Cleveland boy with fake pistol killed by police

I've met up with other hunters in the woods. With weapons drawn. We didn't kill each other. This was a 12 year old boy. He did not point his gun at the cops.. The cop saw the gun and killed him out of fear for his life. Yes he should have given the boy a chance to put the gun down.

Were the hunters pointing their guns at you? It's fortunate that no one was hurt. I mean that.

I've heard conflicting reports about the boy pointing his gun at police. I have heard that he reached for the gun in his waist, though. All in all it's an unfortunate event.
"I've heard"? What the fuck?

Why don't you watch the video instead of repeating "what you heard"?

What a fucking moron.
At what time mark on the video does the cop order him to show his hands?

If it had sound and if it was not in compressed time then maybe you would know.
Why do you keep stating that the video time is compressed?

Because that is what the Officer said at the beginning of the video.
You're beyond ignorant at this point.

He was talking about how they cut out all the dead air video of the kid just sitting on a bench for a few minutes, or walking around doing nothing.

They cut that out to show the actual events instead of presenting a 30 minute video with half of it irrelevant.
At what time mark on the video does the cop order him to show his hands?

If it had sound and if it was not in compressed time then maybe you would know.
Why do you keep stating that the video time is compressed?

Because that is what the Officer said at the beginning of the video.
You're beyond ignorant at this point.

He was talking about how they cut out all the dead air video of the kid just sitting on a bench for a few minutes, or walking around doing nothing.

They cut that out to show the actual events instead of presenting a 30 minute video with half of it irrelevant.

You are just assuming that.
They will not show the whole video while it is still under investigation.
OK, wingnuts - answer this:

The cops drive up fast, the cop gets out and shoots, supposedly because he reached for the gun in his waistband.

How did the cop know at that point whether the gun had an orange tip or not?
You are just assuming that.
They will not show the whole video while it is still under investigation.

Why would they release an edited video that makes the cop look like a murderer?

Use your brain.

Use your own brain.
You can not see the video very clearly. You have come to a conclusion without full evidence.
Cops do not murder for no good reason. Most of our Cops are good cops and they are not racist.
Yes there is some corruption in some areas in our Police presincts in America. All Cops are not corrupted like the left are trying to make it out to be.

Listen to Sheriff Clarke, he is telling it like it is. They are using a political agenda and many in this country is buying into it. Including you Synthaholic.
Sheriff Clarke Irresponsible Groups Descended on Ferguson MO Like Vultures on a Roadside Carcass - YouTube
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.

How? Because YOU think it is? What about when white kids go vandalize property and get shot by police before given a chance to surrender? Would you say that the parents who didn't know what they were doing are bad parents? The answer is no because you would feel "sympathy" for them because you could relate to them.

But because you can't relate to black people (or don't want to), you decide to find any reason to not sympathize with them and think they deserve it or they are horrible living creatures. Dehumanizing them so it's justified to hate them.

I have empathy for blacks, but at the same time I understand thier problems are of thier own doing. Liberals and blacks obsesse over white racism while wilfully ignoring and making excuses for the self-destructive behavior of black people.
You couldn't possibly have empathy for black people. Empathy means putting yourself in their shoes, and you don't do that; if you did, there is no way on Earth you'd write the things you do. Sympathy, also, you do not have. You are a racist, died in the wool. KKK type. Sick and sickening.

And, based on your posting, you are illiterate and probably uneducated. Statistics show that racists are generally unintelligent and uneducated, at least below average. Looks like you fit right into that category.

I wear your accusation of being a racist as a badge of honor. I know people like you like to call people racist so they can suppress the truth, but it won't work with me. In general I find you despicable. I have no problem with foreigners. They certainly have a right to discus issues that affect Americans on this board like everyone else, one would hope that while discussing these issues they conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner. You do not. You are incredibly arrogant. You act like you know more about what goes on here than people who actually live here. You also have a problem showing people who you disagree with basic respect. In short you are a stupid bitch. Go fuck yourself!
I am an American you moron. I was born and raised in the States and lived there longer than you have. My family has been American for hundreds of years. I have zero respect for racists, that means you. And I have no problem showing that lack of respect because you don't show it to the people you consider beneath you because of race.
OK, wingnuts - answer this:

The cops drive up fast, the cop gets out and shoots, supposedly because he reached for the gun in his waistband.

