Clearing Up The Mystery Why HIV/AIDS Epidemic Keeps Getting Worse

How effective do you think the CDC's ad campaign to ask gay guys to be honest with each other is?

  • Fine, it is a perfect solution. Gay guys will be honest with each other.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Somewhat OK but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A very poor choice. This subpopulation isn't going to suddenly curb its appetite to "get honest".

    Votes: 8 80.0%

  • Total voters
Okay, here's the thing. When kids figure out how the sex parts work, they try them out... no matter what you told them in kindergarten.
I have never considered my anus a "sex part". I took biology. I realize that it is for the elimination of wastes; wastes that are often dangerously laden with bacteria and viruses. It's use as an artificial vagina can be curbed by teaching kids to never stick anything in it. Besides HIV, hepatitis C, a dangerous disease that attacks the liver really loves to be transmitted via fecal material almost as much as it loves blood. BTW, the colon has this unique feature apart from the real vagina. It has the ability to resorb large particles like viruses through an interface that goes right back into the bloodstream.

We teach little kids nothing about sex and simply to not put anything in their eyes, ears, nose or anus. A child who fears sticking something in his anus may hurt or kill him is way less likely to grow up, unless he is suicidal, to stick anything there. You don't mind instilling that lifesaving sensibility into young children do you?

The artificial Vagina aka Anus an argument proves that homosexuals are actually closeted heterosexuals

Gays are all closet heterosexuals, terrified someone will find out and blow the lid off [the gay rights] movement. We are created to mate with someone of the opposite sex. Any other sexual practice is artificial and often harmful, and the confused folks with those desires need a reality check. It’s totally possible to leave it all in the past, as the world’s many ex-homosexuals have done.

The reality is, no one is a homosexual and everyone is a heterosexual. And those who have developed, fantasized and nurtured those “gay” feelings really don’t like reality. It makes them want to attack. Or it makes them start vicious organizations like GLAAD, to make the lies seem real and respectable.

Linda Harvey All Gays are Closeted Heterosexuals Gay News Towleroad
Joe - I didn't know you were a Fag - I knew you ate a lot of shit and talked a lot of shit --- but a fudge packer .... who would have guessed .

Naw, dude, I'm straight.

I just hate religious assholes with a passion, and this gay marriage thing is an AWESOME way to stick a thumb in their eye. At least until they all try to ret-con and claim they supported gay marriage all along, which I'm sure they will in 20 years.

You know, kind of like how they pretend now they weren't for racial discrimination when they were.

I wonder what percentage of the population knows how easy it is to catch HIV via anal sex? And I wonder what percentage of the population would rather have boys die of ignorance than just teach them to avoid sticking anything in their anus for any reason?

I notice your flippant attitude about death of 13-24 year olds rears its ugly and revealing head again.

Speaking of steak and meat.. OK. We get it. You think of boys as sex objects and could give a fig if they die so long as they don't create a shortage of fresh meat for your perversion banquet.. There I said it so you don't have to.

1) You can catch AIDS from vaginal sex. you can catch it from oral sex. You can catch it from sharing needles, having an infected person bleed on you, or getting a blood transfusion.

2) 24 year olds aren't children, and they make their own choices. More to the points, AIDS is treatable now.

3) You miss the "Steak" reference. for someone who finds anal sex so abhorent, you spend a LOT of time talking about it. It's really the only topic you seem to want to talk about here, is your obsession with gays. You seriously need help.
Joe - I didn't know you were a Fag - I knew you ate a lot of shit and talked a lot of shit --- but a fudge packer .... who would have guessed .

Naw, dude, I'm straight.

I just hate religious assholes with a passion, and this gay marriage thing is an AWESOME way to stick a thumb in their eye. At least until they all try to ret-con and claim they supported gay marriage all along, which I'm sure they will in 20 years.

You know, kind of like how they pretend now they weren't for racial discrimination when they were.

As I recall , I share many of your opinions re: Religion. But quite frankly the Christians are harmless and good people with a misguided agenda. Gay Marriage - I don't like the idea but I don't oppose it .

So you're guided by hatred is what you're saying - as I recall something about a nun when you were a kid and you wanted to split her head open. That's right - you're the dude who gets his jollies by beating up little old ladies - let me ask you did you have to do any time for busting up the Nun
Joe - I didn't know you were a Fag - I knew you ate a lot of shit and talked a lot of shit --- but a fudge packer .... who would have guessed .

