Clinton/ Powell emails ..

Then he should be investigated and if found he broke any law then him and Clinton should face the courts and if found guilty they should be punished for their mistake.

Simple as that and the same for Condi Rice...

Someone political party should not excuse them from being investigated...

That created precedence.

Oh for fuck sakes

First of all, the situations are not identical, so the results shouldn't be expected to be either

Second of all, failure to prosecute one person does not you can't prosecute another.

If at any time Powell transmitted classified material through a non government email server, he should be charged with a crime.

Now, prove he did so or shut up.

PS - I do in fact believe that top level government employees should not be allowed to have ANY private email addresses, but that isn't the law, and ALL indications are that neither Powell nor Rice conducted any official business through their private email addresses, in stark contrast to Clinton who actually REFUSED to use government server based equipment when it was offered to her.

so stand your ground and writ to your Congressman demanding Powell be investigated along with 43 and Cheney ... you damn sure had a chance 9 years ago ... where were you then?

What the fuck are you talking , moron. There is ZERO evidence that Powell conducted government business on a private email server, so absent any evidence, what kind of dumb fuck would support an investigation?

Fucking idiot.

if you spent as much time educating yourself as you did cussing like a 7th grader you might have some credibility ..

here moron ..

Based on the department's responses and findings to date, additional potential classified material and/or highly sensitive information not intended for distribution may reside in the Department's unclassified paper and electronic archives associated with Secretaries Powell and Rice and their respective staff," a memo about the report said.
How does breaking the law create a "precedent" that excuses everybody else that breaks the same law? :rolleyes:

you tell me

Never mind that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, has said he used a system similar to Clinton’s — and never mind that in 2007 Karl Rove deleted 22 million emails from a private server in the Bush White House — a matter about which the Beltway media said little and Republicans in Congress, like Rep. John Boehner, said nothing.

Here is a brief refresher on the White House email scandal:

Not long after George W. Bush assumed the presidency in 2001, Rove, his top political aide, set up a private email server for use in the White House. The stated purpose of the system — the primary domain name on which was — was that it would be used exclusively for the sort of political correspondence that Bush and Rove were not permitted to do on the taxpayer’s dime.

Seven years later, Bush and Rove were embroiled in two competing scandals — the Valerie Plame scandal, in which operatives for Vice Pres. Dick Cheney, including Rove and Scooter Libby, were accused of unmasking Valerie Plame, a CIA specialist in the black market for weapons of mass destruction, for purely partisan reasons, and the U.S. Attorney purge, in which Rove’s political operation in the White House was accused of ordering Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to purge eight U.S. attorneys who were qualified prosecutors and replace them with political hacks with little or no prosecutorial experience.

Rove escaped prosecution in the Libby case, but Libby was convicted (Bush quickly commuted the sentence) on March 6, 2007, at the same time Bush and Rove were under fire for purging the U.S. attorneys. During the investigation, it came to light that Rove’s server had been used to send official, non-political emails — correspondence that was required by law to be preserved under the Presidential Records Act.

Any day now I'd love to watch the amount of discomfort they will have trying to defend one and not the other for doing the same thing. LOL

Ask them, why didnt you investigate them then? That'll be a fun one to watch.

Once again, I repeat. They Did NOT do the same thing. There are ZERO indications that either Powell or Rice conducted government business with their private email accounts.

Its hard to determine if they conducted govt biz with their private email accounts since they didnt turn over any emails. So yes, that is true.

That's correct.And innocent until proven guilty is the law of the land, if you want to continue a witch hunt, then by all means, but screaming that it is the same situation as Hillary where we KNOW she conducted government business on a private email server, well then you just look like one of the partisan idiots who refuses to look at facts.

It's like if you catch one guy speeding and you say well that other guy was speeding to, no I didn't seem him speeding, but I know he was , so don't give the guy we caught speeding a ticket. It's nonsensical.

The more accurate thing to say is that Powell MIGHTVE done the same thing but since he didnt turn over any information, who knows.
The "but everybody else is doing" excuse is lame, and in hiLIARy's case, not true.

NOBODY ELSE had a home brew personal email server.

not sure where you've been, but more than a few have already admitted to having personal servers and its been documented...

go back to sleep.

Having private email isn't a crime you fucking dope.

It should be for top level government employees IMO, but it isn't.
She should have kept her blackberry for personal and the provided gov't server for State Dept. information.

She tried to delete SAP and Secret documents from her server, but got caught.
you tell me

Never mind that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, has said he used a system similar to Clinton’s — and never mind that in 2007 Karl Rove deleted 22 million emails from a private server in the Bush White House — a matter about which the Beltway media said little and Republicans in Congress, like Rep. John Boehner, said nothing.

