CNN megapixel of Trump inauguration.

The point is that Trump lied about the numbers, that he really is that delusional and petty.

That's what all his fans don't want to discuss. Somehow, Trump lying is all the fault of the liberals. That's how it's going to be from now on, with every daily Trump lie somehow being the fault of the liberals.

Nothing delusional about the number of Republicans in the House, Senate and soon in the Supreme Court.
Nice Gigapixel! Looks like a huge crowd to me. Certainly not as big as Obama, but Americans spoke in November. That's all that matters. Its pretty surreal to see all the ex-presidents, SCOTUS, Congress leaders, Hillary, etc all watching Trump give his speech.
but the left has been posting fake pics of an empty mall. Now they'll come back with fake excuses for fake news.

No, they're posting actual timely pictures of a MOSTLY empty mall. Still a large crowd, but not nearly large enough to satisfy trump's ego.

It is the QUALITY, olt the quantity that matters.
A nice healthy 250,000 or so people.

Funny how it's only shown from the stage area. It's the back that's really thin. Obama's wasn't thin in the back.

Wrong. From that pic a screen shot of the back
Crowd is full all the way to washington monument???

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump

It's Trump's logic. From where he was, he could see people all the way to the end, simply said when a person is standing in front of you, they take up a lot of the space in front of you. Doesn't mean that there is someone standing behind them though. I mean, the guy is a joke.

This is all the left has to comment on anymore, since they do not, nor will have and policy positions, since the American people took their scepters away, lol. Let them comment, who cares! How much people want a President is not determined by how many in a mall, here, there, or anywhere. Rather, it is determined by how many people trudge down to a ballot box. The ballot box was conclusive for both the Feds, and the states on November the 8th! Since the left has nothing else to do now, they are relegated to doing headcounts, lol. That is surprising, since most of them insist 3 + 3 =5 everytime a leftist holds any power, hehehehehehehehehehehe!
Nice Gigapixel! Looks like a huge crowd to me. Certainly not as big as Obama, but Americans spoke in November. That's all that matters. Its pretty surreal to see all the ex-presidents, SCOTUS, Congress leaders, Hillary, etc all watching Trump give his speech.

Yep, the Americans spoke, 3 million more for Hillary, they spoke....
Crowd is full all the way to washington monument???

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump

It's Trump's logic. From where he was, he could see people all the way to the end, simply said when a person is standing in front of you, they take up a lot of the space in front of you. Doesn't mean that there is someone standing behind them though. I mean, the guy is a joke.

This is all the left has to comment on anymore, since they do not, nor will have and policy positions, since the American people took their scepters away, lol. Let them comment, who cares! How much people want a President is not determined by how many in a mall, here, there, or anywhere. Rather, it is determined by how many people trudge down to a ballot box. The ballot box was conclusive for both the Feds, and the states on November the 8th! Since the left has nothing else to do now, they are relegated to doing headcounts, lol. That is surprising, since most of them insist 3 + 3 =5 everytime a leftist holds any power, hehehehehehehehehehehe!

No, your judgement seems to be that of a partisan hack, rather than someone actually looking at the reality of what exists.
Nice Gigapixel! Looks like a huge crowd to me. Certainly not as big as Obama, but Americans spoke in November. That's all that matters. Its pretty surreal to see all the ex-presidents, SCOTUS, Congress leaders, Hillary, etc all watching Trump give his speech.
but the left has been posting fake pics of an empty mall. Now they'll come back with fake excuses for fake news.


Crowd is full all the way to washington monument???

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump

It's Trump's logic. From where he was, he could see people all the way to the end, simply said when a person is standing in front of you, they take up a lot of the space in front of you. Doesn't mean that there is someone standing behind them though. I mean, the guy is a joke.

This is all the left has to comment on anymore, since they do not, nor will have and policy positions, since the American people took their scepters away, lol. Let them comment, who cares! How much people want a President is not determined by how many in a mall, here, there, or anywhere. Rather, it is determined by how many people trudge down to a ballot box. The ballot box was conclusive for both the Feds, and the states on November the 8th! Since the left has nothing else to do now, they are relegated to doing headcounts, lol. That is surprising, since most of them insist 3 + 3 =5 everytime a leftist holds any power, hehehehehehehehehehehe!

If anyone comments from the left with something reasonable besides racist-homophobe-transaphobe-hack-asshat, or something logical, let me know. (someone like Mac, a Democrat, and NOT a far leftist) Otherwise, we shall let them stew in their own irrelevance-)
Crowd is full all the way to washington monument???

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump

It's Trump's logic. From where he was, he could see people all the way to the end, simply said when a person is standing in front of you, they take up a lot of the space in front of you. Doesn't mean that there is someone standing behind them though. I mean, the guy is a joke.

This is all the left has to comment on anymore, since they do not, nor will have and policy positions, since the American people took their scepters away, lol. Let them comment, who cares! How much people want a President is not determined by how many in a mall, here, there, or anywhere. Rather, it is determined by how many people trudge down to a ballot box. The ballot box was conclusive for both the Feds, and the states on November the 8th! Since the left has nothing else to do now, they are relegated to doing headcounts, lol. That is surprising, since most of them insist 3 + 3 =5 everytime a leftist holds any power, hehehehehehehehehehehe!

If anyone comments from the left with something reasonable besides racist-homophobe-transaphobe-hack-asshat, or something logical, let me know. (someone like Mac, a Democrat, and NOT a far leftist) Otherwise, we shall let them stew in their own irrelevance-)

I'm getting tired of seeing grown people act like this.
Crowd is full all the way to washington monument???

