Climate Alarmist Haters called out


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Once upon a time there was debate about whether there was such a thing as Global Warming.

Then there was debate as to whether it was a natural cycle or somehow influence by humankind.

But now it's degenerated into a hatefest and people are starting to notice:

Climate Alarmists Get Ugly - Forbes

The author, writing in Forbes Magazine, has put a finger on the reason for all the hate:

"There’s an obvious reason the climate change crowd is resorting to loaded hyperbole and ugly language — their popularity with the broader American public is waning. One recent poll found that only about a third of our fellow citizens think that global warming will ever seriously threaten their lifestyle."

If you doubt the above just watch the resident haters pounce on their having been called out. Shouldn't take more than about three, maybe four, minutes:
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AGWCult is not science, it's Climactic Fundamentalism.

Asking them for a lab experiment is insulting their Prophet and they respond like any other Jihadist
The Forbes article read like the unibomber manifesto. I suppose those who speak deniercult could understand it, but to normal people, it was just gibberish.

That's what the poor deniers have been reduced to, weirdass conspiracy theories and victimhood tantrums. They won't even try to talk about science any more, because they can't. Their devolution into a fringe religious cult is complete.

Frank, Henry, just remember one thing. You need to slip away into the jungle well before they bring out the koolaid vat.
Asking the AGW cult to prove their religion has been monumental.

Even asking for one link with datasets and source code that proves CO2 drives climate is the best way to prove that AGW is religion and not based on any real science.
The Forbes article read like the unibomber manifesto. I suppose those who speak deniercult could understand it, but to normal people, it was just gibberish.

That's what the poor deniers have been reduced to, weirdass conspiracy theories and victimhood tantrums. They won't even try to talk about science any more, because they can't. Their devolution into a fringe religious cult is complete.

Frank, Henry, just remember one thing. You need to slip away into the jungle well before they bring out the koolaid vat.
Looks like the Forbes article banged the nail square on the head! :rofl:
The Forbes article read like the unibomber manifesto.

I imagine you would be more than familiar with that mindset since you exhibit it yourself so well.

I suppose those who speak denier cult could understand it, but to normal people, it was just gibberish.

I love how the Marxists try and turn their own behavior around and project it on everyone else who doesn't agree with their positions. It is the behavior of the climate alarmists that is the very definition of cult like. You worship an idea and you can't possibly be wrong.

The world isn't buying your bullshit anymore. You're losing and that's why you're all becoming unhinged. You folks are just a comedy anymore that the rest of us point and laugh at. You're like the flat earthers.
Asking the AGW cult to prove their religion has been monumental.

Even asking for one link with datasets and source code that proves CO2 drives climate is the best way to prove that AGW is religion and not based on any real science.

How NASA Spells "altered Data": using elimination of outliers and homogeneity adjustment
Whine louder, deniers! Scream your victimhood to the heavens! That will prove you're not cultists!

The Forbes article read like the unibomber manifesto. I suppose those who speak deniercult could understand it, but to normal people, it was just gibberish.

That's what the poor deniers have been reduced to, weirdass conspiracy theories and victimhood tantrums. They won't even try to talk about science any more, because they can't. Their devolution into a fringe religious cult is complete.

Frank, Henry, just remember one thing. You need to slip away into the jungle well before they bring out the koolaid vat.

9 minutes, Henry.
The Forbes article read like the unibomber manifesto. I suppose those who speak deniercult could understand it, but to normal people, it was just gibberish.

That's what the poor deniers have been reduced to, weirdass conspiracy theories and victimhood tantrums. They won't even try to talk about science any more, because they can't. Their devolution into a fringe religious cult is complete.

Frank, Henry, just remember one thing. You need to slip away into the jungle well before they bring out the koolaid vat.

Most Americans don't give a fuck s0n.:D

Climate Change: Key Data Points from Pew Research | Pew Research Center

So lets see........who exactly are the cultists if global warming as a concern for Americans is #21 out of a total of 22 things Americans are concerned about??:badgrin::badgrin: A mega-majority of people would say, "only the hopelessly duped climate nutters have it in the top 5!!"
Kill all the Deniers for slandering the Prophet of AGW and calling us hateful and short-tempered!!
Anyone believing and promoting AGW obviously hates science.

They're all phonies. They know well the science is rigged. They constantly present it in fraudulent fashion. Its never been about the anything from the lefty radicals like Alinsky and they clearly state that using the environment as a wedge is a top of the foundations of the march to socialism. Anybody with an IQ above a small soap dish would see it if they were exposed to the writings of these fascist fucks.

And overwhelming number of scientists have stated that climate science ignores all standard deviations and statistical error = fAkE:D
This is bigger victimhood festival than a Freshman Womyn's Studies class at Antioch University. You know, where the girls would all share stories of how every male they ever met had victimized them.

There is one big difference. The girls would squeal and cry less.

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