CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally

You dummies listened to lying Trump with his fake news awards and refused to even acknowledge that Russia was hacking us while Trump took Putin's side and hated on the Democrats all over Twitter dividing the country.
And you bring out a fake blog on how other stations are hating on Trump.
Open your eyes, and stop this.

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/-----/ Listen you lying turd, Trump said there was no collusion, not that there was no Russian interference. Your god, Barack Insane Obozo even said so during his time in office twice. Once when mock Mitt during the debate about the 1980s wanting their talking points back and again slamming Trump 3 months before the election.
Where do you come up with this?

McConnell stopped Obama whom wanted to warn Americans..

You refused to hear a thing about it.
Calling us snowflakes and sore losers parroting Trump

You guy need to stop listening to hate and get on board as Americans to fight Putin together.

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Obama didn't need permission from McConnel. Obama could have done the right thing even if he didn't like the optics.
A bot is just a piece of software. The cost is trivial.

Would you stop.. the truth is out..stop freakin denying it..Trump has said for a year that it is a hoax you has been found to be untrue and ignorant..
He is not saying that is it a hoax get with it..and learn what happened.
Last edited:
You dummies listened to lying Trump with his fake news awards and refused to even acknowledge that Russia was hacking us while Trump took Putin's side and hated on the Democrats all over Twitter dividing the country.
And you bring out a fake blog on how other stations are hating on Trump.
Open your eyes, and stop this.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
/-----/ Listen you lying turd, Trump said there was no collusion, not that there was no Russian interference. Your god, Barack Insane Obozo even said so during his time in office twice. Once when mock Mitt during the debate about the 1980s wanting their talking points back and again slamming Trump 3 months before the election.
Where do you come up with this?

McConnell stopped Obama whom wanted to warn Americans..

You refused to hear a thing about it.
Calling us snowflakes and sore losers parroting Trump

You guy need to stop listening to hate and get on board as Americans to fight Putin together.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

Obama didn't need permission from McConnel. Obama could have done the right thing even if he didn't like the optics.
Show me the link ..Obama wanted a bipartisan alert.
And? I would be fighting with you shitheads even if it wasn't because of some Russian with an internet account. Who cares?

BTW, the big anti-gun sentiment you people are all hopped up about now? The Russians have a hand in that, you know. Do you seriously think they like the idea of of armed Americans?

Just sayin'

Well, you are part of the problem then ... enjoy yourself.
There you have it, folks: the fake news media is colluding with the Russians:

CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally

One of the revelations in Friday’s indictment handed down by Special Counsel Robert Mueller was that alleged Russian attempts to sow disunity in 2016 included the organization of both pro- and anti-Trump rallies in New York City on the Saturday after Election Day.

A check of their November 12 coverage showed both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian-organized anti-Trump rally that day, with live reports every hour. Correspondents celebrated the idea that it was “a love rally,” and repeated the marchers’ anti-Trump mantras, such as: “We reject the President-elect.”

While the two liberal anti-Trump networks offered heavy coverage of the anti-Trump rally throughout the day, a check of coverage between noon and 5:00 p.m. Eastern found that the Fox News Channel offered only a short re-cap (66 seconds) at the start of their 4:00 p.m. Eastern hour.

(snip)At one point, MSNBC anchor Alex Witt credulously responded to the ridiculously alarmist rhetoric: “That woman, when she’s saying she’s concerned that black people will be shot in the street....Is that a legitimate concern for her? Because, that’s scary.”

Correspondent Morgan Radford cheerfully played along: “Alex, it’s not only a legitimate concern for her, it’s a legitimate concern for a lot of people I’ve spoken to....They’re wondering if this [Trump’s election] is almost a license to carry in terms of hate.”

If the goal of the secret Russian organizers was to inject nonsense like that into the American political dialogue, then their unwitting helpers on CNN and MSNBC certainly gave them plenty of assistance that day.

Both CNN and MSNBC talked about who they thought was organizing the rally. On MSNBC a few minutes before the march began, anchor Alex Witt asked Radford: “Hey, Morgan, can you tell who has organized this rally?...Is there someone
WAS Douche Tee Vee not up to the job?
You dummies listened to lying Trump with his fake news awards and refused to even acknowledge that Russia was hacking us while Trump took Putin's side and hated on the Democrats all over Twitter dividing the country.
And you bring out a fake blog on how other stations are hating on Trump.
Open your eyes, and stop this.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Are you holding the Michael Moore rope at the Macy's Day Parade?
A bot is just a piece of software. The cost is trivial.

Would you stop.. the truth is out..stop freakin denying it..Trump has said for a year that it is a hoax you has been found to be untrue and ignorant..
He is not saying that is it a hoax get with it..and learn what happened.
Wrong, shit for brains. Trump said for a year that the claim his campaign colluded with the Russians is a hoax. Now all you snowflake dumbasses are trying to claim he said something else. What else can you do when you've been been lying about him for at least 2 years now?
McConnell Covered Up CIA Reports That Russian Hacks Were Aimed At Electing Trump
According to a bombshell report from the Washington Post, the CIA concluded that Russia actively interfered in the election not just to destabilize our political system, but to actively elect Donald Trump.

This conclusion was not something they just pulled out of thin air. Intelligence agencies had arrived at their conclusion in September, and briefed a bipartisan group in the Senate and House about it then, along with President Obama. The President wanted to go forward with a full disclosure of the report, but Mitch McConnell quashed it, threatening to taint any disclosure with the claim that it was being made merely for political gain.
A bot is just a piece of software. The cost is trivial.

