Climate Scientists are Laughing at You

That would be "sheer" not shear, you ignorant asshole.

How about admitting that you aren't in a doctorate program? That would be a morally admirable thing to do.


Which is why instead of politicians and random trolls telling me what to believe, I'll go with the scientists, and that belief that man made climate change is real and threatens us is something they believe VERY strongly in based on their studies.

Tell me...did you go with the scientists when most of them believed that cholesterol caused heart disease...that stress caused ulcers, that salt caused high blood pressure, that the earth was expanding, that there were canals on mars, that light transmitted through the universe via aether, that phrenology was real, that the universe was static, that there were strong genetic differences between the races, that Neanderthals didn't exist alongside of humans, that earth might be the only place in the solar system where water exists, that complex organisms have more genes than simple organisms like an amoeba, that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, that black holes can't exist near young stars...and on and on and on...pick a scientific topic and you can bet that at one time, nearly 100% of scientists at some time were wrong on that topic....the fact that scientists "believe" it doesn't make it true.

Science is a present, we are barely beginning to scratch the surface regarding what drives the climate on earth, or anywhere else for that matter...future generations will find what we believe today regarding the climate just as backward and quaint as we find doctors during the 12th century carrying around pockets full of posies in an effort to stave off the bubonic plague...

Do feel free to prove me wrong though...I challenge you to provide a SINGLE piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability....lets see it....and when you can't find any such evidence, I hope that you wake up and figure out that the handwaving hysterics proclaiming imminent disaster are using a political agenda and not science.
I know that the animals around my area are exposed to temperatures from 30 below to 100 above zero. A small change in the average temperature will do what to them?


One any given day, the temperature range on earth is about 200 degrees...and they are wailing and gnashing their teeth over a fraction of a degree change in that average...that isn't science...that is religion.
Archaeologists, climatologists, geneticists, an other scientists working together have discovered earth may have been down to it's last 300 or so breeding pairs of humans at the time.

Any actual evidence to support that claim or is it just speculation....perhaps a story told to frighten people into getting on board the global warming express?

Effects of that climate change have already been seen in changes in growing seasons, species ranges, and patterns of seasonal breeding. It's already caused animals to go extinct.

You think maybe the growing seasons are a bit different now than they were during the little ice age, or during the medieval warm period or during the roman warm period, or during the holocene optimum, or the younger dryas? The climate changes and life adapts or dies... As you can see...the climate on earth is extremely always has been and probably always will be...we are along for the ride...we are not driving the climate..


Most known species of animals have small ranges of climates where they live. And even if they are able to adapt, is their food source able to? Are their predators able to? Will their defense mechanisms still be viable in a new climate?

Life evolves, adapts, or dies...99% of all the creatures that ever walked on the earth are now extinct. The first to go are those that have become so specialized that they can only live in very small and limited areas.

A grizzly bear might be able to live anywhere from Alaska down to Texas. But for the ones in Alaska, what happens to them as Salmon which have a very low temperature tolerance and already are struggling with the effects of climate change die out or change spawning grounds further north?

Present grizzly bears are a product of evolution...and they are still in the process...The ancestors of present day grizzly bears were walking about during the time before the present ice age....they survived the ice age, they survived the warmer climate since the holocene optimum and the cooling since...they have demonstrated that they are capable of adapting to wildly varying climate...

Your belief that somehow climate and life is static is somewhat misguided...both the climate and life is constant change.

And the small things are are the big ones. Malaria is spreading to higher elevations as mosquitos are able to expand into now warmer climates, and longer mosquito seasons are keeping it around longer every year. Leishmaniasis was a tropical disease, which is now making it's way into Northern Texas.

My first assignment in the military was at Elmendorf Air Force Base back in the 1960's...the mosquitoes were terrible there and north along the coast at the early warning sites...mosquitoes can live anywhere where liquid water exists...You seem to have a very narrow, and limited world view...expand and see how adaptable life is.
No. Climate scientists don't do that. You see that far more often from AGW deniers. The actual data doesn't support their argument so they're pretty much forced to lie to make an argument.

Alas you guys are the liars or you would be able to provide some observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability rather than telling lies that it exists when we all know that it doesn't.
Spencer holds that god created the Earth to serve humanity and thus it is not possible for us to be harming anything by using it however we wish.

Got anything more than your own faith to argue that Dr Spencer is wrong regarding the origin of the earth?
the energy warms objects and no energy is wasted warming the air
Apart from the greenhouse gas components of air.

