CNN confirms Biden family received $20 million from various shell companies.

Think about how desperate and cornered you are, your current (and final) defensive position is: Joe Biden's entire family and most of his business associates are corrupt, money-laundering criminals, but Joe himself was totally unaware of this, and never benefitted from it in any way.
Why do you think that you telling butthurt lies makes us look bad? It just makes you look hysterical.

If you had any facts on your side, you wouldn't have to literally lie about every single thing. But you do.

Keep on sucking it hard, loser. It's all you've done for years, and it's all you'll ever do. And know the world is laughing at you.
Imagine if instead of Biden's granddaughter it had been Baron Trump receiving foreign funds in a shell company.

Whoah daddy.

I think the media would literally instantaneously immolate.

Instead all they've got is "BUT JARED!" who was actually a legit businessman long before Trump was President.

It's all so stupid and devoid of any self awareness.

Yes, posting with any lib on the site shows their incredible lack of self awareness. They think what they are told to think

CNN Fact Check Hilariously Proves Case

for Biden Impeachment Inquiry

13 Sep 2023 ~~ By Matt Margolis

I recently wrote that the White House is terrified of the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.
Well, here’s more proof. CNN, which pretty much always has Biden’s back, attempted to fact-check House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s announcement launching the impeachment inquiry.
And it’s hilarious.
To start, CNN claims that McCarthy made “several unproven claims” during his announcement and then attempts to disprove them.
First, CNN attempts to debunk the claim that the Biden family and associates got $20 million through shell companies.
CNN’s response:
Facts First: This is true about Joe Biden’s family and associates, but there is no public evidence to date that the president personally received any money.
So, to clear this up, CNN doesn’t even attempt to deny that the Biden family got millions from foreign sources or to come up with an explanation for the use of the shell companies. In fact, the lack of journalistic curiosity about these shell companies is quite alarming. We’ve been pointing out that these companies had no apparent purpose but to launder foreign money before distributing it to members of the Biden family. Does having 20 shell companies to filter millions of dollars through sound like legitimate business to CNN? What were these companies selling, if not the product of Joe Biden’s influence?
So, yeah, they’re basically admitting via clever euphemisms that Biden did, as McCarthy pointed out, lie. Good one.
CNN essentially admits all the key facts for the basis of the inquiry, but pretends the evidence doesn’t prove anything. Well, that’s what an impeachment inquiry is for. Even if we pretend this evidence isn’t “proof,” it’s objectively a solid basis for a thorough investigation.
Congrats, CNN. You just justified the impeachment inquiry… even if you didn’t realize it.

It doesn't matter. Even if Joe Biden, personally, presumably did not receive bribe money, if his family did, the the Bribery charge is valid.
In a court of law, having your money filter through 20 shell companies to family members with no actual business activity is called “prima facie” evidence of money laundering.
Filtering bribe money through family members is an age-old method of delivering bribes that mob members also have been doing. RICO laws cover these illegal acts
An impeachment inquiry is NOT an indictment or accusation of a crime when exercised by responsible legislators. (The Trump impeachments were anything but responsibly or legally conducted.)

An impeachment inquiry is to investigate and determine whether there is sufficient credible evidence of an impeachable crime to warrant a vote to indict (impeach) and refer the matter to the Senate for trial.

The person being investigated is given every opportunity to challenge and/or discredit the evidence/testimony given and present his/her own exculpatory evidence.

CNN is unlikely to ever present the process in those terms, however, because they would be glaringly obvious in how they pretended Donald Trump's impeachments were conducted in that manner when the exact opposite was the case.
There is a fucking mountain of evidence.



You know there's no evidence because you have laboriously poured over the documents and concluded this objectively.

Not because the media told you there was no evidence.

The irony here is so rich I can taste it.

It was the person who started this topic who provided that graphic. Now you are saying it can't be believed! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!


Also, it's "pored", not poured.
Why do you think that you telling butthurt lies makes us look bad? It just makes you look hysterical.

If you had any facts on your side, you wouldn't have to literally lie about every single thing. But you do.

Keep on sucking it hard, loser. It's all you've done for years, and it's all you'll ever do. And know the world is laughing at you.

Think about how desperate and cornered you are, your current (and final) defensive position is: Joe Biden's entire family and most of his business associates are corrupt, money-laundering criminals, but Joe himself was totally unaware of this, and never benefitted from it in any way.

There is a fucking mountain of evidence.

Biden cult just repeats what the pharma press tells them.