Naw, dude, I'm straight.

I just hate religious assholes with a passion, and this gay marriage thing is an AWESOME way to stick a thumb in their eye. At least until they all try to ret-con and claim they supported gay marriage all along, which I'm sure they will in 20 years.

You know, kind of like how they pretend now they weren't for racial discrimination when they were.

That's right - she made a comment after you lost your mom that you didn't care for - I guess that would classify as Childhood Trauma. Let me ask you - after you busted open the little old ladies head did you have to do time , or just service the priest as penance.... that would further serve as an example of Childhood trauma , contributing to your current confused state of discombobulation that you presently are afflicted with . Get a grip dude , get over the hatred . The Catholic Church has done more to serve your cause than you know - look at all the little queers they've made .
Read the last post I just edited. The reason is that gay men are mentally ill. Mentally ill people are FAMOUS for not taking care of themselves or caring about the ANONYMOUS hundreds of gay sex parters they seek in their addictive attempts to self-medicate to make the pain of old wounds temporarily go away.
It could be Mental Illness. It could also be a Birth Defect.

But it's a Birth Defect that doesn't deserve to be discriminated against any more than people who are born with any other Genetic or Degenerative non sexual disease.

But you try to explain that to ANY Gay person and they just accuse you of Homophobia.
It's not a birth defect. A birth defect doesn't put other people at risk...if they did, it would not be DISCRIMINATION to take steps to protect your children from it.
You can catch AIDS from vaginal sex. you can catch it from oral sex

Risk of catching HIV via anal sodomy is 18 Times higher than catching it via normal heterosexual vaginal intercourse. A fact that the Gay mob tries to suppress.
Read the last post I just edited. The reason is that gay men are mentally ill. Mentally ill people are FAMOUS for not taking care of themselves or caring about the ANONYMOUS hundreds of gay sex parters they seek in their addictive attempts to self-medicate to make the pain of old wounds temporarily go away.
It could be Mental Illness. It could also be a Birth Defect.

But it's a Birth Defect that doesn't deserve to be discriminated against any more than people who are born with any other Genetic or Degenerative non sexual disease.

But you try to explain that to ANY Gay person and they just accuse you of Homophobia.
It's not a birth defect. A birth defect doesn't put other people at risk...if they did, it would not be DISCRIMINATION to take steps to protect your children from it.
bullshit genetic birth defects do....
Read the last post I just edited. The reason is that gay men are mentally ill. Mentally ill people are FAMOUS for not taking care of themselves or caring about the ANONYMOUS hundreds of gay sex parters they seek in their addictive attempts to self-medicate to make the pain of old wounds temporarily go away.
It could be Mental Illness. It could also be a Birth Defect.

But it's a Birth Defect that doesn't deserve to be discriminated against any more than people who are born with any other Genetic or Degenerative non sexual disease.

But you try to explain that to ANY Gay person and they just accuse you of Homophobia.
It's not a birth defect. A birth defect doesn't put other people at risk...if they did, it would not be DISCRIMINATION to take steps to protect your children from it.
bullshit genetic birth defects do....

Have you been hitting the crack pipe again..... DAWS - that's the second post from you that says absolutely nothing ...."bullshit genetic birth defects" ... whatcha trying to say little fella ---- spit it out ... ah say spit it out Boy !

1) You can catch AIDS from vaginal sex. you can catch it from oral sex. You can catch it from sharing needles, having an infected person bleed on you, or getting a blood transfusion.

2) 24 year olds aren't children, and they make their own choices. More to the points, AIDS is treatable now.

3) You miss the "Steak" reference. for someone who finds anal sex so abhorent, you spend a LOT of time talking about it. It's really the only topic you seem to want to talk about here, is your obsession with gays. You seriously need help.

Here, I'll have you quit arguing with me why we should teach kids to never stick anything in their anus. I'll let you argue with the CDC instead. Note the parts in bold for comparison:
Fast Facts
  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010.
  • Almost 60% of youth with HIV in the United States do not know they are infected. CDC - HIV Among Youth - Age - Risk - HIV AIDS
Remeber the relevent demographic and try not to jump around so much in your quest to make sure little boys never get afraid of being closeted heteros and using the anus as an artificial vagina.. A very deadly game of closeted sexual orientation if you ask me..
1) You can catch AIDS from vaginal sex. you can catch it from oral sex. You can catch it from sharing needles, having an infected person bleed on you, or getting a blood transfusion.

