CNN Poll: Unfavorable view of tea party on the rise

Feb 2, 2011
Oh, damn. So sorry, teabags. You're now about as popular as Dems and Repubs. :lol::lol::lol:

CNN Poll: Unfavorable view of tea party on the rise – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Washington (CNN) - Nearly half of all Americans have an unfavorable view of the tea party movement, putting it in the same company as the Democratic and Republican parties, according to a new national poll.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday indicates that 32 percent of the public has a favorable view of the two year old anti-tax movement, which also calls for less government spending and a more limited role for the federal government in our lives. The 32 percent favorable rating is down five points from December.

Forty-seven percent of people questioned say they have an unfavorable view of the tea party, up four points from December and an increase of 21 points from January 2010. That 47 percent is virtually identical to the 48 percent unfavorable ratings for both the Democratic party and the Republican party in the same poll.
"This is the first time that a CNN poll has shown the tea party's unfavorable ratings as high as those of the two major parties," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "It looks like the rise in the movement's unfavorable rating has come mostly among people who make less than $50,000."
The tea party movement's unfavorable rating rose 15 points since October among lower-income Americans, compared to only five points among those making more than $50,000. Roughly half of all American households have incomes under $50,000, and half make more than that.
"It's possible the drop among lower income Americans is a reaction to the tea party's push for large cuts in government programs that help lower-income Americans, although there are certainly other factors at work," adds Holland.
The tea party was born in early 2009, as a protest movement against the Troubled Asset Relief Program, better known as TARP or the Wall Street bailout, which was implemented by President George W. Bush in the autumn of 2008, and against the federal stimulus plan, officially known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, that President Barack Obama passed through Congress in early 2009. The grassroots movement became a player in Republican party politics over the past two years and tea party activists were instrumental in helping the GOP win back control of the House and narrow the Democrats' majority in the Senate in last November's midterm elections.
According to the poll, 46 percent have a favorable view of the Democratic party, with 48 percent saying they see it in a negative light. Forty-four percent of those questioned say they have a favorable view of the Republican party, with 48 percent saying they hold an unfavorable view.
The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey was conducted March 11-13, with 1,023 people questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.
Oh, damn. So sorry, teabags. You're now about as popular as Dems and Repubs. :lol::lol::lol:

CNN Poll: Unfavorable view of tea party on the rise – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Washington (CNN) - Nearly half of all Americans have an unfavorable view of the tea party movement, putting it in the same company as the Democratic and Republican parties, according to a new national poll.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday indicates that 32 percent of the public has a favorable view of the two year old anti-tax movement, which also calls for less government spending and a more limited role for the federal government in our lives. The 32 percent favorable rating is down five points from December.

Forty-seven percent of people questioned say they have an unfavorable view of the tea party, up four points from December and an increase of 21 points from January 2010. That 47 percent is virtually identical to the 48 percent unfavorable ratings for both the Democratic party and the Republican party in the same poll.
"This is the first time that a CNN poll has shown the tea party's unfavorable ratings as high as those of the two major parties," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "It looks like the rise in the movement's unfavorable rating has come mostly among people who make less than $50,000."
The tea party movement's unfavorable rating rose 15 points since October among lower-income Americans, compared to only five points among those making more than $50,000. Roughly half of all American households have incomes under $50,000, and half make more than that.
"It's possible the drop among lower income Americans is a reaction to the tea party's push for large cuts in government programs that help lower-income Americans, although there are certainly other factors at work," adds Holland.
The tea party was born in early 2009, as a protest movement against the Troubled Asset Relief Program, better known as TARP or the Wall Street bailout, which was implemented by President George W. Bush in the autumn of 2008, and against the federal stimulus plan, officially known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, that President Barack Obama passed through Congress in early 2009. The grassroots movement became a player in Republican party politics over the past two years and tea party activists were instrumental in helping the GOP win back control of the House and narrow the Democrats' majority in the Senate in last November's midterm elections.
According to the poll, 46 percent have a favorable view of the Democratic party, with 48 percent saying they see it in a negative light. Forty-four percent of those questioned say they have a favorable view of the Republican party, with 48 percent saying they hold an unfavorable view.
The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey was conducted March 11-13, with 1,023 people questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.

Teapartiers are much less popular than the Dems or Repubs.
Comming from one of the news orginization that "proved" with !facts! that the TPM was less than 500 people, all wahite and racist as shit...

Why would I care again?
I wonder if the got Susan Roesgen to take and compile the poll. :lol:
I wonder if the lowering poll numbers of the tea party has anything to do with Michele Bachmann. I mean, every time that woman opens her mouth, she makes a fool of herself. And when she gets press for her statements, the news articles invariably mention that she's one of the leaders of the tea party movement in Congress.
So confusing so now all of the sudden Poll's are ok for the leftist idiots. One would think you all would make up your mind.
I'm sorta wondering why this took so long..

The Birchers NEVER got to far with Republicans.
Lazy usless parasitic Democrats are not happy that the productive class is rebelling?

