CNBC and MSNBC are liars

January 5, 2020 - China announces that the unknown pneumonia cases in Wuhan are not SARS or MERS. In a statement, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission says a retrospective probe into the outbreak has been initiated.
January 7, 2020 - Chinese authorities confirm that they have identified the virus as a novel coronavirus, initially named 2019-nCoV by the WHO.

Get that. ^^^^, liar? see the date?
Hey dumbass, SARS and MERS are coronaviruses, so they knew all along they were dealing with a coronavirus even though it had not been given an official name!
January 5, 2020 - China announces that the unknown pneumonia cases in Wuhan are not SARS or MERS. In a statement, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission says a retrospective probe into the outbreak has been initiated.
January 7, 2020 - Chinese authorities confirm that they have identified the virus as a novel coronavirus, initially named 2019-nCoV by the WHO.

Get that. ^^^^, liar? see the date?
Hey dumbass, SARS and MERS are coronaviruses, so they knew all along they were dealing with a coronavirus even though it had not been given an official name!

So they announced it wasn't something and you take it to mean they do know what it is.

That's three strikes on the reading comprehension test.

And BTW, you are now citing dates in January.

Congratulations. You have arrived in the correct month.

If you hadn't said this:

"Coronavirus was first reported in Dec 2019 and Tramp did not restrict travel from china until Jan 31, 2020"

And then this to double down on your misinformation:

"Lies all lies. It was ID'ed as a previously unknown betacoronavirus in Dec 2019."

You might not have been so easily proven wrong. But, unfortunately for you, you did.

Thanks for playing.

And I will note again, for the third time now, that you continue to ignore the simple fact that the day after WHO declared this an international issue these travel restrictions were implemented.

That initial statement of yours I cite above then should look more like this:

""Coronavirus was first reported by the WHO to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on January 30. Tramp did not restrict travel from China until THE VERY NEXT DAY"

Oh, and add "because he thought it was a hoax" to that^^^

That explains why he waited nearly 24 hours, that scamp. Lol.

You can just admit you were wrong at this point. Go'head, you can do it. I wont make fun of you anymore, so there's that....and once we make that breakthrough we can get you some help with that reading comprehension issue....
Uh oh.

Pence Shook Hands With Cadets Just Days Before One Student Was Quarantined
Pence Shook Hands With Cadets Just Days Before One Student Was Quarantined

Vice President Mike Pence shook hands with Sarasota Military Academy cadets in Florida several days before one of their classmates was quarantined due to potential contact with COVID-19. The now-quarantined student was not at the event.

The academy announced via Facebook on Monday that the cadet and his mother had been quarantined “as a precautionary measure” after the mother, who works at Sarasota Doctors Hospital, made contact with one of the two patients in Florida who have tested positive for the coronavirus.

The academy reported that both the student and his mother “currently are not showing any symptoms and are in good health and spirits.”

On the previous Friday, Pence had visited the academy and shook hands with the senior cadets.
Uh oh.

Pence Shook Hands With Cadets Just Days Before One Student Was Quarantined
Pence Shook Hands With Cadets Just Days Before One Student Was Quarantined

Vice President Mike Pence shook hands with Sarasota Military Academy cadets in Florida several days before one of their classmates was quarantined due to potential contact with COVID-19. The now-quarantined student was not at the event.

The academy announced via Facebook on Monday that the cadet and his mother had been quarantined “as a precautionary measure” after the mother, who works at Sarasota Doctors Hospital, made contact with one of the two patients in Florida who have tested positive for the coronavirus.

The academy reported that both the student and his mother “currently are not showing any symptoms and are in good health and spirits.”

On the previous Friday, Pence had visited the academy and shook hands with the senior cadets. what?
January 5, 2020 - China announces that the unknown pneumonia cases in Wuhan are not SARS or MERS. In a statement, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission says a retrospective probe into the outbreak has been initiated.
January 7, 2020 - Chinese authorities confirm that they have identified the virus as a novel coronavirus, initially named 2019-nCoV by the WHO.

Get that. ^^^^, liar? see the date?
Hey dumbass, SARS and MERS are coronaviruses, so they knew all along they were dealing with a coronavirus even though it had not been given an official name!

So they announced it wasn't something and you take it to mean they do know what it is.

That's three strikes on the reading comprehension test.

And BTW, you are now citing dates in January.

Congratulations. You have arrived in the correct month.

