Climate Models Miss Effects of Wind-Shattered Dust

I have no problem with using Nuclear as a baseline power source. Spendy, but dependable. Provided that it is heavily regulated concerning safe operating procedures. Three Mile Island was an example of what depending on corperate ethics creates.

The cost of nuclear, and the prior record of the criminal involvement in the building of the plants, WHOOPS, is what is preventing the building of them in the US, not environmental law.
do you realize that TMI was not the huge disaster you guys all claimed it was
but it sure was a useful tool to get other safe running plants shut down
No, it was not a huge disaster. But had it breached the containment, it would not have been a huge disaster, it would have been a huge catastrophe. There is much more on what the effects would have been in this article. And even though it was not a huge disaster, it was still a demonstration of hubris of the nuclear industry. There was no reason that it should have happened at all.

Three Mile Island - A Near Nuclear Environmental Disaster

At around four o'clock in the morning of March 28, 1979, Reactor 2 at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, close to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, had a serious problem. At that early morning hour its non-nuclear cooling system broke down and failed.

When the system failed cooling water began to drain from the reactor. As a result the reactor core experienced a partial melt down.

After that, one problem seemed to lead to another. A valve stuck and the operators made a number of errors. In addition there were design errors and faulty sensors.

All of these things contributed to the release of radiation into the air. However, it was about one thousandth the amount of radiation that was released during the explosion at Chernobyl.

Luckily the containment structure that surrounded the reactor held. If it didn't, approximately 18 billion curies of radiation could have been released into the atmosphere.

Some nuclear power advocates soon started to say that because the containment structure held it meant that there couldn't be any serious nuclear accidents in the United States. However, a lot of experts said that the only thing that prevented the accident from being any worse was due to one thing and one thing only. And that one thing was pure luck.

According to the experts the reactor core was extremely close to becoming hot enough to melt down completely. And the only reason that total melt down was prevented was that safety measures were implemented immediately

Read more: Three Mile Island - A Near Nuclear Environmental Disaster
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Climate Models Miss Effects of Wind-Shattered Dust
Clumps of dust in the desert shatter like glass on a kitchen floor. This similarity may mean the atmosphere carries more large dust particles than climate models assume.

Dust and other airborne particles’ effect in the atmosphere is “one of the most important problems we need to solve in order to provide better predictions of climate,” said climate scientist Jasper Kok of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. Other researchers suspect current models also neglect a large fraction of the climate-warming dust that clogs the skies after dust storms.

Most climate models use dust data from satellites that measure how many particles of different sizes are suspended in the atmosphere. These measurements reveal an abundance of tiny clay particles roughly 2 micrometers across (about one-third the width of a red blood cell), which can reflect sunlight back into space and cool the planet.

But satellites may be missing larger particles, called silts, which don’t hang around in the air as long. Silts up to 20 micrometers in diameter can act as a warm blanket to trap heat inside the Earth’s atmosphere.


Kok’s theory suggests that dust storms produce two to eight times more silt-sized particles than climatologists previously thought. Neglecting the boost in particles suggests that climate models, and even short-term weather models for dusty regions, are somewhat off. Until climate scientists better understand how dust changes over time, however, Kok said it’s tough to gauge the effects.​

Anyone pointing to the models as "proof" of AGW needs to realize how imperfect the models are...simply because what they're modeling is far more complex than we know. Maybe than we can know.
Stupid climate complexity. Why can't it just be simple like a screen saver?
Climate Models Miss Effects of Wind-Shattered Dust
Clumps of dust in the desert shatter like glass on a kitchen floor. This similarity may mean the atmosphere carries more large dust particles than climate models assume.

Dust and other airborne particles’ effect in the atmosphere is “one of the most important problems we need to solve in order to provide better predictions of climate,” said climate scientist Jasper Kok of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. Other researchers suspect current models also neglect a large fraction of the climate-warming dust that clogs the skies after dust storms.

Most climate models use dust data from satellites that measure how many particles of different sizes are suspended in the atmosphere. These measurements reveal an abundance of tiny clay particles roughly 2 micrometers across (about one-third the width of a red blood cell), which can reflect sunlight back into space and cool the planet.

But satellites may be missing larger particles, called silts, which don’t hang around in the air as long. Silts up to 20 micrometers in diameter can act as a warm blanket to trap heat inside the Earth’s atmosphere.


Kok’s theory suggests that dust storms produce two to eight times more silt-sized particles than climatologists previously thought. Neglecting the boost in particles suggests that climate models, and even short-term weather models for dusty regions, are somewhat off. Until climate scientists better understand how dust changes over time, however, Kok said it’s tough to gauge the effects.​

Anyone pointing to the models as "proof" of AGW needs to realize how imperfect the models are...simply because what they're modeling is far more complex than we know. Maybe than we can know.
Stupid climate complexity. Why can't it just be simple like a screen saver?
Most AGW cultists are.
Well, Dave, what you are saying is that the majority of earth scientists in the world are simple.
I have no problem with using Nuclear as a baseline power source. Spendy, but dependable. Provided that it is heavily regulated concerning safe operating procedures. Three Mile Island was an example of what depending on corperate ethics creates.

The cost of nuclear, and the prior record of the criminal involvement in the building of the plants, WHOOPS, is what is preventing the building of them in the US, not environmental law.

"...........corporate ethics"...............:lol::lol:

What a brainwashed asshole. Thinks government is the symbol of ethics in the world. Fails to understand the nescessary tradeoffs of regulation ( like all far left assholes):fu::boobies::laugh::bye1::funnyface::rofl::9::2up::fu:
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Well, Dave, what you are saying is that the majority of earth scientists in the world are simple.

Geez H Christ are such a political imbicile.

This dope really thinks these scientists are motivated by their passion for truth in science.:eek::eek::eek: Thinks ( like most far lefties) that the most important thing in the world is intelligence levels.

You fcukking moron............its not about smart vs. stupid, this science vs. that science...........its about have's vs have-nots you fcukking stupid pud. Always been that way..........the whole global warming shit has NADA to do with science. Its a race for power in the future..........have's vs have-nots. The "haves" have always battled for supremecy..........the ruling class. Its never going to change........especially when there are politically dumb assholes like Old Rocks who's got a schoolkid view of the world dynamic.

Its about a slice of the pie s0n..........the green efforts have nothing to do with saving the planet you dumb fcukk. Its about the selfish greedy people who are going to take advantage of the fcukking high level of naive out there and profit off of stupid 20th century "green" technologies that the hopelessly duped have bought into.

I know IM getting fcukked by big oil and "dirty" energy...........fcukkers fcukk me every day of my life. So what do I want. The supply to be increased 10 fold to fcukk them back. You cant get that when you got tens of millions of people duped by the "green religions" promises ( of shit). really need to wake up and smell the fcukking maple nut crunch/. You're being led around by the nose while the "haves" are laughing their asses off at you................asshole./
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