CNN: Polls Show Americans Don't Care About the Left's Kangaroo Courts Against Trump

So far, so good – with about six months to go, Donald Trump appears to have a slight lead in the race for reelection, but of course, that can change. Nothing is set in stone, nothing is assured, except that Joe Biden will become even more senile, corrupt, and incompetent. Oh, and Donald Trump will be successfully railroaded by the New York jury. But how much will these things matter in the end? Biden’s track record of failure is baked in, as is Trump’s framing. Biden, though, can fail a lot more

Here's why Trump will lose.

1) A conviction will give sane people pause. Do we really want to elect a convicted felon who is only running to pardon himself?
2) Abortion- Women are mad, as they should be.
3) Trump is clearly losing his mind. Seriously, watch his "Hannibal Lector" speech, where he's slurring his words, going off on rants. Even the Redhats started leaving in droves.
4) Fundraising. Biden is raising far more than Trump, while Lara Trump and her cronies are wasting money.
5) Organization- Trump hasn't opened any field offices in swing states yet. Biden has opened 81 of them.
Why not, this trial is producing new Trump supporters daily.
Is it? Where are they? You mean these guys?

Johnson is the latest GOP official to visit the court as he stands accused of falsifying business records to hide hush money payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels before the 2016 presidential election. North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who’s been mentioned as a possible Trump 2024 running mate, Rep. Byron Donalds (Fla.), and Rep. Cory Mills (Fla.) also joined Trump at the courthouse on Tuesday.
Why not, this trial is producing new Trump supporters daily.

More Republican senators could join Trump in the coming days, including potentially Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), another vice presidential contender, and freshman Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.), who indicated he is interested in making an appearance.

Because no one showed. No supporters. Except the one guy who set himself on fire.
Here's why Trump will lose.

1) A conviction will give sane people pause. Do we really want to elect a convicted felon who is only running to pardon himself?
2) Abortion- Women are mad, as they should be.
3) Trump is clearly losing his mind. Seriously, watch his "Hannibal Lector" speech, where he's slurring his words, going off on rants. Even the Redhats started leaving in droves.
4) Fundraising. Biden is raising far more than Trump, while Lara Trump and her cronies are wasting money.
5) Organization- Trump hasn't opened any field offices in swing states yet. Biden has opened 81 of them.

I had a friend and I knew he was guilty of being a sex offender but it wasn't rape. Peeping, flashing, all kinds of shocking inappropriate stuff. But he was a great guy. Fun as fuck. We all told him he's innocent until proven guilty. He got caught, charged, sentenced, and when he got out, I told him I couldn't associate with him ever again. Just like I warned him. Did you think I was kidding?

Long story short, he's either a psychopath or sociopath for sure. No doubt in my mind. Doesn't care about other people's feelings. He may seem to care about friends and family but he's only using them. Interesting I was watching a show about this yesterday. Signs of a Psychopath. These people usually live with their parents or with someone else who makes the money. This guy lived with his parents back then and I'm sure to this day he still lives with them. If you try to kick one of these people out, they might snap and kill you.

I tried to fight him a couple times in college and he never fought back. I'm lucky he didn't stab me to death in my sleep.
Except you have to report all election expenses AS election expenses, and this isn't what Trump did. If there was nothing wrong with spending his own money, he wouldn't have put Cohen up to doing the pay off and then lying about the expense AFTER the election.
It wasn't an election expense.
The FEC doesn't have authority to indict, and yes, it was a campaign expense because it was in support of the campaign.
Doesn't matter how it was paid, it was still a campaign violation
Weisselberg has already been caught lying to defend Trump. Trump is free to call him, but he won't.
Covid stretched the clock on misdemeanors, and the crime they covered up is no secret.
Yes, there are crimes. Trump will be convicted. Deal with it.
More lies.
Here's why Trump will lose.

1) A conviction will give sane people pause. Do we really want to elect a convicted felon who is only running to pardon himself?
2) Abortion- Women are mad, as they should be.
3) Trump is clearly losing his mind. Seriously, watch his "Hannibal Lector" speech, where he's slurring his words, going off on rants. Even the Redhats started leaving in droves.
4) Fundraising. Biden is raising far more than Trump, while Lara Trump and her cronies are wasting money.
5) Organization- Trump hasn't opened any field offices in swing states yet. Biden has opened 81 of them.
At least you admit these cases are only to keep Trump from winning.
Americans see these court cases for what they are. So Trump is well ahead in 6 key swing states.
Plan A failed, in addition Trump has picked up a lot of minority votes.

And the Democrats have no Plan B with Election Day just 6 months away.

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CNN chief national affairs correspondent Jeff Zeleny reports that swing-state voters are showing disdain and fatigue over the ongoing Trump trial, amidst polling data that shows Trump leading Biden in six key states.

Jeff Zeleny revealed that swing-state voters he interviewed feel "disgusted" and "tired" of the Trump trial, suggesting minimal political fallout against Trump so far.

Recent New York Times/Siena College polling indicates Trump is leading Biden in swing states like Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona, with significant margins.