If you hadn't said this:

"Coronavirus was first reported in Dec 2019 and Tramp did not restrict travel from china until Jan 31, 2020"

And then this to double down on your misinformation:

"Lies all lies. It was ID'ed as a previously unknown betacoronavirus in Dec 2019."

You might not have been so easily proven wrong. But, unfortunately for you, you did.

Thanks for playing.

And I will note again, for the third time now, that you continue to ignore the simple fact that the day after WHO declared this an international issue these travel restrictions were implemented.

That initial statement of yours I cite above then should look more like this:

""Coronavirus was first reported by the WHO to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on January 30. Tramp did not restrict travel from China until THE VERY NEXT DAY"

Oh, and add "because he thought it was a hoax" to that^^^

That explains why he waited nearly 24 hours, that scamp. Lol.

You can just admit you were wrong at this point. Go'head, you can do it. I wont make fun of you anymore, so there's that....and once we make that breakthrough we can get you some help with that reading comprehension issue....
Your own citation showed they knew it was a coronavirus and they had eliminated it being SARS or MERS. Repeating your lies does not make them true, it only makes you a serial liar.
I dont blame trump for not having a crystal ball with the exact date that the vaccine will be in the hands of health providers

no one knows for sure

but freaked out libs keep streaking questions at him anyway
Trump has less knowledge than a 10th-grade biology student.
Thats just a cheap shot with no connection to reality

he didn't even know that the flu kills thousands every year.
Few people did

but trump is a quick study

it's not really that unknown. besides - a stable genius would have known. :71:
You are ankle biting again
You deserve to be lied to.
Why is it necessary at all? How did that help with his admin's response or public perception?

No one 'deserves to be lied to.' The MSM 'perception' is "orange man bad" so we can expect them to constantly lie to us no matter what Trump says or does.
No one 'deserves to be lied to
Of course they do. Trump lies to you daily and you accept it every time. You deserve nothing less.

yep. at this point, even when donny's lies are exposed daily & his people just accept what they are told without question instead of finding out the truth for themselves, because they would rather stay warm & comfy in that bubble of ignorance, deserve every lie they are told.
Trump has less knowledge than a 10th-grade biology student.
Thats just a cheap shot with no connection to reality

he didn't even know that the flu kills thousands every year.
Few people did

but trump is a quick study

it's not really that unknown. besides - a stable genius would have known. :71:
You are ankle biting again

every year when we enter 'flu season', there are always reports & interviews on TV about how important it is to get a flu shot & health professionals always highlight the high risk groups & yearly death rates. maybe donny doesn't know because he is too busy tweeting & watching fox & friends.
Uh oh.

Pence Shook Hands With Cadets Just Days Before One Student Was Quarantined
Pence Shook Hands With Cadets Just Days Before One Student Was Quarantined

Vice President Mike Pence shook hands with Sarasota Military Academy cadets in Florida several days before one of their classmates was quarantined due to potential contact with COVID-19. The now-quarantined student was not at the event.

The academy announced via Facebook on Monday that the cadet and his mother had been quarantined “as a precautionary measure” after the mother, who works at Sarasota Doctors Hospital, made contact with one of the two patients in Florida who have tested positive for the coronavirus.

The academy reported that both the student and his mother “currently are not showing any symptoms and are in good health and spirits.”

On the previous Friday, Pence had visited the academy and shook hands with the senior cadets.

& he was JUST saying at his little presser on monday to NOT shake hands with anybody.

maybe he thinks all that praying makes him immune?
Thats just a cheap shot with no connection to reality

he didn't even know that the flu kills thousands every year.
Few people did

but trump is a quick study

it's not really that unknown. besides - a stable genius would have known. :71:
You are ankle biting again

every year when we enter 'flu season', there are always reports & interviews on TV about how important it is to get a flu shot & health professionals always highlight the high risk groups & yearly death rates. maybe donny doesn't know because he is too busy tweeting & watching fox & friends.
Whatever he’s doing its getting good results

Now, if lib globalists would wake up and see how stupid it is to make china our main supplier of so many vital products we could really move forward
he didn't even know that the flu kills thousands every year.
Few people did

but trump is a quick study

it's not really that unknown. besides - a stable genius would have known. :71:
You are ankle biting again

every year when we enter 'flu season', there are always reports & interviews on TV about how important it is to get a flu shot & health professionals always highlight the high risk groups & yearly death rates. maybe donny doesn't know because he is too busy tweeting & watching fox & friends.
Whatever he’s doing its getting good results

