CNN reporter denies that America is a republic

We are a representative democratic republic... we vote for people to represent us a true democracy in when there are no congressmen or senators... just a president and everyone votes on issues.... really folks is that what you think our nation is?...
We are a representative democratic republic... we vote for people to represent us a true democracy in when there are no congressmen or senators... just a president and everyone votes on issues.... really folks is that what you think our nation is?...
Use the phrase "constitutional republic" too.

You are seriously wrong on a true democracy.

Then again, people forget we use a representative democracy form of governing, rather than a direct democracy form.

Then the US compared to other nations that have parliamentary systems.
Use the phrase "constitutional republic" too.

You are seriously wrong on a true democracy.

Then again, people forget we use a representative democracy form of governing, rather than a direct democracy form.

Then the US compared to other nations that have parliamentary systems.
The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. These officials represent the citizens' ideas and concerns in government.

A CNN reporter characterized supporters of former President Donald Trump describing the United States of America as a republic as “an attack on democracy” during a segment that aired Sunday.

Multiple Trump supporters told CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan that the U.S. was not a “democracy” in man-on-the-street interviews during the segment, instead describing it as a republic. O’Sullivan attempted to disprove their description in an interview with historian Anne Applebaum.

“America is a democracy. It was founded as a democracy,” Applebaum claimed after O’Sullivan asked her if the U.S. was a democracy.

“I’ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories. I hear a lot of things out on the road, but to hear Americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots, say that America is not a democracy, that stopped me in my tracks,” O’Sullivan told Applebaum.

Applebaum blamed Trump for the denials that the United States is a democracy.

“You are hearing people say America is not a democracy because there are people around Trump who want them to be saying that, who’ve been planting that narrative,” Applebaum claimed.

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution guarantees states a “republican” form of government, and historical records and documents show Founders like John Adams and Alexander Hamilton expressing skepticism about democracy.

“Honestly, the word ‘democracy’ and the word ‘republic’ have often been used interchangeably,” Applebaum claimed. “There isn’t a meaningful difference between them.”

“If they can convince people that we don’t have a democracy, then it’s okay that Trump is attacking democracy, because it doesn’t really matter,” Applebaum added.

James Madison outlined differences between pure democracies and a republic in The Federalist Number 10.

“There is, of course, a legitimate debate discussion to be had on what form of democracy we have here in the United States, direct democracy, representative democracy, in fact, constitutional republic, which you heard people mentioned in that piece, that is a form of democracy. But look, this is not actually a debate about government, about democracy, it’s an attack on democracy,” O’Sullivan told CNN host Omar Jimenez. “People have heard the warnings that Trump is a danger to democracy, and therefore you have people trying to convince others that, well, the United States isn’t a democracy in the first place, and therefore Trump can’t be a threat.”

The Radical Left's use of the word "democracy" is misleading the dumb Democrat cultists.
What the Radical Left is calling a "democracy" is a one-party dictatorship.
The Democrats are attacking the 1st and 2nd amendments.
They want to abolish the Electoral College.
They want to stack the Supreme Court.
They want to allow non-citizens to erase the votes of American citizens.
They are breaking down the separation of powers.
America is a republic.

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I'm sorry but the CNN guy has a British accent. No. They really REALLY do not understand our Representative Republic for the most part. Or our Constitution. They think they do, but do not.

I once had a Brit tell me that Congressmen/women are BY LAW prohibited from voting based on their religious faith because of "separation of Church and State".

That's the level of ignorance we're dealing with here.
Nothing tells me someone is a high school dropout pseudo-intellectual faster than them arguing we are a republic not a democracy.

You just judge people for it because it's become a knee jerk buzzword for simple thinkers like Leftists.

However, it's right.

If we were a straight democracy we would not have an electoral college.

This is not difficult.
Nothing tells me someone is a high school dropout pseudo-intellectual faster than them arguing we are a republic not a democracy.
/——/ Article 4, section 4 of the Constitution states we are a Republic.
Secondly, I have a Bachelor of Science degree in business with a 3.76 out of 4 GPA.
And, nothing tells me you lost an argument like childish insults aimed at those you know nothing about.

A CNN reporter characterized supporters of former President Donald Trump describing the United States of America as a republic as “an attack on democracy” during a segment that aired Sunday.

Multiple Trump supporters told CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan that the U.S. was not a “democracy” in man-on-the-street interviews during the segment, instead describing it as a republic. O’Sullivan attempted to disprove their description in an interview with historian Anne Applebaum.

“America is a democracy. It was founded as a democracy,” Applebaum claimed after O’Sullivan asked her if the U.S. was a democracy.

“I’ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories. I hear a lot of things out on the road, but to hear Americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots, say that America is not a democracy, that stopped me in my tracks,” O’Sullivan told Applebaum.

Applebaum blamed Trump for the denials that the United States is a democracy.

“You are hearing people say America is not a democracy because there are people around Trump who want them to be saying that, who’ve been planting that narrative,” Applebaum claimed.

