CNN admits they are in hilary's pocket.

It's called freedom of the press. Why do conservatives want to deny the media freedom of the press?

"Freedom of the Press" a term that only a twisted person like you could fail to understand its true meaning. Here's a free education for you, dummy. When a media outlet only reports favorably for one side, while at the same time reporting unfavorably for the other side, that is called PROPAGANDA. Propaganda is an arm of government. Thus, if a media outlet is propagandizing for one side, they are in fact an arm of the government. Leave it to a brain dead person like you to not understand that simple fact.

I agree with Westwall on this one and what CNN and every News agency does is Propaganda and that includes Fox News... Now can anyone tell me any news source that does not slant their reporting to favor certain politicians?
It's called freedom of the press. Why do conservatives want to deny the media freedom of the press?
You can't have legitimate freedom of the press when so-called "journalists" are all schooled by a gang of pinko indoctrinators on the government payroll. The media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the government and the Democrat party.

Well no, freedom of the press allows each individual media outlet to be as 'pinko', or, as rightwing nutty as it wants to.

and btw, are you're saying that Foxnews has no journalists?

Without separation of education and government, all you get are government indoctrinated drones. Freedom of the press then becomes irrelevant.

Of course, a government brainwashed drone like you will never admit that.

We have public schools because the People want public schools. If you have a workable idea for a government that ignores the voice of the People,

let's hear it.

The people of Germany wanted a Furher in 1933. Why do you assume the mob is entitled to get whatever it wants?

There is no idea for workable government. That's why it should be abolished - precisely to keep the mob from getting what wants.
Your stupidity is showing.
Just like anyone supporting "the c*ntface donald", you even steal other peoples words, like his 3rd wife " Melania"
How Donald Trump used the three women in his life for his own benefit — and pleasure

"Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything."

It’s hard to imagine that a man on a lifelong prowl for women, preferably in their twenties, isn’t a contraception champion. But he’s made it through most of the primaries without being asked, even though he may be carrying an ever-ready Trump Trojan in his pocket for the occasion.
Donald Trump's history with women: adultery, objectification

Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything.
They are setting the stage so they have something to blame the loss on when it all comes down on their bigoted asses.

Why does CNN keep hammering Hillary about the so-called FBI corruption probe of the Clinton Foundation? I don't get it - since they are supposedly in Hillary's pocket. Can anyone please explain...?

"Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything."

"Don't hold your breath for the lunatic Leftwinging bedwetters to admit anything."

There I've corrected the mistakes you made in your above post, it's okay, you can thank me later :smoke:

Only a totally shameless douche bag could support Hillary and her sexual predator husband and simultaneously attack Trump.


I don't know about the Duke thing although given his history and Trumps refusal for weeks to denounce him I think the networks had a right to report Trump's affinity for white separatists and likewise.

As far as Trump's controversies, I mean gee gosh oh golly...ya think that could be because he's had 4 times more controversies? Or maybe 40?

What affinity, Clinton hugged and kissed more of them than Trump has
If anyone is in anyone's pocket, it's the guy who is going to court 20 days after the election for Fraud and Racketeering which the media won't talk about. The guy who is being investigated for bribery the media won't talk about. The guy who has been given free press to the tune of over two billion dollars.
The press only reports on Benghazi and emails when it comes to Hillary. Not her policies. Not her successes. Only her emails and Benghazi.

She has no policies or successes, that's why they never speak of her....nothing to report
So what. NaziCons have Fox News. BTW, is this that same shit from TWO years ago?