How did the cop know at that point whether the gun had an orange tip or not?

Umm the police dispatcher told the officers someone was pointing a gun at people in the park. There was no information relayed to the officers about a BB gun or toy gun.

The fact remains the video does not have any sound, so you can't tell if the officers told the child to put his hands up, like they said they did. I tend to believe them, because it's the only story that makes sense, unless you're a stupid liberal like you are, who believe cops love shooting black kids without any good reason.
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Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.

How? Because YOU think it is? What about when white kids go vandalize property and get shot by police before given a chance to surrender? Would you say that the parents who didn't know what they were doing are bad parents? The answer is no because you would feel "sympathy" for them because you could relate to them.

But because you can't relate to black people (or don't want to), you decide to find any reason to not sympathize with them and think they deserve it or they are horrible living creatures. Dehumanizing them so it's justified to hate them.

I have empathy for blacks, but at the same time I understand thier problems are of thier own doing. Liberals and blacks obsesse over white racism while wilfully ignoring and making excuses for the self-destructive behavior of black people.
You couldn't possibly have empathy for black people. Empathy means putting yourself in their shoes, and you don't do that; if you did, there is no way on Earth you'd write the things you do. Sympathy, also, you do not have. You are a racist, died in the wool. KKK type. Sick and sickening.

And, based on your posting, you are illiterate and probably uneducated. Statistics show that racists are generally unintelligent and uneducated, at least below average. Looks like you fit right into that category.

I wear your accusation of being a racist as a badge of honor. I know people like you like to call people racist so they can suppress the truth, but it won't work with me. In general I find you despicable. I have no problem with foreigners. They certainly have a right to discus issues that affect Americans on this board like everyone else, one would hope that while discussing these issues they conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner. You do not. You are incredibly arrogant. You act like you know more about what goes on here than people who actually live here. You also have a problem showing people who you disagree with basic respect. In short you are a stupid bitch. Go fuck yourself!
I am an American you moron. I was born and raised in the States and lived there longer than you have. My family has been American for hundreds of years. I have zero respect for racists, that means you. And I have no problem showing that lack of respect because you don't show it to the people you consider beneath you because of race.

It's not only me that you show a lack of respect to, it's anybody who dares to have a different view from you. Again, I'm proud to be called a racist by someone of your ilk. You are arrogant, ignorant and incredibly annoying. Go fuck yourself, stupid bitch.
You would trust the 911 caller's report of a child terrorizing a park with a gun to the point of killing a 12year old boy? Without even seeing him point the gun at anyone. You've convicted this boy already and you are just the strong arm of the law protecting everyone from this accused boy... as soon as you see the gun he's dead, that about cover it?

Should we not put any faith in 911 calls?

I've called 911 before, and the dispatcher relayed the information to the police. Should we not have been trusted, but doubted? People die when the dispatcher does not take seriously the caller, or when the police does not take seriously the dispatcher. They are professionals, and both lives and seconds matter.
I'm not gonna kill a 12 year old "pre-teen" boy with a replica bb gun based on that 911 call. When I see a hunter in the woods with a rifle I assume he's there to hunt game. When I see a young boy running around a park with something that looks like a gun, I assume he's there to play. No loud bangs? No "shots" fired? No one injured? He's not pointing it at me?

No. What happened is we have a cop with his gun out pointing it at the kid, safety off, finger on the trigger. Cop is screaming at the boy. Boy makes a wrong move and trigger happy cop puts two bullets into a child to "potentially" save his life. Instead of asking the kid if the gun is real the cop tells the boy to put his hands up. A twelve year old kid who is scared to death as two cops are running him down in a park pointing real guns at him about to kill him.
How do you know it is a replica?
Cause he's 12.
You would trust the 911 caller's report of a child terrorizing a park with a gun to the point of killing a 12year old boy? Without even seeing him point the gun at anyone. You've convicted this boy already and you are just the strong arm of the law protecting everyone from this accused boy... as soon as you see the gun he's dead, that about cover it?

Should we not put any faith in 911 calls?

