Climate Scientists are Laughing at You

No, it won't.



You just never get any smarter do you? We post up a temperature reconstruction that is showing temperature and you post up a chart showing anomalies...with enormous error are comparing apples to landscape timbers...can you possibly get any more stupid?

Good enough to fool you and yours though...right?
Please keep this in mind—

Animals breath in oxygen (O2) and exhale Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Plants take in Carbon Dioxide and exhale oxygen

They both depend on the other

It’s carbon monoxide that’s the problem, not carbon dioxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is slightly less dense than air. It is toxic to animals that use hemoglobin as an oxygen carrier (both invertebrate and vertebrate) when encountered in concentrations above about 35 ppm, although it is also produced in normal animal metabolism in low quantities, and is thought to have some normal biological functions. In the atmosphere, it is spatially variable and short lived, having a role in the formation of ground-level ozone.

Carbon monoxide consists of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom, connected by a triple bond that consists of two covalent bonds as well as one dativecovalent bond.[5] It is the simplest oxocarbon and is isoelectronic with other triply-bonded diatomic molecules having ten valence electrons, including the cyanide anion, the nitrosonium cation and molecular nitrogen. In coordination complexes the carbon monoxide ligand is called carbonyl.
Carbon monoxide - Wikipedia

So add .75 of a degree and the present will still be cooler than most of the past 10,000 years.
Anyway, let's compare apples with apples.

In 2018, as of today (Feb. 26), "there have already been 61 hours above freezing at Cape Morris Jesup, Greenland," with the previous record — 16 hours — set in 2011, Rohde wrote on Twitter.

In 2018, there have already been 61 hours above freezing at Cape Morris Jesup, Greenland.

The previous record was 16 hours before the end of April in 2011.

— Robert Rohde (@rarohde) February 26, 2018

Freakishly Warm Weather in the Arctic Has Climate Scientists 'Stunned'

So now we are talking about weather and calling it climate? You pick one location and call that climate?



And I could go on and on showing decreasing temperatures...the fact remains that the present is cooler than most of the past 10,000 years.
and are you saying that you are so unfamiliar with the GISP2 and Vostok ice cores that you need a link? Really?
Link your fucking data.

Amazing that you are unfamiliar with GISP and Vostok...not much research huh...just gobbling up the pap that political operatives feed you?

look it up isn't as if ice core data were obscure info...may do you good to actually look something up for yourself...
Before you take SSDD's word on anything, you ought to examine some of the other contentions he has made here. In my opinion he is a complete troll. As to his comment that our ancestors evolved with CO2 over 1000 ppm, examine the following data. Homo Sapiens appeared 200,000 years ago.


The opinion of an CO2 is higher today than it has been back in the deeper ice age...what exactly do you find surprising about that...Cold oceans hold more CO2 than warm oceans...there is ample published work which calls our supposed major contribution to global CO2 into question...when you look at the actual information, our contribution to global CO2 is meaningless...

Termites produce twice the amount of CO2 as all of humanity with all of our machines...the ground itself emits 9 times more than we do...

CLIP: “A necessary condition for the theory of anthropogenic global warming isthat there should be a close correlation between annual fluctuations of atmospheric CO2 and the annual rate of anthropogenic CO2 emissions.Data on atmospheric CO2 and anthropogenic emissions provided by the Mauna Loa measuring station and the CDIAC in the period 1959-2011 were studied using detrended correlation analysis to determine whether, net of their common long term upward trends, the rate of change in atmospheric CO2 is responsive to the rate of anthropogenic emissions in a shorter time scale from year to year. … [R]esults do not indicate a measurable year to year effect of annual anthropogenicemissions on the annual rate of CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere.”



Before you take SSDD's word on anything, you ought to examine some of the other contentions he has made here.
He will deliberately lie with false data. Completely untrustworthy. That is why he doesn't link to source, in contradiction of the terms of this message board.
Before you take SSDD's word on anything, you ought to examine some of the other contentions he has made here.
He will deliberately lie with false data. Completely untrustworthy. That is why he doesn't link to source, in contradiction of the terms of this message board.