Right Fox news versus:
ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,NPR,New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, i can go on but you tell me what doe the viewer/readership of Fox match them?
That's the point dummy! You idiots FEEL you are getting news, but the fact is you are getting propaganda that have supported the Democrats for years.
If you can't do the math here are the FACTS:
27.6 million viewers of which Fox had 3 million or under 11% of total viewers!
So consequently 9 out of 10 viewers get a biased democrat point of view ... 1 gets a conservative point of view.
And that is just of the TV viewership! The same ratio applies to the print media.
CNN delivered 7.505m total viewers and 2.812m among 25-54

MSNBC delivered 5.272m total viewers and 1.527m among 25-54

NBC News delivered 4.516m total viewers and 1.698m among 25-54

ABC News delivered 3.846m total viewers and 1.373m among 25-54

CBS News delivered 3.653m total viewers and 1.293m among 25-54

FNC delivered 3.031m total viewers and 785k among 25-54
The entity known as FOXNEWS' viewers are old white males.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I'm not old....should I say MSNBC is for young, dumb, minorities?
It's called freedom of the press. Why do conservatives want to deny the media freedom of the press?
You can't have legitimate freedom of the press when so-called "journalists" are all schooled by a gang of pinko indoctrinators on the government payroll. The media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the government and the Democrat party.

Well no, freedom of the press allows each individual media outlet to be as 'pinko', or, as rightwing nutty as it wants to.

and btw, are you're saying that Foxnews has no journalists?

Without separation of education and government, all you get are government indoctrinated drones. Freedom of the press then becomes irrelevant.

Of course, a government brainwashed drone like you will never admit that.

We have public schools because the People want public schools. If you have a workable idea for a government that ignores the voice of the People,

let's hear it.

It doesn't, people want school choice.....Stop ignoring that
It's called freedom of the press. Why do conservatives want to deny the media freedom of the press?
You can't have legitimate freedom of the press when so-called "journalists" are all schooled by a gang of pinko indoctrinators on the government payroll. The media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the government and the Democrat party.

Well no, freedom of the press allows each individual media outlet to be as 'pinko', or, as rightwing nutty as it wants to.

and btw, are you're saying that Foxnews has no journalists?

Without separation of education and government, all you get are government indoctrinated drones. Freedom of the press then becomes irrelevant.

Of course, a government brainwashed drone like you will never admit that.

We have public schools because the People want public schools. If you have a workable idea for a government that ignores the voice of the People,

let's hear it.

The people of Germany wanted a Furher in 1933. Why do you assume the mob is entitled to get whatever it wants?

There is no idea for workable government. That's why it should be abolished - precisely to keep the mob from getting what wants.

See what I mean about this guy? He wants the United States of America to disappear as a nation but he has no better idea,

and in the meantime he argues like a garden variety authoritarian rightwing extremist.
It's called freedom of the press. Why do conservatives want to deny the media freedom of the press?
You can't have legitimate freedom of the press when so-called "journalists" are all schooled by a gang of pinko indoctrinators on the government payroll. The media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the government and the Democrat party.

Well no, freedom of the press allows each individual media outlet to be as 'pinko', or, as rightwing nutty as it wants to.

and btw, are you're saying that Foxnews has no journalists?

Without separation of education and government, all you get are government indoctrinated drones. Freedom of the press then becomes irrelevant.

Of course, a government brainwashed drone like you will never admit that.

We have public schools because the People want public schools. If you have a workable idea for a government that ignores the voice of the People,

let's hear it.

It doesn't, people want school choice.....Stop ignoring that

Name the states that have abolished their public school systems.
"Literally"? This should excite some of my NaziCon friends:

Hannity: CNN ‘Literally’ Kisses Hillary Clinton’s Ass

Hannity is an opinion piece you moron, of course he says outlandish things to get viewers.

So, that would also mean that Matthews, Hayes, Maddow, and O'Donnell are also opinion pieces, right?

OF COURSE they are.

So, where do we get our "news"...?
Riiight, there are plenty of stories on HRC that are negative.

But Hillary does have a large number of Republicans on her side in this election. They are the Republicans who understand trump isn't a conservative and he doesn't hold their values. You know, the honest ones.
Riiight, there are plenty of stories on HRC that are negative.

They just won't be on CNN, MSNABCBS, or Carlos Slim's NY Times.

But Hillary does have a large number of Republicans on her side in this election. They are the Republicans who understand trump isn't a conservative and he doesn't hold their values. You know, the honest ones.

The popular media cannot be trusted. Simple fact. The MSM is there to campaign for the democrats, not to report the news.

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