C'mon democrats, keep mailing in those ballots until the democrat wins... (Poll)

Do you support taking mail-in ballots back to active duty military or by approved excuse only?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters
That's the way their election laws are written. To enable cheating.
In FL & TX votes are counted on election DAY.
The races were decided on Election Day. They were still counting ballots last Friday in Florida. The margins are so great for the candidates that won, the races were all decided....

You're a living testament to the old adage that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Well, now you're just making stuff up. 3 out of 10 are not even registered to vote. Of the 7 out of 10 who are, about 2/3 (5 lets say) bother to vote.

View attachment 725586

The goal of right-thinking states is to make it as easy as possible to vote. And the 2020 and 2022 elections have been good in that regard. You do want people to vote, don't you?
It's their own data.

And you said
Sending out ballots is much cheaper than opening thousands of polling places.
They have to run the polling places anyway, so it's not cheaper to send out 2M ballots, the large fraction of which go unvoted. Think.
It's their own data.

And you said
Sending out ballots is much cheaper than opening thousands of polling places.
They have to run the polling places anyway, so it's not cheaper to send out 2M ballots, the large fraction of which go unvoted. Think.
You don't need to open up as many polling places since you have the vote-by-mail component built in.

Its much cheaper to operate the elections by mail. It's also much easier to vote, allows voters to research topics and candidates prior to casting the ballot, and (when state law allows it) allows for much easier counting.
1. Years ago mail-in ballots were only by excuse, as requested, so mostly to active duty military. That is the system I prefer, mostly in-person voting.

Why? Because it makes it harder for poor people to vote? You know, if your side spent half the time trying to win over voters rather than finding ways to disenfranchise them, you might be on to something.

2. In many blue states they mass mail ballots to everyone, and then they need to be postmarked by election day, and received up to 17 days after election day, the counted. Extending election day to election month.

And why is this a problem? The office holders aren't going to take office until next January, so it's not like we are in any huge hurry. This year, we elected 435 Congressmen, 33 Senators, and 36 governors. We knew the results of most of these races that night, the only ones still outstanding are about 13 House races in the west.

3. So the poll questions refers to mail-in ballots by excuse only (such as military voters), or by mass mailing to everyone.

Again, why? We do other key functions of the government by mail, such as collecting tax returns and Census results, and no one really has a problem with those. The real problem you have with mail in ballots is that it makes it easier for poorer people to vote.
The races were decided on Election Day. They were still counting ballots last Friday in Florida. The margins are so great for the candidates that won, the races were all decided....
You're a living testament to the old adage that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
You type shit without links supporting it.
If 99% or more of the votes are counted, and a few votes straggle in, so what?
I know, math is racist. But most of us understand that when races are called, the remaining ballots won't affect the outcome, duh.
Why? Because it makes it harder for poor people to vote? You know, if your side spent half the time trying to win over voters rather than finding ways to disenfranchise them, you might be on to something.

And why is this a problem? The office holders aren't going to take office until next January, so it's not like we are in any huge hurry. This year, we elected 435 Congressmen, 33 Senators, and 36 governors. We knew the results of most of these races that night, the only ones still outstanding are about 13 House races in the west.

Again, why? We do other key functions of the government by mail, such as collecting tax returns and Census results, and no one really has a problem with those. The real problem you have with mail in ballots is that it makes it easier for poorer people to vote.
1. Trot out that old adage that anything the GOP does hurts poor people, without proving it. There is no fucking difference in access to vote between rich, poor, or middle income voters.

2. Election DAY is when votes should be counted, not a month after Election DAY. Get the mail-in votes in by Election DAY so they can all be counted equally. No excuses. CA gives 17 days after election day to receive votes postmarked by election day. All anyone needs to do is fake a postmark and send in bogus ballots.
Too easy to cheat.

