C'mon democrats, keep mailing in those ballots until the democrat wins... (Poll)

Do you support taking mail-in ballots back to active duty military or by approved excuse only?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters
Fucking dumbass partisan asswipe!

Look you, you're just proving that ANYONE AND THEIR BROTHER CAN CHEAT!

You're making the righties' case for them.

No one cares if it was Trump or not. Or what Trump may have done it not done. NO ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT THAT, you stupid retarded Kool aid swilling TDS addled leftard.

=> We have a serious election security issue, and you just proved it.

Goddammit you clowns are fucking stupid. Stop posting stupid shit like this. We've telling you for YEARS there's a fucking problem, duh.
Your institutions are CORRUPT.

In every way that matters.

Maybe time to water the Tree of Liberty.
I see how democrats cheat, they just keep mailing in ballots until their candidate wins.
In CA a week after Election Day there are districts with only 30% of the ballots counted, watch and see CNN rooting for the dems to overtake Republicans.

I also see why many EU countries don't allow mail-in ballots, its way too easy to cheat.

We need to stop mail-ins except for active duty military, or with an excuse, as it was before Covid, so we can count all ballots on Election DAY.

How is mailing them in cheating?

You have a registered voter submitting his mail-in ballot before the deadline, and it's postmarked that day. It should count. Period.

The real problem is, thanks to Trump's boy Dejoy, mail service has slowed to a crawl.

I mailed in my payment to Amex on Oct 28th, they didn't get it until NOVEMBER 11th! Fortunately, I was able to avoid a late fee by doing an electronic transfer on the 8th, but holy shit, this is bad.
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How is mailing them in cheating?

You have a registered voter submitting his mail-in ballot before the deadline, and it's postmarked that day. It should count. Period.

The real problem is, thanks to Trump's boy Dejoy, mail service has slowed to a crawl.

I mailed in my payment to Amex on Oct 28th, they didn't get it until Oct 11th! Fortunately, I was able to avoid a late fee by doing an electronic transfer on the 8th, but holy shit, this is bad.
You mailed it on SEPTEMBER 28, not October 28th as you mistakenly posted, right?
Your institutions are CORRUPT.

In every way that matters.

Maybe time to water the Tree of Liberty.
Maybe time to remand you village idiots back to your appointed villages. You ranting losers used to be seen on town squares and talk radio. Social media empowered you all out of proportion--giving a spurious credibility to your idiotic conspiracy theories and a sense of affirmation to your illogical madness.
The dog is getting tired of the tail wagging it.

The Right is tired of you..having attempted to use you for their own agendas, to their sorrow...the Left is in the majority and is continuing to culturally and socially ostracize you.

So you Archie Bunkers can sit in your chairs and rant on-line, while our country moves on~
I see how democrats cheat, they just keep mailing in ballots until their candidate wins.
In CA a week after Election Day there are districts with only 30% of the ballots counted, watch and see CNN rooting for the dems to overtake Republicans.

Hey bullshit peddler, ballots have to be mailed by election day.
The globalists control D,C. They control key states. States that were Repub shoo ins are not that anymore. The turnabout is coming for these fools who vote Prog. And it is already as the globalists have them destroying their own in many areas. 68% of single women voted Prog. Tha tis a disgrace and it is tiring paying for them and others for their ways and behaviors.
This is why we need to get a Republican President, er, or Senate, er, or, House, er, or something.

Would it help if Republicans appointed Schumer as their leader and just end the charade?

Vote Tree of Liberty Party.
In a perfect world, all jurisdictions would require a valid photo ID, in person paper ballot voting with closely watched & publicly broadcast hand counts.
In reality, the ones with the power to secure our elections are the ones with the least incentive to do so.

We are a post-truth banana republic now.
The rest of the world now realizes this & the end of the fiat dollar based on trust has already started.

Welcome to the reset
Can’t trust America any longer
Maybe time to remand you village idiots back to your appointed villages. You ranting losers used to be seen on town squares and talk radio. Social media empowered you all out of proportion--giving a spurious credibility to your idiotic conspiracy theories and a sense of affirmation to your illogical madness.
The dog is getting tired of the tail wagging it.

The Right is tired of you..having attempted to use you for their own agendas, to their sorrow...the Left is in the majority and is continuing to culturally and socially ostracize you.

So you Archie Bunkers can sit in your chairs and rant on-line, while our country moves on~
WTF are you talking about, numbskull?
Sending out ballots is much cheaper than opening thousands of polling places. When state law allows it, you can pre-triage the ballots and count them before Election Day.
Voters get several days to make their decisions, do research, etc. I know this doesn't apply to blobbers since you guys have the attention span of a gnat but those of us not in the cult do like making informed choices.
There is no downside to mail in balloting. The histrionics from the right wing and carnival you guys provide is just an added bonus.
1. I could support some mail-in ballots if the voter rolls were verified, AND the voters REQUESTED the mail-in ballots.
Then the mail-in ballots have to be counted by the close of polls, the same day as in-person ballots, as you said.

2. There are several weeks between when ballots are sent out, and Election Day. Plenty of time for "due diligence" and debates.

3. The downside is why France doesn't allow them, ITS TOO EASY TO CHEAT!! Just look at the districts still at 30% waiting for more mail-in ballots to arrive, A WEEK AFTER ELECTION DAY!!
How is mailing them in cheating?
You have a registered voter submitting his mail-in ballot before the deadline, and it's postmarked that day. It should count. Period.
The real problem is, thanks to Trump's boy Dejoy, mail service has slowed to a crawl.
I mailed in my payment to Amex on Oct 28th, they didn't get it until NOVEMBER 11th! Fortunately, I was able to avoid a late fee by doing an electronic transfer on the 8th, but holy shit, this is bad.
1. Main-in cheating happens when districts allow ballots to count when received way after Election Day.
There are many districts still at about 30% counted A WEEK AFTER ELECTION DAY!! That is total bullshit.

2. Biden's mail guy sucks worse than Trump's.
1. Main-in cheating happens when districts allow ballots to count when received way after Election Day.
Do have ANY evidence of post-election day mailings actually happening?

Here are election deadlines in California:

Mailed ballots: Must be postmarked on or before November 8, 2022, and received by your county elections office no later than November 15, 2022.
Hey bullshit peddler, ballots have to be mailed by election day.
Postmarked by election day, and received up to 7-days after Election Day.
Who polices that? Several elections were still counting votes a month after election day.
CA should revise their mail-ins to be received by close of polls on election day.
There are many districts still at about 30% counted A WEEK AFTER ELECTION DAY!! That is total bullshit.

You are contradicting yourself - first you talk about mail fraud is supposedly used if more votes are needed, then talk about only 30% being counted....how would it be known that more votes are needed if they aren't counted yet and tommrow is the cut off?
You are contradicting yourself - first you talk about mail fraud is supposedly used if more votes are needed, then talk about only 30% being counted....how would it be known that more votes are needed if they aren't counted yet and tomorrow is the cut off?
Why can't the fucking mail-ins be counted on election day like FL & TX?
The only reason is to be able to cheat.

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