CNN caught selectively editing Trump comments.

If Trump is going lose the election for the GOP, why are you trying to prevent us from nominating him?

Btw, we haven't lost the popular vote in the last six presidential elections.who was president before Obutthole?

I said five of the last six. Bush's first term his brother Jeb and Katherine Harris plus a 5-4 vote in the U S supreme court stole the thing.....Al Gore got half a million more votes than the cowboy wannabe.

The idea that Gore was entitled to win that election couldn't be more preposterous. By what count of the votes did he win?

By the Florida count that the conservative hacks on the Supreme Court didn't allow.

So he won according to account that never occurred?

How beautifully liberal!
Just ignore the recount... and then the second recount... and then the third recount.

What the SCOTUS was supposed to do was allow recounts structured in democratic strongholds until Gore won then stop. Did you not get the memo?

Anything short of doing that is apparently 'steeling' an election. IOW, an election is stolen when the democrat does not win...

The District Attorney announced the winner before the 2nd recount was done, and according to Florida law that's the final decision. Everything that went on after that is an utter disgrace.
Your post oozes envy and resentment.

Get used to saying "President Trump," retard!

That's a joke! Besides the fact that you've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections just wait till the Trump titled "criminal, rapist Latinos" pull their lever. Trump has already set the Republican party back about three elections. He's a big arrogant, egotistical, self centered prick and every day which passes he proves it again.
If Trump is going lose the election for the GOP, why are you trying to prevent us from nominating him?

Btw, we haven't lost the popular vote in the last six presidential elections.who was president before Obutthole?

I said five of the last six. Bush's first term his brother Jeb and Katherine Harris plus a 5-4 vote in the U S supreme court stole the thing.....Al Gore got half a million more votes than the cowboy wannabe.
Gore lost, get over it. It doesn't matter how many popular votes he got, presidents are elected by ELECTORAL VOTES. Bush got more ELECTORAL VOTES than Gore. Gore fucking lost. Ok? Just deal with it.

I have a friend who worked for a third party maintenance company and worked on those voting machines and he told me that it couldn't have been more obvious that most of the votes disqualified in that election had been punched for Gore. Don't you get it? Bush's brother was governor of FL and Katherine Harris was secretary of state in Florida and they discontinued vote counting to give their buds a chance to disqualify a few thousand key votes to determine the out come of that election. It's nothing new for a bunch of Republicans to cheat and steal.....they're good at it.

Even the supreme court voted 5-4 along party lines to adjust everything which took place in that fiasco. Bush's ass was beaten and only illegitimate activity gave the election to him. There's never been a U S president which more things were handed to beginning when his daddy was a U S representative and pulled strings to keep him out of Vietnam. He was trained to fly the F-102 Interceptor....a fighter plane which was already taken out of consideration for combat duty.

You sound like some 9/11 conspiratorialist. Well a friend of my 2nd cousin says your totally full of shit. My evidence is just as credible as yours.
Your post oozes envy and resentment.

Get used to saying "President Trump," retard!

That's a joke! Besides the fact that you've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections just wait till the Trump titled "criminal, rapist Latinos" pull their lever. Trump has already set the Republican party back about three elections. He's a big arrogant, egotistical, self centered prick and every day which passes he proves it again.
If Trump is going lose the election for the GOP, why are you trying to prevent us from nominating him?

Btw, we haven't lost the popular vote in the last six presidential elections.who was president before Obutthole?

I said five of the last six. Bush's first term his brother Jeb and Katherine Harris plus a 5-4 vote in the U S supreme court stole the thing.....Al Gore got half a million more votes than the cowboy wannabe.
Gore lost, get over it. It doesn't matter how many popular votes he got, presidents are elected by ELECTORAL VOTES. Bush got more ELECTORAL VOTES than Gore. Gore fucking lost. Ok? Just deal with it.

I have a friend who worked for a third party maintenance company and worked on those voting machines and he told me that it couldn't have been more obvious that most of the votes disqualified in that election had been punched for Gore. Don't you get it? Bush's brother was governor of FL and Katherine Harris was secretary of state in Florida and they discontinued vote counting to give their buds a chance to disqualify a few thousand key votes to determine the out come of that election. It's nothing new for a bunch of Republicans to cheat and steal.....they're good at it.

Even the supreme court voted 5-4 along party lines to adjust everything which took place in that fiasco. Bush's ass was beaten and only illegitimate activity gave the election to him. There's never been a U S president which more things were handed to beginning when his daddy was a U S representative and pulled strings to keep him out of Vietnam. He was trained to fly the F-102 Interceptor....a fighter plane which was already taken out of consideration for combat duty.
A friend of a friend, huh? During the second recount, independent observers said they looked at the "counted stacks" of voter cards while the staff was on their lunch break. They held Bush's cards up to the light and could see through the stack where the ballots were punched. Then they held up the Gore stacks and could NOT see through the stacks. When they sifted through the stacks, they found at least 7 cards in EVERY stack that had been punched for Bush. Democrats clearly tried to steal the election. But then there was the recount done by the Miami Herald AFTER the circus was over and guess what? Bush STILL WON, even using the method the Gore team wanted. - Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed
The American people heard what Donald said, and they do not draw the conclusions of Pop or avg guy or the other wacks.

^^^ delusions are normally wrong. See above
The fact that the interviewer cornered trump when he went off on a tangent to get his 10 second gotcha clip is pretty obvious. So is the fact that they edited to drive the point home. I don't think anyone can honestly look at the comments and manner of the editing and say that is not the case. There is a major problem with this though - it does not matter.

I don't really care what CNN did or how the interviewer managed to get his statement because Trump has failed to clarify this entire situation. It would have been easy for Trump to go out there and mention that he does not support closing of mosques or registering Muslims but instead was commenting on illegal immigration and tracking refugees (a system that is already is place AFAIK). Form what I have seen he has never walked away from the conclusions that the interviewer and the many media outlets tearing him apart for these statements have drawn. THAT tells me the conclusions drawn are clearly things he wants to do.

If this is false then please point us to statements of Trump saying those statements were misrepresentations and the he does not support closing religious institutions. Otherwise, Trump is CLEARLY an enemy of the constitution and a MASSIVE government guy.
Here is Trump clarifying his position...

And it is going to be a lot of fun watching Trump answering questions about his statement over and over and over on the debates and from the reporters.
And it is going to be a lot of fun watching Trump answering questions about his statement over and over and over on the debates and from the reporters.
And the more they ask, the higher his poll numbers will go. By all means, keep asking.
The one of his crowds of thousands in NJ cheering the fall of the towers?

Trump has so fucked himself.
The one of his crowds of thousands in NJ cheering the fall of the towers?

Trump has so fucked himself.
Yeah, I didn't think you could. :lol:
Yup, you failed. Trump lied, S. J. cried, and the Trump campaign began to die.
Still waiting for your link, loser.
You have had it from the first page. You don't get "just once more" when all you have is fail.
Hmm, that's strange. Nowhere in that link does Trump say he is calling for a database of all muslims. Try again, loser.
The link is quite clear that he agrees with databases and registries based on religious reasons. There is no doubt about it.

That leads real, patriotic Americans wondering why folks like you are supporting Trump.

Thank you for your admission you were wrong about the link.
This is why we must have Rubio or Kasich as the candidate.

They do not embody the hateful far right of America.


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