Clinton/ Powell emails ..

the difference ...


Clinton sat before Congress and testified 9 times
she released 55 thousand emails
she underwent the scrutiny of the FBI
she underwent the scrutiny of The State Dep.


refused to return the phone call when asked about them
nothing else ever came of it.

Clinton .. Democrat
Powell .. Republican.

and the Right thinks Democrats are immune from transparency, and responsibility.

If found that Powell has also done the same thing Clinton did then he should be investigated and if any law was broken he should face the same as Clinton should...

Simple as that and the Political Party someone is part of should not matter when it come to the letter of the law, but I am not naive enough to believe everyone or anyone will think like me on this subject matter...

should have been but wasn't and there is no plan in the future to do so ... thanks for making my point.

I didn't make your point and all you are doing is excusing Clinton stupidity by trying to use Powell and Rice as the reason why Clinton should not be held accountable for her mistake.

You and those voting for Clinton like to act like children by telling others about how someone else did it so why can't she?

Well because two wrongs never make it right!

Also you have not stated when and if any rule changes happened between Powell and Clinton time at the State Department when it came to using private servers for emails.

You only look at as it should not be an issue for Clinton but if rules were put in place after Powell and Rice left that position and Clinton refused to follow those rules then yeah she was wrong.

Now if those rules were in place when Powell and Rice were at that position then they were also wrong for not obeying the rules and they should also be held accountable.

Now you and the Progressive left will not care about that part and will act like kids by telling everyone about how Powell and Rice did the same thing, but again were there any rules about using Private Servers when they were Secretary of State or was the rules added after they left or during Rice tenure and if they were added then no Rice and Powell are not at fault for what they did but Clinton is!

Now I made my damn point you fucking piece of shit!
Good luck on trying to tell everyone you didnt think about Powells or Rices emails all these years but NOW its really important.
You and those voting for Clinton like to act like children by telling others about how someone else did it so why can't she?

Well because two wrongs never make it right!

When did it become wrong?

Answer: When Clinton did it.

Good luck on explaining how this isnt a witch hunt!
Bust them
Condi, Powell, and Clinton.

Sentence them to 5 years for each occurrence.

Condi-10 occurrences- 50 years

Powell- 2 occurrences- 10 years

Clinton- 1400-2000 occurrences-

what about 43 and Cheney? 20 million of their emails were deleted by Rove ...

busting other politicians balls isnt the issue .... an even playing field is .... what was ignored then for Republicans is a criminal offense now for Democrats ..
apparently you're not familiar with the process ... your stupidity is showing.
LOL, Care to elaborate on the "process" or are you just going to proceed with your normal routine of making baseless pronouncements lacking anything resembling substance? After all you already kicked off this thread with completely false assertions which apparently even you realize are INDEFENSIBLE why ruin your perfect track record?

You and those voting for Clinton like to act like children by telling others about how someone else did it so why can't she?

Well because two wrongs never make it right!

When did it become wrong?

Answer: When Clinton did it.

Good luck on explaining how this isnt a witch hunt!

Are you that stupid!

I have stated a few fucking times if Powell and Rice broke any rules they should be held accountable for their actions, so what part of that did you not understand?

Oh that's right you are more upset that Clinton got caught and believe she should be excused for her stupidity because two other idiots did the same thing before her!

Nope that is not how it works and again show me when Powell was in office what the rules were about using a private server, and then show me the rules for Rice and then Show me the rules for Clinton and if the rules changed during those times then you can not go back and claim they were wrong for Clinton stupidity and arrogance!
Bust them
Condi, Powell, and Clinton.

Sentence them to 5 years for each occurrence.

Condi-10 occurrences- 50 years

Powell- 2 occurrences- 10 years

Clinton- 1400-2000 occurrences-

what about 43 and Cheney? 20 million of their emails were deleted by Rove ...

busting other politicians balls isnt the issue .... an even playing field is .... what was ignored then for Republicans is a criminal offense now for Democrats ..

what about 43 and Cheney? 20 million of their emails were deleted by Rove ...