Would you stop.. the truth is out..stop freakin denying it..Trump has said for a year that it is a hoax you has been found to be untrue and ignorant..
He is not saying that is it a hoax get with it..and learn what happened.
Wrong, shit for brains. Trump said for a year that the claim his campaign colluded with the Russians is a hoax. Now all you snowflake dumbasses are trying to claim he said something else. What else can you do when you've been been lying about him for at least 2 years now?
Trump still unconvinced of 2016 Russian election meddling ...
7 days ago - Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump still isn't buying that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Even as his intelligence chiefs unanimously told a Senate panel Tuesday that Russia meddled in 2016 and is planning to do so again in 2018, three sources familiar with the ...
A bot is just a piece of software. The cost is trivial.

Would you stop.. the truth is out..stop freakin denying it..Trump has said for a year that it is a hoax you has been found to be untrue and ignorant..
He is not saying that is it a hoax get with it..and learn what happened.
Wrong, shit for brains. Trump said for a year that the claim his campaign colluded with the Russians is a hoax. Now all you snowflake dumbasses are trying to claim he said something else. What else can you do when you've been been lying about him for at least 2 years now?
Trump still unconvinced of 2016 Russian election meddling ...
7 days ago - Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump still isn't buying that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Even as his intelligence chiefs unanimously told a Senate panel Tuesday that Russia meddled in 2016 and is planning to do so again in 2018, three sources familiar with the ...

CNN - fake news.
CNN - fake news.
Donald Trump Fake
CNN - fake news.
June 14
— The Washington Post reports that Russian hackers had gained access to the DNC’s servers. It is the first public disclosure of the security breach.

June 15 — CrowdStrike, a computer security firm hired by the DNC to investigate the hacking, says that Russia is behind the cyberattack. In a blog post on its website, CrowdStrike co-founder Dmitri Alperovitch says that the company “immediately identified two sophisticated adversaries on the network – COZY BEAR and FANCY BEAR.” He writes that “both adversaries engage in extensive political and economic espionage for the benefit of the government of the Russian Federation and are believed to be closely linked to the Russian government’s powerful and highly capable intelligence services.”

Guccifer 2.0 takes credit in a blog post for hacking the DNC computers and releases a few documents, including the Democratic Party’s 200-page opposition research report on Donald Trump. “The main part of the papers, thousands of files and mails, I gave to Wikileaks. They will publish them soon,” Guccifer 2.0 says in its blog post. (U.S. intelligence would later identify Guccifer 2.0 as the “persona” used by Russian military intelligence to release hacked emails to media outlets and WikiLeaks.)
Trump releases a statement that says: “We believe it was the DNC that did the ‘hacking’ as a way to distract from the many issues facing their deeply flawed candidate and failed party leader.”
CNN - fake news.
June 14
— The Washington Post reports that Russian hackers had gained access to the DNC’s servers. It is the first public disclosure of the security breach.

June 15 — CrowdStrike, a computer security firm hired by the DNC to investigate the hacking, says that Russia is behind the cyberattack. In a blog post on its website, CrowdStrike co-founder Dmitri Alperovitch says that the company “immediately identified two sophisticated adversaries on the network – COZY BEAR and FANCY BEAR.” He writes that “both adversaries engage in extensive political and economic espionage for the benefit of the government of the Russian Federation and are believed to be closely linked to the Russian government’s powerful and highly capable intelligence services.”

Guccifer 2.0 takes credit in a blog post for hacking the DNC computers and releases a few documents, including the Democratic Party’s 200-page opposition research report on Donald Trump. “The main part of the papers, thousands of files and mails, I gave to Wikileaks. They will publish them soon,” Guccifer 2.0 says in its blog post. (U.S. intelligence would later identify Guccifer 2.0 as the “persona” used by Russian military intelligence to release hacked emails to media outlets and WikiLeaks.)
Trump releases a statement that says: “We believe it was the DNC that did the ‘hacking’ as a way to distract from the many issues facing their deeply flawed candidate and failed party leader.”
Crowdstrike worked for the DNC. Only a fool would believe what they claim. The Washington Post is also fake news.
CNN - fake news.
Sept. 26 — At the first presidential debate, Trump discounts reports that Russia is behind the computer hacks targeting Democrats. “I don’t think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC,” Trump says. “She’s saying Russia, Russia, Russia, but I don’t — maybe it was. I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK?”
Crowdstrike worked for the DNC. Only a fool would believe what they claim. The Washington Post is also fake news.
Oct. 9 — At the second presidential debate, Clinton notes that “our intelligence community just came out and said in the last few days that the Kremlin, meaning Putin and the Russian government, are directing the attacks … to influence our election.” Trump responds: “I notice any time anything wrong happens they like to say, the Russians, the Russians — she doesn’t know it’s the Russians doing the hacking, maybe there is no hacking. But they always blame Russia.”
Crowdstrike worked for the DNC. Only a fool would believe what they claim. The Washington Post is also fake news.
Oct. 19 — At the third and final debate, Trump again refuses to accept the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment that Russia was responsible for stealing emails of Democratic Party committees and officials. “She has no idea whether it’s Russia, China, or anybody else,” Trump says of Clinton. When Clinton interrupted to say it was the opinion of 17 U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia was behind the hacking, Trump responded: “And our country has no idea.”
Crowdstrike worked for the DNC. Only a fool would believe what they claim. The Washington Post is also fake news.
Oct. 9 — At the second presidential debate, Clinton notes that “our intelligence community just came out and said in the last few days that the Kremlin, meaning Putin and the Russian government, are directing the attacks … to influence our election.” Trump responds: “I notice any time anything wrong happens they like to say, the Russians, the Russians — she doesn’t know it’s the Russians doing the hacking, maybe there is no hacking. But they always blame Russia.”

So how was Trump wrong?

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