CNN admits they are in hilary's pocket.

Notice cons always leave out the full blown Republican propaganda outlet Fox News.

The big lie that the 'media' is biased has been a con-media talking point for the last 25 years. It's sole function is, along with various other mechanisms, to portray all things in the culture as 'us vs them' to conservatives. Thus when any election comes up they can do what they always do, 'you are either with us or against us'. Conservative media doesn't present truth. The first couple years of Fox News they were sued by a reporter who was told to lie about his research on air, which he wouldn't do, so they fired him. He sued and Fox argued in court that a 'news' outlet isn't required to tell the truth. That was their argument. And they won. THAT is who Fox News is. From the start their whole purpose has been to tell the big lie and the rest of conservative media echos it back the next day so that conservatives that aren't sophisticated hear this and think it absolute truth.

It is industrial level lying and portraying lies as truth.

You can see the results on this board and every other message board, an entire cohort of people that self describe as conservative who outright ignore facts even when they are confirmed absolutely.
Not even a close comparison you moron!
"the c*ntface donald" is 1000 times worse than that, but you are to stupid to know the difference.
Typical teabagger!

Your stupidity is showing.
Just like anyone supporting "the c*ntface donald", you even steal other peoples words, like his 3rd wife " Melania"
How Donald Trump used the three women in his life for his own benefit — and pleasure

"Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything."

It’s hard to imagine that a man on a lifelong prowl for women, preferably in their twenties, isn’t a contraception champion. But he’s made it through most of the primaries without being asked, even though he may be carrying an ever-ready Trump Trojan in his pocket for the occasion.
Donald Trump's history with women: adultery, objectification

Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything.
They are setting the stage so they have something to blame the loss on when it all comes down on their bigoted asses.

Why does CNN keep hammering Hillary about the so-called FBI corruption probe of the Clinton Foundation? I don't get it - since they are supposedly in Hillary's pocket. Can anyone please explain...?

"Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything."

"Don't hold your breath for the lunatic Leftwinging bedwetters to admit anything."

There I've corrected the mistakes you made in your above post, it's okay, you can thank me later :smoke:
like slick willy?
One more stupid moronic teabagging douche bag.
One day you might have a bit of a resemblance of a brain but that is questionable.

Your stupidity is showing.
Just like anyone supporting "the c*ntface donald", you even steal other peoples words, like his 3rd wife " Melania"
How Donald Trump used the three women in his life for his own benefit — and pleasure

"Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything."

It’s hard to imagine that a man on a lifelong prowl for women, preferably in their twenties, isn’t a contraception champion. But he’s made it through most of the primaries without being asked, even though he may be carrying an ever-ready Trump Trojan in his pocket for the occasion.
Donald Trump's history with women: adultery, objectification

Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything.
They are setting the stage so they have something to blame the loss on when it all comes down on their bigoted asses.

Why does CNN keep hammering Hillary about the so-called FBI corruption probe of the Clinton Foundation? I don't get it - since they are supposedly in Hillary's pocket. Can anyone please explain...?

"Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything."

"Don't hold your breath for the lunatic Leftwinging bedwetters to admit anything."

There I've corrected the mistakes you made in your above post, it's okay, you can thank me later :smoke:

Only a totally shameless douche bag could support Hillary and her sexual predator husband and simultaneously attack Trump.
Riiight, there are plenty of stories on HRC that are negative.

But Hillary does have a large number of Republicans on her side in this election. They are the Republicans who understand trump isn't a conservative and he doesn't hold their values. You know, the honest ones.
Right, that's why they are voting for Hillary, to defend their Republican values!

That's some funny shit right there.
Riiight, there are plenty of stories on HRC that are negative.

They just won't be on CNN, MSNABCBS, or Carlos Slim's NY Times.

But Hillary does have a large number of Republicans on her side in this election. They are the Republicans who understand trump isn't a conservative and he doesn't hold their values. You know, the honest ones.

The popular media cannot be trusted. Simple fact. The MSM is there to campaign for the democrats, not to report the news.

I don't know how many times I have to post this but here is the FACT that the MSM is biased and wants Democrats to win!
Bias with their pocketbook...
In 2008, of the 1,353 Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC 1,160 or 85% contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

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