Did they contain top secret information?
the difference ...


Clinton sat before Congress and testified 9 times
she released 55 thousand emails
she underwent the scrutiny of the FBI
she underwent the scrutiny of The State Dep.


refused to return the phone call when asked about them
nothing else ever came of it.

Clinton .. Democrat
Powell .. Republican.

and the Right thinks Democrats are immune from transparency, and responsibility.

If found that Powell has also done the same thing Clinton did then he should be investigated and if any law was broken he should face the same as Clinton should...

Simple as that and the Political Party someone is part of should not matter when it come to the letter of the law, but I am not naive enough to believe everyone or anyone will think like me on this subject matter...

should have been but wasn't and there is no plan in the future to do so ... thanks for making my point.

I didn't make your point and all you are doing is excusing Clinton stupidity by trying to use Powell and Rice as the reason why Clinton should not be held accountable for her mistake.

You and those voting for Clinton like to act like children by telling others about how someone else did it so why can't she?

Well because two wrongs never make it right!

Also you have not stated when and if any rule changes happened between Powell and Clinton time at the State Department when it came to using private servers for emails.

You only look at as it should not be an issue for Clinton but if rules were put in place after Powell and Rice left that position and Clinton refused to follow those rules then yeah she was wrong.

Now if those rules were in place when Powell and Rice were at that position then they were also wrong for not obeying the rules and they should also be held accountable.

Now you and the Progressive left will not care about that part and will act like kids by telling everyone about how Powell and Rice did the same thing, but again were there any rules about using Private Servers when they were Secretary of State or was the rules added after they left or during Rice tenure and if they were added then no Rice and Powell are not at fault for what they did but Clinton is!

Now I made my damn point you fucking piece of shit!

yes, you certainly made your point ... but everyone knew you were a partisan asshole already.
Then he should be investigated and if found he broke any law then him and Clinton should face the courts and if found guilty they should be punished for their mistake.

Simple as that and the same for Condi Rice...

Someone political party should not excuse them from being investigated...

That created precedence.
How does breaking the law create a "precedent" that excuses everybody else that breaks the same law? :rolleyes:
You and those voting for Clinton like to act like children by telling others about how someone else did it so why can't she?

Well because two wrongs never make it right!

When did it become wrong?

Answer: When Clinton did it.

Good luck on explaining how this isnt a witch hunt!

Are you that stupid!

I have stated a few fucking times if Powell and Rice broke any rules they should be held accountable for their actions, so what part of that did you not understand?

Oh that's right you are more upset that Clinton got caught and believe she should be excused for her stupidity because two other idiots did the same thing before her!

Nope that is not how it works and again show me when Powell was in office what the rules were about using a private server, and then show me the rules for Rice and then Show me the rules for Clinton and if the rules changed during those times then you can not go back and claim they were wrong for Clinton stupidity and arrogance!

I understand you perfectly. But what I said you still dont seem to understand.

You gave not one shit....hell no one gave not one single solitary fuck what the Sec of State was doing with their email.....Until Clinton.

Now how in the world will you present this argument? This is so important that we ignored the 8 years before Clinton?

This isnt a witch hunt its just that we just learned what emails are?

Clinton should be punished....oh yeah, and those other guys too ALL THESE YEARS Later?

Like I said, good luck
With all the scrutiny that Bush faced, if there was even a hint of reality to this argument then the left would have made a huge deal of it back then. It is just an excuse after the fact to protect their lying piece of shit that almost 1/2 of their own party can't stand.

Anyone who is still willing to support Clinton is a diehard asshat vote your party liberal with no fucking reality at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Then he should be investigated and if found he broke any law then him and Clinton should face the courts and if found guilty they should be punished for their mistake.

Simple as that and the same for Condi Rice...

Someone political party should not excuse them from being investigated...

