CNN reporter denies that America is a republic

"Democracy'' and ''A Democracy'' are antithetical terms.

Until that is understood, its always gonna be the same old circle jerk of a debate.

And therefore a waste of time...
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/——/ The only thing here that is stupor is your analogy. A Republic and Democracy are two separate forms of government, the later being the one the founding fathers avoided at all costs.
Pseudo-intellectual alert! You need to dust off the diploma and use it as toilet paper. The only reason you idiots want to pretend the USA isnt a democracy is because you have unpopular ideas and even the electoral advantage wont be enough to preserve the theocratic white nationalist nation you want to have. Sorry.
Pseudo-intellectual alert! You need to dust off the diploma and use it as toilet paper. The only reason you idiots want to pretend the USA isnt a democracy is because you have unpopular ideas and even the electoral advantage wont be enough to preserve the theocratic white nationalist nation you want to have. Sorry.
/——/ That makes no sense. Now, you’re just ranting to get attention.
They are elected to represent the people. They are not hired to be government employees. Correct,.
That's correct... can't you imagine the problems if we voted on every issue.... This is why they set us up as a republic... because straight democracy is unworkable... lets say there are 5 people on a deserted island... three men two women... the men say the want to legalize rape and all three men vote yes and the two women vote no... in a pure democracy the women get raped...
The problem we have is not being a representative republic its allowing life time positions in the senate and the house and the bureaucrats like we do... term limits and going to public financed elections is the only fix I see... take the money out of it so elected officials will listen to you and not Pfizer for example...

A CNN reporter characterized supporters of former President Donald Trump describing the United States of America as a republic as “an attack on democracy” during a segment that aired Sunday.

Multiple Trump supporters told CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan that the U.S. was not a “democracy” in man-on-the-street interviews during the segment, instead describing it as a republic. O’Sullivan attempted to disprove their description in an interview with historian Anne Applebaum.

“America is a democracy. It was founded as a democracy,” Applebaum claimed after O’Sullivan asked her if the U.S. was a democracy.

“I’ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories. I hear a lot of things out on the road, but to hear Americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots, say that America is not a democracy, that stopped me in my tracks,” O’Sullivan told Applebaum.

Applebaum blamed Trump for the denials that the United States is a democracy.

“You are hearing people say America is not a democracy because there are people around Trump who want them to be saying that, who’ve been planting that narrative,” Applebaum claimed.

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution guarantees states a “republican” form of government, and historical records and documents show Founders like John Adams and Alexander Hamilton expressing skepticism about democracy.

“Honestly, the word ‘democracy’ and the word ‘republic’ have often been used interchangeably,” Applebaum claimed. “There isn’t a meaningful difference between them.”

“If they can convince people that we don’t have a democracy, then it’s okay that Trump is attacking democracy, because it doesn’t really matter,” Applebaum added.

James Madison outlined differences between pure democracies and a republic in The Federalist Number 10.

“There is, of course, a legitimate debate discussion to be had on what form of democracy we have here in the United States, direct democracy, representative democracy, in fact, constitutional republic, which you heard people mentioned in that piece, that is a form of democracy. But look, this is not actually a debate about government, about democracy, it’s an attack on democracy,” O’Sullivan told CNN host Omar Jimenez. “People have heard the warnings that Trump is a danger to democracy, and therefore you have people trying to convince others that, well, the United States isn’t a democracy in the first place, and therefore Trump can’t be a threat.”

The Radical Left's use of the word "democracy" is misleading the dumb Democrat cultists.
What the Radical Left is calling a "democracy" is a one-party dictatorship.
The Democrats are attacking the 1st and 2nd amendments.
They want to abolish the Electoral College.
They want to stack the Supreme Court.
They want to allow non-citizens to erase the votes of American citizens.
They are breaking down the separation of powers.
America is a republic.

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CNN also says they report NEWS. Not just Democrat Lies.
Nothing tells me someone is a high school dropout pseudo-intellectual faster than them arguing we are a republic not a democracy.
The United States is a representative republic. That is a democratic form of government, but it is not a total democracy.

We the people do not vote on every initiative proposed by government. We elect representatives to do that.
This is were you lose people.

btw, as with America, you don't believe there are great words in the US Constitution anymore?

"were" is past tense.

Your Cult is doing a lot of work just so you can claim President Trump wants to destroy Democracy instead of The Republic.

Do you not think that the other cultists would understand?

I get that it doesn't roll off of the tongue as easily, but -
There is an intense program afoot to totally undermine language and meaning. There are so many words and terms that have become impossible to use that expression is beginning to suffer. To make matters worse, history itself is attacked because of the words attached to it that today don't conform to an agenda. Devolution at work.
That's correct... can't you imagine the problems if we voted on every issue.... This is why they set us up as a republic... because straight democracy is unworkable... lets say there are 5 people on a deserted island... three men two women... the men say the want to legalize rape and all three men vote yes and the two women vote no... in a pure democracy the women get raped...
The problem we have is not being a representative republic its allowing life time positions in the senate and the house and the bureaucrats like we do... term limits and going to public financed elections is the only fix I see... take the money out of it so elected officials will listen to you and not Pfizer for example...
There is no such thing as "straight democracy" and I know what you're reaching for and that too is nonexistent.

Term limits suck. A state rep looking to leave state politics, can run for a local election while still in his last term -- ignoring most of his state district. It happens. You cannot make one person excluded from all political offices after being in a particular political office for one term.

and as far as freedom goes? I want the right to elect whomever I want to. Why restrict my choice.
Your Cult is doing a lot of work just so you can claim President Trump wants to destroy Democracy instead of The Republic.

Do you not think that the other cultists would understand?

I get that it doesn't roll off of the tongue as easily, but -
There exists only one cult-of-personality is US politics today -- MAGA.

please stop posting like an imbecile.

The overwhelming stench of desperation coming out of your posts is truly amazing

You people fear Biden so much, you have to keep on making shit up to make Biden look wore than you know Trump actually is.
There is no such thing as "straight democracy" and I know what you're reaching for and that too is nonexistent.

Term limits suck. A state rep looking to leave state politics, can run for a local election while still in his last term -- ignoring most of his state district. It happens. You cannot make one person excluded from all political offices after being in a particular political office for one term.

and as far as freedom goes? I want the right to elect whomever I want to. Why restrict my choice.
Pure democracy is what you fools are calling for... the left wants total and complete control when they hold the majority...
There exists only one cult-of-personality is US politics today -- MAGA.

please stop posting like an imbecile.

The overwhelming stench of desperation coming out of your posts is truly amazing

You people fear Biden so much, you have to keep on making shit up to make Biden look wore than you know Trump actually is.

The only Cult is the one fueled by The Democrat Media - and is known as The Democrat Media Bubble Cult.
It is an impenetrable echo chamber that keeps it members (see mirror) uninformed and misinformed.

No one is more wrong more consistently than that maddow guy - Though Morning Joe is trying -
and look how she has benefited from it -

She now works 1 hour a week and makes $30 Million.
Disinformation is very lucrative.
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You don't even know your chosen side....

You people attacked Pelosi as a leftie, when all along she'd keep the lefties in her House in check.

“All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world,” she told The New York Times in an interview at the time. “But they don’t have any following. They’re four people, and that’s how many votes they got.”

Unlike the GOP who has had the fringe in seats of power, the left fringe has never had powerful seats in Dem controlled leadership roles. Ask Dennis Kucinich and others.

The Dems might have recently had a few in leadership roles who cater to left fringe, but is 2 decades or so away from GOP shit. And never mind...

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