Here is a brief refresher on the White House email scandal:

Not long after George W. Bush assumed the presidency in 2001, Rove, his top political aide, set up a private email server for use in the White House. The stated purpose of the system — the primary domain name on which was — was that it would be used exclusively for the sort of political correspondence that Bush and Rove were not permitted to do on the taxpayer’s dime.

Seven years later, Bush and Rove were embroiled in two competing scandals — the Valerie Plame scandal, in which operatives for Vice Pres. Dick Cheney, including Rove and Scooter Libby, were accused of unmasking Valerie Plame, a CIA specialist in the black market for weapons of mass destruction, for purely partisan reasons, and the U.S. Attorney purge, in which Rove’s political operation in the White House was accused of ordering Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to purge eight U.S. attorneys who were qualified prosecutors and replace them with political hacks with little or no prosecutorial experience.

Rove escaped prosecution in the Libby case, but Libby was convicted (Bush quickly commuted the sentence) on March 6, 2007, at the same time Bush and Rove were under fire for purging the U.S. attorneys. During the investigation, it came to light that Rove’s server had been used to send official, non-political emails — correspondence that was required by law to be preserved under the Presidential Records Act.

Any day now I'd love to watch the amount of discomfort they will have trying to defend one and not the other for doing the same thing. LOL

Ask them, why didnt you investigate them then? That'll be a fun one to watch.

Once again, I repeat. They Did NOT do the same thing. There are ZERO indications that either Powell or Rice conducted government business with their private email accounts.

Its hard to determine if they conducted govt biz with their private email accounts since they didnt turn over any emails. So yes, that is true.

That's correct.And innocent until proven guilty is the law of the land, if you want to continue a witch hunt, then by all means, but screaming that it is the same situation as Hillary where we KNOW she conducted government business on a private email server, well then you just look like one of the partisan idiots who refuses to look at facts.

It's like if you catch one guy speeding and you say well that other guy was speeding to, no I didn't seem him speeding, but I know he was , so don't give the guy we caught speeding a ticket. It's nonsensical.

The more accurate thing to say is that Powell MIGHTVE done the same thing but since he didnt turn over any information, who knows.

That's just dumb bro. That's like saying "hey OJ killed someone, so we don't have any evidence that Closed Caption also murdered someone, but he MAY have, so let's investigate him , just in case"

That's not how our system works, and I for one am glad for it.
Any day now I'd love to watch the amount of discomfort they will have trying to defend one and not the other for doing the same thing. LOL

Ask them, why didnt you investigate them then? That'll be a fun one to watch.

Once again, I repeat. They Did NOT do the same thing. There are ZERO indications that either Powell or Rice conducted government business with their private email accounts.

Its hard to determine if they conducted govt biz with their private email accounts since they didnt turn over any emails. So yes, that is true.

That's correct.And innocent until proven guilty is the law of the land, if you want to continue a witch hunt, then by all means, but screaming that it is the same situation as Hillary where we KNOW she conducted government business on a private email server, well then you just look like one of the partisan idiots who refuses to look at facts.

It's like if you catch one guy speeding and you say well that other guy was speeding to, no I didn't seem him speeding, but I know he was , so don't give the guy we caught speeding a ticket. It's nonsensical.

The more accurate thing to say is that Powell MIGHTVE done the same thing but since he didnt turn over any information, who knows.

That's just dumb bro. That's like saying "hey OJ killed someone, so we don't have any evidence that Closed Caption also murdered someone, but he MAY have, so let's investigate him , just in case"

That's not how our system works, and I for one am glad for it.

whats dumb , the proof you had shoved down your throat showing you have no idea wtf you'r yammering about?
Then he should be investigated and if found he broke any law then him and Clinton should face the courts and if found guilty they should be punished for their mistake.

Simple as that and the same for Condi Rice...

Someone political party should not excuse them from being investigated...

That created precedence.

Oh for fuck sakes

First of all, the situations are not identical, so the results shouldn't be expected to be either

Second of all, failure to prosecute one person does not you can't prosecute another.

If at any time Powell transmitted classified material through a non government email server, he should be charged with a crime.

Now, prove he did so or shut up.

PS - I do in fact believe that top level government employees should not be allowed to have ANY private email addresses, but that isn't the law, and ALL indications are that neither Powell nor Rice conducted any official business through their private email addresses, in stark contrast to Clinton who actually REFUSED to use government server based equipment when it was offered to her.

so stand your ground and writ to your Congressman demanding Powell be investigated along with 43 and Cheney ... you damn sure had a chance 9 years ago ... where were you then?

What the fuck are you talking , moron. There is ZERO evidence that Powell conducted government business on a private email server, so absent any evidence, what kind of dumb fuck would support an investigation?

Fucking idiot.

if you spent as much time educating yourself as you did cussing like a 7th grader you might have some credibility ..

here moron ..