Now, if lib globalists would wake up and see how stupid it is to make china our main supplier of so many vital products we could really move forward

lol ... 'lib' globalists. donny is all for bigcorp loopholes & has his 'brand' all over the globe.

i won't argue with you on china, but we'll never be the manufacturing giant we were.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation.
Last edited:
Few people did

but trump is a quick study

it's not really that unknown. besides - a stable genius would have known. :71:
You are ankle biting again

every year when we enter 'flu season', there are always reports & interviews on TV about how important it is to get a flu shot & health professionals always highlight the high risk groups & yearly death rates. maybe donny doesn't know because he is too busy tweeting & watching fox & friends.
Whatever he’s doing its getting good results

Now, if lib globalists would wake up and see how stupid it is to make china our main supplier of so many vital products we could really move forward

lol ... 'lib' globalist. donny is all for bigcorp loopholes & has his 'brand' all over the globe.

i won't argue with you on china, but we'll never be the manufacturing giant we were.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation

I have no idea what all that means to you

but to a globalist it means that if Americans want jobs they must work for the same low wage as a coolie in china

which is unacceptable to me
it's not really that unknown. besides - a stable genius would have known. :71:
You are ankle biting again

every year when we enter 'flu season', there are always reports & interviews on TV about how important it is to get a flu shot & health professionals always highlight the high risk groups & yearly death rates. maybe donny doesn't know because he is too busy tweeting & watching fox & friends.
Whatever he’s doing its getting good results

Now, if lib globalists would wake up and see how stupid it is to make china our main supplier of so many vital products we could really move forward

lol ... 'lib' globalist. donny is all for bigcorp loopholes & has his 'brand' all over the globe.

i won't argue with you on china, but we'll never be the manufacturing giant we were.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation

I have no idea what all that means to you

but to a globalist it means that if Americans want jobs they must work for the same low wage as a coolie in china

which is unacceptable to me

noooooooooo............. it means globalist corporations will keep their jobs outsourced to keep their ceo, board of directors, & stock holders' happy.

how many factory jobs are there where management etc are thrilled to have a union shop? unions = full time, higher pay, & bennies. that is now the antithesis of the manufacturing sector.

automation has been replacing humans since it was invented - automation keeps the bottom line nice & black. automation saves a ton of cash for the powers that be.

think coal. do you believe that will really come back like donny keeps spewing about? more coal mines are closing bigley under trump & the ones still operating are being automated because 'robots' don't get black lung.
January 5, 2020 - China announces that the unknown pneumonia cases in Wuhan are not SARS or MERS. In a statement, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission says a retrospective probe into the outbreak has been initiated.
January 7, 2020 - Chinese authorities confirm that they have identified the virus as a novel coronavirus, initially named 2019-nCoV by the WHO.

Get that. ^^^^, liar? see the date?
Hey dumbass, SARS and MERS are coronaviruses, so they knew all along they were dealing with a coronavirus even though it had not been given an official name!

So they announced it wasn't something and you take it to mean they do know what it is.

That's three strikes on the reading comprehension test.

And BTW, you are now citing dates in January.

Congratulations. You have arrived in the correct month.

If you hadn't said this:

"Coronavirus was first reported in Dec 2019 and Tramp did not restrict travel from china until Jan 31, 2020"

And then this to double down on your misinformation:

"Lies all lies. It was ID'ed as a previously unknown betacoronavirus in Dec 2019."

You might not have been so easily proven wrong. But, unfortunately for you, you did.

Thanks for playing.

And I will note again, for the third time now, that you continue to ignore the simple fact that the day after WHO declared this an international issue these travel restrictions were implemented.

That initial statement of yours I cite above then should look more like this:

""Coronavirus was first reported by the WHO to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on January 30. Tramp did not restrict travel from China until THE VERY NEXT DAY"

Oh, and add "because he thought it was a hoax" to that^^^

That explains why he waited nearly 24 hours, that scamp. Lol.

You can just admit you were wrong at this point. Go'head, you can do it. I wont make fun of you anymore, so there's that....and once we make that breakthrough we can get you some help with that reading comprehension issue....
Your own citation showed they knew it was a coronavirus and they had eliminated it being SARS or MERS. Repeating your lies does not make them true, it only makes you a serial liar.

