CNN: Stop saying "radical Islam"

Should we call it 'radical Islam'? -

Ah. More liberals preaching to us. CNN says we can't say "radical Islam" anymore.

Their guy says saying "radical Islam" is like saying I want a "juicy steak". He says even though you add "juicy" the focus is on "steak" and doesn't differentiate between a juicy or dry steak so only steak is the focus.

Yeah....that's literally what he argued.

He says using harsh language towards ISIS is childish and likens it to boys being boys fueled by testosterone (yeah....evil stuff there in libland).

Insanity. Liberalism is pure insanity.

Terrorist terrorize, that's their goal. It's better to call them what they are: pathological barbarians and criminals doing the work of the devil.

If a terrorist happens to be terrorizing for a specific cause------it is very dishonest
to leave out the nature of the cause when reporting the incident,,,, extremely
Should we call it 'radical Islam'? -

Ah. More liberals preaching to us. CNN says we can't say "radical Islam" anymore.

Their guy says saying "radical Islam" is like saying I want a "juicy steak". He says even though you add "juicy" the focus is on "steak" and doesn't differentiate between a juicy or dry steak so only steak is the focus.

Yeah....that's literally what he argued.

He says using harsh language towards ISIS is childish and likens it to boys being boys fueled by testosterone (yeah....evil stuff there in libland).

Insanity. Liberalism is pure insanity.

Terrorist terrorize, that's their goal. It's better to call them what they are: pathological barbarians and criminals doing the work of the devil.

Terrorist terrorize and politicians invade. There's a difference, sure.
Should we call it 'radical Islam'? -

Ah. More liberals preaching to us. CNN says we can't say "radical Islam" anymore.

Their guy says saying "radical Islam" is like saying I want a "juicy steak". He says even though you add "juicy" the focus is on "steak" and doesn't differentiate between a juicy or dry steak so only steak is the focus.

Yeah....that's literally what he argued.

He says using harsh language towards ISIS is childish and likens it to boys being boys fueled by testosterone (yeah....evil stuff there in libland).

Insanity. Liberalism is pure insanity.

I'm not sure about saying "radical Islam", however Bush spent a lot of time essentially making people believe that all Muslims were bad and evil. Anyone who speaks Islam is bad and evil. Anyone who looks like an Arab is bad and evel.

Last week two people got taken off a plane for TALKING ARABIC, in a country with no official language. GO FIGURE. It worked, and people are playing on these fears.

to which Bush do you refer and -----do you have a link describing this incident?
Got link to the "we took them off the plane because they spoke in Arabic?

Bush W.

Arabic-speaking men kicked off Southwest flight in Houston
Arabic-speaking men kicked off Southwest flight in Houston
Arabic-speaking men kicked off Southwest flight in Houston
Arabic-speaking men thrown off flight | Veooz

Take your pick.

according to your citations----the six men got on the plane and INSISTED
that seated passengers be MOVED around for THEIR CONVENIENCE---
not for speaking Arabic. -------I doubt that a whole lot of people in Texas
can tell the difference between Arabic and Italian or ----Arabic and Chinese
So you have just insinuated that Texans are too stupid to know the difference between someone speaking Arabic and someone speaking Chinese.
All you call others are stupid.

according to your citations----the six men got on the plane and INSISTED
that seated passengers be MOVED around for THEIR CONVENIENCE---
not for speaking Arabic. -------I doubt that a whole lot of people in Texas
can tell the difference between Arabic and Italian or ----Arabic and Chinese

I have majorly slow internet at the moment, so I didn't actually read the articles. It was something I'd read before. It's just taking like 5 minutes for articles to actually appear on the page right now. Very frustrating.

This is the right one....

Two Arabic speaking men kept from boarding US plane | Middle East Association

Two men were kept from boarding a Southwest Airlines flight from Chicago to Philadelphia because they were speaking Arabic, said a report.

Maher Khalil and Anas Ayyad, of Palestinian origin, were told by a gate agent at Midway Airport on Thursday that they wouldn’t be allowed on the plane because a fellow passenger had overheard them speaking Arabic - and was afraid to fly with them - one of several incidents reflecting public paranoia since the Paris attacks, said a report by Agence France-Presse (AFP)"

OH?? some French publication got word of this event which took place in Chicago????? Did the Southwest Airline confirm the report? I would
be surprised if Southwest called that Newspaper and said "Our agent thew
a few guys off a plane for speaking Arabic." Let me know if you find something

Like I said, I have slow internet. I gave you the first page that would open. You don't like it, then find another one. You wanted a source, you got a source. How many people on this board actually give sources?