Based on the department's responses and findings to date, additional potential classified material and/or highly sensitive information not intended for distribution may reside in the Department's unclassified paper and electronic archives associated with Secretaries Powell and Rice and their respective staff," a memo about the report said.

LOL so go prosecute the people who sent those emails to Powell and Rice via unsecure email, that IS espionage.

And is why I say they shouldn't have private email. Too easy to make that mistake.

But , you have any evidence against Rice or Powell themselves?
the difference ...


Clinton sat before Congress and testified 9 times
she released 55 thousand emails
she underwent the scrutiny of the FBI
she underwent the scrutiny of The State Dep.


refused to return the phone call when asked about them
nothing else ever came of it.

Clinton .. Democrat
Powell .. Republican.

and the Right thinks Democrats are immune from transparency, and responsibility.
When you find the highest level of classified information on Powell's server after he deleted all the emails he didn't want anyone to see, let us know. Until then, we're going to focus on the one who wants to control all the important stuff.
That created precedence.

Oh for fuck sakes

First of all, the situations are not identical, so the results shouldn't be expected to be either

Second of all, failure to prosecute one person does not you can't prosecute another.

If at any time Powell transmitted classified material through a non government email server, he should be charged with a crime.

Now, prove he did so or shut up.

PS - I do in fact believe that top level government employees should not be allowed to have ANY private email addresses, but that isn't the law, and ALL indications are that neither Powell nor Rice conducted any official business through their private email addresses, in stark contrast to Clinton who actually REFUSED to use government server based equipment when it was offered to her.

so stand your ground and writ to your Congressman demanding Powell be investigated along with 43 and Cheney ... you damn sure had a chance 9 years ago ... where were you then?

What the fuck are you talking , moron. There is ZERO evidence that Powell conducted government business on a private email server, so absent any evidence, what kind of dumb fuck would support an investigation?

Fucking idiot.

if you spent as much time educating yourself as you did cussing like a 7th grader you might have some credibility ..

here moron ..

Based on the department's responses and findings to date, additional potential classified material and/or highly sensitive information not intended for distribution may reside in the Department's unclassified paper and electronic archives associated with Secretaries Powell and Rice and their respective staff," a memo about the report said.

LOL so go prosecute the people who sent those emails to Powell and Rice via unsecure email, that IS espionage.

And is why I say they shouldn't have private email. Too easy to make that mistake.

But , you have any evidence against Rice or Powell themselves?

Has any been requested? If they say "Kiss my ass" is that good enough?
the difference ...


Clinton sat before Congress and testified 9 times
she released 55 thousand emails
she underwent the scrutiny of the FBI
she underwent the scrutiny of The State Dep.


refused to return the phone call when asked about them
nothing else ever came of it.

Clinton .. Democrat
Powell .. Republican.

and the Right thinks Democrats are immune from transparency, and responsibility.
When you find the highest level of classified information on Powell's server after he deleted all the emails he didn't want anyone to see, let us know. Until then, we're going to focus on the one who wants to control all the important stuff.

letting you know

tell unfairand offbalanced too
the difference ...


Clinton sat before Congress and testified 9 times
she released 55 thousand emails
she underwent the scrutiny of the FBI
she underwent the scrutiny of The State Dep.


refused to return the phone call when asked about them
nothing else ever came of it.

Clinton .. Democrat
Powell .. Republican.

and the Right thinks Democrats are immune from transparency, and responsibility.
When you find the highest level of classified information on Powell's server after he deleted all the emails he didn't want anyone to see, let us know. Until then, we're going to focus on the one who wants to control all the important stuff.

letting you know

tell unfairand offbalanced too

Let me repeat , for the stupid.

The memo YOU posted a link to shows that Powell and member's of Rice's staff received classified material on their private email accounts. That is NOT illegal. Otherwise, someone with access to classified material could simply send classified material to their enemies email and say "ahaha you broke the law by receiving classified material.

Now the folks who SENT those emails, they got some explaining to do.
the difference ...


Clinton sat before Congress and testified 9 times
she released 55 thousand emails
she underwent the scrutiny of the FBI
she underwent the scrutiny of The State Dep.


refused to return the phone call when asked about them
nothing else ever came of it.

Clinton .. Democrat
Powell .. Republican.

and the Right thinks Democrats are immune from transparency, and responsibility.
When you find the highest level of classified information on Powell's server after he deleted all the emails he didn't want anyone to see, let us know. Until then, we're going to focus on the one who wants to control all the important stuff.

letting you know

tell unfairand offbalanced too
You are aware, aren't you, that "could be potentially classified" is not the same as so highly classified that they could never be released in any form?
the difference ...


Clinton sat before Congress and testified 9 times
she released 55 thousand emails
she underwent the scrutiny of the FBI
she underwent the scrutiny of The State Dep.


refused to return the phone call when asked about them
nothing else ever came of it.

