CNN: Manchester a 'Right Wing False Flag' Plot


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
What WE know:

Salman Abedi detonated a suicide bomb at the Manchester Arena at an Ariana Grande concert, targeting CHILDREN. At least 22 people, including an 8yo girl, were killed in the attack. Abedi did not work alone. 4 people involved have been arrested so far. ISIS has claimed credit for the attack. The UK is on its highest level of alert, and 1,000 troops have been deployed to key locations throughout the UK.

What CNN proposes AFTER this information has been released:

Despite admitting a terrorist attack was most probable, CNN terror analyst Paul Cruickshank floated the idea that the bombing could have been part of a right wing extremist plot.

** A false flag refers to a “
covert operation” that a group performs in order to make it look like someone else did it.

Interesting how snowflakes want to silence the 'conspiracy theory' regarding how / why Seth Rich was murdered, yet CNN leads the charge in throwing out a retarded conspiracy theory (disrespectful to the victims and their parents not to mention defending / appeasing the Islamic extremists / terrorists who carried this out) about the bombing being perpetrated by 'Right Wing extremists'.

(Yes, there are a lot of 'Right Wing Extremists named 'Salman Abedi / with Muslim names willing to sacrifice themselves by blowing themselves up while killing children) to 'frame' Muslims.
Again, ' :wtf:?!')

CNN continues to prove there is no level 'too LOW' for them to go to attempt to disparage Conservatives,
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CNN just set the new record for head-up-the-ass, DNC-Propaganda, Fake News anti-journalism:

"Manchester a 'Right Wing False Flag' Plot"

What WE know:

Salman Abedi detonated a suicide bomb at the Manchester Arena at an Ariana Grande concert, targeting CHILDREN. At least 22 people, including an 8yo girl, were killed in the attack. Abedi did not work alone. 4 people involved have been arrested so far. ISIS has claimed credit for the attack. The UK is on its highest level of alert, and 1,000 troops have been deployed to key locations throughout the UK.

What CNN proposes AFTER this information has been released:

Despite admitting a terrorist attack was most probable, CNN terror analyst
Paul Cruickshank floated the idea that the bombing could have been part of a right wing extremist plot.

** A false flag refers to a “
covert operation” that a group performs in order to make it look like someone else did it.

Interesting how snowflakes want to silence the 'conspiracy theory' regarding how / why Seth Rich was murdered, yet CNN leads the charge in throwing out a retarded conspiracy theory (disrespectful to the victims and their parents not to mention defending / appeasing the Islamic extremists / terrorists who carried this out) about the bombing being perpetrated by 'Right Wing extremists'.

(Yes, there are a lot of 'Right Wing Extremists named 'Salman Abedi / with Muslim names willing to sacrifice themselves by blowing themselves up while killing children) to 'frame' Muslims.
Again, ' :wtf:?!')

CNN continues to prove there is no level 'too LOW' for them to go to attempt to disparage Conservatives,

I hope Trump does something about the fake news when he gets back. It's so tiring.
CNN just set the new record for head-up-the-ass, DNC-Propaganda, Fake News anti-journalism:

"Manchester a 'Right Wing False Flag' Plot"

What WE know:

Salman Abedi detonated a suicide bomb at the Manchester Arena at an Ariana Grande concert, targeting CHILDREN. At least 22 people, including an 8yo girl, were killed in the attack. Abedi did not work alone. 4 people involved have been arrested so far. ISIS has claimed credit for the attack. The UK is on its highest level of alert, and 1,000 troops have been deployed to key locations throughout the UK.

What CNN proposes AFTER this information has been released:

Despite admitting a terrorist attack was most probable, CNN terror analyst
Paul Cruickshank floated the idea that the bombing could have been part of a right wing extremist plot.

** A false flag refers to a “
covert operation” that a group performs in order to make it look like someone else did it.

Interesting how snowflakes want to silence the 'conspiracy theory' regarding how / why Seth Rich was murdered, yet CNN leads the charge in throwing out a retarded conspiracy theory (disrespectful to the victims and their parents not to mention defending / appeasing the Islamic extremists / terrorists who carried this out) about the bombing being perpetrated by 'Right Wing extremists'.

(Yes, there are a lot of 'Right Wing Extremists named 'Salman Abedi / with Muslim names willing to sacrifice themselves by blowing themselves up while killing children) to 'frame' Muslims.
Again, ' :wtf:?!')