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution guarantees states a “republican” form of government, and historical records and documents show Founders like John Adams and Alexander Hamilton expressing skepticism about democracy.

“Honestly, the word ‘democracy’ and the word ‘republic’ have often been used interchangeably,” Applebaum claimed. “There isn’t a meaningful difference between them.”

“If they can convince people that we don’t have a democracy, then it’s okay that Trump is attacking democracy, because it doesn’t really matter,” Applebaum added.

James Madison outlined differences between pure democracies and a republic in The Federalist Number 10.

“There is, of course, a legitimate debate discussion to be had on what form of democracy we have here in the United States, direct democracy, representative democracy, in fact, constitutional republic, which you heard people mentioned in that piece, that is a form of democracy. But look, this is not actually a debate about government, about democracy, it’s an attack on democracy,” O’Sullivan told CNN host Omar Jimenez. “People have heard the warnings that Trump is a danger to democracy, and therefore you have people trying to convince others that, well, the United States isn’t a democracy in the first place, and therefore Trump can’t be a threat.”

The Radical Left's use of the word "democracy" is misleading the dumb Democrat cultists.
What the Radical Left is calling a "democracy" is a one-party dictatorship.
The Democrats are attacking the 1st and 2nd amendments.
They want to abolish the Electoral College.
They want to stack the Supreme Court.
They want to allow non-citizens to erase the votes of American citizens.
They are breaking down the separation of powers.
America is a republic.

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why would franklin caution that old lady to keep the republic. she would never be allowed to vote no matter what you call our government? its another myth.

the us government was unique at the founding contains aspects of democracy, thge roman republic, and , in the courts, aristocracy.

constitutions similar to ours have been filibustered on to a few puppet nations we now call "banana republics" and such. no one has been able to make this work, but we will manage, thanks.

it literally does not matter what we call a unique construct, but there is no "tower of babel" destruction necessary on this moot point.

do a little reading on how rome really worked, before you start clamoring for an oligarchy ruled by hereditary family patriarchs of the elite "patrician" class such as the "republic" of rome..
"I pledge allegiance to the flag the republic for which it stands..."

Does not mean America is not a democracy.

The battle over it being one or the other is so .. sophomoric.
sophmoric, simple minded, and repetative.

or as jane goodall might say, "the perfect place to observe them in their own habitat.

if we are really lucky we may see two species, both the pseudo intellectual ayn pand desciple and the guys who think "the apprentice" was art.
You just judge people for it because it's become a knee jerk buzzword for simple thinkers like Leftists.

However, it's right.

If we were a straight democracy we would not have an electoral college.

This is not difficult.
we tried as close as possible to "straight democracy" or "participatory democracy" at occupy. there are several interesting analyses but my general sense is "not practical in most cases."
we tried as close as possible to "straight democracy" or "participatory democracy" at occupy. there are several interesting analyses but my general sense is "not practical in most cases."

We had the very best governmental system mankind had ever constructed.


Humanity doesn't deserve America. Clearly. As we see.
/——/ Article 4, section 4 of the Constitution states we are a Republic.
Secondly, I have a Bachelor of Science degree in business with a 3.76 out of 4 GPA.
And, nothing tells me you lost an argument like childish insults aimed at those you know nothing about.
The argument is akin to saying “No, I’m not eating dessert, I’m eating ice cream after a meal”.

Whatever online degree factory you received your degree from should be sued for malpractice.
We had the very best governmental system mankind had ever constructed.


Humanity doesn't deserve America. Clearly. As we see.
i think some of the parliamentary systems reflect more closely "the consent of the governed," than ours does.

you may have noticed how slow our system is to respond to challenges. that may be a design feature, but in a modern world .......
With the flaws in the Constitution there were great words also. When Progs push Democracy, it means a dictatorship. As soon as elected we see it. We elect our dictators. Many could not survive without huge government. And today many of us peasants would have a problem surviving also. Republics of freedom do not last as people love security. We have a large lumbering federal government with a growing nasty central government security apparatus. And it was trending that way for decades. The illusion of freedoms is there until someone interferes with it. If we had those freedoms no one would interfere with it. Check the criminal codes and what could happen to you if enforced for doing near nothing.
The argument is akin to saying “No, I’m not eating dessert, I’m eating ice cream after a meal”.

Whatever online degree factory you received your degree from should be sued for malpractice.
i guess "prager u" puts this shit out.

is this thread really "this is not a democracy and you democrats are stupid." is it more like

this isn't a democracy anyway so it is ok if trump smashes the republic.

question for the trump psychophants

what checks and balances work on a unitary executive who has total immunity????
i guess "prager u" puts this shit out.

is this thread really "this is not a democracy and you democrats are stupid." is it more like

this isn't a democracy anyway so it is ok if trump smashes the republic.

question for the trump psychophants

what checks and balances work on a unitary executive who has total immunity????
The checks (and other remunerations) he receives and his bank balance.

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