CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

Trying to warp the D of I and the Constitution into custom made endorsements of a narrow conservative agenda,

very funny.

The Charter of American Principles is what the US Constitution is designed to represent, as it defines the governmental construct AROUND those Judea-Christian principles.

So how come when I google Charter of American Principles,

no such thing comes up?

Link us please.

Still waiting for this link.

Did I miss it?
Aaaaaaannd...The kooky Mooresicle triples down.

"Chief Justice Roy Moore said on "Fox News Sunday," that if the Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage, he wouldn't be "bound" by the ruling."
Alabama Chief Justice SCOTUS Can t Change God s Law On Marriage

He also said when a word’s not in the Constitution [marriage] the Supreme Court can't rule on it - because they can't define words that aren't there.


Aaaaaaannd...The kooky Mooresicle triples down.

"Chief Justice Roy Moore said on "Fox News Sunday," that if the Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage, he wouldn't be "bound" by the ruling."
Alabama Chief Justice SCOTUS Can t Change God s Law On Marriage

He also said when a word’s not in the Constitution [marriage] the Supreme Court can't rule on it - because they can't define words that aren't there.


What exactly is the Constitutional definition of marriage? Ain't seen it yet.
What's the Constitutional definition of Campaign Finance?

Because a word isn't in the Constitution, doesn't mean SCOTUS can't rule on it.
Duh. The point was there was no basis for limiting what groups of people can do with their money. Every state is a bit different with marriage, some allow closer relations to marry. Others think it's too close, half cousins, first cousins, etc. They all vary. How does that fit in with two people that can't produce offspring? You simply mimic what heterosexuals do even though it's irrelevant? How should the Supremes decide?
So the Right to bear arms, the right to petition, the right to a speedy trial...are not "Natural Rights"

Or are they?

regardless if they are wrote on a piece of paper or not

they are natural rights

the 2nd amendment makes me and others aware of that fact

But Governments of Men secure that right.

In the process Men have to decide whether or not to give you that security.

you really do not have a clue do you --LOL

You're not refuting anything I say.

What you say: REFUTES ITSELF! (Ya see scamp, that's sorta the downside to idiocy.)

So where the D of I says that governments are formed to secure rights, it doesn't mean that governments are formed to secure rights?

lol, so tell us what you imagine it means.
What's the Constitutional definition of Campaign Finance?

Because a word isn't in the Constitution, doesn't mean SCOTUS can't rule on it.
Duh. The point was there was no basis for limiting what groups of people can do with their money. Every state is a bit different with marriage, some allow closer relations to marry. Others think it's too close, half cousins, first cousins, etc. They all vary. How does that fit in with two people that can't produce offspring? You simply mimic what heterosexuals do even though it's irrelevant? How should the Supremes decide?

What does marriage have to do with having offspring?
What's the Constitutional definition of Campaign Finance?

Because a word isn't in the Constitution, doesn't mean SCOTUS can't rule on it.

ROFL! You people truly are not equipped for freedom and I honestly do not see how you can be trained to be. You seem to just have no capacity for it.

You should know that In the wake of the looming civil war, the few of you who survive will be slaves... which will have absolutely nothing to do with your skin color, but will have everything to do with your being substandard human beings. Which is to say sub-human. And being sub-human, it is clear to me that you are not a product of God, thus are not endowed by your Creator with any rights. And they will see the benefit enjoyed by those of us who are.

You will of course not be allowed to breed, what remains of you will die off and that will be the end of whatever species you represent.
They'll just reject the constitutional authority of the Courts.

Yes... we will. Because the constitution does not grant such authority. But you're invited to cite where it does. And when you fail to do so, rest assured that I will be here to recognize and accept your looming concession.

You reject the authority of the Courts?

I reject the authority of any body which seeks to impart subjective whimsy as law, overturning my right to govern myself and by extension my culture, through soundly reasoned, objective rules, regulations and standards.

