CNN Demands WH Declare 'Media Not The Enemy' Despite Proven Lies / Biased Attacks

CNN is no longer considered news.
To those who hate the 1st amendment.
Nice try. 1st amendment doesn't apply here. Fiction vs fact does apply. CNN is fiction.
CNN has some of the best journalists in the world and you hate them because they do their job too well..

Your IQ is literally 60 at best if you believe that.
No way it's as high as Maxine's.
So repubs want state run media... like dictators have.
um...obama is the one quoted as saying we need to change how the media reports on gov issues.

didn't see you go FOUL and get all cutesy then, but hey - i wasn't here yet. so i'm sure someone as fair minded as yourself fully understand the media bullshit started with obama and his desire to have only good stories about him come out.
Trump is employing authoritarian tendencies every week. One thing all authoritarians do is sublimate the press.
We see even now dictators around the world are crying fake news when the press reports how many innocent children they’ve slaughtered or gassed.
This is what Trump has unleashed on the world.
And his cult continues to do his bidding.

What is "authoritarian" about just calling out the Media who is trying to destroy America?

No reporters have been jailed, and none will be.

All that is happening is the Acosta and the rest of the Fake News media are just being mocked and belittled for their fakery and incompetence. President Trump is merely exercising HIS OWN right to free speech. Just because he is President doesn't mean he surrenders his constitutional rights.
Your dictator in training has admired dictators that throw their press in jail.
He’s the most dangerous president in our country’s history the way he continues to attack our American institutions.
Calling the press the “ enemy of the people” is traitorous because the free press is protected by the constitution.
he said fake news is the enemy of the people.

keep up.
Trump is employing authoritarian tendencies every week. One thing all authoritarians do is sublimate the press.
We see even now dictators around the world are crying fake news when the press reports how many innocent children they’ve slaughtered or gassed.
This is what Trump has unleashed on the world.
And his cult continues to do his bidding.

What is "authoritarian" about just calling out the Media who is trying to destroy America?

No reporters have been jailed, and none will be.

All that is happening is the Acosta and the rest of the Fake News media are just being mocked and belittled for their fakery and incompetence. President Trump is merely exercising HIS OWN right to free speech. Just because he is President doesn't mean he surrenders his constitutional rights.
Because Bathhouse Barry NEVER complained about Fox News coverage. NOT EVAH!!!
Despite Fox giving him mostly favorable coverage and all the rest of the media giving him more favorable coverage than Fox gives Trump.
How many DEPLORABLES called out mangoman when he said you need a picture ID to buy groceries.

No hands up.
Smoke shop, dipshit.

Have you ever been to a Walmart before?
Do you buy groceries at s smoke shop?
My god are you one stupid fuck.
Btw, I was at Walmart yesterday and they didn’t ask for a picture ID.
Thanks for defending the indefensible, deplorable.
You are moving the goalpost moron.

The argument is that IDs are an inconvenience to get. Picture IDs are the easiest IDs to get.
No my point clearly was your cult leader made a ridiculous comment that people need ID TO BUY GROCERIES but you didn’t have the balls to laugh at him or call him out because it would not be acceptable to criticize your cult leader.
So repubs want state run media... like dictators have.
um...obama is the one quoted as saying we need to change how the media reports on gov issues.

didn't see you go FOUL and get all cutesy then, but hey - i wasn't here yet. so i'm sure someone as fair minded as yourself fully understand the media bullshit started with obama and his desire to have only good stories about him come out.
And I should care why?

We need a free press.
CNN is the enemy of the people when they daily lie and give partial truth and display it as honest reporting....they have whipped their moron viewers into a frenzy....and they are tittering on losing their credentials....
Link an example.

CNN worked hard to portray this family as peace loving. well, they left the end of her speech off. CNN sold you a lie and many bought it.
Trump is employing authoritarian tendencies every week. One thing all authoritarians do is sublimate the press.
We see even now dictators around the world are crying fake news when the press reports how many innocent children they’ve slaughtered or gassed.
This is what Trump has unleashed on the world.
And his cult continues to do his bidding.