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump
Renember, there were many conservatives that couldn't attend because they had to work.

Lol, I love that myth. Meanwhile, in reality, the average Republican voter depends on Medicaid/Medicare/Social Security and is more likely to be employed by the Dept. of Defense, which is of course the largest socialist organization in the world.

Republicans are the ones literally dependent on government. The facts clearly show that rural America depends on the revenue generated by big cities and big states.

This is why no matter how bad they want to cut government these next 4 years, reality is going to keep bitch-slapping Republicans into maintaining those 4 yuge things.
Lol, I love that myth. Meanwhile, in reality, the average Republican voter depends on Medicaid/Medicare/Social Security and is more likely to be employed by the Dept. of Defense, which is of course the largest socialist organization in the world.
Go ahead and support that one, Interpos.
Nice Gigapixel! Looks like a huge crowd to me. Certainly not as big as Obama, but Americans spoke in November. That's all that matters. Its pretty surreal to see all the ex-presidents, SCOTUS, Congress leaders, Hillary, etc all watching Trump give his speech.
but the left has been posting fake pics of an empty mall. Now they'll come back with fake excuses for fake news.

The left is pathetic. Now that the GOP owns it all liberals are clinging to their mall pictures and whining.
Nice Gigapixel! Looks like a huge crowd to me. Certainly not as big as Obama, but Americans spoke in November. That's all that matters. Its pretty surreal to see all the ex-presidents, SCOTUS, Congress leaders, Hillary, etc all watching Trump give his speech.

Yep, the Americans spoke, 3 million more for Hillary, they spoke....

And Trump is stilling waking up the new President. HAHA
Nice Gigapixel! Looks like a huge crowd to me. Certainly not as big as Obama, but Americans spoke in November. That's all that matters. Its pretty surreal to see all the ex-presidents, SCOTUS, Congress leaders, Hillary, etc all watching Trump give his speech.
but the left has been posting fake pics of an empty mall. Now they'll come back with fake excuses for fake news.

No, they're posting actual timely pictures of a MOSTLY empty mall. Still a large crowd, but not nearly large enough to satisfy trump's ego.

While Republicans are running the country liberals are whining over a picture of the mall. pathetic.
It figures these scum posted fake pics. I took them at face value, from now on I'll just assume the left LIE!

Well then you're an idiot, because they're not fake pics.

You'll probably get swindled in your lifetime by one or several MLM agents. Maybe your wife is one.

Don't be so gullible and you might get off relatively unscathed.

When I need your advice...well lets be honest that day will never come :laugh:
If anyone comments from the left with something reasonable besides racist-homophobe-transaphobe-hack-asshat, or something logical, let me know. (someone like Mac, a Democrat, and NOT a far leftist) Otherwise, we shall let them stew in their own irrelevance-)

Awww. Did we trigger you again, snowflake?

Your fuerher lied. Everyone knows it. You know it, but you're lying to everyone's face as well, because TheParty commands you to.

That's the thread topic now, the pathological dishonesty which the Trump-cultists display on every issue.

And no, we won't stop bringing that up just because you cry at us. I know it's not PC in Trump's post-truth America to state that liars are liars, but I'm not PC, so screw that.
obama's, 2009


Trump's, 2017


obama's was bigger but the media putting out that Trump's wasn't huge diminishes the support that is there for him. They lie.

Gigapixel, do a 180 and look at the crowd going back to the WM. It.Was.UUGE.

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump
I don't know the media would have bothered if Trump didn't say he had a million or a million and a half.

That's why the SNL video was so funny. Trump, you can lie. You can say you play like LeBron James, but you can't say you ARE LeBron James.
Nice Gigapixel! Looks like a huge crowd to me. Certainly not as big as Obama, but Americans spoke in November. That's all that matters. Its pretty surreal to see all the ex-presidents, SCOTUS, Congress leaders, Hillary, etc all watching Trump give his speech.

It is a big crowd. It is not a one million person sized crowd.
Er, way more than that. NYT lied and printed a correction. They posted crowd info without numbers and without satellite imagery due to cloudy skies. Anything to diminish Trump.

Durn Liberl Meedya! Bringing in cloud machines to make cloudy skies, no fair! :death:

They shoulda hired Sean Hannity's crack pipe video team and hope Jon Stewart's not looking.

Note the corrected picture at the bottom of the article.

That's not a 'corrected' picture. The top one clearly states, "The footage on this page was captured 45 minutes before each oath of office". Nothing indicates that's not the case.

Also says, "The initial analysis was limited in scope because footage of a larger area was not yet available. The number of people on the National Mall is typically a fraction of the total crowd that gathers for a presidential inauguration. In 2009, for example, about 460,000 of the estimated 1.8 million people who attended President Obama’s inauguration were on the National Mall."

Your own link.

What exactly point are you trying to prove with this "ratings" fallacy?
Is attending an inaugurination the same thing as voting?

The point is that the media put out that Trump's crowd was less than obama's prior to having any numbers or clear satellite imagery. The bottom picture shows Trumps crowds were huge. By diminishing the crowd size the media squashes the amount of support Trump really has. You're right about one thing, the bottom pic isn't a correction it's accurate.

I don't see where it makes a flat declaration of what can only be estimated. Both pics are accurate, not that they mean anything.

--- which restates the hanging question........ exactly what point do y'all think you're making with a ratings fallacy?
Or is the lack of answer, the answer?

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