Voters are more concerned with economic issues rather than the trial, with inflation noted as a critical issue affecting voter sentiment.

In a recent commentary, CNN's Jeff Zeleny highlighted a significant disconnect between the media coverage of Donald Trump's ongoing trial and the concerns of voters in battleground states. According to Zeleny, despite exhaustive media focus, the trial has not resonated as a critical issue among these voters. Instead, economic issues, particularly inflation, are at the forefront of voters' concerns as they assess their choices for the upcoming election.


The polling also reveals a surprising shift in demographic support, with Trump making gains among Black and Hispanic voters, groups traditionally seen as Democratic strongholds. Biden's lead among these voters has diminished compared to previous elections, further complicating the electoral landscape for Democrats.

Zeleny notes that while the trial garners considerable media attention, the actual impact on voter decision-making may be limited. He suggests that unless the economic concerns are addressed effectively, the trial itself will likely remain a peripheral issue for many voters, overshadowed by more immediate personal and financial impacts.

I had a friend and I knew he was guilty of being a sex offender but it wasn't rape. Peeping, flashing, all kinds of shocking inappropriate stuff. But he was a great guy. Fun as fuck. We all told him he's innocent until proven guilty. He got caught, charged, sentenced, and when he got out, I told him I couldn't associate with him ever again. Just like I warned him. Did you think I was kidding?

Long story short, he's either a psychopath or sociopath for sure. No doubt in my mind. Doesn't care about other people's feelings. He may seem to care about friends and family but he's only using them. Interesting I was watching a show about this yesterday. Signs of a Psychopath. These people usually live with their parents or with someone else who makes the money. This guy lived with his parents back then and I'm sure to this day he still lives with them. If you try to kick one of these people out, they might snap and kill you.

I tried to fight him a couple times in college and he never fought back. I'm lucky he didn't stab me to death in my sleep.
So you are good with hanging out with someone you know is a perv until he gets exposed.

Got it.
The poll, released Wednesday from Bloomberg and Morning Consult, found that 53 percent of voters in key swing states would refuse to vote for Trump if he were convicted of a criminal offense. A slightly higher share, 55 percent, say they would reach that conclusion if he were sentenced to prison.
If those figures are accurate, they could easily decide the election, given how close Trump’s two elections so far, in 2016 and 2020, have been.
A conviction “is absolutely a potential dealbreaker in an election that either [Trump or President Biden] could win or lose for a whole variety of reasons,” said GOP strategist Doug Heye, a former communications director for the Republican National Committee.
The Bloomberg poll was conducted in seven states that will likely determine the outcome of the election: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Interestingly, the poll suggested 20 percent of voters from those states who had voted for Trump in 2020 would be either “somewhat unwilling” or “very unwilling” to vote for him again if he were convicted.
“The preponderance of polling out there shows that there is a chunk of Republican voters who say a felony conviction would be a bridge too far,” said GOP strategist Dan Judy. “Does that mean that Donald Trump still gets 80 to 85 percent of Republican voters, rather than 90 or 95 percent? Probably. But that could easily be the election right there.”
/----/ Trump perform on a ballot in swing states, was conducted from January 16 - 22, 2024, among a sample of 4956 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

So, as of 4 1/2 months ago, 53% of 4,956 ( 2,626 registered voters) out of millions of voters wouldn't vote for Trump. Big deal. Got anything more recent?
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More Republican senators could join Trump in the coming days, including potentially Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), another vice presidential contender, and freshman Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.), who indicated he is interested in making an appearance.

Because no one showed. No supporters. Except the one guy who set himself on fire.
You will see in November.
/----/ Trump perform on a ballot in swing states, was conducted from January 16 - 22, 2024, among a sample of 4956 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

So, as of 4 1/2 months ago, 53% of 4,956 ( 2,626 registered voters) out of millions of voters wouldn't vote for Trump. Big deal. Got anything more recent?
Exactly. So stop pointing to polls. The same ones Hillary was winning May 2016
Here's why Trump will lose.

1) A conviction will give sane people pause. Do we really want to elect a convicted felon who is only running to pardon himself?
2) Abortion- Women are mad, as they should be.
3) Trump is clearly losing his mind. Seriously, watch his "Hannibal Lector" speech, where he's slurring his words, going off on rants. Even the Redhats started leaving in droves.
4) Fundraising. Biden is raising far more than Trump, while Lara Trump and her cronies are wasting money.
5) Organization- Trump hasn't opened any field offices in swing states yet. Biden has opened 81 of them.

Poor JoeyTroll:

Everyone not within your Cult believes all of the charges are Political and any conviction will be overturned on appeal.
The J6 Infomercials changed no one's mind, this is worse for you, this has backfired spectacularly.
Makes no difference what your echo chamber believes.

When people vote they will have a choice to elect a Former President who had a very competent Presidency and who may have erred in notation of a personal expense when going through it with his personal attorney and accountants.


A President who has been a disaster and has more illegal and corruption acts swirling around him than President Trump could do in his lifetime.
Even with the immunity of not bringing charges while President - people can see it.