I just went with what YOU provided.

My god, you willfully blind monkey are a laugh a minute! :lol:

Biden family. Not the president. From YOUR source.


It was the person who started this topic who provided that graphic. Now you are saying it can't be believed! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!


Also, it's "pored", not poured.

Nuance is not your thing, huh?
Without a link this is just bullshit...

Why post bullshit? Because the truth doesn't help them...
Without a link this is just bullshit...

Why post bullshit? Because the truth doesn't help them...

I've never understood how lazy you idiots are. I don't want anyone doing my Googling for me. You lie, you'd just search CNN and give me their lies and I'd end up doing it myself anyway
Show the link to the actual CNN story please... I see no link to the article...
The CNN story does not say anything close to what the dipshit in the OP splooged in his pants over.

Claim: Biden family and associates got $20 million through shell companies​

“Bank records show that nearly $20 million in payments were directed to the Biden family members and associates through various shell companies,” McCarthy said.

Facts First: This is true about Joe Biden’s family and associates, but there is no public evidence to date that the president personally received any money.

Since Republicans took control of the House in January and obtained subpoena power, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed six banks for information regarding specific Biden family business associates to investigate the money trail behind the Biden family’s foreign business dealings. The committee has not yet subpoenaed bank records from Biden family members themselves.

The phrase “Biden family” is doing a lot of work for McCarthy – because none of these records confirm any direct payments to Joe Biden or show that he was directly involved in Hunter Biden’s business arrangements. Also, some of the $20 million McCarthy was referring to on Tuesday didn’t go to the Biden family but went to business associates of the family as part of their business activities.

What the records have shown is that during and after Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president, Hunter Biden made millions of dollars through complex financial arrangements from private equity deals, legal fees, and corporate consulting in Ukraine, China, Romania and elsewhere.

At times, Obama administration officials, including at the State Department, worried about potential conflict-of-interest problems, because Hunter Biden sat on the board of a prominent Ukrainian energy company, while Joe Biden oversaw US policy toward Ukraine, according to testimony from the Democratic-run impeachment of Donald Trump in 2019.
Republican Congressman Accidentally Admits There’s No Proof of Biden Corruption

Republicans have insisted for months that Biden is guilty of corruption and influence peddling overseas, despite producing no actual evidence. But they continue to claim they have proof that he and his son Hunter Biden accepted millions of dollars in bribes.

But Langworthy fumbled that point big time on Thursday during an interview with Fox News. Fox correspondent Gillian Turner pointed out that Republicans have yet to produce “a smoking gun: clear-cut, undeniable proof of the president’s involvement.”

“Well, we’ve never claimed that we have direct money going to the president, but many members of his family have received money from foreign governments,” Langworthy said.

Turner interrupted to correct him: “That is precisely the claim that the chairman of your committee, James Comer, and also Jim Jordan have made many times,” she said, referring to House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan, who alongside Comer has spearheaded the charge against Biden.

“We are putting an investigation together laying out the facts on the business dealings of this family,” Langworthy said awkwardly, trying to recover.

The CNN story does not say anything close to what the dipshit in the OP splooged in his pants over.

Claim: Biden family and associates got $20 million through shell companies​

“Bank records show that nearly $20 million in payments were directed to the Biden family members and associates through various shell companies,” McCarthy said.

Facts First: This is true about Joe Biden’s family and associates, but there is no public evidence to date that the president personally received any money.

Since Republicans took control of the House in January and obtained subpoena power, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed six banks for information regarding specific Biden family business associates to investigate the money trail behind the Biden family’s foreign business dealings. The committee has not yet subpoenaed bank records from Biden family members themselves.

The phrase “Biden family” is doing a lot of work for McCarthy – because none of these records confirm any direct payments to Joe Biden or show that he was directly involved in Hunter Biden’s business arrangements. Also, some of the $20 million McCarthy was referring to on Tuesday didn’t go to the Biden family but went to business associates of the family as part of their business activities.

What the records have shown is that during and after Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president, Hunter Biden made millions of dollars through complex financial arrangements from private equity deals, legal fees, and corporate consulting in Ukraine, China, Romania and elsewhere.

At times, Obama administration officials, including at the State Department, worried about potential conflict-of-interest problems, because Hunter Biden sat on the board of a prominent Ukrainian energy company, while Joe Biden oversaw US policy toward Ukraine, according to testimony from the Democratic-run impeachment of Donald Trump in 2019.

Biden is the real conservative in DC, huh right wing guy?

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