3. Mass mail-out of ballots means that there are millions of ballots floating around the state. Elections should be by in-person voting, unless there is an excuse for needing a mail-in ballot, as voting was before Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic, when elections were legitimate.
1. Trot out that old adage that anything the GOP does hurts poor people, without proving it. There is no fucking difference in access to vote between rich, poor, or middle income voters.

because everything they do does hurt poor people. and working class people. And everyone who isn't investor class.... Some of you are just too fucking stupid to realize it.

2. Election DAY is when votes should be counted, not a month after Election DAY. Get the mail-in votes in by Election DAY so they can all be counted equally. No excuses. CA gives 17 days after election day to receive votes postmarked by election day. All anyone needs to do is fake a postmark and send in bogus ballots.
Too easy to cheat.

Except it has ALWAYS been expected that it takes time to count votes. It's why the election is in November and the office holders don't take office until January. And it USED to be that they didn't take office until March.

MOST of the elections were called on election night, based on PROJECTIONS.

They probably could have called Arizona Governor a lot earlier than they did, but given we know that bitch Kari Lake is going to scream voter fraud, you better be darned sure before declaring.

3. Mass mail-out of ballots means that there are millions of ballots floating around the state. Elections should be by in-person voting, unless there is an excuse for needing a mail-in ballot, as voting was before Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic, when elections were legitimate.

So what. As long as every ballot is linked to a registered voter and verified, not seeing an issue here. It's just as easy to fraud an in-person polling place.

The problem isn't fraud, the problem is people are voting a way you don't like.
You type shit without links supporting it.

If 99% or more of the votes are counted, and a few votes straggle in, so what?
Well, it shows you that the states are still counting votes. The GOP is incredibly strong in Florida so I don't think the outstanding ballots will mean much.

In competitive races with high population densities like Las Vegas and Phoenix...it does matter. Sorry.
I know, math is racist. But most of us understand that when races are called, the remaining ballots won't affect the outcome, duh.
Wow, thanks for coming to the same realization I mentioned about a week ago.

So...what exactly is your problem besides shitty candidates and a message that most voters are rejecting?
1. Trot out that old adage that anything the GOP does hurts poor people, without proving it. There is no fucking difference in access to vote between rich, poor, or middle income voters.
Maybe if you guys didn't cheer whenever someone dies, gets killed, loses their job, suffers some sort of setback...perhaps people would think better of Republicans. As it stands...you cheer for a man who takes pleasure in trying to humiliate people (Trump); celebrate when InSantis sends migrants on a plane to another state under false pretenses, call people coming across the border to work "invaders"....hell the policy of separating kids from their parents at the border is something you're proud of.

So don't blame us. Blame the person you see in the mirror every day. You're the problem.
2. Election DAY is when votes should be counted, not a month after Election DAY. Get the mail-in votes in by Election DAY so they can all be counted equally. No excuses. CA gives 17 days after election day to receive votes postmarked by election day. All anyone needs to do is fake a postmark and send in bogus ballots.
Too easy to cheat.
And, of course, this has not been the case for decades. Races are called....seldom if ever are all of the ballots counted on election day. They are still counting ballots in Florida. A
3. Mass mail-out of ballots means that there are millions of ballots floating around the state. Elections should be by in-person voting, unless there is an excuse for needing a mail-in ballot, as voting was before Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic, when elections were legitimate.
Oh brother.

Why didn't you ever complain about this when Utah, Oregon, Colorado, etc.. did it before your blob came on the scene?

To put it another way...fuck off.
Well, it shows you that the states are still counting votes. The GOP is incredibly strong in Florida so I don't think the outstanding ballots will mean much. In competitive races with high population densities like Las Vegas and Phoenix...it does matter. Sorry.

Wow, thanks for coming to the same realization I mentioned about a week ago.

So...what exactly is your problem besides shitty candidates and a message that most voters are rejecting?
1. If votes are in on election day, and counted, and a winner determined, that is how elections should be held. If TX and FL and NY can do that so can CA. As you say, if the race is too close to call, then it takes longer to determine a winner. Not a problem.

