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Clinton: U.S. Gaza aid tied to recognition of Israel

Im with ghook on this one. I think if you can force them to recgonize Israels right to exist, it for one shows that they have been wrong this entire time, and 2, this formal declaration will make it easier for the next generation to be friendly with their neighbors.

Lets face it, Palaestinians have a poisonous culture, so i dont see how they can become better on their own at this point; theyve gone too far off the deep end. We need to forcibly give them the antidote if they are to get better.

Hopefully this step will lead to the next step, and eventually they will find peace.

Well, I guess some recognition is better than no recognition... it just feels fake, coarsed, etc.

I'm not talking about the Arafat recognition in English to the West and then calling for suicide bombing in Arabic to the Palestinians! It must be more concrete!

....and followed by a nazi-like salute to the new master race! Jew HEIL!
Well, I guess some recognition is better than no recognition... it just feels fake, coarsed, etc.

I'm not talking about the Arafat recognition in English to the West and then calling for suicide bombing in Arabic to the Palestinians! It must be more concrete!

....and followed by a nazi-like salute to the new master race! Jew HEIL!

Isn't it amazing how an Arab Muslim who has more of a vested interest in this issue than you do can act with more class than you can? Go ahead, say something about my weight or my Judaism again.... yawn. Your message is about as old and redundant as Sunni Man's.
I don't. You can't force them to recognize Israel by bribing them with money...
Why not? A settled life for the majority would seem to go a long way toward a live and let live attitude. Besides, why give money with no strings attached?

We shouldn't be giving them money in the first place. The whole idea behind not giving money was to let them starve. Dead Hamas terrorists can't lob rockets into Israel. Just like dead Al Queda terrorists can't fly planes into buildings or blow up Broadway theatres.

The Palestinian people are not going to just go away! Rather with each and every year the problem will combo! I know there are always exceptions to the rules, but usually its people in poverty that are the most succeptable to the propaganda and lies of Islamist. Even Bibi said the economy of the West Bank needs to be improved. Rebuilding Gaza will provide jobs and people with homes. People with jobs and homes are much less likely to be attracted to extremist.

No rebuilding then you have a 100 fold increase in more people without homes and jobs, which equates to more people turning to terrorism!
Shogun, it's pointless talking to this guy. He blatantly supports genocide... There's really no going back once your mind is set on genocide. = \

Pot calling the kettle black! :cuckoo:

Prove it, fucker! Prove that I've said ANYTHING at ANY POINT in these boards that can be construed as calling for the genocide of any people. Prove it or shut up, and I'm expecting quotes, and an explanation of why it amounts to calling for genocide.

But we do know that he calls for genocide, don't we? Even YOU realize that.
Why not? A settled life for the majority would seem to go a long way toward a live and let live attitude. Besides, why give money with no strings attached?

We shouldn't be giving them money in the first place. The whole idea behind not giving money was to let them starve. Dead Hamas terrorists can't lob rockets into Israel. Just like dead Al Queda terrorists can't fly planes into buildings or blow up Broadway theatres.

The Palestinian people are not going to just go away!

There is no such thing as "Palestinian people."

We both know that. They are the descendants of illegal immigrants from the 1920s and 1930s that illegally settled on the British Mandate of Jewish Palestine land. They were given their own country called Trans-Jordan. And what should we do about the millions of illegal immigrants in the US? Just let them stay there because "they're there?"

How much money in taxes do the people that live in Gaza and the West Bank pay the Israeli government? And yet Israel is supposed to share its food, water and electricity with the very people who set out to bomb innocent Israeli civilians?

They're there now, but that doesn't mean they have to be there tomorrow.

No rebuilding then you have a 100 fold increase in more people without homes and jobs, which equates to more people turning to terrorism!

Do poor people in America turn to terrorism? No. Why not? Because our leaders don't go to the poor and brainwash them into believing that Canada or Mexico is responsible for their poverty. If we cut off the head, i.e. Hamas, will we kill the serpent?

