CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

They'll just reject the constitutional authority of the Courts.

Yes... we will. Because the constitution does not grant such authority. But you're invited to cite where it does. And when you fail to do so, rest assured that I will be here to recognize and accept your looming concession.


The Constitution does NOT grant THE PEOPLE authority. The People have all - 100% - of the rights except for those which were specifically granted to the government. None of the powers granted to the government allows them to prevent homosexuals from living together.



God grants people authority.

That's sorta the whole point of 'rights'. They're the things God authorizes... which is why they're not separable from our beings and why we don't need another's permission, and why we can't exercise it to the detriment of the means of another to do the same... because they too are authorized by God to do so.

I do not know what you mean by "god".

Do you mean the deistic Nature's God referred to by Jefferson?


Yes... God.
All law is subjective.

Subjective law, is invalid law. No American is obligated to recognize any law which is subjective. Period.

You see, American principle provides that we are all equal before the law. Subjective law, rejects that principle. Therefore, it stands in opposition to the principles upon which Americans consent, to be governed.

Again, as a Leftist, there is no way you could have known that.

A law that protects your freedom of religion is subjective,....

You ... are an imbecile.

Subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.


Your opinion of the purpose of the law is subjective.

No... My opinion of the purpose of law rests in objectivity. That it is an opinion, does not render it subjective.
All law is subjective.

Subjective law, is invalid law. No American is obligated to recognize any law which is subjective. Period.

You see, American principle provides that we are all equal before the law. Subjective law, rejects that principle. Therefore, it stands in opposition to the principles upon which Americans consent, to be governed.

Again, as a Leftist, there is no way you could have known that.

A law that protects your freedom of religion is subjective,....

You ... are an imbecile.

Subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.


Your opinion of the purpose of the law is subjective.

No... My opinion of the purpose of law rests in objectivity.

But neither your religion nor your conception of god are 'objective'. But intensely personal and subjective. You have personal faith. But that isn't objective evidence of anything. That's subjective evidence. Something only you can experience, verify and measure.

Christianity is wildly subjective. Its doctrine changes from sect to sect, interpretation to interpretation, time period to time period. And each time, its subject to culture, history, and the personal context of the individual interpreting it.

You choose to believe that your subjective belief system is objective because you wish to believe that you're right. And such a belief requires some qualitative difference between you and all the other beliefs out there. But your belief system *needing* objectivity to be valid doesn't mean that it actually is objective.

Especially since, by your own reasoning, religious and faith based reasoning provide spectacularly poor results. With almost all other theists being wrong and self deluded. Rendering the odds that you happened upon the one correct interpretation in all of religion to be ridiculously low.

And worse.....there need be no 'correct' interpretation of god. Or even a god for that matter.
All law is subjective.

Subjective law, is invalid law. No American is obligated to recognize any law which is subjective. Period.

You see, American principle provides that we are all equal before the law. Subjective law, rejects that principle. Therefore, it stands in opposition to the principles upon which Americans consent, to be governed.

Again, as a Leftist, there is no way you could have known that.

A law that protects your freedom of religion is subjective,....

You ... are an imbecile.

Subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.


So your opinion that gun ownership should be a right is not subjective?

I do not possess the opinion that 'gun ownership should be a right'.

As owning and effectively using a firearm in defense of one's life, or the life of another innocent in one's immediate presence, is the responsibility that one must bear to sustain one's right to one's life and the means to exercise one's right to pursue the fulfillment of one's life.

Your opinion that there is a God is not subjective?

No. The existence of the Creator of the Universe is an axiomatic certainty born from the existence of the creation.

Your opinion that the Supreme Court should not be subjective is not subjective?

No. As a judge can only be valid in the service of justice where it is objective.

lol, you're dumber than Kosh.

ROFLMNAO! Thank you... I do SO adore the sweeter ironies. And what irony could be sweeter, than this site preeminent imbecile speaking to intellectual means.

No. The existence of the Creator of the Universe is an axiomatic certainty born from the existence of the creation.

That's pure, circular reasoning. Where your evidence and your conclusion are the same thing. Worse, there's nothing in the First Mover argument that mandates that a first mover be good. Or all powerful. Or sentient. Or the source of rights. Or any of the attributes you attribute to your conception of "god'.

A first mover need only have moved first. Everything beyond in your ideas about god is subjective assumption. Thus, even by your own standards, the existence of the universe doesn't mandate your conception of god.

So your reasoning fails twice.

No. As a judge can only be valid in the service of justice where it is objective.

