C'mon democrats, keep mailing in those ballots until the democrat wins... (Poll)

Do you support taking mail-in ballots back to active duty military or by approved excuse only?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters
No, they don't, and the Cult of Trump only has themselves to blame for the Democrats' advantage with mail in voting. You're the ones who scared all of your fellow cult members into thinking that their mail in votes will be thrown in the trash or thrown out in a ditch before they get delivered. As a result, far fewer Republicans utilize it and wait until Election Day, but given how much easier it is to vote by mail, you'd probably get more Republican supporters voting who don't end up showing up to the polls for whatever reason. Maybe you should put some effort into getting out the mail vote going forward.
Once again, Trumplings, you blame everybody but yourselves for an issue you're causing.
Bullshit. When I see 30% counted a week after the election I know that they are cheating.
I see how democrats cheat, they just keep mailing in ballots until their candidate wins.
In CA a week after Election Day there are districts with only 30% of the ballots counted, watch and see CNN rooting for the dems to overtake Republicans.

I also see why many EU countries don't allow mail-in ballots, its way too easy to cheat.

We need to stop mail-ins except for active duty military, or with an excuse, as it was before Covid, so we can count all ballots on Election DAY.

France bans mail-in ballots and voting machines​

About 14 percent of the states mail ballots to every registered voter.

They've done this for multiple election cycles.

Until the blob came along, nobody objected to the practice or questioned the legitimacy of those elected by this method--including the losing candidates.

It is a proven system that is safe and secure....if anything, it needs to be expanded because not only is it secure, it is cheaper for the State.
Here is how ridiculous it is to mail ballots to everyone at taxpayer expense. Data from Nevada, retrieved just now....
Mail-in ballots sent out: 1,819,181
Mail-in ballots returned: 232,485 (12.8%)
Mail-in ballots undeliverable: 100,530 (5.5%)
Absolutely ridiculous! They send out far more ballots to bogus addresses than decide the election!
And here it is explained in detail how easy it is to cheat with mail-in ballots. It's undetectable...
About 14 percent of the states mail ballots to every registered voter.
They've done this for multiple election cycles.
Until the blob came along, nobody objected to the practice or questioned the legitimacy of those elected by this method--including the losing candidates.
It is a proven system that is safe and secure....if anything, it needs to be expanded because not only is it secure, it is cheaper for the State.
Please see post #35 and then send your comments, thx.
The Constitution says "Election Day" not "election season".
Mail-in cheaters undermine our institutions.
The Constitution DOES NOT specify a day but leaves the details up to Congress, i.e. it does not forbid an “election season”.
Please see post #35 and then send your comments, thx.


Sending out ballots is much cheaper than opening thousands of polling places. When state law allows it, you can pre-triage the ballots and count them before Election Day.

Voters get several days to make their decisions, do research, etc. I know this doesn't apply to blobbers since you guys have the attention span of a gnat but those of us not in the cult do like making informed choices.

There is no downside to mail in balloting. The histrionics from the right wing and carnival you guys provide is just an added bonus.
  • Eight states—California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington—allow all elections to be conducted by mail.
  • Two states—Nebraska and North Dakota—permit counties to opt into conducting elections by mail.
  • Nine states—Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico and Wyoming—allow specific small elections to be conducted by mail.
  • Four states—Idaho, Minnesota, New Jersey and New Mexico—permit all-mail elections for certain small jurisdictions.
Therefore it is imperative that somehow a really stong and courageous
female emerge in the U.S. A sort of Joan of Arc.
Just one such female will do for now.
That such Female was Mother Teresa and her pleas to Stop
ABORTION.The only saint this century.Is all.
" Yes,my voices were of God; my voices have not
deceived me. " - Joan of Arc
{ French national heroine,Catholic martyr}
The Constitution DOES NOT specify a day but leaves the details up to Congress, i.e. it does not forbid an “election season”.
Hay ... Mister dumb as a brick.What part of " day "
confuses yer foggy intellect.As is " Day " Not a week or
a month,let alone a " season ".

Sending out ballots is much cheaper than opening thousands of polling places. When state law allows it, you can pre-triage the ballots and count them before Election Day.
This is complete nonsense!

As the data I posted in post 35 shows, most people who receive a mail-in ballot don't use it, and they decide to vote in person anyway. So it is a complete waste to send out 2 million ballots to get 200,000 votes, most of which could vote in person anyway, where it is much more secure and meaningful.

And 100,000 ballots are sent to bogus addresses and returned as non-deliverable.

Nevada is being decided by about 10,000 votes!
The Constitution DOES NOT specify a day but leaves the details up to Congress, i.e. it does not forbid an “election season”.
Indeed..in the days of our founders elections took weeks to complete and to collate all the results. Travel time was brutal. That's one of the reasons for the late inauguration date.
This is complete nonsense!

As the data I posted in post 35 shows, most people who receive a mail-in ballot don't use it, and they decide to vote in person anyway. So it is a complete waste to send out 2 million ballots to get 200,000 votes, most of which could vote in person anyway, where it is much more secure and meaningful.
Well, now you're just making stuff up. 3 out of 10 are not even registered to vote. Of the 7 out of 10 who are, about 2/3 (5 lets say) bother to vote.


And 100,000 ballots are sent to bogus addresses and returned as non-deliverable.

Nevada is being decided by about 10,000 votes!
The goal of right-thinking states is to make it as easy as possible to vote. And the 2020 and 2022 elections have been good in that regard. You do want people to vote, don't you?
The Constitution says "Election Day" not "election season".
Mail-in cheaters undermine our institutions.
Early voting was common practice during our founders time. Voting took place at the County seat, and miles and miles from some land owners/farmers.....and they were allowed to vote a few weeks prior to election day, when ever they could make the long trip.
Trump votes by mail. He has for years.

His Chief of Staff registered to vote in a district where he does not live!

Fucking dumbass partisan asswipe!

Look you, you're just proving that ANYONE AND THEIR BROTHER CAN CHEAT!

You're making the righties' case for them.

No one cares if it was Trump or not. Or what Trump may have done it not done. NO ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT THAT, you stupid retarded Kool aid swilling TDS addled leftard.

=> We have a serious election security issue, and you just proved it.

Goddammit you clowns are fucking stupid. Stop posting stupid shit like this. We've telling you for YEARS there's a fucking problem, duh.

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