Candy made it very clear she was supporting Obama over Hillary in 08.
She was and still is deeply involved in the insider war raging between the 'East Coast' and the West Coast LIBs.
Candy had nowhere to go. She would never be allowed into the Hillary tribe after turning on Hillary publically like she did.
So Jeff gave her the old 'Heave-Ho'.
Now she can spend more time with pets.
I hate to burst your little snot bubble sonny boy but she didn`t get canned.
Candy made it very clear she was supporting Obama over Hillary in 08.
She was and still is deeply involved in the insider war raging between the 'East Coast' and the West Coast LIBs.
Candy had nowhere to go. She would never be allowed into the Hillary tribe after turning on Hillary publically like she did.
So Jeff gave her the old 'Heave-Ho'.
Now she can spend more time with pets.
I hate to burst your little snot bubble sonny boy but she didn`t get canned.

She didn't act like she was ready to retire. Besides, at her age, where the hell she gonna go? I smell 'spin'.
Joe, I realize you are an intransigent liberal who probably is incapable of changing your mind about anything, but I believe even Mrs. Crowley apologized for blowing that one.

The President minced words, but steadfastly refused to specifically call the Benghazi attack a terrorist attack. He was giving a speech, mentioned the Benghazi attack, and then mentioned terrorists. But when questioned, he refused to call THIS attack a TERRORIST attack. His intent was to shift the blame toward the terrible youtube video (that about 50 people in the world saw before he erroneously blamed the video) for insulting Islam and causing the attack.

Mrs. Crowley and CNN are leftists, and should NEVER have been allowed to host the debates.

He specifically called it an act of terror, and Crowley was right in calling the Mormon on it. The problem is, of course, is that moderators aren't supposed to take sides, I guess. But the Mormon tried to make hay out of a tragedy and it blew up in his face.
Who cares? Where do you think Jeff Zucker used to work? They all change networks like everybody else changes underwear.

This is such a NON story.
Given she's not very telegenic, I'm amazed her career in television lasted as long as it did.

True. Apparently CNN has gone for substance over form.

If you want to be a female anchor for Fox you must wear dresses, no slacks allowed. I can't believe educated women work for those pigs.

"I Can't See Her Legs!": Roger Ailes' Rampant Sexism
""" The topic of the dress code and makeup of Fox News' female personalities has long been the subject of scrutiny among writers. Fox News host Gretchen Carlson recently admitted that "pants were not allowed on Fox & Friends."

I Can t See Her Legs Roger Ailes Rampant Sexism Blog Media Matters for America
Lol, that explains why I saw so much leg on FOX the other day. Also, all the FOX women are pretty hot.
Let me be blunt: Candy Crowley is fat and ugly. That is not a good combo for TV.

Perhaps radio? Or other non-visual media?
Bill O'Reilly is such a looker, huh?
O'Reilly craps bigger than you pal.
Candy jumped.
Ted and Jane had seen one too many Nielsen polls showing Candy lagging behind.
BOBO will make her 'Special Ambassador' to all the chocolate factories in Holland.
Joe, I realize you are an intransigent liberal who probably is incapable of changing your mind about anything, but I believe even Mrs. Crowley apologized for blowing that one.

The President minced words, but steadfastly refused to specifically call the Benghazi attack a terrorist attack. He was giving a speech, mentioned the Benghazi attack, and then mentioned terrorists. But when questioned, he refused to call THIS attack a TERRORIST attack. His intent was to shift the blame toward the terrible youtube video (that about 50 people in the world saw before he erroneously blamed the video) for insulting Islam and causing the attack.

Mrs. Crowley and CNN are leftists, and should NEVER have been allowed to host the debates.

He specifically called it an act of terror, and Crowley was right in calling the Mormon on it. The problem is, of course, is that moderators aren't supposed to take sides, I guess. But the Mormon tried to make hay out of a tragedy and it blew up in his face.
Lol, you will believe anything. Didn't Obama find out bengazi on the evening news? I mean that's how he finds out about major world events.
Joe, I realize you are an intransigent liberal who probably is incapable of changing your mind about anything, but I believe even Mrs. Crowley apologized for blowing that one.

The President minced words, but steadfastly refused to specifically call the Benghazi attack a terrorist attack. He was giving a speech, mentioned the Benghazi attack, and then mentioned terrorists. But when questioned, he refused to call THIS attack a TERRORIST attack. His intent was to shift the blame toward the terrible youtube video (that about 50 people in the world saw before he erroneously blamed the video) for insulting Islam and causing the attack.

Mrs. Crowley and CNN are leftists, and should NEVER have been allowed to host the debates.

He specifically called it an act of terror, and Crowley was right in calling the Mormon on it. The problem is, of course, is that moderators aren't supposed to take sides, I guess. But the Mormon tried to make hay out of a tragedy and it blew up in his face.

No, he didn't. This is what he said:

"As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done"

Ref: Full Transcript of Obama s Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - ForexTV

He did NOT say "The attack on our consulate in Benghazi was an act of terror", and he NEVER called those who attacked our consulate terrorists.

He simply waffled on like all politicians do, and then said "no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

You gotta get your news from more than just leftist sources.
He did NOT say "The attack on our consulate in Benghazi was an act of terror", and he NEVER called those who attacked our consulate terrorists.

He simply waffled on like all politicians do, and then said "no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

That's a distinction without a difference. He called it an act of terror. The Mormon Shitstain tried to claim he didn't. Crowley called him on it.

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