2) 24 year olds aren't children, and they make their own choices. More to the points, AIDS is treatable now.

3) You miss the "Steak" reference. for someone who finds anal sex so abhorent, you spend a LOT of time talking about it. It's really the only topic you seem to want to talk about here, is your obsession with gays. You seriously need help.

Here, I'll have you quit arguing with me why we should teach kids to never stick anything in their anus. I'll let you argue with the CDC instead. Note the parts in bold for comparison:
Fast Facts
  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010.
  • Almost 60% of youth with HIV in the United States do not know they are infected. CDC - HIV Among Youth - Age - Risk - HIV AIDS
Remeber the relevent demographic and try not to jump around so much in your quest to make sure little boys never get afraid of being closeted heteros and using the anus as an artificial vagina.. A very deadly game of closeted sexual orientation if you ask me..

The *couples* they are referring to are generally underaged boys and much older men.

Males having sex with males. They're quite generic about it, so they can gloss over the fact that homosexuals are preying upon, and infecting, young boys.

"We don't understand WHY!"
The mantra of the CDC. Like they're saying that people are getting infected by ebola because they aren't following PROTOCOL...while completely sidestepping the issue that the protocol they have advised is woefully inadequate to begin with.
Read the last post I just edited. The reason is that gay men are mentally ill. Mentally ill people are FAMOUS for not taking care of themselves or caring about the ANONYMOUS hundreds of gay sex parters they seek in their addictive attempts to self-medicate to make the pain of old wounds temporarily go away.
It could be Mental Illness. It could also be a Birth Defect.

But it's a Birth Defect that doesn't deserve to be discriminated against any more than people who are born with any other Genetic or Degenerative non sexual disease.

But you try to explain that to ANY Gay person and they just accuse you of Homophobia.
It's not a birth defect. A birth defect doesn't put other people at risk...if they did, it would not be DISCRIMINATION to take steps to protect your children from it.
bullshit genetic birth defects do....

Have you been hitting the crack pipe again..... DAWS - that's the second post from you that says absolutely nothing ...."bullshit genetic birth defects" ... whatcha trying to say little fella ---- spit it out ... ah say spit it out Boy !

your ignorance is not my problem...
that's twice you used that same nonsense today
1) You can catch AIDS from vaginal sex. you can catch it from oral sex. You can catch it from sharing needles, having an infected person bleed on you, or getting a blood transfusion.

2) 24 year olds aren't children, and they make their own choices. More to the points, AIDS is treatable now.

3) You miss the "Steak" reference. for someone who finds anal sex so abhorent, you spend a LOT of time talking about it. It's really the only topic you seem to want to talk about here, is your obsession with gays. You seriously need help.

Here, I'll have you quit arguing with me why we should teach kids to never stick anything in their anus. I'll let you argue with the CDC instead. Note the parts in bold for comparison:
Fast Facts
  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010.
  • Almost 60% of youth with HIV in the United States do not know they are infected. CDC - HIV Among Youth - Age - Risk - HIV AIDS
Remeber the relevent demographic and try not to jump around so much in your quest to make sure little boys never get afraid of being closeted heteros and using the anus as an artificial vagina.. A very deadly game of closeted sexual orientation if you ask me..

The *couples* they are referring to are generally underaged boys and much older men.

Males having sex with males. They're quite generic about it, so they can gloss over the fact that homosexuals are preying upon, and infecting, young boys.

"We don't understand WHY!"
The mantra of the CDC. Like they're saying that people are getting infected by ebola because they aren't following PROTOCOL...while completely sidestepping the issue that the protocol they have advised is woefully inadequate to begin with.
the award for the best false info and fear mongering goes to kosher hag!

As I recall , I share many of your opinions re: Religion. But quite frankly the Christians are harmless and good people with a misguided agenda. Gay Marriage - I don't like the idea but I don't oppose it .

So you're guided by hatred is what you're saying - as I recall something about a nun when you were a kid and you wanted to split her head open. That's right - you're the dude who gets his jollies by beating up little old ladies - let me ask you did you have to do any time for busting up the Nun

No, the bitch got off easy that I was in mourning when she said something stupid about how God had a good reason for my mother to suffer in extreme pain for a year.

You see, this is why I hate Christians. you are so involved with your worhsip of you Magic Sky Fairy you don't see anyone else.

