CNN caught selectively editing Trump comments.

Vigilante rages such impotence one wonders when he will have a fit.

Trump said what he did, and the commercials with him talking about the Muslims and registries begin this week.

It will force him into a third party try, which will permit the Dems to sweep the government.

Trump NEVER said Register muslims, or muslim registry... Come on JakeAss... you have the transcript print it out and HIGHLIGHT him saying it!....Waiting on another subversive moron!
Trump said it, and the commercials start this week.

Rage, little reactionaries, rage! Tough to be you.
Trump's words are out there and the whole world will hear it over and over. The far right can do nothing about, cannot successfully spin it, can change nothing about it.
Which words are those?.....hey genius, anyone can doctor a recording. Trump has been a target of hit pieces since he entered the race.
None of the bullshit has worked. And you libs and RINO's are incensed. You cannot believe the typical attacks used in the past are not working.
In fact the more you attack him, the stronger Trump's candidacy becomes. And it frightens you into pissing your panties.
Deal with it.
Tut tut.....Don't mistake this for a conversation. I didn't ask for your input. Don't bother. Your retorts will go unread.
Reminds me of NBC editing the George Zimmerman 911 tape in order to make a case for racism. Liberals are scum.
Or rigging the pick up truck with the side mounted tanks so the tank would explode on impact in the "test" NBC set up....Or the completely false story Dan Rather reported about GW Bush's service record. The one that got him and several other CBS News people fired.
Trump said it, and the commercials start this week.

Rage, little reactionaries, rage! Tough to be you.

JakeAss, the John Kerry clone!

Cancel the Debate! CNN Caught Selectively-Editing Trump's 'Muslim' Comments - Breitbart

Hey whiner is this better!? ..!.. :)

This is no surprise....kind of like someone closing threads they don't agree with....:)

Honestly....anything that arrogant, conceited Right Wing asshole ever said needs to be edited. He's lucky his old man brought him into his company and left him $150 million. He's very typical of people who think they're great because somebody else helped them succeed.
So you support the press deceiving the American people as long as it helps your side?

Of course he does. Why do you think Democrats have no problem with the press lying?
Cancel the Debate! CNN Caught Selectively-Editing Trump's 'Muslim' Comments - Breitbart

Hey whiner is this better!? ..!.. :)

This is no surprise....kind of like someone closing threads they don't agree with....:)

Honestly....anything that arrogant, conceited Right Wing asshole ever said needs to be edited. He's lucky his old man brought him into his company and left him $150 million. He's very typical of people who think they're great because somebody else helped them succeed.

Your post oozes envy and resentment.

Get used to saying "President Trump," retard!
If Trump were a democrat, I think he would be hailed as the newest hero of the USA.

Actually Trump used to be a Democrat. He donated a million dollars to Clinton's presidential campaign...Surprise, Surprise!!

It's evidently like my situation....I was a Republican from Eisenhower to Reagan. After I saw ol' Jellybeans cutting tax rates for the richest Americans and borrowing the money from foreign banks to cover the shortfall I didn't vote for twenty years. I've only voted Democrat three times in my life but one thing I promise......I'll ever vote for another Republican if I live 100 years.

Libturds who claim they used to vote Republican are a dime a dozen. That's just another leftwing con.
Trump's words are out there and the whole world will hear it over and over. The far right can do nothing about, cannot successfully spin it, can change nothing about it.

Like the government doesn't have some type of database on all of us.
Cancel the Debate! CNN Caught Selectively-Editing Trump's 'Muslim' Comments - Breitbart

Hey whiner is this better!? ..!.. :)

This is no surprise....kind of like someone closing threads they don't agree with....:)

Honestly....anything that arrogant, conceited Right Wing asshole ever said needs to be edited. He's lucky his old man brought him into his company and left him $150 million. He's very typical of people who think they're great because somebody else helped them succeed.

Your post oozes envy and resentment.

Get used to saying "President Trump," retard!
Bookmarked for future entertainment.

I just keep pointing out how you think heterosexuality is a perversion.

That makes you a delusional pervert.

And you have yet to point out where trump suggested it.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

I'm a married heterosexual man. Leave it to a pervert like you to fantasize that heterosexual men find heterosexuality a perversion. :cuckoo:

And equally delusional is your denial that Trump stated he wants a national registry for Muslim immigrants. :cuckoo: When asked, "should there be a database or system that tracks Muslims in this country?" Trump answered, "there should be a lot of systems. Beyond databases. I mean, we should have a lot of systems. And today you can do it."

So, there should be a lot of systems means a Muslims registration system????

You love reading things that aren't really there. Don't you?

Of course a gay pretend hetrosexual would think that.
Only to a pervert is a married heterosexual, gay. :eusa_doh:

And when someone says, "there should be a lot of systems," when asked if there should be a database or "system that tracks Muslims," then yes, that someone is saying they would create such a system which tracks folks in America based on their religion or ethnicity. And again, it's no one else's fault you are too deranged to comprehend that.

Did he say REGISTER MUSLIMS, Pawned?
I know common sense is above your paygrade, so no one expects you to understand ... but it's not possible to track people without registering them.

The interviewer asks if there should be a system. Trump answered that their should be a lot of systems. He never stated that the system the interviewer referenced is one of them.

You must smoke, cuz you're hacking is silly
Did he say REGISTER MUSLIMS, Pawned?
I know common sense is above your paygrade, so no one expects you to understand ... but it's not possible to track people without registering them.

