Clinton Opens 23-Point Lead Among Women as Trump Struggles

I believe that women will rise to the challenge and pave the way for Hillary to the whitehouse.

Repub women are not gonna admit it to their husbands prior to entering the polling booth just to avoid the argument. But they too will vote Hillary in large numbers.

Clinton Opens 23-Point Lead Among Women as Trump Struggles
Yup, this is Girl Power.

When Feinstein and Boxer swept California back in the 1990's the same thing happened.

Girl Power will save us from Donald Duck Trump.

Hillary is not a girl. She is an old decrepit cankle lady. :D

Trump's comb over is older than hillary

Trump lost the battle of Conventions and the way he handled response to Democrats did long term damage to his campaign.

Trump is un-disciplined, self-destructive time bomb. You will see the results of that in EVERY POLL.

Then you double down on stupid and use another Wapo/ABC poll

Here is what their polling looked like in 2012:


Did your toilet paper do better perhaps?

Pay no attention to Sassy's predictions. She was so certain that Trump would not be the nominee that she said anyone thinking he would be had "bats in their belfry"...and now she's a full throated Trump supporter. It just don't get any better than that.

You could prove that....but we both know you can't. Now run along with your BS, hag

I can't prove you said that? You think not? Here is the link to exactly where you said, and I quote:

"What he said was wrong, the fact is he won't be the nominee, anyone that thought that has bats in their belfry"

So SassyIrishLass ... If people who thought Trump would be the GOP Nominee had "bats in their belfry"...what do people like you, who now support Trump, have in theirs?

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I believe that women will rise to the challenge and pave the way for Hillary to the whitehouse.

Repub women are not gonna admit it to their husbands prior to entering the polling booth just to avoid the argument. But they too will vote Hillary in large numbers.

Clinton Opens 23-Point Lead Among Women as Trump Struggles
So you believe Republican women will ditch their ideology in favor of supporting a gender? Isn't that a bit insulting?
Trump isn't pushing gop ideology, and his comments on the gold star mom and sexual harassment may have sealed the deal. He knows so much about deals, you know

Trump seems to be running his campaign like one of his reality tv shows
Trump is the white male Omarosa -- entertaining as hell but you wouldn't want her running your business.
I believe that women will rise to the challenge and pave the way for Hillary to the whitehouse.

Repub women are not gonna admit it to their husbands prior to entering the polling booth just to avoid the argument. But they too will vote Hillary in large numbers.

Clinton Opens 23-Point Lead Among Women as Trump Struggles
So you believe Republican women will ditch their ideology in favor of supporting a gender? Isn't that a bit insulting?
Trump isn't pushing gop ideology, and his comments on the gold star mom and sexual harassment may have sealed the deal. He knows so much about deals, you know

Trump seems to be running his campaign like one of his reality tv shows
Trump is the white male Omarosa -- entertaining as hell but you wouldn't want her running your business.

Her running "our" business puts bill back in the loop. A more than acceptable outcome where I'm concerned.
"Seventy-nine percent of Americans say he doesn’t show enough respect for people he disagrees with, 70 percent express anxiety about a Trump presidency, 67 percent think he lacks the personality and temperament it takes to serve effectively, 64 percent doubt his understanding of world affairs, 63 percent see him unfavorably overall, 62 percent say he's not honest and trustworthy, 61 percent think he's unqualified for office and 60 percent think he's biased against women and minorities."

Not good.

Hildabeast isn't any better....of course you failed to mention that.
Soon, that will be President Hildabeast to you.

Just the latest president who met their demise because patriots don't stand for tyrants
I believe that women will rise to the challenge and pave the way for Hillary to the whitehouse. Repub women are not gonna admit it to their husbands prior to entering the polling booth just to avoid the argument. But they too will vote Hillary in large numbers. Clinton Opens 23-Point Lead Among Women as Trump Struggles
So you believe Republican women will ditch their ideology in favor of supporting a gender? Isn't that a bit insulting?
Are they dumping their ideology or just dumping Trump? Remember, not everyone is as ideological as the average political board poster. Some will vote for Hillary just because Trump is an asshole.

The anybody but "trump vote" will go to Hillary for sure, and will include both men and women voters.
I believe that women will rise to the challenge and pave the way for Hillary to the whitehouse.

Repub women are not gonna admit it to their husbands prior to entering the polling booth just to avoid the argument. But they too will vote Hillary in large numbers.

Clinton Opens 23-Point Lead Among Women as Trump Struggles
Yup, this is Girl Power.

When Feinstein and Boxer swept California back in the 1990's the same thing happened.

Girl Power will save us from Donald Duck Trump.

Hillary is not a girl. She is an old decrepit cankle lady. :D

Trump's comb over is older than hillary

That still doesn't make Hillary a "girl." She is a decrepit old kook.

The loons: Either agree with us or we will smear you!!!!!!! LOL Bunch of losers

You don't have to agree with opinions, but when you deny simple facts like poll results it kinda becomes impossible to have any civil discussion.

All depends on the poll and a WAPO/ABC poll is dubious at best. So the "facts" may not be "facts" at all
One way to fake a poll. I am sure there are more.
1. Ask question. View attachment 84703
2. Answer totally different than question.
View attachment 84706

Online polls are totally worthless, that's a fact. A voter can vote as often as they want and of course if the online vote is on a ideological friendly website (one way or the other) effects the results greatly.
The concept of Hillary winning the female vote is a no brainer. Every poll shows she quite handily wins that specific demographic.

Yes, women will in fact pave the way for Hillary to the whitehouse. You can count on that.

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