2. My "problem" is mass-mailing of ballots, instead of needing to request a mail-in ballot, and NOT requiring that they be in by the close of polls on election day so they can be counted with the in-person ballots.
Maybe if you guys didn't cheer whenever someone dies, gets killed, loses their job, suffers some sort of setback...perhaps people would think better of Republicans. As it stands...you cheer for a man who takes pleasure in trying to humiliate people (Trump); celebrate when InSantis sends migrants on a plane to another state under false pretenses, call people coming across the border to work "invaders"....hell the policy of separating kids from their parents at the border is something you're proud of. So don't blame us. Blame the person you see in the mirror every day. You're the problem.

And, of course, this has not been the case for decades. Races are called....seldom if ever are all of the ballots counted on election day. They are still counting ballots in Florida. A

Oh brother. Why didn't you ever complain about this when Utah, Oregon, Colorado, etc.. did it before your blob came on the scene? To put it another way...fuck off.
1. Trotting out bullshit talking points doesn't answer the question: The GA (and other GOP) election laws did NOT hurt minorities as democrats claimed, did they? (ANS: NO they did not, they were NOT "Jim Crow 2")

2. Votes need to be counted on Election DAY.

3. Fuck-off, we intend to cheat as much as we can...got it.
1. If votes are in on election day, and counted, and a winner determined, that is how elections should be held. If TX and FL and NY can do that so can CA. As you say, if the race is too close to call, then it takes longer to determine a winner. Not a problem.
That is what just happened in NV, and AZ, and PA...and is currently going on in some congressional districts.
2. My "problem" is mass-mailing of ballots, instead of needing to request a mail-in ballot, and NOT requiring that they be in by the close of polls on election day so they can be counted with the in-person ballots.
See #1.

Really...what is your problem..you just said if the election is close..."not a problem".
because everything they do does hurt poor people. and working class people. And everyone who isn't investor class.... Some of you are just too fucking stupid to realize it.

Except it has ALWAYS been expected that it takes time to count votes. It's why the election is in November and the office holders don't take office until January. And it USED to be that they didn't take office until March. MOST of the elections were called on election night, based on PROJECTIONS. They probably could have called Arizona Governor a lot earlier than they did, but given we know that bitch Kari Lake is going to scream voter fraud, you better be darned sure before declaring.

So what. As long as every ballot is linked to a registered voter and verified, not seeing an issue here. It's just as easy to fraud an in-person polling place. The problem isn't fraud, the problem is people are voting a way you don't like.
1. Didn't prove your assertion. You said the GA laws were "Jim Crow-2" and are WRONG. Democrats are wrong a lot.

2. If votes are in on election day, and counted, and a winner determined, that is how elections should be held. If TX and FL and NY can do that, so can CA. If the race is too close to call, then it takes longer to determine a winner, not a problem. Kari Lake is a STAR!! Just unlucky that the 2022 election stirred up young voters with the USSC's abortion decision.

3. France doesn't allow mail-in ballots because its too easy to cheat. Its NOT easy to fraud in-person, there is (should be) Voter-ID and signature matching to get a ballot. Its not that people vote how I don't like, its that their votes are being counted way too late. Ballots need to be in by close of polls to be counted with the in-person ballots.
1. Trotting out bullshit talking points doesn't answer the question: The GA (and other GOP) election laws did NOT hurt minorities as democrats claimed, did they? (ANS: NO they did not, they were NOT "Jim Crow 2")
Never mentioned Jim Crow in my answers. I simply pointed out why you guys are regarded as mean spirited. Everything I pointed out is truthful.
2. Votes need to be counted on Election DAY.
Again seldom, if ever in recent times, was there ever an election day where all votes were counted by Midnight on election day. Races are routinely decided but the counting continues.
3. Fuck-off, we intend to cheat as much as we can...got it.
Wow...now only if you could prove any cheating occurred. But you can't...can you?