Says the king of logical fallacy....what are you...the skidmark's puppet....and do provide an example of false data provided by me....or apologize for telling such a deliberate lie....

Never mind...your sort lies unapologetically when it is clear that you have lost....
Amazing that you are unfamiliar with GISP and Vostok
Yeah right. How do you think I knew your unsourced graphic was complete bullshit? Well, other than that you had posted it.

You don' are just whining because it disproves your ridiculous must be the skidmark's behave exactly the same when someone calls you on your unsupportable claims...
Pretty heavy hitters in the climate science world, all right.

Jay H. Lehr

  • Ph.D., Ground Water Hydrology. University of Arizona (1962). [1]
  • Degree in Geological Engineering from Princeton University. [1]
Jay H. Lehr is a Senior Fellow and “Science Director” of the Heartland Institute. He is also a “motivational speaker” and prolific writer. He was editor of “Rational Readings of Environmental Concerns,” which labels environmentalists as “extremists” and “alarmists” among other things. He has testified before Congress numerous times on environmental issues.
Jay H. Lehr

Richard A. Keen


  • Ph.D., Geography/Climatology, University of Colorado. [1]
Richard A. Keen is instructor emeritus at the University of Colorado Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC). Some sources have also described him as a “climatologist,” and others as a “meteorologist.”

According to Keen, he has experience as a meteorologist in the army and has “done some climate modeling when I was younger and less wise.” He does not mention receiving any training as a climatologist.
Richard Keen

Stanley B. Goldenberg

  • M.S. Synoptic Meteorology, Florida State University (1980).
  • B.S. Meteorology, Florida State University, (1978).
  • A.A., Miami-Dade Community College (1972).
Stanley B. Goldenberg is a Meteorologist with the Hurricane Research Division/AOML/NOAA located in Miami, Florida. He is one of the lead authors of NOAA's Seasonal Hurricane Outlooks for the Atlantic basin.

Goldenberg received his M.S. in Meteorology under the guidance of fellow climate change skeptic Jim O'Brien.

Stanley Goldenberg has been associated with the Heartland Institute as an expert and a regular speaker at the Heartland Institute's International Conference on Climate Change.

Goldenberg is known for his views on arctic sea ice. While Goldenberg has conceded that “it is possible that a small fraction of the increase in hurricane activity might be associated with the gradual, long-term SST increase,” he is also on the record for claiming there is raw data showing an increase in Arctic sea ice depth and an expansion of its coverage. [9], [10]

Tom Harris

  • B. Eng. , M. Eng. (Mech., thermofluids and energy sciences). [1]
Tom Harris is the Executive Director of the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC), a group of climate change skeptics that has received funding from the Heartland Institute. Before starting work with ICSC, Harris was the Executive Director of the now-defunct Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP). [2], [3]

Prior to working with the NRSP, Harris was a Former Director of Operations at the Canadian PR and lobbying firm called the High Park Group (HPG). Previously, Harris was an Associate with APCO Worldwide, a group known for creating The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC) which worked to advance tobacco industry interests. [4], [48]

According to Harris's archived profile at APCO Worldwide, “Specifically, he has worked with oil and gas, coal, nuclear, environmental and aerospace clients for whom he has conducted effective media and public relations campaigns.” His profile also highlights how he has “worked with private companies and trade associations to successfully position these entities and their interests with media and before various government committees and regulatory bodies.” [68]

The Heartland Institute describes Harris as “perhaps the most frequently cited and interviewed critic of exaggeration and alarmism in the global warming debate, appearing thousands of times on online news forums and being regularly published in newspapers in Canada and the U.S. and occasionally in Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., and other countries.” [5]
Can't stand it when they debunk the bullshit huh?
and do provide an example of false data provided by me
Your unsourced graphic which gives the 'present' as AD 2000.

Is that the best you can do? Does it not list the year as 2000? Exactly how is that false data? And since the pause is still ongoing, the temperature for 2000 is still valid today...sorry to have to hand you your ass like that, but hey...that's how it goes when you make unsupportable claims.

