CNN Now Warns Unemployment Is “Too Low” As Trump Administration Follows Through


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I remember when Pelosi was yelling at Bush, asking him where the jobs were when the unemployment rate was 4.5%. Apparently, the left thinks the only acceptable rate is 4.4% because now that it's 4.3%, they are upset because it's too low.

And the fact that employers will raise wages on their own to keep people is also bad. As far as the people needed for the new jobs being created (another positive thing), perhaps we can get those people rioting in the streets to get a real job. Probably will pay better than what Soros is paying them now. Or companies can hire those able bodied people who are tired of waiting for government to hand them a life.

There is just no pleasing the left.

"CNN found analysts to explain this mind-boggling narrative;

“Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at MUFG Union Bank in New York, notes that when the economy reaches full employment, that means there aren’t enough people out of work to find new jobs. And if employers can’t find more workers that they might need, they have to raise wages to retain their existing workers. This sounds great though, right? Why is it a problem of people are getting bigger paychecks? True, but the problem is that it will be harder for the economy to grow a faster pace if the number of new jobs added starts to slow.”

If you are still confused, you aren’t alone. They found a second expert to further unravel the mystery;
“‘I would say that full employment could present a headwind to the future pace of economic growth,’ says Sam Bullard, senior economist at Wells Fargo. ‘Firms continue to point out they’re having difficulty finding qualified labor.’”

They go on to explain that in 2001 when unemployment was this low, the U.S. went into a “brief recession.” But of course, things were much better back then all around, at least if you believe the left-wing dribble coming from the purveyor of fake news.

CNN Now Warns Unemployment Is "Too Low" As Trump Administration Follows Through
I remember when Pelosi was yelling at Bush, asking him where the jobs were when the unemployment rate was 4.5%. Apparently, the left thinks the only acceptable rate is 4.4% because now that it's 4.3%, they are upset because it's too low.

And the fact that employers will raise wages on their own to keep people is also bad. As far as the people needed for the new jobs being created (another positive thing), perhaps we can get those people rioting in the streets to get a real job. Probably will pay better than what Soros is paying them now. Or companies can hire those able bodied people who are tired of waiting for government to hand them a life.

There is just no pleasing the left.

"CNN found analysts to explain this mind-boggling narrative;

“Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at MUFG Union Bank in New York, notes that when the economy reaches full employment, that means there aren’t enough people out of work to find new jobs. And if employers can’t find more workers that they might need, they have to raise wages to retain their existing workers. This sounds great though, right? Why is it a problem of people are getting bigger paychecks? True, but the problem is that it will be harder for the economy to grow a faster pace if the number of new jobs added starts to slow.”

If you are still confused, you aren’t alone. They found a second expert to further unravel the mystery;
“‘I would say that full employment could present a headwind to the future pace of economic growth,’ says Sam Bullard, senior economist at Wells Fargo. ‘Firms continue to point out they’re having difficulty finding qualified labor.’”

They go on to explain that in 2001 when unemployment was this low, the U.S. went into a “brief recession.” But of course, things were much better back then all around, at least if you believe the left-wing dribble coming from the purveyor of fake news.

CNN Now Warns Unemployment Is "Too Low" As Trump Administration Follows Through

They are morons and also perhaps insane. Unemployment in ANY nation can never be too low, it should be EVERY nations goals to have FULL employment of all able bodied people.
Unemployment is too low. CNN has cornered the market on stupidity.

Leftists want a certain percentage permanently unemployed and on welfare, because that percentage vote for the Leftists, keeping them down, keeping them poor means they will vote Leftist bizarrely thinking that the Leftists give a crap about them, when they don't or they would support giving those people a hand up and not a hand out.
I remember when Pelosi was yelling at Bush, asking him where the jobs were when the unemployment rate was 4.5%. Apparently, the left thinks the only acceptable rate is 4.4% because now that it's 4.3%, they are upset because it's too low.

And the fact that employers will raise wages on their own to keep people is also bad. As far as the people needed for the new jobs being created (another positive thing), perhaps we can get those people rioting in the streets to get a real job. Probably will pay better than what Soros is paying them now. Or companies can hire those able bodied people who are tired of waiting for government to hand them a life.

There is just no pleasing the left.

"CNN found analysts to explain this mind-boggling narrative;

“Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at MUFG Union Bank in New York, notes that when the economy reaches full employment, that means there aren’t enough people out of work to find new jobs. And if employers can’t find more workers that they might need, they have to raise wages to retain their existing workers. This sounds great though, right? Why is it a problem of people are getting bigger paychecks? True, but the problem is that it will be harder for the economy to grow a faster pace if the number of new jobs added starts to slow.”

If you are still confused, you aren’t alone. They found a second expert to further unravel the mystery;
“‘I would say that full employment could present a headwind to the future pace of economic growth,’ says Sam Bullard, senior economist at Wells Fargo. ‘Firms continue to point out they’re having difficulty finding qualified labor.’”

They go on to explain that in 2001 when unemployment was this low, the U.S. went into a “brief recession.” But of course, things were much better back then all around, at least if you believe the left-wing dribble coming from the purveyor of fake news.

CNN Now Warns Unemployment Is "Too Low" As Trump Administration Follows Through
Economically, the biggest pitfall with "full employment " is inflation. Of course, we are nowhere near real full employment. Plenty of able bodied people are sitting at home defrauding taxpayers collecting DI.
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I wonder how many people in America can't pass a drug test? That's where the unemployment is.

