CNN caught selectively editing Trump comments.

The fact that the interviewer cornered trump when he went off on a tangent to get his 10 second gotcha clip is pretty obvious. So is the fact that they edited to drive the point home. I don't think anyone can honestly look at the comments and manner of the editing and say that is not the case. There is a major problem with this though - it does not matter.

I don't really care what CNN did or how the interviewer managed to get his statement because Trump has failed to clarify this entire situation. It would have been easy for Trump to go out there and mention that he does not support closing of mosques or registering Muslims but instead was commenting on illegal immigration and tracking refugees (a system that is already is place AFAIK). Form what I have seen he has never walked away from the conclusions that the interviewer and the many media outlets tearing him apart for these statements have drawn. THAT tells me the conclusions drawn are clearly things he wants to do.

If this is false then please point us to statements of Trump saying those statements were misrepresentations and the he does not support closing religious institutions. Otherwise, Trump is CLEARLY an enemy of the constitution and a MASSIVE government guy.
Here is Trump clarifying his position...

Thank you.

That is better but not really all that good. I expect him to condemn the action of closing or targeting Mosques. He avoided that altogether and instead claimed it was about tracking refugees.

That part is at least believable though, again, that is already in place so talking about it is simply appealing to ignorance.

Nobody gives a flying fuck what some sanctimonious liberal turd like you expects.

Again, someone calling me a liberal.

You are to funny.

If you support liberal smears, then you must be a liberal, or you are just stupid and gullible.

You calling anyone stupid based on your black and white view is even funnier than your last idiotic statement.
Trump lied about his four mile eyes seeing thousands cheering in NJ over the fall of the towers.

He admitted he agreed with the idea of data registries based on religion.
Trump lied about his four mile eyes seeing thousands cheering in NJ over the fall of the towers.

He admitted he agreed with the idea of data registries based on religion.
Still waiting for you to post the video of him saying he wants to register all muslims in a database, liar.
Trump claims to see thousands cheering in NJ for the fall of the towers.

Trump Claims Seeing Thousands Cheering 9-11 Attacks


Donald Trump: Muslims In United States Cheered On 9/11 Comments, ‘Outrageous,’ ‘Willfully Distorts The Truth’
Run, S. J., you fascist coward, run.

I told you the evidence would set you up.

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