No money to Hamas until Hamas changes their tactics of how they treat the poor and unilateral, 100% recognition of Israel AND they hand over all their weapons to Israel and completely dis-arm. Then, if Hamas becomes more of a political group, drops its hatred of Israel and is concerned with the rebuilding of Gaza, providing jobs and education for the people there... then we can give them money. But not a second until then. Not one dime of my taxpayer money should go to funding a terrorist organization until all of these requirements have been met. Because, until this happens, all Hamas is doing is buying time to re-arm and re-stock its weapons and munitions against Israel. And then more rockets will be lobbed at Israel and more suicide bombers will kill innocent Israeli civilians and so on. Of course my ideas will never happen because Hamas is NOT a political organization. They're a terorrist organization and any money we give them will not go to rebuilding Gaza or creating jobs - it will go to rearming and restocking of weapons and munitions.

We have one of two choices: Let Israel wipe out Hamas without restraint or let Fatah take over Gaza. Either way, Hamas cannot be trusted and must be eliminated.
I'm not talking about the Arafat recognition in English to the West and then calling for suicide bombing in Arabic to the Palestinians! It must be more concrete!

....and followed by a nazi-like salute to the new master race! Jew HEIL!

Isn't it amazing how an Arab Muslim who has more of a vested interest in this issue than you do can act with more class than you can? Go ahead, say something about my weight or my Judaism again.... yawn. Your message is about as old and redundant as Sunni Man's.

perhaps you'll have a better platform to criticize someone from when you stop calling for the extermination of muslims, jew. What is amazing is that your silly jewish ass can cry about being a victim out of one side of your mouth while calling for more victimizing out the other. when you finally comprehend this, tub of guts, then you can go ahead and point fingers at other forum posters.
Shogun, it's pointless talking to this guy. He blatantly supports genocide... There's really no going back once your mind is set on genocide. = \

Pot calling the kettle black! :cuckoo:

Prove it, fucker! Prove that I've said ANYTHING at ANY POINT in these boards that can be construed as calling for the genocide of any people. Prove it or shut up, and I'm expecting quotes, and an explanation of why it amounts to calling for genocide.

But we do know that he calls for genocide, don't we? Even YOU realize that.

Dont sweat it, yo.. I guarentfuckingtee that you'll be accused of wanting to see dead jews floating in the sea by the end of this thread.

There is no such thing as "Palestinian people."
That is not the reality on the ground! Denying it is not going to solve anything. The reality is that there are a people called Palestine. Denying that is like denying that there is a people called Israelis!

We both know that. They are the descendants of illegal immigrants from the 1920s and 1930s that illegally settled on the British Mandate of Jewish Palestine land. They were given their own country called Trans-Jordan. And what should we do about the millions of illegal immigrants in the US? Just let them stay there because "they're there?"
No many ore decendants migrants from the Middle East during the White Papers Days, but there are many that (just as there were many Jews) that have history dating back to the crusades era!

How much money in taxes do the people that live in Gaza and the West Bank pay the Israeli government?
The West Bank pays taxes to Israel! Not sure about Gaza at this time, but I know they still use the Shekel!

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And yet Israel is supposed to share its food, water and electricity with the very people who set out to bomb innocent Israeli civilians?
The Gazanians pay for the food, water and electric that the Gazanians use. The aid comes from international support, which is primarily funded by the US!

They're there now, but that doesn't mean they have to be there tomorrow.
Reality is they are there and YES they will be their tomorrow. There are only 2 ways the Palestinian-Israeli situation plays out. (1) 2 state solution (I prefer) or (2) the one state solution (a) keeping the Democracy and the Palestinians Arab numbers overrun the Jewish and all of Israel becomes a Muslim State or (b) Israel doesn't allow the Palestinians, who are not Israelis, to vote and in effect create an aparthied system. The people who say that Palestinians can be removed from the West Bank or Gaza are not living in reality!

Do poor people in America turn to terrorism? No. Why not?
Poor people in America disproportionately turn to crime, violence and gang life! When you have less to lose the more willing you are to scarifice it all for a cause! Why is the UAE (I know about the denial of the Jewish Tennis players) less radical than piss poor Somolia, Pakistan, Afghanistan or Yemen? Same thing!

Because our leaders don't go to the poor and brainwash them into believing that Canada or Mexico is responsible for their poverty. If we cut off the head, i.e. Hamas, will we kill the serpent?
Maybe, so but its easier for a Hamas to recruit a Palestinian with no job, no food and no home, than a Palestinian with a job, money, food and a home! And if you notice the poor doesn't blame Mexico, otherwise they would be more against illegal immigration. Rather they always blame the Republicans!