From what we read from the maniacs at CNN now I think that perhaps most of the people who work at CNN wouldn't pass a drug test, their um reporting is now so far out it's like they must be all on Crack or Meth.
Now this is funny...

Obama magically lower UE by removing people form the rolls.. Now Trump is making jobs available and the people are still holding back at taking them... I guess they are going to need a little push to get back in the labor force and off handouts..

The real reason CNN thinks its to low is due to the people they are taking off the handout rolls... People not dependent on the government cant be controlled and is the reason democrats want the populace poor and dumb..
If Trump walked on water, they would complain that he couldn't swim. It's the coerced news network...

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Unemployment is too low. CNN has cornered the market on stupidity.

Leftists want a certain percentage permanently unemployed and on welfare, because that percentage vote for the Leftists, keeping them down, keeping them poor means they will vote Leftist bizarrely thinking that the Leftists give a crap about them, when they don't or they would support giving those people a hand up and not a hand out.
Thus their love love for illegals. Nearly half are drawing benefits provided and financed by legal citizens. I hope the government goes after employers of illegals. I have always pushed this, but it must be done in conjunction with entitlement reform. As illegals leave, able bodied citizens must fill those jobs.
Unemployment too low. Stock market too high. Too much winning is bad for you sez the perpetual losers.
Actually, there is a correction coming. You have two years, best case to get out. I'm selling soon. I'll buy later. There is a ten year predictive curve you can apply.
Fear really brings out the worst in people. The two groups that Democrats heavily rely on are government dependents and victims. From a Democrats point of view, you can't have enough of them.

The key to Democrat power is to create more government dependents and victims while the Republicans are doing what they can to reduce the size of those two groups.

If we were a nation void of dependents and victims, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books, and that's what CNN fears.
I remember when Pelosi was yelling at Bush, asking him where the jobs were when the unemployment rate was 4.5%. Apparently, the left thinks the only acceptable rate is 4.4% because now that it's 4.3%, they are upset because it's too low.

And the fact that employers will raise wages on their own to keep people is also bad. As far as the people needed for the new jobs being created (another positive thing), perhaps we can get those people rioting in the streets to get a real job. Probably will pay better than what Soros is paying them now. Or companies can hire those able bodied people who are tired of waiting for government to hand them a life.

There is just no pleasing the left.

"CNN found analysts to explain this mind-boggling narrative;

“Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at MUFG Union Bank in New York, notes that when the economy reaches full employment, that means there aren’t enough people out of work to find new jobs. And if employers can’t find more workers that they might need, they have to raise wages to retain their existing workers. This sounds great though, right? Why is it a problem of people are getting bigger paychecks? True, but the problem is that it will be harder for the economy to grow a faster pace if the number of new jobs added starts to slow.”

If you are still confused, you aren’t alone. They found a second expert to further unravel the mystery;
“‘I would say that full employment could present a headwind to the future pace of economic growth,’ says Sam Bullard, senior economist at Wells Fargo. ‘Firms continue to point out they’re having difficulty finding qualified labor.’”

They go on to explain that in 2001 when unemployment was this low, the U.S. went into a “brief recession.” But of course, things were much better back then all around, at least if you believe the left-wing dribble coming from the purveyor of fake news.

CNN Now Warns Unemployment Is "Too Low" As Trump Administration Follows Through

Too much winning for CNN.
Many of the things the Left rails against about Trump are the EXACT SAME policies they promoted years ago under Bill Clinton, etc., when they devoutly supported them! The Left doesn't complain because Trump is truly bad or wrong or far off or incompetent or compromised, The Left rails because they simply are not in control now and they want their teddy bear back.
Many "un-named sources" say............IF they had more Plumbers, Electricians, Welders etc. They could use them now.

Yep, like 6 million of them. The government halls of indoctrination are telling students these jobs are not good ones, when they actually pay more than most college graduates will be earning.

Many of the things the Left rails against about Trump are the EXACT SAME policies they promoted years ago under Bill Clinton, etc., when they devoutly supported them! The Left doesn't complain because Trump is truly bad or wrong or far off or incompetent or compromised, The Left rails because they simply are not in control now and they want their teddy bear back.
The Dems need to admit the Russians are rewriting their playbook, if not outright collaboration. They take their cues from their handlers.
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Economically, the biggest pitfall with "full employment " is inflation. Of course, we are nowhere near real full employment. Plenty of able bodied people are sitting at home defrauding taxpayers collecting DI.

And those people are not counted in the unemployment numbers. People who gave up looking also don't get included so the actual unemployment is always higher than the stats. Only 4.3% of people seeking jobs haven't found one yet and, amazingly, that upsets the liberal "experts" at CNN, or as I will call them from now on, FNN (fake news network).
I drove on an Interstate through populated area. Big sign at "Transport Co." $28.03/hour to start. Lots of Trailers and loading docks visible. This is not really new but it seems much more visible suddenly. This was a massive congested area. I suppose you would have to work "off-hours" to be able to get your Truck in/out without gridlock.

Yes Ray, I know. You have told us about it over a year now. I saw big banner at FedEx driver apprentice(s) wanted. Bonus to start. I can't, I just can't start that now. I could but I would lose some other stuff.

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