Speech writers in the WH have an electronic Rolodex of pre written speeches BOBO can refer to at any moment.
Just load one into his buddy Mr. Teleprompter and BOBO is ready to roll!
Just change the name of the Consulate and the number of dead.
Time for her to answer her true calling in life, being an old crazy cat lady

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He did NOT say "The attack on our consulate in Benghazi was an act of terror", and he NEVER called those who attacked our consulate terrorists.

He simply waffled on like all politicians do, and then said "no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

That's a distinction without a difference. He called it an act of terror. The Mormon Shitstain tried to claim he didn't. Crowley called him on it.

It IS a distinction, with a big difference. In his speech he was talking about the attack on the consulate. Then his speech shifted toward the greatness of America, and then he said "no act of terror will ever weaken our resolve." He NEVER called the attack a terrorist attack.

I'm guessing that you are so biased that no amount of reason will penetrate your shield of President Obama. While you will give President Obama wide latitude on everything, like on this issue saying it is a "distinction without difference,", I'm sure you just think Mitt Romney's "Binders full of women" remark to be horrific, right?
Exactly right. It was incredible to try to watch them try to spin what was so obvious to those that really listened and read the transcript. He thought he could get away with it. Fortunately many of us saw through his ploy.
He did NOT say "The attack on our consulate in Benghazi was an act of terror", and he NEVER called those who attacked our consulate terrorists.

He simply waffled on like all politicians do, and then said "no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

That's a distinction without a difference. He called it an act of terror. The Mormon Shitstain tried to claim he didn't. Crowley called him on it.

It IS a distinction, with a big difference. In his speech he was talking about the attack on the consulate. Then his speech shifted toward the greatness of America, and then he said "no act of terror will ever weaken our resolve." He NEVER called the attack a terrorist attack.

I'm guessing that you are so biased that no amount of reason will penetrate your shield of President Obama. While you will give President Obama wide latitude on everything, like on this issue saying it is a "distinction without difference,", I'm sure you just think Mitt Romney's "Binders full of women" remark to be horrific, right?
It IS a distinction, with a big difference. In his speech he was talking about the attack on the consulate. Then his speech shifted toward the greatness of America, and then he said "no act of terror will ever weaken our resolve." He NEVER called the attack a terrorist attack.

Gee, if he says "No Terror Attack will ever weaken our resolve" right after a terror attack, most sensible people would conclude he was talking about the terror attack that just happened.

I'm guessing that you are so biased that no amount of reason will penetrate your shield of President Obama. While you will give President Obama wide latitude on everything, like on this issue saying it is a "distinction without difference,", I'm sure you just think Mitt Romney's "Binders full of women" remark to be horrific, right?

No, I just thought it was creepy.

The things he said that I thought were horrific were things like,

"I can't have an illegal alien here, I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake".
"I like to be able to fire people".
"Joseph Smith was really talking to God!"
"Half the country doesn't pay taxes, so fuck them."
"There were these Chinese women who were living 120 to a bathroom making me money, and they had to put up barbed wire to keep them out."

You know, Mittens was a never-ending font of what a plutocrat really thinks of those of us who work for a living and don't have dressage horses.

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