You merely assume that your conception of 'justice' is objective, just like you assume that your conception of god is 'axiomatic'. But you can't actually factually establish any of it. You merely offer us your personal, subjective opinion.

And then insist that your opinion must be objective truth. There's no such mandate. Your logic is simply broken.
Its a pointless argument. You can believe in 'natural' rights all you want. You can claim god himself gives you whatever rights you believe you have.

None of that matters, because unless other people agree and allow you to exercise those rights what you believe is 'natural' is irrelevant.

Rights only exist if you can exercise them, which requires a social contract - typically a form of government.
Its a pointless argument. You can believe in 'natural' rights all you want. You can claim god himself gives you whatever rights you believe you have.

None of that matters, because unless other people agree and allow you to exercise those rights what you believe is 'natural' is irrelevant.

Rights only exist if you can exercise them, which requires a social contract - typically a form of government.

Depends on what your point is. I suspect Keyes point is his standard plea that his belief system and faith are objective truth.

Your point is the actual topic of the thread. Which is hopelessly subjective.
Evolution has no direction.

100% stupid as always. if no direction humans would not exist, let alone exist so successfully.
Humans are well adapted because they have large brains, use tools, and adapt the environment to suit their needs. Nature had no plan for them, they simply exist, and do well until they destroy themselves. Those who came before us had their time, as will those who come after us. There is no plan, there simply is.
Its a pointless argument. You can believe in 'natural' rights all you want. You can claim god himself gives you whatever rights you believe you have.

None of that matters, because unless other people agree and allow you to exercise those rights what you believe is 'natural' is irrelevant.

Rights only exist if you can exercise them, which requires a social contract - typically a form of government.


If every person on earth, except me 'believed' to the depth of their soul that THEY Were the arbiter of all human rights... and decided to come down on me in a world-wide rush to my door, in hopes of stripping me of my God given inalienable rights.

It would end with a pile of bodies outside my door and some drone blowing me and my house into bits.

And I would depart this world with my God-given rights wholly intact.

I don't require so much as a single human being to believe that my rights come from God, as I don't ask anyone's permission to exercise my rights. And, again... where the world determines that I should not do so, that fight will either result in my destroying the world and finishing out my life at a point beyond that, with my inalienable rights or with me leaving the world at that point, with my rights... .

There is nothing you can do or say that can sway me from the self-evident truth, that I am endowed by my Creator with rights SO CERTAIN, that they are inseparable from my being. And there is no force on earth that will ever separate me from my authorization, handed down to me from the supreme being of the universe to exercise those rights and to do so, without infringing on the means of another to do the same for themselves.

And that is due to the fact that I CHOOSE to be an American; meaning that I recognize, respect, defend and adhere TO the principles that define America, unapologetically rejecting and refusing to compromise with the advocates of foreign ideas HOSTILE TO American principles... and that's how we roll.
Its a pointless argument. You can believe in 'natural' rights all you want. You can claim god himself gives you whatever rights you believe you have.

None of that matters, because unless other people agree and allow you to exercise those rights what you believe is 'natural' is irrelevant.

Rights only exist if you can exercise them, which requires a social contract - typically a form of government.


If every person on earth, except me 'believed' to the depth of their soul that THEY Were the arbiter of all human rights... and decided to come down on me in a world-wide rush to my door, in hopes of stripping me of my God given inalienable rights.

It would end with a pile of bodies outside my door and some drone blowing me and my house into bits.

And I would depart this world with my God-given rights wholly intact.

I don't require so much as a single human being to believe that my rights come from God, as I don't ask anyone's permission to exercise my rights. And, again... where the world determines that I should not do so, that fight will either result in my destroying the world and finishing out my life at a point beyond that, with my inalienable rights or with me leaving the world at that point, with my rights... .

There is nothing you can do or say that can sway me from the self-evident truth, that I am endowed by my Creator with rights SO CERTAIN, that they are inseparable from my being. And there is no force on earth that will ever separate me from my authorization, handed down to me from the supreme being of the universe to exercise those rights and to do so, without infringing on the means of another to do the same for themselves.

And that is due to the fact that I CHOOSE to be an American; meaning that I recognize, respect, defend and adhere TO the principles that define America, unapologetically rejecting and refusing to compromise with the advocates of foreign ideas HOSTILE TO American principles... and that's how we roll.
Congrats. You're the toughest guy on the internet.

so if the police came to arrest you, you'd end things with suicide by cop?
Rights come from human intellect, and consensus.

rights come from tradition, God, and nature. what comes from human intellect is Hitler Stalin Mao Obama. It took human intellect 1 million years to discover that slavery was wrong so we don't want to rely on it.
Rights from nature? I'd love to see that list. Nature neither knows that you exist, or gives a damn either way.