Clinton .. Democrat
Powell .. Republican.

and the Right thinks Democrats are immune from transparency, and responsibility.
When you find the highest level of classified information on Powell's server after he deleted all the emails he didn't want anyone to see, let us know. Until then, we're going to focus on the one who wants to control all the important stuff.

letting you know

tell unfairand offbalanced too

Let me repeat , for the stupid.

The memo YOU posted a link to shows that Powell and member's of Rice's staff received classified material on their private email accounts. That is NOT illegal. Otherwise, someone with access to classified material could simply send classified material to their enemies email and say "ahaha you broke the law by receiving classified material.

Now the folks who SENT those emails, they got some explaining to do.

the same memo included Clintons name too ... and she wasn't illegal either, right?
the difference ...


Clinton sat before Congress and testified 9 times
she released 55 thousand emails
she underwent the scrutiny of the FBI
she underwent the scrutiny of The State Dep.


refused to return the phone call when asked about them
nothing else ever came of it.

Clinton .. Democrat
Powell .. Republican.

and the Right thinks Democrats are immune from transparency, and responsibility.

If found that Powell has also done the same thing Clinton did then he should be investigated and if any law was broken he should face the same as Clinton should...

Simple as that and the Political Party someone is part of should not matter when it come to the letter of the law, but I am not naive enough to believe everyone or anyone will think like me on this subject matter...
He did do the same thing.
Yep......according to Hillary.
He did do the same thing.

So that means everyone who does it forever is good to go?
I think you are missing the point. Why is one Secretary of State being investigated for the same behavior of another? It seems unfair.
Simple. They didn't do the same thing. The only source that there was any similarity is from Clinton supporters. Anyone who looks at the facts objectively can spot the obvious differences, beginning with the fact that he never set up a private server and Hillary did.

End of story.
the difference ...


Clinton sat before Congress and testified 9 times
she released 55 thousand emails
she underwent the scrutiny of the FBI
she underwent the scrutiny of The State Dep.


refused to return the phone call when asked about them
nothing else ever came of it.

Clinton .. Democrat
Powell .. Republican.

and the Right thinks Democrats are immune from transparency, and responsibility.

If found that Powell has also done the same thing Clinton did then he should be investigated and if any law was broken he should face the same as Clinton should...

Simple as that and the Political Party someone is part of should not matter when it come to the letter of the law, but I am not naive enough to believe everyone or anyone will think like me on this subject matter...
He did do the same thing.
Yep......according to Hillary.

and documented evidence
He did do the same thing.

So that means everyone who does it forever is good to go?
I think you are missing the point. Why is one Secretary of State being investigated for the same behavior of another? It seems unfair.
Simple. They didn't do the same thing. The only source that there was any similarity is from Clinton supporters. Anyone who looks at the facts objectively can spot the obvious differences, beginning with the fact that he never set up a private server and Hillary did.

End of story.

The setting up of a private server is IRRELEVANT. She could have used GMail and been just as guilty of espionage.
He did do the same thing.

So that means everyone who does it forever is good to go?
I think you are missing the point. Why is one Secretary of State being investigated for the same behavior of another? It seems unfair.
Simple. They didn't do the same thing. The only source that there was any similarity is from Clinton supporters. Anyone who looks at the facts objectively can spot the obvious differences, beginning with the fact that he never set up a private server and Hillary did.

End of story.

bullshit, you need to follow the thread muddie ..
He did do the same thing.

So that means everyone who does it forever is good to go?
I think you are missing the point. Why is one Secretary of State being investigated for the same behavior of another? It seems unfair.
Simple. They didn't do the same thing. The only source that there was any similarity is from Clinton supporters. Anyone who looks at the facts objectively can spot the obvious differences, beginning with the fact that he never set up a private server and Hillary did.

End of story.

The setting up of a private server is IRRELEVANT. She could have used GMail and been just as guilty of espionage.

a frog could have wings too .. stop deflecting

the same memo included Clintons name too ... and she wasn't illegal either, right?

Anyone remember the "most transparent administration in history" bullshit LOL On top of the espionage aspect here we have a top aid to the the SoS being confirmed as saying they were using private email to avoid FOIA laws.
He did do the same thing.

So that means everyone who does it forever is good to go?
I think you are missing the point. Why is one Secretary of State being investigated for the same behavior of another? It seems unfair.
Simple. They didn't do the same thing. The only source that there was any similarity is from Clinton supporters. Anyone who looks at the facts objectively can spot the obvious differences, beginning with the fact that he never set up a private server and Hillary did.

End of story.

The setting up of a private server is IRRELEVANT. She could have used GMail and been just as guilty of espionage.

a frog could have wings too .. stop deflecting

the same memo included Clintons name too ... and she wasn't illegal either, right?


How is saying "go after the people who committed espionage" deflecting you fucking idiot

How do you even manage to make it through a day? You are as dumb as a fence post.

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