Here is a link to the GISP2 ice core data...feel free to prove me wrong....puppet...
Pretty heavy hitters in the climate science world, all right.

Jay H. Lehr

  • Ph.D., Ground Water Hydrology. University of Arizona (1962). [1]
  • Degree in Geological Engineering from Princeton University. [1]
Jay H. Lehr is a Senior Fellow and “Science Director” of the Heartland Institute. He is also a “motivational speaker” and prolific writer. He was editor of “Rational Readings of Environmental Concerns,” which labels environmentalists as “extremists” and “alarmists” among other things. He has testified before Congress numerous times on environmental issues.
Jay H. Lehr

Richard A. Keen


  • Ph.D., Geography/Climatology, University of Colorado. [1]
Richard A. Keen is instructor emeritus at the University of Colorado Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC). Some sources have also described him as a “climatologist,” and others as a “meteorologist.”

According to Keen, he has experience as a meteorologist in the army and has “done some climate modeling when I was younger and less wise.” He does not mention receiving any training as a climatologist.
Richard Keen

Stanley B. Goldenberg

  • M.S. Synoptic Meteorology, Florida State University (1980).
  • B.S. Meteorology, Florida State University, (1978).
  • A.A., Miami-Dade Community College (1972).
Stanley B. Goldenberg is a Meteorologist with the Hurricane Research Division/AOML/NOAA located in Miami, Florida. He is one of the lead authors of NOAA's Seasonal Hurricane Outlooks for the Atlantic basin.

Goldenberg received his M.S. in Meteorology under the guidance of fellow climate change skeptic Jim O'Brien.

Stanley Goldenberg has been associated with the Heartland Institute as an expert and a regular speaker at the Heartland Institute's International Conference on Climate Change.

Goldenberg is known for his views on arctic sea ice. While Goldenberg has conceded that “it is possible that a small fraction of the increase in hurricane activity might be associated with the gradual, long-term SST increase,” he is also on the record for claiming there is raw data showing an increase in Arctic sea ice depth and an expansion of its coverage. [9], [10]

Tom Harris

  • B. Eng. , M. Eng. (Mech., thermofluids and energy sciences). [1]
Tom Harris is the Executive Director of the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC), a group of climate change skeptics that has received funding from the Heartland Institute. Before starting work with ICSC, Harris was the Executive Director of the now-defunct Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP). [2], [3]

Prior to working with the NRSP, Harris was a Former Director of Operations at the Canadian PR and lobbying firm called the High Park Group (HPG). Previously, Harris was an Associate with APCO Worldwide, a group known for creating The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC) which worked to advance tobacco industry interests. [4], [48]

According to Harris's archived profile at APCO Worldwide, “Specifically, he has worked with oil and gas, coal, nuclear, environmental and aerospace clients for whom he has conducted effective media and public relations campaigns.” His profile also highlights how he has “worked with private companies and trade associations to successfully position these entities and their interests with media and before various government committees and regulatory bodies.” [68]

The Heartland Institute describes Harris as “perhaps the most frequently cited and interviewed critic of exaggeration and alarmism in the global warming debate, appearing thousands of times on online news forums and being regularly published in newspapers in Canada and the U.S. and occasionally in Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., and other countries.” [5]
Can't stand it when they debunk the bullshit huh?

They do get their panties in a twist when you question their religion..don't they?
How many of that original panel are devout christians that believe in a literal bible, that the Earth is 6,000 years old and that god made the Earth to be our punching bag?
How many of that original panel are devout christians that believe in a literal bible, that the Earth is 6,000 years old and that god made the Earth to be our punching bag?

Logical fallacy all you have...just like your sock...whenTom Harris said that the present is cooler than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years, I didn't hear anyone speak up and say that the earth is only 6000 years old. And yet another in a very long, and growing list of unsupportable claims on your part...
How many times have you and yours used Roy Spencer as an impeccable reference? Fools.
Can't stand it when they debunk the bullshit huh?
Yeah, a tobacco interest lobbyist's debunking is particularly compelling. One knows he wouldn't do just any old thing for money.

Well, one knows he'd scam rubes for money. How does it feel?
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