You won't be getting anything else. I don't do ungrateful people.

You can either talk about this issue, or you can play games, the latter means I won't be talking to you. I don't come on here for that nonsense.

there is nothing to discuss if you have information which is so REMARKABLY
incomplete------It is YOU who assumed that people were thrown off a plane
FOR SPEAKING ARABIC I am not at all convinced. I have been on planes
in which people spoke Arabic. No one cared
Terrorist terrorize, that's their goal. It's better to call them what they are: pathological barbarians and criminals doing the work of the devil.

Are you one of Hillary's speech writers? Semantics are your friend.

These terrorists are working for the devil Muhammad. They are inspired by the Koran. They believe if they behead children and then go an blow themselves up in a market square that Allah will reward them with 72 virgins.

There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who also believe that but are not willing to do any killing. Islam is the source of this evil. We cannot divorce one from the other. It must be addressed honestly.
Should we call it 'radical Islam'? -

Ah. More liberals preaching to us. CNN says we can't say "radical Islam" anymore.

Their guy says saying "radical Islam" is like saying I want a "juicy steak". He says even though you add "juicy" the focus is on "steak" and doesn't differentiate between a juicy or dry steak so only steak is the focus.

Yeah....that's literally what he argued.

He says using harsh language towards ISIS is childish and likens it to boys being boys fueled by testosterone (yeah....evil stuff there in libland).

Insanity. Liberalism is pure insanity.

I'm not sure about saying "radical Islam", however Bush spent a lot of time essentially making people believe that all Muslims were bad and evil. Anyone who speaks Islam is bad and evil. Anyone who looks like an Arab is bad and evel.

Last week two people got taken off a plane for TALKING ARABIC, in a country with no official language. GO FIGURE. It worked, and people are playing on these fears.

to which Bush do you refer and -----do you have a link describing this incident?
Got link to the "we took them off the plane because they spoke in Arabic?

Bush W.

Arabic-speaking men kicked off Southwest flight in Houston
Arabic-speaking men kicked off Southwest flight in Houston
Arabic-speaking men kicked off Southwest flight in Houston
Arabic-speaking men thrown off flight | Veooz

Take your pick.

according to your citations----the six men got on the plane and INSISTED
that seated passengers be MOVED around for THEIR CONVENIENCE---
not for speaking Arabic. -------I doubt that a whole lot of people in Texas
can tell the difference between Arabic and Italian or ----Arabic and Chinese
So you have just insinuated that Texans are too stupid to know the difference between someone speaking Arabic and someone speaking Chinese.
All you call others are stupid.

actually not STUPID------they tend to be very provincial You remember that a
SIKH got killed in Arizona as "revenge" for 9-11-01- YUP that is just about how provincial and out of touch are-----TEXANS too I worked with Texans when I served in the US navy-------even really really bright boys tended to be very
provincial. Lots of people would not be able to recognize Arabic if they heard
The sand monkeys were kicked off the plane because they were speaking arabic VERY loudly in an obvious attempt to make the other passengers uneasy. The sand monkeys were asked three times nicely to please keep their voices down..........just like every sane person does. They refused. They were trying to promote an incident and they did.
They did what the fucking 'Clock Boy' did. He went from teacher to teacher until he got the reaction he wanted. That was to promote a form of 'passive terrorism' just like these sand monkeys did.
I am alright with not using Radical Islam to describe the terrorists and the better term would be radical social religious conservatives instead...

They want to spread their conservative social religious agenda through acts of terrorism, so I believe that would be a better description of them, what you say?
I'm not sure about saying "radical Islam", however Bush spent a lot of time essentially making people believe that all Muslims were bad and evil. Anyone who speaks Islam is bad and evil. Anyone who looks like an Arab is bad and evel.

Last week two people got taken off a plane for TALKING ARABIC, in a country with no official language. GO FIGURE. It worked, and people are playing on these fears.

to which Bush do you refer and -----do you have a link describing this incident?
Got link to the "we took them off the plane because they spoke in Arabic?