What is "authoritarian" about just calling out the Media who is trying to destroy America?

No reporters have been jailed, and none will be.

All that is happening is the Acosta and the rest of the Fake News media are just being mocked and belittled for their fakery and incompetence. President Trump is merely exercising HIS OWN right to free speech. Just because he is President doesn't mean he surrenders his constitutional rights.
Because Bathhouse Barry NEVER complained about Fox News coverage. NOT EVAH!!!
Despite Fox giving him mostly favorable coverage and all the rest of the media giving him more favorable coverage than Fox gives Trump.
Try that in English this time.
Trump is employing authoritarian tendencies every week. One thing all authoritarians do is sublimate the press.
We see even now dictators around the world are crying fake news when the press reports how many innocent children they’ve slaughtered or gassed.
This is what Trump has unleashed on the world.
And his cult continues to do his bidding.

What is "authoritarian" about just calling out the Media who is trying to destroy America?

No reporters have been jailed, and none will be.

All that is happening is the Acosta and the rest of the Fake News media are just being mocked and belittled for their fakery and incompetence. President Trump is merely exercising HIS OWN right to free speech. Just because he is President doesn't mean he surrenders his constitutional rights.
Your dictator in training has admired dictators that throw their press in jail.
He’s the most dangerous president in our country’s history the way he continues to attack our American institutions.
Calling the press the “ enemy of the people” is traitorous because the free press is protected by the constitution.
They are dictators, dipshit.

They don't need to attack the news when they can simply take it off the air.

I know the 60 IQ makes this tough to figure out, but this is very basic stuff.
Trump is employing authoritarian tendencies every week. One thing all authoritarians do is sublimate the press.
We see even now dictators around the world are crying fake news when the press reports how many innocent children they’ve slaughtered or gassed.
This is what Trump has unleashed on the world.
And his cult continues to do his bidding.

What is "authoritarian" about just calling out the Media who is trying to destroy America?

No reporters have been jailed, and none will be.

All that is happening is the Acosta and the rest of the Fake News media are just being mocked and belittled for their fakery and incompetence. President Trump is merely exercising HIS OWN right to free speech. Just because he is President doesn't mean he surrenders his constitutional rights.
Your dictator in training has admired dictators that throw their press in jail.
He’s the most dangerous president in our country’s history the way he continues to attack our American institutions.
Calling the press the “ enemy of the people” is traitorous because the free press is protected by the constitution.
he said fake news is the enemy of the people.

keep up.
Which is a falsehood. Just one of his 3400 lies.
You swallow them whole I see.
How many DEPLORABLES called out mangoman when he said you need a picture ID to buy groceries.

No hands up.
Smoke shop, dipshit.

Have you ever been to a Walmart before?
Do you buy groceries at s smoke shop?
My god are you one stupid fuck.
Btw, I was at Walmart yesterday and they didn’t ask for a picture ID.
Thanks for defending the indefensible, deplorable.
You are moving the goalpost moron.

The argument is that IDs are an inconvenience to get. Picture IDs are the easiest IDs to get.
No my point clearly was your cult leader made a ridiculous comment that people need ID TO BUY GROCERIES but you didn’t have the balls to laugh at him or call him out because it would not be acceptable to criticize your cult leader.
Isn't ID printed on the EBT cards?
Trump is employing authoritarian tendencies every week. One thing all authoritarians do is sublimate the press.
We see even now dictators around the world are crying fake news when the press reports how many innocent children they’ve slaughtered or gassed.
This is what Trump has unleashed on the world.
And his cult continues to do his bidding.

What is "authoritarian" about just calling out the Media who is trying to destroy America?

No reporters have been jailed, and none will be.

All that is happening is the Acosta and the rest of the Fake News media are just being mocked and belittled for their fakery and incompetence. President Trump is merely exercising HIS OWN right to free speech. Just because he is President doesn't mean he surrenders his constitutional rights.
Because Bathhouse Barry NEVER complained about Fox News coverage. NOT EVAH!!!
Despite Fox giving him mostly favorable coverage and all the rest of the media giving him more favorable coverage than Fox gives Trump.
Try that in English this time.
That 60 IQ is really hampering you I see.
So repubs want state run media... like dictators have.
um...obama is the one quoted as saying we need to change how the media reports on gov issues.

didn't see you go FOUL and get all cutesy then, but hey - i wasn't here yet. so i'm sure someone as fair minded as yourself fully understand the media bullshit started with obama and his desire to have only good stories about him come out.
And I should care why?