That created precedence.
How does breaking the law create a "precedent" that excuses everybody else that breaks the same law? :rolleyes:

It wasnt a problem in the past, how could it be a problem only now, with this one person?
apparently you're not familiar with the process ... your stupidity is showing.
LOL, Care to elaborate on the "process" or are you just going to proceed with your normal routine of making baseless pronouncements lacking anything resembling substance? After all you already kicked off this thread with completely false assertions which apparently even you realize are INDEFENSIBLE why ruin your perfect track record?


sure I saw it explained on one occasion earlier and one last night ..

send email, make copy, file copy ... recieve email, copy email, file copy .... all email storage is kept on an 8x8 floppy disc ..... floppy disc in 2016?
The claims against Powell and Rice as I understand them is they were supposed to have had classified information on their private .gov e- mail accounts not that they set up and used a private e-mail server at their home. The Rice allegations were actually against one of her aides I believe as according to reports Rice did not use e-mail I have seen no evidence presented that Powell ever had classified Intel on his private account if someone wants to start investigations into Rice and Powell over this do so but understand it won't make what Hillary did any less wrong.
With all the scrutiny that Bush faced, if there was even a hint of reality to this argument then the left would have made a huge deal of it back then.

You're saying its not true because of dems didnt attack it?

Do you believe in Puppies?
Then he should be investigated and if found he broke any law then him and Clinton should face the courts and if found guilty they should be punished for their mistake.

Simple as that and the same for Condi Rice...

Someone political party should not excuse them from being investigated...

That created precedence.
How does breaking the law create a "precedent" that excuses everybody else that breaks the same law? :rolleyes:

It wasnt a problem in the past, how could it be a problem only now, with this one person?
When in the past has breaking the law not been a "problem"?

Instead of pursuing this moronic line of reasoning people with integrity that value equal justice should be interested in seeing justice done for EVERYBODY that broke the law....... of course when I say people with integrity that rules you and all the other mindless partisan drones out since you've never been interested in justice unless it serves your idiotic partisan ends.
Then he should be investigated and if found he broke any law then him and Clinton should face the courts and if found guilty they should be punished for their mistake.

Simple as that and the same for Condi Rice...

Someone political party should not excuse them from being investigated...

That created precedence.
How does breaking the law create a "precedent" that excuses everybody else that breaks the same law? :rolleyes:

It wasnt a problem in the past, how could it be a problem only now, with this one person?
When in the past has breaking the law not been a "problem"?

When you dont enforce the laws for all the prior offenses. It rings hollow, phoney.
Then he should be investigated and if found he broke any law then him and Clinton should face the courts and if found guilty they should be punished for their mistake.

Simple as that and the same for Condi Rice...

Someone political party should not excuse them from being investigated...

That created precedence.
How does breaking the law create a "precedent" that excuses everybody else that breaks the same law? :rolleyes:

you tell me

Never mind that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, has said he used a system similar to Clinton’s — and never mind that in 2007 Karl Rove deleted 22 million emails from a private server in the Bush White House — a matter about which the Beltway media said little and Republicans in Congress, like Rep. John Boehner, said nothing.

Here is a brief refresher on the White House email scandal:

Not long after George W. Bush assumed the presidency in 2001, Rove, his top political aide, set up a private email server for use in the White House. The stated purpose of the system — the primary domain name on which was — was that it would be used exclusively for the sort of political correspondence that Bush and Rove were not permitted to do on the taxpayer’s dime.

Seven years later, Bush and Rove were embroiled in two competing scandals — the Valerie Plame scandal, in which operatives for Vice Pres. Dick Cheney, including Rove and Scooter Libby, were accused of unmasking Valerie Plame, a CIA specialist in the black market for weapons of mass destruction, for purely partisan reasons, and the U.S. Attorney purge, in which Rove’s political operation in the White House was accused of ordering Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to purge eight U.S. attorneys who were qualified prosecutors and replace them with political hacks with little or no prosecutorial experience.

Rove escaped prosecution in the Libby case, but Libby was convicted (Bush quickly commuted the sentence) on March 6, 2007, at the same time Bush and Rove were under fire for purging the U.S. attorneys. During the investigation, it came to light that Rove’s server had been used to send official, non-political emails — correspondence that was required by law to be preserved under the Presidential Records Act.

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