Bush W.

Arabic-speaking men kicked off Southwest flight in Houston
Arabic-speaking men kicked off Southwest flight in Houston
Arabic-speaking men kicked off Southwest flight in Houston
Arabic-speaking men thrown off flight | Veooz

Take your pick.

according to your citations----the six men got on the plane and INSISTED
that seated passengers be MOVED around for THEIR CONVENIENCE---
not for speaking Arabic. -------I doubt that a whole lot of people in Texas
can tell the difference between Arabic and Italian or ----Arabic and Chinese
So you have just insinuated that Texans are too stupid to know the difference between someone speaking Arabic and someone speaking Chinese.
All you call others are stupid.

actually not STUPID------they tend to be very provincial You remember that a
SIKH got killed in Arizona as "revenge" for 9-11-01- YUP that is just about how provincial and out of touch are-----TEXANS too I worked with Texans when I served in the US navy-------even really really bright boys tended to be very
provincial. Lots of people would not be able to recognize Arabic if they heard
Ya ONE insane person killed ONE Sikh in the wake of 911. ONE!
What the fuck does someone in Arizona have to do with you implying Texans are stupid?
Back peddle all want but calling them "provincial" is your word for stupid.
Should we call it 'radical Islam'? -

Ah. More liberals preaching to us. CNN says we can't say "radical Islam" anymore.

Their guy says saying "radical Islam" is like saying I want a "juicy steak". He says even though you add "juicy" the focus is on "steak" and doesn't differentiate between a juicy or dry steak so only steak is the focus.

Yeah....that's literally what he argued.

He says using harsh language towards ISIS is childish and likens it to boys being boys fueled by testosterone (yeah....evil stuff there in libland).

Insanity. Liberalism is pure insanity.

Terrorist terrorize, that's their goal. It's better to call them what they are: pathological barbarians and criminals doing the work of the devil.

Terrorist terrorize and politicians invade. There's a difference, sure.

Terrorist terrorize and politicians send other people's kids to invade.
Juicy Radical Islam.

Well, that's very good : )

Except the explainer in the article would say you still do not have it right.

You have to say "I would like to order the radical Islamic steak." Now the emphasis is all on 'steak' and no one is offended by the other descriptives.
Yes, it is very good. Here's the thing, I don't follow explainers. It's a joke and is built to offend my way.
Radical Islam
Allah Monkeys

Take your pick, they all add up to the same thing:

Terrorist terrorize, that's their goal. It's better to call them what they are: pathological barbarians and criminals doing the work of the devil.

Are you one of Hillary's speech writers? Semantics are your friend.

These terrorists are working for the devil Muhammad. They are inspired by the Koran. They believe if they behead children and then go an blow themselves up in a market square that Allah will reward them with 72 virgins.

There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who also believe that but are not willing to do any killing. Islam is the source of this evil. We cannot divorce one from the other. It must be addressed honestly.

Semantics include Euphemisms and Dysphemisms, I'd prefer speakers / writers us a dysphemism to describe the horrible acts of the IS, i.e. pathological barbarians & criminals; terrorists are too easily characterized as freedom fighters; pathological barbarians are not easily romanticized.

Your final paragraph confirms my allegation, first comes fear, than hate.

according to your citations----the six men got on the plane and INSISTED
that seated passengers be MOVED around for THEIR CONVENIENCE---
not for speaking Arabic. -------I doubt that a whole lot of people in Texas
can tell the difference between Arabic and Italian or ----Arabic and Chinese
So you have just insinuated that Texans are too stupid to know the difference between someone speaking Arabic and someone speaking Chinese.
All you call others are stupid.

actually not STUPID------they tend to be very provincial You remember that a
SIKH got killed in Arizona as "revenge" for 9-11-01- YUP that is just about how provincial and out of touch are-----TEXANS too I worked with Texans when I served in the US navy-------even really really bright boys tended to be very
provincial. Lots of people would not be able to recognize Arabic if they heard
Ya ONE insane person killed ONE Sikh in the wake of 911. ONE!
What the fuck does someone in Arizona have to do with you implying Texans are stupid?
Back peddle all want but calling them "provincial" is your word for stupid.