We need a free press.
agreed. but obama was out to make the press say what he wanted. you can look back and find all kinds of stories of journalists (sharyl attkisson for one) he harassed, spied on, stole her computer and so forth because she broke fast and furious.

so if you wanna call trump out to control the press and something only dictators do - widen that stance up and realize obama set that tone and set it hard. the left allowed it and ate that shit up like fat kids killin halloween candy. now that it's coming back at them, the left proves once again they are very much "can dish it out, can't take it".

just like children.
Trump is employing authoritarian tendencies every week. One thing all authoritarians do is sublimate the press.
We see even now dictators around the world are crying fake news when the press reports how many innocent children they’ve slaughtered or gassed.
This is what Trump has unleashed on the world.
And his cult continues to do his bidding.

What is "authoritarian" about just calling out the Media who is trying to destroy America?

No reporters have been jailed, and none will be.

All that is happening is the Acosta and the rest of the Fake News media are just being mocked and belittled for their fakery and incompetence. President Trump is merely exercising HIS OWN right to free speech. Just because he is President doesn't mean he surrenders his constitutional rights.
Your dictator in training has admired dictators that throw their press in jail.
He’s the most dangerous president in our country’s history the way he continues to attack our American institutions.
Calling the press the “ enemy of the people” is traitorous because the free press is protected by the constitution.
They are dictators, dipshit.

They don't need to attack the news when they can simply take it off the air.

I know the 60 IQ makes this tough to figure out, but this is very basic stuff.
Dictators sublimate the press so they can stay in power. Your dictator in training does the same by CONSTANTLY calling them horrible names when all they’re doing is their jobs.
Continue to play deaf dumb and blind.

Trump is an autocratic leader in a weakening democracy, Harvard political scientists warn

Trump’s Authoritarian Grip Tightens
CNN is the enemy of the people when they daily lie and give partial truth and display it as honest reporting....they have whipped their moron viewers into a frenzy....and they are tittering on losing their credentials....
Link an example.

CNN worked hard to portray this family as peace loving. well, they left the end of her speech off. CNN sold you a lie and many bought it.

Looks like they were just giving facts in that clip. What isn’t true?
Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?

Acosta and CNN are throwing a fit here, not conservatives.

Conservatives are fine with continuing to mock and laugh at Libtards in the Lame Stream Media
Bullshit. This constant attack on the media is one long temper tantrum. You kids whine and wimper every time someone prints something you don't like. Hell, you've reinvented your own "news" industry just so you can only hear what you want to hear, even when it is obviously fake.
show me your outrage at obama trashing fox and that part of the media. last i checked 99% of the liberals felt that was ok and justified cause they hated the way FOX news presented the story.

ergo - same for CNN and those who hate it.

if taking it to the media is wrong, thank obama. he started this shit. trump just took it to a new level.

rest assured NO PRESIDENT should be telling our media what is right or wrong but all this BAD TRUMP w/o holding obama accountable as well is pure bullshit.
Faux Noize has a well earned reputation for pushing conspiracy theories, twisting the truth, and telling outright lies. They've been doing it since the beginning of the Obama administration.
so because you call them FAUX NOIZE i'm supposed to believe they only lie?

WE NEED OUR WEAVES!!! I DON'T WEAR THEM BUT WE NEED THEM. youtube that about CNN reporting and get back to me.

you show me fox news altering reality like that and we'll talk. til then you're just like obama - bitching at fox news and trying your damn-dest to discredit them and giggle so in effect people won't want to bring them up. very clever tactic but only a idiot relies ONLY on something like that.

fake news? let me load up some washington post for you -

Analysis | Sarah Huckabee Sanders indicts the media — on bogus, Trumped-up charges

The media “said I should be harassed as a life sentence”
wapo rebuttle
Nobody said Sanders should be harassed as a life sentence.

they end their paragraph with:
Rubin said nothing directly about people “harassing” Sanders, although she did say being “uncomfortable” should be a “life sentence” for Sanders, for “lying” and “inciting” people against the press.

