CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

So? Aristotle's conception of rights would have been radically different to ours?

Aristotle is know as the first conservative because he believed govt should reflect the natural order, not the fantasies of lib Nazi central govt elites
So? Aristotle's conception of rights would have been radically different to ours?

Aristotle is know as the first conservative because he believed govt should reflect the natural order, not the fantasies of lib Nazi central govt elites

And his conception of rights are radically different than yours. Has 'nature' changed in the last few centuries? Or are rights our invention.
And how is any man 'saying' something about rights proof it must be true?

dear, nobody said any one man proved that it was true. Rather the line of giants from Aristotle Cicero Jesus Locke Jefferson and Friedman proved it was true.
If a human has to frame the "right", it is not God-given. A Supreme Being shouldn't require an imperfect one to speak for Him. It's the reason the Bible raises more questions than it answers.

Assclown, you are stupid. It's why you are a leftist.

Rights exist absent government grant. That which is granted by government is a "privilege," not a "right."

I don't believe in god, but god given rights are those which are imbued to all - which can only be taken, not granted.

Your avie reveals that you are an assclown, far to stupid to grasp concepts such as natural rights.
So slavery is OK as long as it's a tradition?
nobody said that dear??????
You're the one that listed tradition as one of the places where rights come from. What if it's traditional that I have the right to own slaves?
dear, Aristotle did not say all traditions from all places and times were good and should literally be imitated. That would physically absurd and 100% impossible. Do you understand that as a typical, knee jerk liberal you lack the conceptual IQ for this discussion?
They don't come from God. They come from us. .

no dear, all humans had some natural things in common 500,000 years before they communicated with each other or even knew each other existed. Conservative govt reflects those things while lib Nazi govt invents its own right and gets us all killed.
God is smarter than man.

Do you understand?
So slavery is OK as long as it's a tradition?
nobody said that dear??????
You're the one that listed tradition as one of the places where rights come from. What if it's traditional that I have the right to own slaves?
dear, Aristotle did not say all traditions from all places and times were good and should literally be imitated. That would physically absurd and 100% impossible. Do you understand that as a typical, knee jerk liberal you lack the conceptual IQ for this discussion?

Hun, I don't give a fuck what Aristole said. As he's no more the source of our rights than whatever you imagine 'God' to be this week.

We are the source of our rights. They are whatever we say they are, as they are our invention. And they exist as long as we agree they do and protect them.
They don't come from God. They come from us. .

no dear, all humans had some natural things in common 500,000 years before they communicated with each other or even knew each other existed. Conservative govt reflects those things while lib Nazi govt invents its own right and gets us all killed.'re offering us Begging the Question fallacy. One that you can't actually back up with anything more than your ability to type it. Worse, you're using a Begging the Question fallacy to back an Appeal to Authority fallacy. Where you claim to speak for nature.

You're not nature, hun. Nor do you speak for it.

God is smarter than man.

And a brand new Appeal to Authority fallacy. Hate to break this to you, puddin'.....but you're not God. Nor do you speak for him/it/they.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need so many fallacies to support them.
Hun, I don't give a fuck what Aristole said.

as a typical lib Nazi the smartest man to have ever lived would be irrelevant to you. You are the God like HItler Stalin and Mao were. These were not men of great learning but rather men, like you, who knew without learning that they were right!!
as they are our invention. And they exist as long as we agree they do and protect them.

dear, the great liberals HItler Stalin and Mao felt very free to invent rights as they saw fit. Conservative intellectuals like Aristotle Cicero Jesus Locke Jefferson and Friedman felt rights came from God or nature and as such would serve us better.

Do you have the IQ to catch on?

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