The Republican Party does need to do a better job of stressing the Safe, Legal and rare position that they have.
Women who use multiple abortions as birth control probably don't vote to begin with and would never vote Republican if they did.

People not in you echo chamber see Trump as Vibrant, strong and articulate.
What people who hate him see is irrelevant.

The Trials, and the witch hunts in general have given Trump better publicity than he could buy.

Yet President Trump is leading in the swing states
I had a friend and I knew he was guilty of being a sex offender but it wasn't rape. Peeping, flashing, all kinds of shocking inappropriate stuff. But he was a great guy. Fun as fuck. We all told him he's innocent until proven guilty. He got caught, charged, sentenced, and when he got out, I told him I couldn't associate with him ever again. Just like I warned him. Did you think I was kidding?

Long story short, he's either a psychopath or sociopath for sure. No doubt in my mind. Doesn't care about other people's feelings. He may seem to care about friends and family but he's only using them. Interesting I was watching a show about this yesterday. Signs of a Psychopath. These people usually live with their parents or with someone else who makes the money. This guy lived with his parents back then and I'm sure to this day he still lives with them. If you try to kick one of these people out, they might snap and kill you.

I tried to fight him a couple times in college and he never fought back. I'm lucky he didn't stab me to death in my sleep.

Society may not have been as lucky.
The FEC doesn't have authority to indict, and yes, it was a campaign expense because it was in support of the campaign.
Doesn't matter how it was paid, it was still a campaign violation
Weisselberg has already been caught lying to defend Trump. Trump is free to call him, but he won't.
Covid stretched the clock on misdemeanors, and the crime they covered up is no secret.
Yes, there are crimes. Trump will be convicted. Deal with it.
1. You can't prove that ANY of the NDAs were campaign expenses. There was $30,000 to the doorman, then $150,000 to Karen McDougle, then the $130,000 to Stormy. Trump was married with children, he was a TV celebrity, and he was running for office. Trump had more than one reason to pay for NDAs. The FEC said that there was no crime, Trump can do whatever he wants with HIS OWN MONEY (free speech).

2. "the crime they covered up is no secret"????? So WTF is it? The prosecutors never mentioned it, not in their opening statement, not in the indictment, not in the Bill of Particulars. Therefore there is no "crime" being covered up.

3. There are no crimes, just Lawfare against Trump. Deal with it.
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Society may not have been as lucky.

Friends of mine have seen him working at the car wash near his house. What a loser. He was smart. We went to highs school together then re connected in college. Only one thing. He wasn't actually taking classes. None of us knew for the longest time.

He then purchased the Sports Memorabilia store he worked at in Highschool when the previous owner died. Only one problem. That wasn't true. He just continued to work for the new owner. He said she was his partner but I never had a conversation with her about who owned the store so how would I know if he's lying or not. All I knew is he gave me a lot of baseball cards for free.

He told this woman he was a EMS scuba diver. A guy who saves people who drown and go missing in lakes. This way he could set off his beeper and say sorry honey got to go.

One time he asked a high school girl where another school was. He was lost. Must have confused Farmington High with North Farmington High or something like that. When she looked in the passenger window he was waiving a big black dildo. The one I bought him in college! LOL.

He got caught peeping under a changing room stall and drilling a hole between changing rooms at a Halloween outlet.

He went to a bed and breakfast where couples share a bathroom. He told his girlfriend, and us, he had Leukemia. He kept telling her he had to go throw up but what he was doing was going into this co ed bathroom, disrobing, and wait/hope for a woman to walk in to shock her.

I wonder if not caught how far would this have escillated? Rape? Murder? It's not over yet. He's still alive I'm sure. Stay tuned.

When I told him we couldn't hang out anymore because everyone knows he's a convicted sex offender and I can't be hanging out with a convicted sex offender, I asked him to come clean on the Leukemia. He couldn't do it. Strange.

Funny fucking story. His wife worked for the Farmington Schools. So they get pedophile alerts. She's in the office watching this fax come in of a suspected creep in the area. Remember faxes? One line at a time??? Imagine she's watching it and it's making a picture of her ex husband. Is that funny or what? I bet she thought it was a joke. Or may be she knew him better and knew it was real based on what she knew.
1. You can't prove that ANY of the NDAs were campaign expenses. There was $30,000 to the doorman, then $150,000 to Karen McDougle, then the $130,000 to Stormy. Trump was married with children, he was a TV celebrity, and he was running for office. Trump had more than one reason to pay for NDAs. The FEC said that there was no crime, Trump can do whatever he wants with HIS OWN MONEY.

2. "the crime they covered up is no secret"????? So WTF is it? The prosecutors never mentioned it, not in their opening statement, not in the indictment, not in the Bill of Particulars. Therefore there is no "crime" being covered up.

3. There are no crimes, just Lawfare against Trump. Deal with it.

Just imagine how many NDA's are out there. How many women have been paid to not say what Trump did to them? How many stories did the Enquirer shelf? I say the over under is 100.

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