Climate Scientists are Laughing at You

Wrong. So-called "climate scientists" do it all the time. All their data is cherry picked.
Well, if you want to be associated with a 'so called "climate scientist''' who does PR for tobacco interests I can see why you'd have that opinion.
And yet you have not quantified what is "excess".. The earth has had naturally occurring levels of CO2 above 1,700ppm for over 75% of its life.

When do we say what we are seeing is excess? Prove that the entire current rise is not natural variation..

Yes it has been higher, and scientists have proven that those eras were not conducive to human life. Why would you want to return to them?

Sure, from the Trump administration dept of NASA.


Nasa literally uses the heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and its ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA.

Our space program wouldn't work if CO2 didn't trap heat. You literally have to buy the Flat Earth theory with this conspiracy theory. It's the only way it works, package deal.

You said "scientists have proven that those eras were not conducive to human life".

Why wouldn't it be? Humans are pretty adaptable. If the dinosaurs could live in an environment with 5 times the CO2 as we have currently, why couldn't humans not only survive, thrive.


Ok, you really don't understand the basics of how animals evolve, and the impacts of quickly changing climates on life on earth do you? I mean there's no way you could have even an elementary knowledge of that and try and say that.

I know that the animals around my area are exposed to temperatures from 30 below to 100 above zero. A small change in the average temperature will do what to them?


lets see. A lot of scientists much more educated on the subject than you or I have been studying the existing changes and past ones for decades. You are describing weather, not climate. The ice age that nearly wiped out humans and many animals and flora was a 4-6 degree climate change. Archaeologists, climatologists, geneticists, an other scientists working together have discovered earth may have been down to it's last 300 or so breeding pairs of humans at the time. Effects of that climate change have already been seen in changes in growing seasons, species ranges, and patterns of seasonal breeding. It's already caused animals to go extinct.

Most known species of animals have small ranges of climates where they live. And even if they are able to adapt, is their food source able to? Are their predators able to? Will their defense mechanisms still be viable in a new climate?

A grizzly bear might be able to live anywhere from Alaska down to Texas. But for the ones in Alaska, what happens to them as Salmon which have a very low temperature tolerance and already are struggling with the effects of climate change die out or change spawning grounds further north?

And maybe some things will adapt. Indigenous Alaskan tribes used to subsist mostly on seals. Well melting sea ice has made that much harder for them to catch and kill. But the longer warm seasons have caused alder and willow shrubs to grow faster and larger. And Moose and hare's have moved up into the Alaskan arctic and have replaced seals as their diet staples.

And the small things are are the big ones. Malaria is spreading to higher elevations as mosquitos are able to expand into now warmer climates, and longer mosquito seasons are keeping it around longer every year. Leishmaniasis was a tropical disease, which is now making it's way into Northern Texas.

Or the spread of species impacting crop growth. South America is struggling with Diamondback moths able to spread their range to new area's. In the US, Johnson grass is the one moving and impacting crops. Studies have found thousands of species moving north every year. Some as much as 12 miles a year.

We know climate changes, is it possible for humans to keep the temperature in an "agreeable" range to suit all these species?

These are the facts the followers of this religion will not hear

Produced by the Heartland Institute, a right wing libertarian think tank that worked with the tobacco company Phillip Morris to attempt to discredit the health risks of second hand smoke, a leading financial supporter of climate change denial, a supporter of charter schools and vouchers, an advocated for privatization of public schools, removal of federal and state healthcare regulations, supported litigation challenges of healthcare subsidies for low income families, an advocate for hydraulic fracking, and supporter for choice in immunization.:cuckoo:

Need I say more.
The Heartland Institute - Wikipedia
These are the facts the followers of this religion will not hear

Produced by the Heartland Institute, a right wing libertarian think tank that worked with the tobacco company Phillip Morris to attempt to discredit the health risks of second hand smoke, a leading financial supporter of climate change denial, a supporter of charter schools and vouchers, an advocated for privatization of public schools, removal of federal and state healthcare regulations, supported litigation challenges of healthcare subsidies for low income families, an advocate for hydraulic fracking, and supporter for choice in immunization.:cuckoo:

Need I say more.
The Heartland Institute - Wikipedia

There are no demonstrated health effects of second hand smoke.

Heartland Institute supports scientific fact, not the hoaxes of the AGW cult. We're talking about people who don't know how many sexes there are.