Yes, it says very, very clearly that they said this was not SARS or MERS on January 5, and identified it as a coronavirus on Jan 7, while you've been claiming all along that this happened in December so you could claim the travel restrictions were not imposed "for over a month"

Fail, Eddie. Aaaaaagain.

And still no comment at all on the glaring, and larger, fact that these restrictions were imposed ONE DAY after the WHO declared this an international concern.

Nice try. It really is lind of pathetic that you cannot admit a simple error in the face of well-documented evidence available on several news outlets, as, if you had you could have simply claimed you didn't know or at least not outed yourself as so completely dishonest. Your continuing to claim that I am lying about......something, when I have proven every single thing I have said (which was easy as this is all clearly documented fact) and you have done everything you could to parse your way to some small point, and failed, while repeatedly ignoring the larger issues makes you a completely dishonest liar.

Good news is that now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, we know exactly what you are, now don't we Lyin' Ed.

Anytime you call me or anyone else on this board a liar, or question their integrity all we'll have to do is come right back here and point to this thread. This is a timeline, FFS. There is very little, if any, debate on it, and I have copied and pasted the info directly from those sources. Yet you continue to flail away instead of simply admitting you were wrong in an increasingly lame and obvious attempt to try to twist this to some advantage.

What a good little partisan you clearly are. Utterly blind to facts and clinging to falsehoods well after the picture is crystal clear. Sad, bud.
Last edited:
You are ankle biting again

every year when we enter 'flu season', there are always reports & interviews on TV about how important it is to get a flu shot & health professionals always highlight the high risk groups & yearly death rates. maybe donny doesn't know because he is too busy tweeting & watching fox & friends.
Whatever he’s doing its getting good results

Now, if lib globalists would wake up and see how stupid it is to make china our main supplier of so many vital products we could really move forward

lol ... 'lib' globalist. donny is all for bigcorp loopholes & has his 'brand' all over the globe.

i won't argue with you on china, but we'll never be the manufacturing giant we were.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation

I have no idea what all that means to you

but to a globalist it means that if Americans want jobs they must work for the same low wage as a coolie in china

which is unacceptable to me

noooooooooo............. it means globalist corporations will keep their jobs outsourced to keep their ceo, board of directors, & stock holders' happy.

how many factory jobs are there where management etc are thrilled to have a union shop? unions = full time, higher pay, & bennies. that is now the antithesis of the manufacturing sector.

automation has been replacing humans since it was invented - automation keeps the bottom line nice & black. automation saves a ton of cash for the powers that be.

think coal. do you believe that will really come back like donny keeps spewing about? more coal mines are closing bigley under trump & the ones still operating are being automated because 'robots' don't get black lung.
The globalist corporations will win as long as you focus on trumps hair and small hands instead of supporting his efforts to bring jobs back to America
You are ankle biting again

every year when we enter 'flu season', there are always reports & interviews on TV about how important it is to get a flu shot & health professionals always highlight the high risk groups & yearly death rates. maybe donny doesn't know because he is too busy tweeting & watching fox & friends.
Whatever he’s doing its getting good results

Now, if lib globalists would wake up and see how stupid it is to make china our main supplier of so many vital products we could really move forward

lol ... 'lib' globalist. donny is all for bigcorp loopholes & has his 'brand' all over the globe.

i won't argue with you on china, but we'll never be the manufacturing giant we were.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation

I have no idea what all that means to you

but to a globalist it means that if Americans want jobs they must work for the same low wage as a coolie in china

which is unacceptable to me

noooooooooo............. it means globalist corporations will keep their jobs outsourced to keep their ceo, board of directors, & stock holders' happy.

how many factory jobs are there where management etc are thrilled to have a union shop? unions = full time, higher pay, & bennies. that is now the antithesis of the manufacturing sector.

automation has been replacing humans since it was invented - automation keeps the bottom line nice & black. automation saves a ton of cash for the powers that be.

think coal. do you believe that will really come back like donny keeps spewing about? more coal mines are closing bigley under trump & the ones still operating are being automated because 'robots' don't get black lung.
As for automation, most of the factory jobs that moved to china are being filled by humans not robots
He is equating their narrative, which has been utter bullshit aimed at scoring political points and outright dangerous, to their bullshit on Roooshins! As their latest attempt to undermine him. He is calling these actions and criticisms a hoax.

And he's right.