Nature has no 'rights'. It has strong and weak. We create rights. We defend rights. They exist because we do both.

Toeing the party line:

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini
Rights come from human intellect, and consensus.

rights come from tradition, God, and nature. what comes from human intellect is Hitler Stalin Mao Obama. It took human intellect 1 million years to discover that slavery was wrong so we don't want to rely on it.
Rights from nature? I'd love to see that list. Nature neither knows that you exist, or gives a damn either way.

Nature has no 'rights'. It has strong and weak. We create rights. We defend rights. They exist because we do both.

Toeing the party line:

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini
Many humans don't value other humans. On the other hand Nature, doesn't value humans at all. Now you know.
Its a pointless argument. You can believe in 'natural' rights all you want. You can claim god himself gives you whatever rights you believe you have.

None of that matters, because unless other people agree and allow you to exercise those rights what you believe is 'natural' is irrelevant.

Rights only exist if you can exercise them, which requires a social contract - typically a form of government.


If every person on earth, except me 'believed' to the depth of their soul that THEY Were the arbiter of all human rights... and decided to come down on me in a world-wide rush to my door, in hopes of stripping me of my God given inalienable rights.

It would end with a pile of bodies outside my door and some drone blowing me and my house into bits.

And I would depart this world with my God-given rights wholly intact.

I don't require so much as a single human being to believe that my rights come from God, as I don't ask anyone's permission to exercise my rights. And, again... where the world determines that I should not do so, that fight will either result in my destroying the world and finishing out my life at a point beyond that, with my inalienable rights or with me leaving the world at that point, with my rights... .

There is nothing you can do or say that can sway me from the self-evident truth, that I am endowed by my Creator with rights SO CERTAIN, that they are inseparable from my being. And there is no force on earth that will ever separate me from my authorization, handed down to me from the supreme being of the universe to exercise those rights and to do so, without infringing on the means of another to do the same for themselves.

And that is due to the fact that I CHOOSE to be an American; meaning that I recognize, respect, defend and adhere TO the principles that define America, unapologetically rejecting and refusing to compromise with the advocates of foreign ideas HOSTILE TO American principles... and that's how we roll.

To your credit, your insane manifesto is relatively short.
I think I'm excellent at argument.
i think you can not think, you are a liberliar so you only have FEEEEEELINGS !!

i also think you are one excellently stupendous LIAR !!

feel better now ? :lmao: ......., i do ! :lmao:

I keep getting accused of lying. I keep asking for examples of my lying. The accusers don't have any.
yo bro, i am not going all the way back to Mar 10, 2009, when you joined to list your lies everyone knows your propensity to stretchhhhhhh things.

you are what you are !!
Its a pointless argument. You can believe in 'natural' rights all you want. You can claim god himself gives you whatever rights you believe you have.

None of that matters, because unless other people agree and allow you to exercise those rights what you believe is 'natural' is irrelevant.

Rights only exist if you can exercise them, which requires a social contract - typically a form of government.


If every person on earth, except me 'believed' to the depth of their soul that THEY Were the arbiter of all human rights... and decided to come down on me in a world-wide rush to my door, in hopes of stripping me of my God given inalienable rights.

It would end with a pile of bodies outside my door and some drone blowing me and my house into bits.

And I would depart this world with my God-given rights wholly intact.

I don't require so much as a single human being to believe that my rights come from God, as I don't ask anyone's permission to exercise my rights. And, again... where the world determines that I should not do so, that fight will either result in my destroying the world and finishing out my life at a point beyond that, with my inalienable rights or with me leaving the world at that point, with my rights... .

There is nothing you can do or say that can sway me from the self-evident truth, that I am endowed by my Creator with rights SO CERTAIN, that they are inseparable from my being. And there is no force on earth that will ever separate me from my authorization, handed down to me from the supreme being of the universe to exercise those rights and to do so, without infringing on the means of another to do the same for themselves.

And that is due to the fact that I CHOOSE to be an American; meaning that I recognize, respect, defend and adhere TO the principles that define America, unapologetically rejecting and refusing to compromise with the advocates of foreign ideas HOSTILE TO American principles... and that's how we roll.
Congrats. You're the toughest guy on the internet.

so if the police came to arrest you, you'd end things with suicide by cop?

He's pretty much said as much.

He's also pretty clear he wants all homosexuals to be killed.

He's a sick, twisted fuck.

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