We have one of two choices: Let Israel wipe out Hamas without restraint or let Fatah take over Gaza. Either way, Hamas cannot be trusted and must be eliminated.
Both are easier said than done. Also Fatah is a paper dragon, they could eliminate the girl scouts any more than they could take out Hamas!

Best Israel can do it push for a unified Fatah/Hamas government and then start to negotiate with whoever is in charge, WHOEVER IS CHARGE!
Shogun, it's pointless talking to this guy. He blatantly supports genocide... There's really no going back once your mind is set on genocide. = \

Pot calling the kettle black! :cuckoo:

Prove it, fucker! Prove that I've said ANYTHING at ANY POINT in these boards that can be construed as calling for the genocide of any people. Prove it or shut up, and I'm expecting quotes, and an explanation of why it amounts to calling for genocide.

But we do know that he calls for genocide, don't we? Even YOU realize that.
Face up to reality. The only reasons you say that is because there ARE no examples. They don't exist. I've never called for the blatant genocide of anybody. So stop accusing me of it, you libelous fuck.
There is no such thing as "Palestinian people."
That is not the reality on the ground! Denying it is not going to solve anything. The reality is that there are a people called Palestine. Denying that is like denying that there is a people called Israelis!

My friend, we disagree. To deny a claim that has absolutely no evidence whatsoever, is to deny the Arab right to the land of Israel. I've asked, several times now, for evidence that these people are in any way, shape or form genetically different than other Arabs or have different religious or cultural beliefs than Arabs. No one has responded with anything. These people are illegally claiming a land that does not belong to them. Enough is enough. Yes, they have guns and civilians but we have bigger guns and more civilians. Never in the history of the world has an overwhelmingly stronger nation capitulated to a weaker one. You might as well strip the Star of David and two blue stripes off of our flag and surrender because if we give them this land - they will keep asking for more and more and more and more. They will not stop until they have taken all of our land.

We must agree to the 1920s agreement between Palestine and Transjordan.


We both know that. They are the descendants of illegal immigrants from the 1920s and 1930s that illegally settled on the British Mandate of Jewish Palestine land. They were given their own country called Trans-Jordan. And what should we do about the millions of illegal immigrants in the US? Just let them stay there because "they're there?"
No many ore decendants migrants from the Middle East during the White Papers Days, but there are many that (just as there were many Jews) that have history dating back to the crusades era! [/QUOTE]

Highly doubtful.
It seems withdrawing U.S. aid to Palestine may drive Palestine more into accepting the financial assistance of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and Lebanon with the accompanying required loyalties.
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The Palestinians are awash in foreign aid. samsonblinded.org/news/52-billion-aid-to-gaza-how-to-spend-8353]Israeli News: $5.2 billion aid to Gaza: how to spend?[/url] $5.2 billion to be precise. What's the message it's sending? That it's profitable to launch rockets at Israel? And what about the donor list? The US, the EU, and the Arabs. That certainly sends an interesting message.
The Palestinians are awash in foreign aid. samsonblinded.org/news/52-billion-aid-to-gaza-how-to-spend-8353]Israeli News: $5.2 billion aid to Gaza: how to spend?[/url] $5.2 billion to be precise. What's the message it's sending? That it's profitable to launch rockets at Israel? And what about the donor list? The US, the EU, and the Arabs. That certainly sends an interesting message.

War is profitable. Defense contractors create jobs, pay lots of taxes, have big lobby firms... war is great business and as long as the US and other countries can keep war profitable for their side, the puppets will keep fighting. Israel IS a puppet of the American defense contractors.
Face up to reality. The only reasons you say that is because there ARE no examples. They don't exist. I've never called for the blatant genocide of anybody. So stop accusing me of it, you libelous fuck.

Hey, dont' sweat it. Clearly, if you are not busy deepthroating a jew then you want to see dead jews floating in the sea EVEN IF THE ACCUSER RUNS LIKE A BITCH WHEN YOU CALL HIM OUT.

Thats happened to me before around here as well.. Ask Princess all about it.

yet when David calls for the mass extermination of an entire people for the PURE sake of CLEANSING a homeland... well.. you know.. THAT falls on deaf kosher ears.

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