You disengenuous pricks and the loons at MSNBC implying he is calling the virus a hoax after all the steps taken which prove he is taking this seriously should be pointing fingers at the lying scumbag dems that have been dealing the outright lies and misinformation that is indeed perpetrating the latest hoax on people for their own despicable reasons.

The dems have gone too far on this one. Way, way, way too far. The rest of the stuff they've done pissed me off, but I wasnt surprised by any of it really. This crap actually does surprise me. Why I dont know, but they've made me sick on this one. Fucking pricks.

Grow up morons. This is not the time for this shit.
Go suck trumps cock. Everybody knows what that asshole meant by his remark. Why is it you Trumptards will never own or admit to trump's stupidity? Just admit he's a degenerate & live with it. Grow up.

Go fuck yourself moron.

Anyone with an IQ beyond that of a toddler knows a few things.

1. He didn't immediately impose travel restrictions, or undertake any of the other actions over a hoax. Duh-duh-derp.

2. Fuckheads just like you are so slobberingly eager to paint anything he says or does in such a way as to gain a political advantage that the truth is irrelevant even when it is right in front of your idiotic noses. Even if your spin has the potential to mislead people during a crisis that he declared a national health emergency over a month ago you partisan shitstains don't care as long as you can say your daily quota of #orangemanbads.

Now I know I said "a few things", but two is enough, given that you've exhibited no ability to incorporate multiple things into a logical conclusion, so I don't want to confuse you.

You are wrong. Period. Now go back to fucking youself....
impeached For Life Dotard wanted to know if the flu vaccine will work on corona. Now you go fuck yourself. Trump is a fucking imbecile. A clueless dolt. A moron. A shit for brains. A pinhead with not enough brains to come in out of the pouring fucking rain. So take your idol worship & wipe your ass with it, Trumptard.

And nothing of substance to add yet again.

Spew the ad hominems and move along.

I will now insult you to the greatest degree possible on your own terms:

Trump is more mature and more factual than you are. lol.

The only thing I've been wiping my ass with are the sputtering proclamations devoid of any fact being spewed by you and the other blind partisan idiots in this thread.

Rest assured I am in no danger of running out of toilet paper, as there is a seemingly endless stream of you idiots that cannot comprehend simple english, so my bung has never felt so pampered. lol.

Now continue fucking yourself with your own head, or grab those ears and do what you can to pull your head out of your ass before you sneeze and collapse the thing..... lol.
Having a hard time removing that brown smudge on your nose from having it shoved up Trump's ass, aintcha? Like it up there, dontcha?
He is equating their narrative, which has been utter bullshit aimed at scoring political points and outright dangerous, to their bullshit on Roooshins! As their latest attempt to undermine him. He is calling these actions and criticisms a hoax.

And he's right.

You disengenuous pricks and the loons at MSNBC implying he is calling the virus a hoax after all the steps taken which prove he is taking this seriously should be pointing fingers at the lying scumbag dems that have been dealing the outright lies and misinformation that is indeed perpetrating the latest hoax on people for their own despicable reasons.

The dems have gone too far on this one. Way, way, way too far. The rest of the stuff they've done pissed me off, but I wasnt surprised by any of it really. This crap actually does surprise me. Why I dont know, but they've made me sick on this one. Fucking pricks.

Grow up morons. This is not the time for this shit.
Go suck trumps cock. Everybody knows what that asshole meant by his remark. Why is it you Trumptards will never own or admit to trump's stupidity? Just admit he's a degenerate & live with it. Grow up.

Go fuck yourself moron.

Anyone with an IQ beyond that of a toddler knows a few things.

1. He didn't immediately impose travel restrictions, or undertake any of the other actions over a hoax. Duh-duh-derp.

2. Fuckheads just like you are so slobberingly eager to paint anything he says or does in such a way as to gain a political advantage that the truth is irrelevant even when it is right in front of your idiotic noses. Even if your spin has the potential to mislead people during a crisis that he declared a national health emergency over a month ago you partisan shitstains don't care as long as you can say your daily quota of #orangemanbads.

Now I know I said "a few things", but two is enough, given that you've exhibited no ability to incorporate multiple things into a logical conclusion, so I don't want to confuse you.

You are wrong. Period. Now go back to fucking youself....
impeached For Life Dotard wanted to know if the flu vaccine will work on corona. Now you go fuck yourself. Trump is a fucking imbecile. A clueless dolt. A moron. A shit for brains. A pinhead with not enough brains to come in out of the pouring fucking rain. So take your idol worship & wipe your ass with it, Trumptard.