And that includes the entirety of all local, state and federal governance who would seek to do so.

But that's only because I choose to BE an American. And that's how we roll.

You can try to reject any authority you want.

All law is subjective.
So where the D of I says that governments are formed to secure rights, it doesn't mean that governments are formed to secure rights?

lol, so tell us what you imagine it means.

You're truly incapable of argument which on some level reflects reality, aren't you?
What's the Constitutional definition of Campaign Finance?

Because a word isn't in the Constitution, doesn't mean SCOTUS can't rule on it.

ROFL! You people truly are not equipped for freedom and I honestly do not see how you can be trained to be. You seem to just have no capacity for it.

You should know that In the wake of the looming civil war, the few of you who survive will be slaves... which will have absolutely nothing to do with your skin color, but will have everything to do with your being substandard human beings. Which is to say sub-human. And being sub-human, it is clear to me that you are not a product of God, thus are not endowed by your Creator with any rights. And they will see the benefit enjoyed by those of us who are.

You will of course not be allowed to breed, what remains of you will die off and that will be the end of whatever species you represent.

Sub-human creatures are not a product of God?

Obviously you never got past the first page of Genesis

Or isn't that your God?
What's the Constitutional definition of Campaign Finance?

Because a word isn't in the Constitution, doesn't mean SCOTUS can't rule on it.

ROFL! You people truly are not equipped for freedom and I honestly do not see how you can be trained to be. You seem to just have no capacity for it.

You should know that In the wake of the looming civil war, the few of you who survive will be slaves... which will have absolutely nothing to do with your skin color, but will have everything to do with your being substandard human beings. Which is to say sub-human. And being sub-human, it is clear to me that you are not a product of God, thus are not endowed by your Creator with any rights. And they will see the benefit enjoyed by those of us who are.

You will of course not be allowed to breed, what remains of you will die off and that will be the end of whatever species you represent.
^ Proof positive you are severely brain damaged. ^
All law is subjective.

Subjective law, is invalid law. No American is obligated to recognize any law which is subjective. Period.

You see, American principle provides that we are all equal before the law. Subjective law, rejects that principle. Therefore, it stands in opposition to the principles upon which Americans consent, to be governed.

Again, as a Leftist, there is no way you could have known that.
So where the D of I says that governments are formed to secure rights, it doesn't mean that governments are formed to secure rights?

lol, so tell us what you imagine it means.

You're truly incapable of argument which on some level reflects reality, aren't you?

Since I'm repeatedly posting arguments you won't even attempt to refute,

I think I'm excellent at argument.
Aaaaaaannd...The kooky Mooresicle triples down.

"Chief Justice Roy Moore said on "Fox News Sunday," that if the Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage, he wouldn't be "bound" by the ruling."
Alabama Chief Justice SCOTUS Can t Change God s Law On Marriage

He also said when a word’s not in the Constitution [marriage] the Supreme Court can't rule on it - because they can't define words that aren't there.



Judge Moore is correct.

The right to enter a homosexual relationship is protected by the Constitution and the Ninth Amendment. The judges have no authority to define the rights retained by the people.

What's the Constitutional definition of Campaign Finance?

Because a word isn't in the Constitution, doesn't mean SCOTUS can't rule on it.

ROFL! You people truly are not equipped for freedom and I honestly do not see how you can be trained to be. You seem to just have no capacity for it.

You should know that In the wake of the looming civil war, the few of you who survive will be slaves... which will have absolutely nothing to do with your skin color, but will have everything to do with your being substandard human beings. Which is to say sub-human. And being sub-human, it is clear to me that you are not a product of God, thus are not endowed by your Creator with any rights. And they will see the benefit enjoyed by those of us who are.

You will of course not be allowed to breed, what remains of you will die off and that will be the end of whatever species you represent.
^ Proof positive you are severely brain damaged. ^

Don't feel bad... I will be a kind and compassionate owner. Anything the dogs don't want, is yours.

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