Pursuit of life liberty and property........original


Because the educated founders knew....................more takers than makers.......the takers (democrats) will vote to take away your hard earned personal property, deem you evil for your success (democrat) and create a lazy useless unsustainable parasitic class of scum (democrat).

Of course the "tea party" is not popular.........

They want to keep what they worked for....merit.....grown up shit......not stoned idealist 1960s hippy BS while they bomb Libya for oil but demonize bush for Iraq

Lazy usless parasitic Democrats are not happy that the productive class is rebelling?

Pursuit of life liberty and property........original


Because the educated founders knew....................more takers than makers.......the takers (democrats) will vote to take away your hard earned personal property, deem you evil for your success (democrat) and create a lazy useless unsustainable parasitic class of scum (democrat).

Of course the "tea party" is not popular.........

They want to keep what they worked for....merit.....grown up shit......not stoned idealist 1960s hippy BS while they bomb Libya for oil but demonize bush for Iraq


Republican States are the biggest welfare states. If the ruling class is so productive why do we keep bailing them out with corporate welfare?
interesting, just as the dem talking point shifts and retools on the "extreme " tea party to help the dems hold back a lousy 60 Billion in cuts, I counted several articles and polls almost all on top of each other...what a friggin coincidence eh?
If 2012 is anything like 2010, the dems will be wondering why the CNN polls were sooooooooo misleading?!
interesting, just as the dem talking point shifts and retools on the "extreme " tea party to help the dems hold back a lousy 60 Billion in cuts, I counted several articles and polls almost all on top of each other...what a friggin coincidence eh?

60 billion in one year is extreme. And it's going to cause a massive amount of problems. The cuts themselves will COST more then 60 Billion.

Shut 'er down..boys.
interesting, just as the dem talking point shifts and retools on the "extreme " tea party to help the dems hold back a lousy 60 Billion in cuts, I counted several articles and polls almost all on top of each other...what a friggin coincidence eh?

60 billion in one year is extreme. And it's going to cause a massive amount of problems. The cuts themselves will COST more then 60 Billion.

Shut 'er down..boys.

did you know that Obama is borrowing 40 million per day to illegally bomb libyans for oil, all borrowed from China at the expense of our grandkids grandkids?

Democrats create ghettos

Nothing more
Assuming these numbers are real, and I have my doubts about that, it's very easy to explain why this is happening to the Tea Party....

The American People like big TALKERS. People who talk a great game about what they're going to do, how they're going to do it, and how wonderful it's going to be. However, the American People are not as high on people who actually WALK that talk. Especially when it comes to being at an extreme end on a political issue. With the rising potential for a government shutdown, and their unwillingness to budge on those cuts, the average (which is really far below average) American doesn't like to hear about that sort of stuff. Even when it's exactly what the pols told them they would do.
interesting, just as the dem talking point shifts and retools on the "extreme " tea party to help the dems hold back a lousy 60 Billion in cuts, I counted several articles and polls almost all on top of each other...what a friggin coincidence eh?

60 billion in one year is extreme. And it's going to cause a massive amount of problems. The cuts themselves will COST more then 60 Billion.

Shut 'er down..boys.

60 billion is extreme? :eek:

If that's extreme....we will never get our government spending under control. :eusa_whistle:
I like the idea of low spending and low taxes, but when religion becomes such a big part of a political movement it quickly loses favor with me. A party can't be inclusive of many views when a specific religion is so important to it.

I'll happily continue being an independent, searching for a rational political party that works for the people.
I like the idea of low spending and low taxes, but when religion becomes such a big part of a political movement it quickly loses favor with me. A party can't be inclusive of many views when a specific religion is so important to it.

I'll happily continue being an independent, searching for a rational political party that works for the people.

In the mean time, keep voting for Obama and the dems. Obama is the greatest president evah.
interesting, just as the dem talking point shifts and retools on the "extreme " tea party to help the dems hold back a lousy 60 Billion in cuts, I counted several articles and polls almost all on top of each other...what a friggin coincidence eh?

The teabaggers have become rabid dogs and the GOP has them by the tail.

Teabaggers fall into maybe three groups. Those organized, bought and paid for by the high rollers in the GOP. Those that are true believers but are terminally stupid. Those that are mad as hell and simply voted against any politician standing.

As you sow, so shall you reap. The GOP is now looking at the harvest and it doesn't look good.

The results this disparate, not to say mangy, group may bring about is not pretty. I there is a good chance they will split the GOP, rendering it innefective for a long time.

The bright side for the GOP is that they have left such an incredible mess that it may take a generation to repair. They may rise again simply because the public is so gullible and uniformed that they will punish anyone in power no matter who owns the blame.
If we are viewed as UNFAVORABLE by obamas supporters then we are DOING SOMETHING RIGHT. All you TEA PARTY supporters keep up the good work. 60billion isn't enough. Rand Paul wants 100bil. Let's back Rand. Sorry Harry, the cowboy poetry contest just isn't important to us normal folks.

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