Even the greenhouse components of the air....The actual data is there...refer to the infrared heating industry...The only greenhouse gas capable of actually holding heat is water vapor...the rest simply absorb and emit...and the fact remains that there is vast experimental evidence provided by the IR heating industry that demonstrates that IR does not and can not warm the air..
What an idiot you are skid mark...Are you going to.,.,.,.,.,.,

When you begin your post with “What an idiot you are skid mark.” You lost all credibility in the rest of your post.

As a friend, please leave off the slurs and just stick with the topic, this will ad credibility to your intellectual post.

Just a suggestion
note: I underlined part of your post
Here, take a look at this gold standard ( according to climate science) temperature reconstruction
No link, unreadable x axis.

You can't read that? Here, have another... And the data is from the GISP2 ice core...even climate scientists recognize it and vostok as the gold standards of temperature reconstructions


Here is one covering the same period from the antarctic

What an idiot you are skid mark...Are you going to.,.,.,.,.,.,

When you begin your post with “What an idiot you are skid mark.” You lost all credibility in the rest of your post.

As a friend, please leave off the slurs and just stick with the topic, this will ad credibility to your intellectual post.

Just a suggestion
note: I underlined part of your post

Really? And exactly what evidence can you present that challenges my comments? Or did you just not read as a result of a knee jerk reaction to an idiot being called an idiot...and idiot, by the way who is constantly making wild assed claims that he can't even begin to back up with anything like actual evidence.

When you have demonstrated that you warrant the respect necessary for your requests to be heeded, then perhaps we can talk...and credibility lies in the content of the comment, not in the delivery. So if you can provide some actual evidence that we couldn't have lived comfortably in the world prior to the ice age that the earth is presently climbing out of, the needle will make a jump on your credibility meter...and it really doesn't matter much to me how you deliver it...if you can provide actual evidence that proves me wrong, then you have credibility...if you can't, then you lose credibility.

How about we proceed on that basis?
You can't read that? Here, have another...
Again no link and again the last value is around 1855, not 2000, and again that is one location.
Oh well, SS.

So add .75 of a degree and the present will still be cooler than most of the past 10,000 years... and are you saying that you are so unfamiliar with the GISP2 and Vostok ice cores that you need a link? Really?
So add .75 of a degree and the present will still be cooler than most of the past 10,000 years.
Anyway, let's compare apples with apples.

In 2018, as of today (Feb. 26), "there have already been 61 hours above freezing at Cape Morris Jesup, Greenland," with the previous record — 16 hours — set in 2011, Rohde wrote on Twitter.

In 2018, there have already been 61 hours above freezing at Cape Morris Jesup, Greenland.

The previous record was 16 hours before the end of April in 2011.

— Robert Rohde (@rarohde) February 26, 2018

Freakishly Warm Weather in the Arctic Has Climate Scientists 'Stunned'
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What an idiot you are skid mark...Are you going to make the claim that we could' t have lived just fine in the world prior to the onset of the present ice age? Most of the life we see around us evolved during that period...mammals assumed ownership of the earth...our distant ancestors survived and thrived in a world where atmospheric CO2 was in excess of 1000ppm...

The ice age that began when CO2 levels were above 1000ppm was much more devastating to life than the warm climate ever was.

I have no objection to the content of your post, in fact it and other posts of yours are very informative. All I am saying is; if you leave off all the slanderous bull your content would hold a lot more water.

just a suggestion
no malice intended or implied
Before you take SSDD's word on anything, you ought to examine some of the other contentions he has made here. In my opinion he is a complete troll. As to his comment that our ancestors evolved with CO2 over 1000 ppm, examine the following data. Homo Sapiens appeared 200,000 years ago.

  • Thanks
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As to his comment that our ancestors evolved with CO2 over 1000 ppm, examine the following data. Homo Sapiens appeared 200,000 years ago.

Real science shows US 2017 CO2 emissions had steepest drop in the world

Comments Permalink Posted by Leslie Eastman Monday, July 16, 2018 at 5:00pm

A new analysis from the June 2018 BP Statistical Review of Global Energy has some intriguing details on the annual emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) in 201.

The global CO2 emissions from energy in 2017 grew by 1.6%, rebounding from the stagnant volumes during 2014-2016, and faster than the 10-year average of 1.3%. However, despite the dire predictions of extinction-causing climate change after President Donald Trump nixed the American participation in the Paris Climate Accord, the nation’s C02 emissions plunged.

One graph deserves another----

Real science shows US 2017 CO2 emissions had steepest drop in the world

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