I'm glad they are around. thanks for alerting me so I can donate money to them.
Wrong. So-called "climate scientists" do it all the time. All their data is cherry picked.
Well, if you want to be associated with a 'so called "climate scientist''' who does PR for tobacco interests I can see why you'd have that opinion.
He simply testified to the facts: Secondhand smoke, although annoying, is not a health hazard.
Sorry, turd, but I'm not a creationist. I'm an atheist. I'm a firm believer in evolution.

How does that fit into your bigotry and prejudices?

Then I guess you're not Dr Roy Spencer. And, being a fellow atheist, do you not find the judgement of anyone that believes in Biblical creation suspect? Spencer holds that god created the Earth to serve humanity and thus it is not possible for us to be harming anything by using it however we wish.
Sorry, turd, but I'm not a creationist. I'm an atheist. I'm a firm believer in evolution.

How does that fit into your bigotry and prejudices?
They are confirmed in that your reading comprehension fits your knowledge of science.
That doesn't even make sense.
I'm happy to agree I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but you are too dumb to understand what you read or what you write.
Yes it has been higher, and scientists have proven that those eras were not conducive to human life. Why would you want to return to them?

Where did you get that bullshit? Prior to the onset of the ice age that the earth is presently exiting, we would have done just fine and CO2 levels were in excess of 1000ppm...take note...the present ice age BEGAN with CO2 levels in excess of 1000ppm...

Then you show a graph that only goes deeper into the ice age? You realize that cold water holds more CO2 than warm water right? As temperatures warm, oceans warm and ougass more CO2...there is considerable doubt in the scientific community as to whether we have any actual effect on the atmospheric CO2 levels...if you would like to see the published papers, I would be happy to provide them...

Nasa literally uses the heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and its ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA.

CO2 does not "trap" heat...CO2 absorbs and emits energy...if it "trapped" heat, then there would be an inevitable hot spot in the troposphere as climate science hot spot exists. In addition, the infrared heating industry has about a million hours of design, testing, and observation of commercial and residential systems that prove quite clearly that infrared energy does not warm the air...that is the whole point of infrared heating...the energy warms objects and no energy is wasted warming the air...

Our space program wouldn't work if CO2 didn't trap heat. You literally have to buy the Flat Earth theory with this conspiracy theory. It's the only way it works, package deal.

Show me some observed, measured evidence of CO2 "trapping" heat. Show me a single piece of observed, measured evidence which establishes a coherent relationship between the absorption of infrared radiation by a gas and warming in the atmosphere.

You have drank the are a believer. Maybe you aren't so far gone that when you go looking for observed, measured evidence to support the claims and can't find it that you will wake up from your dream.
Humans are adaptable, like all other life forms, when they've got hundreds of thousands of years with which to adapt.

What an idiot you are skid mark...Are you going to make the claim that we could' t have lived just fine in the world prior to the onset of the present ice age? Most of the life we see around us evolved during that period...mammals assumed ownership of the earth...our distant ancestors survived and thrived in a world where atmospheric CO2 was in excess of 1000ppm...

The ice age that began when CO2 levels were above 1000ppm was much more devastating to life than the warm climate ever was.
The intervening period between radical environment change and final adaptation is filled with misery. Do you not care what you children and your grand children and your great grand children will suffer? From all that you have posted here, it seems that you do not.

And exactly what sort of evidence do you have to support that bullshit? Any at all, or is it just more fake facts dragged out of your ass?
That would be "sheer" not shear, you ignorant asshole.

Oh look, the spelling police got a violation...any idea why professors have grad students go through their papers? Lots of spelling, punctuation, and grammar is corrected..n Does it make you feel good to catch a spelling error?
Ok, you really don't understand the basics of how animals evolve, and the impacts of quickly changing climates on life on earth do you? I mean there's no way you could have even an elementary knowledge of that and try and say that.

I think it is you who lacks understanding. Here, take a look at this gold standard ( according to climate science) temperature reconstruction... It shows very clearly that the present temperature is cooler than it has been for most of the past 10,000 core temperature reconstructions done in the antarctic show the same temperature patterns. How often does climate science tell us that the arctic regions are the canaries in the coal mine and whatever happens there will happen across the globe...if both arctic regions have been warmer than the present then the rest of the globe has also been warmer than the present. I am not sure where you get your information, but I would get a new are being fed a political agenda...not actual science.


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