It must be frustrating.
That is what just happened in NV, and AZ, and PA...and is currently going on in some congressional districts. Really...what is your problem..you just said if the election is close..."not a problem".
Mass mail-in ballots take longer to process now since millions of ballots need to be examined and signature matched, which is fine as long as they can be processed and counted on election day with the in-person ballots. The way it used to be was mail-in ballots needed an excuse, so the number of mail-in ballots was a few thousand, which were processed quickly and counted with the in-person ballots on election day. I'm against mass mail-in ballots because they take too long to process.

A week after election day in CA some districts only had ~30% of the votes counted, that's ridiculous.
Lol, I used to think that too. Not anymore.

Voter Id is useless now. Someone like Trump need simply claim IDs are forged...probably flown in by china.

Agreed. Trump and his ilk undermined our elections in a mad scrabble to keep power. It could take decades to repair the damage. The more rubes that believe Trump's lies the longer the damage will take to repair.

Yeah. Sad isn't it?
Tds much?
Mass mail-in ballots take longer to process now since millions of ballots need to be examined and signature matched, which is fine as long as they can be processed and counted on election day with the in-person ballots. The way it used to be was mail-in ballots needed an excuse, so the number of mail-in ballots was a few thousand, which were processed quickly and counted with the in-person ballots on election day. I'm against mass mail-in ballots because they take too long to process.

A week after election day in CA some districts only had ~30% of the votes counted, that's ridiculous.
I would bet that if the red wave had materialized, you wouldn't have said anything about this supposed vulnerability.

Oh BTW...the GOP is one seat away from clinching the House. I guess the GOP must be cheating...right?
Never mentioned Jim Crow in my answers. I simply pointed out why you guys are regarded as mean spirited. Everything I pointed out is truthful.
1. Your post 109 jumped on my post 106 response to JoeB, which is fine if you responded to my post 106. Which is that new GOP election laws disadvantage po' folk, and my reply was BULLSHIT, and I put up the new GA voting laws as an example of how democrats are simply wrong.

2. Addressing your "truthful" talking points:
Maybe if you guys didn't cheer whenever someone dies, gets killed, loses their job, suffers some sort of setback...perhaps people would think better of Republicans.
No clue WTF your talking point is about.

As it stands...you cheer for Trump who takes pleasure in trying to humiliate people
Trump has personality flaws, as General Kelly said: "Trump is a very flawed man". That's why I'm now a Desantis supporter.

celebrate when InSantis sends migrants on a plane to another state under false pretenses,
Democrats' "open borders" flooded border states with 5,000,000 new migrants in 2021 and 2022. Desantis showed democrats what its like to deal with uninvited migrants.

call people coming across the border to work "invaders"....
people coming across the border illegally are "invaders". Its how the states can trigger the Federal government to take action. Its called the "guarantee clause".

hell the policy of separating kids from their parents at the border is something you're proud of.
Are you proud of the cages Obama built to hold kids?
Separating kids from parents was a court order that kids could NOT be held in the same holding pens as adults. Until the court ordered them to not be separated.

I would bet that if the red wave had materialized, you wouldn't have said anything about this supposed vulnerability. Oh BTW...the GOP is one seat away from clinching the House. I guess the GOP must be cheating...right?
The 2022 mid-term election was NOT as predicted by all the polls, was it?
The polls missed that young people would vote in record numbers.
I'm not whining about the midterm results, I'm complaining about the election process in some states. We should have faster results to preclude cheating.
A small GOP majority in the House is like herding cats. Nothing will happen, except gridlock. Even electing a Speaker will be challenging.
In the Senate the dems also have a small plurality, unless Manchin switches parties and Hershel wins, not bloody likely.
Tds much?
This is a political board. Believe it or not, the guy who was just president less then two years ago and currently is the favorite repub to run for presidency soon may come up from time to time in a discussion.

I realize however that TDS derp is one of many deflections when confronted with discussions that make you uncomfortable.

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