CNN/MSNBC Very Upset That Anthony Weiner Is Not A Conservative! Gosh Darn It !!!

Weiner got caught with young ones, ...


lol, that's your defense of Trump?

I have a bigger one...he is a blow hard liberal who lies.

So you believe his lie that he grabbed pussy?


Trump is a liberal now?

See, as I said yesterday, the rats abandoning the Trump ship are going to give us one hilarious pile of spin to justify it.

I have been saying it on here since at least August of 2015

Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

  1. PORT
  2. Aug 8, 2015

    bear513Gold Member

    Actually, it doesn't matter if he was referring to her menstruation or not.

    Bottom line is, he couldn't handle the pressure and he fell apart.

    Then, when he had the opportunity to act like a grown up, he made it worse.
    So now you are back tracking and stopping being a drama queen on here?

    What did Trump say that was so outrageous? Hell us guys say that all the time about girls when they get psycho....


    Its biology , we know and understand that, just facts of life.
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    " guys say that all the time about girls..."

    Its tacky and tasteless BUT you're not running for president.

    The president of the United States is and should be held to a higher standard than "us guys".

    NO woman menstruates out of her eyes, but lets just not add that little part and take it totally out of context.
    Oh, the word for word quote from Trump is undeniably a reference to menstruation in its second part. Trying to be coy is not going to help.

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    You've got a sick mind boy..Get some help. This thread should be in the badlands or flame room certainly not the political room.:slap:
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    Trumps comments have created an major split in Republican and conservative politics. It is no small matter that Republicans are now openly distancing themselves from Trump. Trump has done nothing less than confirm his belief that woman are not qualified to be in leadership positions.
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    What are you talking about? He put his daughter in a lot of power over his 120 some buissenes. He is accutaly was just flirting with meygan , He was playing with her..

    He was putting on a show, that's what he does.
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    And he will continue to "put on a show" because that's all he is capable of.
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    I know, he wants the white house more then I ever seen a guy want something and I don't get why you on the left hates him because Trump is a social liberal.

    What harm can he cause as president?

    Trump can take on Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and ISiS and compromise with the democrats in congress

    Hillary is a warhawk, she will get us in another war and she is bought and sold like obama is.

So who did you vote for, or is that a secret?

Not for Trump or Hillary.

Just wanted Trump to beat that lying corrupt witch.

Anthony Weiner talked dirty to some women and he's Satan, according to RWnuts like the OP.

Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

A 15 year old girl is not a woman, sweet freaking jeebus

So let's see the evidence you condoned Weiner's behavior BEFORE a 15 year old was involved, you know,

in the same way you condone Trump's behavior.

I never condoned Wiener you befuddled ass. You're trying to compare apples and oranges. What Wiener did is a felony, a crime against a child..hence prison time and registering as a sex offender.
Anthony Weiner talked dirty to some women and he's Satan, according to RWnuts like the OP.

Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

Weiner got caught with young ones, ....
Like many on both sides of the aisles.

Perversion is not particular to just one party, or more accurately, is particular to both.

You guys say Trump lies all the time so please tell me how do you know for a fact he is telling the truth?

Anthony Weiner talked dirty to some women and he's Satan, according to RWnuts like the OP.

Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

A 15 year old girl is not a woman, sweet freaking jeebus

So let's see the evidence you condoned Weiner's behavior BEFORE a 15 year old was involved, you know,

in the same way you condone Trump's behavior.

I never condoned Wiener you befuddled ass. You're trying to compare apples and oranges. What Wiener did is a felony, a crime against a child..hence prison time and registering as a sex offender.

Then why are you a Trump lover and supporter?
Anthony Weiner talked dirty to some women and he's Satan, according to RWnuts like the OP.

Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

A 15 year old girl is not a woman, sweet freaking jeebus

So let's see the evidence you condoned Weiner's behavior BEFORE a 15 year old was involved, you know,

in the same way you condone Trump's behavior.

I never condoned Wiener you befuddled ass. You're trying to compare apples and oranges. What Wiener did is a felony, a crime against a child..hence prison time and registering as a sex offender.
when you only got one bullet that's really a bb in this comparison, you just use the shit out of it and hope to tire anyone listening to your drivel, i suppose.

anyone comparing a stupid sexist statement to child molestation has an agenda. period.

swap "uniforms" and the same people going after vulgar talk to compare this to will throw a shit fit you dare to make that comparison.
Anthony Weiner talked dirty to some women and he's Satan, according to RWnuts like the OP.

Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

For conservatives, especially the type troll conservative, truth is never on their side.
Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

.......and the so-called evangelical communities cheer for Trump because "grabbing pussies" and screwing others in business deals personifies a " Christian God's mission."
sounding like a jock wanna be n being vulgar isnt quite,the same as child molestation.

Except that 12 women came forward to conform Trump's story that he sexually assaults women, so it was more than talk.

This is not to excuse Weiner or his behaviour, but Trump is guilty of sexual assault. Weiner is guilty of sending porno to children. Both are slimes.
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Anthony Weiner talked dirty to some women and he's Satan, according to RWnuts like the OP.

Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

A 15 year old girl is not a woman, sweet freaking jeebus

So let's see the evidence you condoned Weiner's behavior BEFORE a 15 year old was involved, you know,

in the same way you condone Trump's behavior.

I never condoned Wiener you befuddled ass. You're trying to compare apples and oranges. What Wiener did is a felony, a crime against a child..hence prison time and registering as a sex offender.

Then why are you a Trump lover and supporter?

Again what proof do you have except from.Trump and we all knows he lies.

Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

.......and the so-called evangelical communities cheer for Trump because "grabbing pussies" and screwing others in business deals personifies a " Christian God's mission."
sounding like a jock wanna be n being vulgar isnt quite,the same as child molestation.

Except that 12 women came forward to conform Trump's story that he sexually assaults women, so it was more than talk.

And they left as fast as the election was over...your point being?

I seem to remember Bill paying Paula almost 1 million dollars to shut up..did Trump have to pay any woman?

I forget...

Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

.......and the so-called evangelical communities cheer for Trump because "grabbing pussies" and screwing others in business deals personifies a " Christian God's mission."
sounding like a jock wanna be n being vulgar isnt quite,the same as child molestation.

Except that 12 women came forward to conform Trump's story that he sexually assaults women, so it was more than talk.

i get really tired of liberals moving the goalposts around all day long.

this isn't to condone either action but knowingly molesting a child is about the worst you can do in my book.

you play as however the wind blows, m'kay?
Anthony Weiner talked dirty to some women and he's Satan, according to RWnuts like the OP.

Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

A 15 year old girl is not a woman, sweet freaking jeebus

So let's see the evidence you condoned Weiner's behavior BEFORE a 15 year old was involved, you know,

in the same way you condone Trump's behavior.

I never condoned Wiener you befuddled ass. You're trying to compare apples and oranges. What Wiener did is a felony, a crime against a child..hence prison time and registering as a sex offender.

You called Weiner a perverted sleazebag back in 2015, before any involvement with minors was known.

BUT, you're one of Trump's most devoted supporters, despite Trump's sexual behavior being worse than Weiner's at the time you called him a perverted sleazebag.
Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

.......and the so-called evangelical communities cheer for Trump because "grabbing pussies" and screwing others in business deals personifies a " Christian God's mission."
sounding like a jock wanna be n being vulgar isnt quite,the same as child molestation.

Except that 12 women came forward to conform Trump's story that he sexually assaults women, so it was more than talk.

And they left as fast as the election was over...your point being?

I seem to remember Bill paying Paula almost 1 million dollars to shut up..did Trump have to pay any woman?

I forget...

like i said - both sides have a hard time finishing an argument cause there's always an example "close enough" to throw back. nothing can stand on its own anymore and it's getting worse.
Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

.......and the so-called evangelical communities cheer for Trump because "grabbing pussies" and screwing others in business deals personifies a " Christian God's mission."
sounding like a jock wanna be n being vulgar isnt quite,the same as child molestation.

Except that 12 women came forward to conform Trump's story that he sexually assaults women, so it was more than talk.

This is not to excuse Weiner or his behaviour, but Trump is guilty of sexual assault. Weiner is guilty of sending porno to children. Both are slimes.

Out of 12 how many allegations were proven?

Think hard
Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

.......and the so-called evangelical communities cheer for Trump because "grabbing pussies" and screwing others in business deals personifies a " Christian God's mission."
sounding like a jock wanna be n being vulgar isnt quite,the same as child molestation.

Except that 12 women came forward to conform Trump's story that he sexually assaults women, so it was more than talk.

This is not to excuse Weiner or his behaviour, but Trump is guilty of sexual assault. Weiner is guilty of sending porno to children. Both are slimes.
and weiner has been signed sealed delivered and tried guilty. all the ones who accused trump, where are they again?

oh i'm sure they all got paid off somehow. and i'd agree with you. i just think they got paid to say all they did so at least we do agree they got paid off.
Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

.......and the so-called evangelical communities cheer for Trump because "grabbing pussies" and screwing others in business deals personifies a " Christian God's mission."
sounding like a jock wanna be n being vulgar isnt quite,the same as child molestation.

Except that 12 women came forward to conform Trump's story that he sexually assaults women, so it was more than talk.

This is not to excuse Weiner or his behaviour, but Trump is guilty of sexual assault. Weiner is guilty of sending porno to children. Both are slimes.

Out of 12 how many allegations were proven?

Think hard
i smell burning gerbil wheels....
Trump physically assaulted women, and the OP is Trump's biggest fan.

.......and the so-called evangelical communities cheer for Trump because "grabbing pussies" and screwing others in business deals personifies a " Christian God's mission."
sounding like a jock wanna be n being vulgar isnt quite,the same as child molestation.

Except that 12 women came forward to conform Trump's story that he sexually assaults women, so it was more than talk.

And they left as fast as the election was over...your point being?

I seem to remember Bill paying Paula almost 1 million dollars to shut up..did Trump have to pay any woman?

I forget...


Trump's promise to sue them disappeared too, didn't it?

His tacit admission they were telling the truth.

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