary...

those boys will in the end have to make their own choices.
your kind of help is no different then the kind of help the nazi's gave the jews

Well there's no choice quite equal to an informed one...

I'm not the one advocating for those choices to be interfered with by not giving them the truth of the dangers of anal sex at the earliest of impressionable ages. You are. YOU are the nazi wishing to indoctrinate youth without giving them the full story. I'm willing to say that not a word should be spoken to them about sex early on. Only where we have statistical proof that shows where it is dangerous to make a habit of sticking things in the body [eyes, ears, nose, anus]. YOU are advocating that we withhold that information so they can "choose wisely" know...without all the pertinent information necessary...

Are you upset, Joe?

Only that I'm living in the 20th century where we h ave computers and space shuttles, and i'm still arguing with complete fucking morons who believe in Bronze Age Sky Pixies.

Thanks for asking.
ah, joe that's the 21 century .

I was trying not to shock Jerry. She still thinks it's the 16th century.


It's not the 21st century until I've had my first cup of coffee.
Only that I'm living in the 20th century where we h ave computers and space shuttles, and i'm still arguing with complete fucking morons who believe in Bronze Age Sky Pixies.

Thanks for asking.
No, actually, what's happening is I'm nailing you on your twisted priorities. Again you would rather that....

1. Boys not learn anal sex is dangerous.

2. Boys won't die from AIDS.

In that order, and never to be reversed. Which again is negligent homicide. Me pointing that out makes you angry. And so you reacted. People engaged in deep personal denial and defensive reactions often do get angry when the truth is brought up to the light.

The bottom line is it's more important to talk about what will actually save boys lives ages 13-24 than it is to not risk making twisted minds lash out in angry defensiveness..

Well, frankly, we are losing more people to gun violence than AIDS, but the clowns on the right still think Crazy people should be able to buy semi-automatic weapons.

Anal sex isn't dangerous. No more than vaginal sex, anyway. If you use protection, you are probably fine.
Well, frankly, we are losing more people to gun violence than AIDS, but the clowns on the right still think Crazy people should be able to buy semi-automatic weapons.

Anal sex isn't dangerous. No more than vaginal sex, anyway. If you use protection, you are probably fine.

A strawman. And yes, anal sex is dangerous for adolescents because they statistically don't use condoms. It is extremely more dangerous than vaginal sex for HIV transmission. It is the #1 form of sexual transmission for HIV. And speaking of statistics, they are climbing, climbing, climbing every year for boys ages 13-24 coming down with HIV from anal gay sex.

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