And nothing of substance to add yet again.

Spew the ad hominems and move along.

I will now insult you to the greatest degree possible on your own terms:

Trump is more mature and more factual than you are. lol.

The only thing I've been wiping my ass with are the sputtering proclamations devoid of any fact being spewed by you and the other blind partisan idiots in this thread.

Rest assured I am in no danger of running out of toilet paper, as there is a seemingly endless stream of you idiots that cannot comprehend simple english, so my bung has never felt so pampered. lol.

Now continue fucking yourself with your own head, or grab those ears and do what you can to pull your head out of your ass before you sneeze and collapse the thing..... lol.
Having a hard time removing that brown smudge on your nose from having it shoved up Trump's ass, aintcha? Like it up there, dontcha?

So insightful. And so wrong. Again.

I've criticized Trump plenty.

You bring nothing to the table other than your juvenile insults, as you know your facts don't add up to even enough shit to fill your empty head.

Hell, I can play that game too, but the adults are talking now, kid, so put on your jammies and scuttle off to cartoonland, or the Daily Kos, or wherever you generate your lame material....
every year when we enter 'flu season', there are always reports & interviews on TV about how important it is to get a flu shot & health professionals always highlight the high risk groups & yearly death rates. maybe donny doesn't know because he is too busy tweeting & watching fox & friends.
Whatever he’s doing its getting good results

Now, if lib globalists would wake up and see how stupid it is to make china our main supplier of so many vital products we could really move forward

lol ... 'lib' globalist. donny is all for bigcorp loopholes & has his 'brand' all over the globe.

i won't argue with you on china, but we'll never be the manufacturing giant we were.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation

I have no idea what all that means to you

but to a globalist it means that if Americans want jobs they must work for the same low wage as a coolie in china

which is unacceptable to me

noooooooooo............. it means globalist corporations will keep their jobs outsourced to keep their ceo, board of directors, & stock holders' happy.

how many factory jobs are there where management etc are thrilled to have a union shop? unions = full time, higher pay, & bennies. that is now the antithesis of the manufacturing sector.

automation has been replacing humans since it was invented - automation keeps the bottom line nice & black. automation saves a ton of cash for the powers that be.

think coal. do you believe that will really come back like donny keeps spewing about? more coal mines are closing bigley under trump & the ones still operating are being automated because 'robots' don't get black lung.
The globalist corporations will win as long as you focus on trumps hair and small hands instead of supporting his efforts to bring jobs back to America

ya - don't ferget what stormy says about his little mushroom pecker.... actually i'll be watching the SC's case regarding obamacare - where donny, who not only said he would repeal & replace obamacare 'on day one' & has yet to do a fucking thing - but says 'pre existing conditions will always be protected' - might be struck down in its entirety - including the protection for pre existing conditions.

because he's a tribbleheaded dotard with teeny tiny hands.

every year when we enter 'flu season', there are always reports & interviews on TV about how important it is to get a flu shot & health professionals always highlight the high risk groups & yearly death rates. maybe donny doesn't know because he is too busy tweeting & watching fox & friends.
Whatever he’s doing its getting good results

Now, if lib globalists would wake up and see how stupid it is to make china our main supplier of so many vital products we could really move forward

lol ... 'lib' globalist. donny is all for bigcorp loopholes & has his 'brand' all over the globe.

i won't argue with you on china, but we'll never be the manufacturing giant we were.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation.

livable american wages vs sweatshop pay
union bennies vs non union
flesh & blood vs automation

I have no idea what all that means to you

but to a globalist it means that if Americans want jobs they must work for the same low wage as a coolie in china

which is unacceptable to me

noooooooooo............. it means globalist corporations will keep their jobs outsourced to keep their ceo, board of directors, & stock holders' happy.

how many factory jobs are there where management etc are thrilled to have a union shop? unions = full time, higher pay, & bennies. that is now the antithesis of the manufacturing sector.

automation has been replacing humans since it was invented - automation keeps the bottom line nice & black. automation saves a ton of cash for the powers that be.

think coal. do you believe that will really come back like donny keeps spewing about? more coal mines are closing bigley under trump & the ones still operating are being automated because 'robots' don't get black lung.
As for automation, most of the factory jobs that moved to china are being filled by humans not robots

i didn't say china - i said they would be automated HERE if manufacturing were to come back in the numbers donny has you believe. china has way too many people - they have the sweatshops like i said.

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