CNN continues to prove there is no level 'too LOW' for them to go to attempt to disparage Conservatives,
Must have confused it with Sandy Hook.
The left wing must turn the table against Trump. They will lie and post trash like pointed out about CNN. They apparently are in love with Islam, or fear it to the point of making ridiculous statements in implied support.

I just wonder how much must be done in the name of Islam until the left wing has had enough. Rational people know that point was passed long ago but the left wing clings on because the enemy of my enemy is my friend, thus no matter how badly people act in the name of Islam the left will embrace them and even defend them.
The left wing must turn the table against Trump. They will lie and post trash like pointed out about CNN. They apparently are in love with Islam, or fear it to the point of making ridiculous statements in implied support.

I just wonder how much must be done in the name of Islam until the left wing has had enough. Rational people know that point was passed long ago but the left wing clings on because the enemy of my enemy is my friend, thus no matter how badly people act in the name of Islam the left will embrace them and even defend them.
One would have thought slaughtering children would wake them up. But clearly not. I can't think of anything worse so I guess it isn't going to happen.
Mohammed Ullah (muslim Chaplain Manchester's Universities) is talking on CNN saying not to make amalgam, OK and he won't come "apologize" everytime Fuck him, let's care about the childrens first and the wounded one and the families who lost a loves one and remember those who were kills by a muslim Salman Abedi.
What WE know:

Salman Abedi detonated a suicide bomb at the Manchester Arena at an Ariana Grande concert, targeting CHILDREN. At least 22 people, including an 8yo girl, were killed in the attack. Abedi did not work alone. 4 people involved have been arrested so far. ISIS has claimed credit for the attack. The UK is on its highest level of alert, and 1,000 troops have been deployed to key locations throughout the UK.

What CNN proposes AFTER this information has been released:

Despite admitting a terrorist attack was most probable, CNN terror analyst Paul Cruickshank floated the idea that the bombing could have been part of a right wing extremist plot.

** A false flag refers to a “
covert operation” that a group performs in order to make it look like someone else did it.

Interesting how snowflakes want to silence the 'conspiracy theory' regarding how / why Seth Rich was murdered, yet CNN leads the charge in throwing out a retarded conspiracy theory (disrespectful to the victims and their parents not to mention defending / appeasing the Islamic extremists / terrorists who carried this out) about the bombing being perpetrated by 'Right Wing extremists'.

(Yes, there are a lot of 'Right Wing Extremists named 'Salman Abedi / with Muslim names willing to sacrifice themselves by blowing themselves up while killing children) to 'frame' Muslims.
Again, ' :wtf:?!')

CNN continues to prove there is no level 'too LOW' for them to go to attempt to disparage Conservatives,

The left really love these things when they happen. Ol'Wolf gets to look sternly at his camera and pace around his set being serious and shit. Oh, but Chris Matthews, now that guy blows a nut when a terriorist attack or mass shooting happens. They love them and the power and money they gain from them. And these news guy? They don't care about news, they care about being the news.
Again, liberals say 'to hell with children - use them to attack Conservatives'. Truly disgusting.
What WE know:

Salman Abedi detonated a suicide bomb at the Manchester Arena at an Ariana Grande concert, targeting CHILDREN. At least 22 people, including an 8yo girl, were killed in the attack. Abedi did not work alone. 4 people involved have been arrested so far. ISIS has claimed credit for the attack. The UK is on its highest level of alert, and 1,000 troops have been deployed to key locations throughout the UK.

What CNN proposes AFTER this information has been released:

Despite admitting a terrorist attack was most probable, CNN terror analyst Paul Cruickshank floated the idea that the bombing could have been part of a right wing extremist plot.

** A false flag refers to a “
covert operation” that a group performs in order to make it look like someone else did it.

Interesting how snowflakes want to silence the 'conspiracy theory' regarding how / why Seth Rich was murdered, yet CNN leads the charge in throwing out a retarded conspiracy theory (disrespectful to the victims and their parents not to mention defending / appeasing the Islamic extremists / terrorists who carried this out) about the bombing being perpetrated by 'Right Wing extremists'.

(Yes, there are a lot of 'Right Wing Extremists named 'Salman Abedi / with Muslim names willing to sacrifice themselves by blowing themselves up while killing children) to 'frame' Muslims.
Again, ' :wtf:?!')

CNN continues to prove there is no level 'too LOW' for them to go to attempt to disparage Conservatives,

What did he do that was wrong? Let's hear the Birther perspective on this.

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