So I truly WILL enjoy it when the government says you all have to bake cakes and give partner benefits to Gay employees.



That's right - she made a comment after you lost your mom that you didn't care for - I guess that would classify as Childhood Trauma. Let me ask you - after you busted open the little old ladies head did you have to do time , or just service the priest as penance.... that would further serve as an example of Childhood trauma , contributing to your current confused state of discombobulation that you presently are afflicted with . Get a grip dude , get over the hatred . The Catholic Church has done more to serve your cause than you know - look at all the little queers they've made .

Sorry, dude, this happened when I was an adult. I wish I had popped that old bitch, or at least let her hear a stream of obscentities.

The Catholic CHurch has been responsible for 2000 years of stupidity and ignorance. and, yeah, we knew most of the priests were queer.

That's another reason I'm for the gay marriage thing. They won't be able to recruit people like Sister Mary Butch. They'll actually have happy lives doing the carpet munching

Here, I'll have you quit arguing with me why we should teach kids to never stick anything in their anus. I'll let you argue with the CDC instead. Note the parts in bold for comparison:

Fast Facts..

Again- 24 years olds are not kids, and the aren't going to have the "Not Gays" when they get older because you used scare tactics when they were five.

Shit, kids I went to school with drank, smoked, fucked and did pretty much the oppossite of what Sister Mary Butch and her life partners told us to do.[
You can catch AIDS from vaginal sex. you can catch it from oral sex

Risk of catching HIV via anal sodomy is 18 Times higher than catching it via normal heterosexual vaginal intercourse. A fact that the Gay mob tries to suppress.

Then why are most of the AIDS cases in Africa heterosexual?

Not True

Joe - you've really stooped to new lows of Intellectual inadequacy - I thought at least you - of all the dumbass Liberals were on a higher level than that . Ya see - even I am wrong every now and then.......

The African heterosexual AIDS myth
Dude, you cannot post links to batshit crazy TownHall and then claim to have made an argument.

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AIDS and HIV prevalence 2009
No data
< 0.1%
0.1 - 0.5%
0.5 - 1%
1 - 5%
5 - 15%
15 - 50%

The estimated number of people living with HIV/AIDS by country as of 2008.

Disability-adjusted life year for HIV and AIDS per 100,000 inhabitants
no data

HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic.[1] As of 2012, approximately 35.3 million people are living with HIV globally.[2] Of these, approximately 17.2 million are men, 16.8 million are women and 3.4 million are less than 15 years old.[3] There were about 1.8 million deaths from AIDS in 2010, down from 2.2 million in 2005.[3]

Sub-Saharan Africa is the region most affected. In 2010, an estimated 68% (22.9 million) of all HIV cases and 66% of all deaths (1.2 million) occurred in this region.[4] This means that about 5% of the adult population in this area is infected.[5] Here, in contrast to other regions, women compose nearly 60% of cases.[4] South Africa has the largest population of people with HIV of any country in the world, at 5.9 million.[4]

Here, I'll have you quit arguing with me why we should teach kids to never stick anything in their anus. I'll let you argue with the CDC instead. Note the parts in bold for comparison:

Fast Facts..

Again- 24 years olds are not kids, and the aren't going to have the "Not Gays" when they get older because you used scare tactics when they were five.

Shit, kids I went to school with drank, smoked, fucked and did pretty much the oppossite of what Sister Mary Butch and her life partners told us to do.[

Stop deflecting Joe She Said 13 - 24 year olds . You effectively ignored the 13 , 14 , 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ..... year olds as if they were irrelevant.

Here, I'll have you quit arguing with me why we should teach kids to never stick anything in their anus. I'll let you argue with the CDC instead. Note the parts in bold for comparison:

Fast Facts..

Again- 24 years olds are not kids, and the aren't going to have the "Not Gays" when they get older because you used scare tactics when they were five.

Shit, kids I went to school with drank, smoked, fucked and did pretty much the oppossite of what Sister Mary Butch and her life partners told us to do.[

Stop deflecting Joe She Said 13 - 24 year olds . You effectively ignored the 13 , 14 , 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ..... year olds as if they were irrelevant.

Actually, anyone over 18 is irrelvent to her argument because they aren't kids at that point.

Now, how many of those "new cases" are 13-17 year olds. I'm guess- a really fucking small number.
They lump the 13 year olds in with the rest so nobody will notice that the homos are preying upon them.

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