The media said “that I should be choked”
Nobody advocated for Sanders being choked.

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace (whose show I have appeared on, full disclosure) didn't call for choking Sanders, but instead asked a reporter if she ever wanted to “wring” Sanders's neck out of frustration.

wring your neck - chocked? come on people, same damn thing.

how if the media is going to fucking lie hand over fist, "we the people" have every right to call them out on it. NO VIOLENCE but when do you call a lie a lie? when it suits your purposes?

so - you can continue on with FAUX HAHA I TOLD you crap or you can sit and look around and realize the media is full of fucking shit.
Both Fox News and CNN have a poor record of factual reporting.
As damaging as that can be, our first amendment allows it.
The only solution to bad speech is more good speech.
But Trump's statements are just totalitarian.
Justice Hugo Black wrote, "Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government."
Yet, I would add that a free press can also bolster deception from the state, if that press becomes too friendly with the state.
Trump is employing authoritarian tendencies every week. One thing all authoritarians do is sublimate the press.
We see even now dictators around the world are crying fake news when the press reports how many innocent children they’ve slaughtered or gassed.
This is what Trump has unleashed on the world.
And his cult continues to do his bidding.

What is "authoritarian" about just calling out the Media who is trying to destroy America?

No reporters have been jailed, and none will be.

All that is happening is the Acosta and the rest of the Fake News media are just being mocked and belittled for their fakery and incompetence. President Trump is merely exercising HIS OWN right to free speech. Just because he is President doesn't mean he surrenders his constitutional rights.
Your dictator in training has admired dictators that throw their press in jail.
He’s the most dangerous president in our country’s history the way he continues to attack our American institutions.
Calling the press the “ enemy of the people” is traitorous because the free press is protected by the constitution.
They are dictators, dipshit.

They don't need to attack the news when they can simply take it off the air.

I know the 60 IQ makes this tough to figure out, but this is very basic stuff.
Dictators sublimate the press so they can stay in power. Your dictator in training does the same by CONSTANTLY calling them horrible names when all they’re doing is their jobs.
Continue to play deaf dumb and blind.

Trump is an autocratic leader in a weakening democracy, Harvard political scientists warn

Trump’s Authoritarian Grip Tightens

|And we see once again that the far left ignored Obama and his power grab and wants to pin it on Trump!
Trump is employing authoritarian tendencies every week. One thing all authoritarians do is sublimate the press.
We see even now dictators around the world are crying fake news when the press reports how many innocent children they’ve slaughtered or gassed.
This is what Trump has unleashed on the world.
And his cult continues to do his bidding.

What is "authoritarian" about just calling out the Media who is trying to destroy America?

No reporters have been jailed, and none will be.

All that is happening is the Acosta and the rest of the Fake News media are just being mocked and belittled for their fakery and incompetence. President Trump is merely exercising HIS OWN right to free speech. Just because he is President doesn't mean he surrenders his constitutional rights.
Your dictator in training has admired dictators that throw their press in jail.
He’s the most dangerous president in our country’s history the way he continues to attack our American institutions.
Calling the press the “ enemy of the people” is traitorous because the free press is protected by the constitution.
They are dictators, dipshit.

They don't need to attack the news when they can simply take it off the air.

I know the 60 IQ makes this tough to figure out, but this is very basic stuff.
Dictators sublimate the press so they can stay in power. Your dictator in training does the same by CONSTANTLY calling them horrible names when all they’re doing is their jobs.
Continue to play deaf dumb and blind.

Trump is an autocratic leader in a weakening democracy, Harvard political scientists warn

Trump’s Authoritarian Grip Tightens

|And we see once again that the far left ignored Obama and his power grab and wants to pin it on Trump!
Obama’s power grab.

Trump is an autocratic leader in a weakening democracy, Harvard political scientists warn

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