Clinton unveils plan for tighter gun control including executive action, expanded background checks

Gun control is not this issue and never has been, its the simple excuse liberal morons use to explain violence. So how are these liberal ideologues and their laws working in Chicago, or is it a case of turning the other cheek? All the executive orders and laws will never amount to a hill of beans, but dam what a great opportunity to capitalize on a national tragedy to further ones political aspirations and agenda. Maybe some day the liberals and conservatives will address the real issue, mental despair. Consider the amount the government has spent on fighting poverty and see what those efforts yielded, same old same old, but then again it did consolidate their voting block.
Are there no criminals or insane people in all the other 1st world countries? Because they seemed to have been able to figure out how to keep gun violence at lower levels. Unless that's what you're saying, there are no criminals or mentally unstable people in Australia, Canada, UK, Germany, etc.., etc...etc...

^^^ deflection. Stop deflecting with lies and explain why we need more gun control laws when criminals and crazy people already don't obey existing laws. I say you can't.

Optionally you can admit that the true goal of gun control assholes is to strip law abiding citizens of their right to keep and bare arms. Its quite disgusting how they keep exploiting school shootings to further this agenda. The number of shootings in liberal inner cities each week dwarfs the number of school shootings in the last few years, naturally libs don't want to discuss that.

Zzzzzzzzzz, I could have typed literally anything and you would have made the same response. Did you even read what I wrote? I know it doesn't matter because you have to say what you have to say, regardless if it makes sense.

Good sheep.

You have nothing to back up your stupid claims which is likely why you posted them. But since you insist on being bitch slapped go check into Canada's problem with violent crime numskull because its worse than in the US especially rape.

Google anything about worldwide guns statistics and there is plenty to back up my claims. There are literally countless sites that you could read that support what I said. You'd have to intentionally ignore the data to be able to say I am making this up.

I just gave you a statistic, Canada more rape more murders per 100,000 people than the USA eat it!

Link? Would love to read more about this.
Looks the gun-grabbers are revving up...
Clinton unveils plan for tighter gun control including executive action, expanded background checks
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton on Monday proposed tighter gun-control measures, including expanded background checks, and suggested that if elected she would use executive powers to achieve her goals.

She called for expanded background checks for firearms sales online and at gun shows. Clinton also called for closing loopholes in federal laws that allow for gun-sale transactions to be completed if the buyer’s background check is not finished within three days.

Clinton will unveil more details about her plans Monday during a campaign swing through New Hampshire.

Her campaign says her proposals also include a repeal of legislation shielding gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from most liability suits, even in the case of mass shootings like the one that killed nine students and teachers at an Oregon community college on Thursday.
Better she had tightened up control of Bubba's dick.

Maybe that's what she meant...

this is my rifle this is my gun video - Bing
The only people that the far left wants to have the guns is the criminals..

No amount of gun control or laws will stop one who wants to kill with guns..

We know what they REALLY want. all this blab about gun control is just that blab. these Democrats want to DISARM us so bad, they can taste it. who does it help the most?

those in POWER over the citizens. and sadly as we see from on here. our own fellow countrymen and women will fall for it and sell us all down the river of Enslavement tyranny
Looks the gun-grabbers are revving up...
Clinton unveils plan for tighter gun control including executive action, expanded background checks
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton on Monday proposed tighter gun-control measures, including expanded background checks, and suggested that if elected she would use executive powers to achieve her goals.

She called for expanded background checks for firearms sales online and at gun shows. Clinton also called for closing loopholes in federal laws that allow for gun-sale transactions to be completed if the buyer’s background check is not finished within three days.

Clinton will unveil more details about her plans Monday during a campaign swing through New Hampshire.

Her campaign says her proposals also include a repeal of legislation shielding gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from most liability suits, even in the case of mass shootings like the one that killed nine students and teachers at an Oregon community college on Thursday.
Easy for her to say. She has lifetime protection from the secret service. Is she willing to take their guns away and give them pepper spray.
The only people that the far left wants to have the guns is the criminals..

No amount of gun control or laws will stop one who wants to kill with guns..

We know what they REALLY want. all this blab about gun control is just that blab. these Democrats want to DISARM us so bad, they can taste it. who does it help the most?

those in POWER over the citizens. and sadly as we see from on here. our own fellow countrymen and women will fall for it and sell us all down the river of Enslavement tyranny

Actually, even if this isn't what they want, it's what their base wants to HEAR.
It motivates their voter block
NRA gun nuts must either bend or break.

Looks the gun-grabbers are revving up...
Clinton unveils plan for tighter gun control including executive action, expanded background checks
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton on Monday proposed tighter gun-control measures, including expanded background checks, and suggested that if elected she would use executive powers to achieve her goals.

She called for expanded background checks for firearms sales online and at gun shows. Clinton also called for closing loopholes in federal laws that allow for gun-sale transactions to be completed if the buyer’s background check is not finished within three days.

Clinton will unveil more details about her plans Monday during a campaign swing through New Hampshire.

Her campaign says her proposals also include a repeal of legislation shielding gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from most liability suits, even in the case of mass shootings like the one that killed nine students and teachers at an Oregon community college on Thursday.
Better she had tightened up control of Bubba's dick.

Well seeing her screeching lately. laying next to her would be like laying with a cactus...... can you blame him? . she's such a witch
The only people that the far left wants to have the guns is the criminals..

No amount of gun control or laws will stop one who wants to kill with guns..

We know what they REALLY want. all this blab about gun control is just that blab. these Democrats want to DISARM us so bad, they can taste it. who does it help the most?

those in POWER over the citizens. and sadly as we see from on here. our own fellow countrymen and women will fall for it and sell us all down the river of Enslavement tyranny

Actually, even if this isn't what they want, it's what their base wants to HEAR.
It motivates their voter block

yes is does. that's sad in it's self to see them cheer against the rights of us all because they personally don't like a "gun". anything can be used to kill large crowds of people yet they wail on and on about a gun.
if it wasnt for guns, then she never would of been able to use that sniper shot story to make her look like wonder woman.
My 2 cents:
I'm not going to show any graphs, charts, statistics; or argue over what a militia is or is not.
What I will do is fight hillary and the dems and the rest of the gunphobia crowd on "any" gun legislation no matter how trivial or well intended.
now if Hillary would run on banning annoying people in ten or less lines, she would gain 5 points.
The old' hagg see her polls slipping every day... So thinks she knows what is best for the whole country.

She needs to embrace the suck
Funny thing is our founding fathers were trying to get away from an overbearing tax happy government... In that context ya, the individual had the right to bear arms against a government trying to control them.

The funny thing history is repeating itself... Damn those founding father were a brilliant group of fellas.
As an Indian I am damn thankful they fled incestuous Europe to here... And brought firearms with them.
Us Indians would still be playin around with stupid sticks, dirt, rocks and sinew.
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