I've called 911 before, and the dispatcher relayed the information to the police. Should we not have been trusted, but doubted? People die when the dispatcher does not take seriously the caller, or when the police does not take seriously the dispatcher. They are professionals, and both lives and seconds matter.
I'm not gonna kill a 12 year old "pre-teen" boy with a replica bb gun based on that 911 call. When I see a hunter in the woods with a rifle I assume he's there to hunt game. When I see a young boy running around a park with something that looks like a gun, I assume he's there to play. No loud bangs? No "shots" fired? No one injured? He's not pointing it at me?

No. What happened is we have a cop with his gun out pointing it at the kid, safety off, finger on the trigger. Cop is screaming at the boy. Boy makes a wrong move and trigger happy cop puts two bullets into a child to "potentially" save his life. Instead of asking the kid if the gun is real the cop tells the boy to put his hands up. A twelve year old kid who is scared to death as two cops are running him down in a park pointing real guns at him about to kill him.
How do you know it is a replica?
Cause he's 12.
That is stupid as shit.

Twelve year olds steal guns and commit crimes too.

Where is it stated they knew his age anyway?

The blame here lies solely with parents that did not teach their kid how to behave in public.

In my day, if I had been pointing a realistic gun at folks in public, a concerned citizen would have taken the gun, and taken off his belt, whipped my ass, called my dad, and I'd have gotten another ass whipping.

But, I knew my dad, I knew my neighbors, and I knew exactly what would happen if I had acted like that, so I didn't.
You would trust the 911 caller's report of a child terrorizing a park with a gun to the point of killing a 12year old boy? Without even seeing him point the gun at anyone. You've convicted this boy already and you are just the strong arm of the law protecting everyone from this accused boy... as soon as you see the gun he's dead, that about cover it?

Should we not put any faith in 911 calls?

I've called 911 before, and the dispatcher relayed the information to the police. Should we not have been trusted, but doubted? People die when the dispatcher does not take seriously the caller, or when the police does not take seriously the dispatcher. They are professionals, and both lives and seconds matter.
I'm not gonna kill a 12 year old "pre-teen" boy with a replica bb gun based on that 911 call. When I see a hunter in the woods with a rifle I assume he's there to hunt game. When I see a young boy running around a park with something that looks like a gun, I assume he's there to play. No loud bangs? No "shots" fired? No one injured? He's not pointing it at me?

No. What happened is we have a cop with his gun out pointing it at the kid, safety off, finger on the trigger. Cop is screaming at the boy. Boy makes a wrong move and trigger happy cop puts two bullets into a child to "potentially" save his life. Instead of asking the kid if the gun is real the cop tells the boy to put his hands up. A twelve year old kid who is scared to death as two cops are running him down in a park pointing real guns at him about to kill him.
How do you know it is a replica?
Cause he's 12.
That is stupid as shit.

Twelve year olds steal guns and commit crimes too.

Where is it stated they knew his age anyway?

The blame here lies solely with parents that did not teach their kid how to behave in public.

In my day, if I had been pointing a realistic gun at folks in public, a concerned citizen would have taken the gun, and taken off his belt, whipped my ass, called my dad, and I'd have gotten another ass whipping.

But, I knew my dad, I knew my neighbors, and I knew exactly what would happen if I had acted like that, so I didn't.
The kid was 12. The blame goes to the 911 caller and the cop that killed the 12 year old.
Doesn't matter how old the kid was. A group of juveniles beat a homeless man to death in that park not long ago. A kid with a gun is just as dangerous as any criminal. The way he was walking around pointing at people, someone else might have shot him if the police hadn't showed up first.
I guess being twelve absolves you of any wrongdoing.

Say, how old were those girls in that Slenderman case?

If they're younger than 12 they must be super innocent.
Guess 12-year-olds can feel like going into schools with gun replicas/unloaded guns and point them at people for funsies. I mean, they're twelve. No harm no foul, right?
The kid was 12. The blame goes to the 911 caller and the cop that killed the 12 year old. it's the 911 caller and cop's fault the kid was pointing a gun at people. Logical? No.
12 year old kid playing in a park with a toy gets killed. And your reasoning is that it's the child's fault for being shot to death by an adult with a real gun. The boy didn't hurt anyone.

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