So he never said it... thanks for making yourself look like the fucking flake you are!
Of course he said it. I just explained it to you. You're so fucking retarded, that you would actually argue that I didn't say you're a stupid person if I called you an idiot because i used the word, "idiot," and not, "stupid." :cuckoo:

WHERE did he say "REGISTER MUSLIMS".... thanks for playing and keep making yourself look like the fucking idiot you are! You can be OUR ENTERTAINMENT tonight...Pull your chain, and watch the monkey LIE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
How does he track Muslims without registering them into a database or other system?

For the last time, vagisil. A person can describe something without calling it by its name. If I point out I need to sign up to vote in next year's election, I don't have to use the words, "voter registration," to indicate I'm talking about voter registration. You really are a flaming idiot.

How could I know my analogy in my last post would sail clear over your pointy head?

Of course the delusional will come up with whatever fits their delusions.

Faun proves it with every post.
Poor delusional GayFaun, things "shooting" with the opposite sex is perverted
You still can't stop fantasizing about men having sex with each other, huh, perv23? That's why you're the forum pervert. :thup:

That's all you do since you can't refute the reality that CNN didn't edit out anything relevant to Trump declaring his interest in starting a national registry database just for Muslim immigrants.


I just keep pointing out how you think heterosexuality is a perversion.

That makes you a delusional pervert.

And you have yet to point out where trump suggested it.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

I'm a married heterosexual man. Leave it to a pervert like you to fantasize that heterosexual men find heterosexuality a perversion. :cuckoo:

And equally delusional is your denial that Trump stated he wants a national registry for Muslim immigrants. :cuckoo: When asked, "should there be a database or system that tracks Muslims in this country?" Trump answered, "there should be a lot of systems. Beyond databases. I mean, we should have a lot of systems. And today you can do it."

So, there should be a lot of systems means a Muslims registration system????

You love reading things that aren't really there. Don't you?

Of course a gay pretend hetrosexual would think that.
Only to a pervert is a married heterosexual, gay. :eusa_doh:

And when someone says, "there should be a lot of systems," when asked if there should be a database or "system that tracks Muslims," then yes, that someone is saying they would create such a system which tracks folks in America based on their religion or ethnicity. And again, it's no one else's fault you are too deranged to comprehend that.

It only shows that Gay men could marry women since the beginning of time.

GayFaun proves as much.

Trump never said what you're delusional mind said he did.

That's been shown over and over again
The editing changed nothing.

Trump revealed himself to be an authoritarian fascist, and the worst of his supporters are sharpening their steel.

You mean like Obama is being proven to be? He has a pen and a phone you know!
Reminds me of NBC editing the George Zimmerman 911 tape in order to make a case for racism. Liberals are scum.

I'd rather be scum than a goddamned racist murderer. That's exactly what your boy Zimmerman is!!

Liar. If Trayvon hadn't started to beat the shit out of a man who had a gun. Why the thug would still be alive wouldn't he?

If a white thug was beating the ever living shit out of Zimmerman he would have met the same fate.

The bullet wasn't racist.

Actually the 911 operator told Zimmerman not to follow him. Anywhere in the U S that racist son-of-a-bitch would have fried. I wish his chickenshit ass had picked on me.......where I come from we shoot each other.

Are you insane? He didn't follow him. He went back to his car. Trayvon jumped him. That's why Trayvon died.
Poor delusional GayFaun, things "shooting" with the opposite sex is perverted
You still can't stop fantasizing about men having sex with each other, huh, perv23? That's why you're the forum pervert. :thup:

That's all you do since you can't refute the reality that CNN didn't edit out anything relevant to Trump declaring his interest in starting a national registry database just for Muslim immigrants.


I just keep pointing out how you think heterosexuality is a perversion.

That makes you a delusional pervert.

And you have yet to point out where trump suggested it.
Poor delusional GayFaun, things "shooting" with the opposite sex is perverted
You still can't stop fantasizing about men having sex with each other, huh, perv23? That's why you're the forum pervert. :thup:

That's all you do since you can't refute the reality that CNN didn't edit out anything relevant to Trump declaring his interest in starting a national registry database just for Muslim immigrants.


I just keep pointing out how you think heterosexuality is a perversion.

That makes you a delusional pervert.

And you have yet to point out where trump suggested it.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

I'm a married heterosexual man. Leave it to a pervert like you to fantasize that heterosexual men find heterosexuality a perversion. :cuckoo:

And equally delusional is your denial that Trump stated he wants a national registry for Muslim immigrants. :cuckoo: When asked, "should there be a database or system that tracks Muslims in this country?" Trump answered, "there should be a lot of systems. Beyond databases. I mean, we should have a lot of systems. And today you can do it."

New so called refugees should be tracked. Are you nuts?
What's nuts is saying a particular group should be tracked based upon their religion or ethnicity. We don't do religious tests in the U.S.

Mine is simple. You hit me. I hit back. Now GZ had a gun. I would have just beat Trayvon the little mother fucker to death with my hands. My feet. My head banger. Off the top ropes. Fists a flying.

And I'm just a little girl.
Last edited:
Cancel the Debate! CNN Caught Selectively-Editing Trump's 'Muslim' Comments - Breitbart

Hey whiner is this better!? ..!.. :)

This is no surprise....kind of like someone closing threads they don't agree with....:)

Another data point in the trend that there exists a liberal media bias. It is because of facts such as this CNN stunt, Dan Rather trying to pull of forged documents as fact against GW Bush, NBC editing the George Zimmerman 911 calls......these are just a few as to why there is such a huge market for Fox.
Why is it that people think that Trump is the only one who shouldn't have to deal with the media?
No one is saying Trump shouldn't have to deal with the media but the media is expected to tell the truth, not edit people's remarks to make viewers think they said something they didn't. Liberal journalists are dishonest hacks and when they do that they should be fired.

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