in fact Sikhs have been attacked OUT THERE in provincial land several times----
once a person murdered and another time a sikh temple attacked. Provincial means persons naïve of the URBAN life, ----even those very bright can let
their minds remain "in the sticks" and tend to consider simple stuff like
<gasp> READING A WHOLE BOOK--------something "city boys" do

according to your citations----the six men got on the plane and INSISTED
that seated passengers be MOVED around for THEIR CONVENIENCE---
not for speaking Arabic. -------I doubt that a whole lot of people in Texas
can tell the difference between Arabic and Italian or ----Arabic and Chinese

I have majorly slow internet at the moment, so I didn't actually read the articles. It was something I'd read before. It's just taking like 5 minutes for articles to actually appear on the page right now. Very frustrating.

This is the right one....

Two Arabic speaking men kept from boarding US plane | Middle East Association

Two men were kept from boarding a Southwest Airlines flight from Chicago to Philadelphia because they were speaking Arabic, said a report.

Maher Khalil and Anas Ayyad, of Palestinian origin, were told by a gate agent at Midway Airport on Thursday that they wouldn’t be allowed on the plane because a fellow passenger had overheard them speaking Arabic - and was afraid to fly with them - one of several incidents reflecting public paranoia since the Paris attacks, said a report by Agence France-Presse (AFP)"

OH?? some French publication got word of this event which took place in Chicago????? Did the Southwest Airline confirm the report? I would
be surprised if Southwest called that Newspaper and said "Our agent thew
a few guys off a plane for speaking Arabic." Let me know if you find something

Like I said, I have slow internet. I gave you the first page that would open. You don't like it, then find another one. You wanted a source, you got a source. How many people on this board actually give sources?

You won't be getting anything else. I don't do ungrateful people.

You can either talk about this issue, or you can play games, the latter means I won't be talking to you. I don't come on here for that nonsense.

there is nothing to discuss if you have information which is so REMARKABLY
incomplete------It is YOU who assumed that people were thrown off a plane
FOR SPEAKING ARABIC I am not at all convinced. I have been on planes
in which people spoke Arabic. No one cared

Fine, you believe what you want to believe. I'm not in the mood for this nonsense.

according to your citations----the six men got on the plane and INSISTED
that seated passengers be MOVED around for THEIR CONVENIENCE---
not for speaking Arabic. -------I doubt that a whole lot of people in Texas
can tell the difference between Arabic and Italian or ----Arabic and Chinese
So you have just insinuated that Texans are too stupid to know the difference between someone speaking Arabic and someone speaking Chinese.
All you call others are stupid.

actually not STUPID------they tend to be very provincial You remember that a
SIKH got killed in Arizona as "revenge" for 9-11-01- YUP that is just about how provincial and out of touch are-----TEXANS too I worked with Texans when I served in the US navy-------even really really bright boys tended to be very
provincial. Lots of people would not be able to recognize Arabic if they heard
Ya ONE insane person killed ONE Sikh in the wake of 911. ONE!
What the fuck does someone in Arizona have to do with you implying Texans are stupid?
Back peddle all want but calling them "provincial" is your word for stupid.

in fact Sikhs have been attacked OUT THERE in provincial land several times----
once a person murdered and another time a sikh temple attacked. Provincial means persons naïve of the URBAN life, ----even those very bright can let
their minds remain "in the sticks" and tend to consider simple stuff like
<gasp> READING A WHOLE BOOK--------something "city boys" do
I had read enough of your stupid bullshit. Permanent Ignore.
Go join the other 'smart' URBAN LIB pyjama-boys.
according to your citations----the six men got on the plane and INSISTED
that seated passengers be MOVED around for THEIR CONVENIENCE---
not for speaking Arabic. -------I doubt that a whole lot of people in Texas
can tell the difference between Arabic and Italian or ----Arabic and Chinese
So you have just insinuated that Texans are too stupid to know the difference between someone speaking Arabic and someone speaking Chinese.
All you call others are stupid.

actually not STUPID------they tend to be very provincial You remember that a
SIKH got killed in Arizona as "revenge" for 9-11-01- YUP that is just about how provincial and out of touch are-----TEXANS too I worked with Texans when I served in the US navy-------even really really bright boys tended to be very
provincial. Lots of people would not be able to recognize Arabic if they heard
Ya ONE insane person killed ONE Sikh in the wake of 911. ONE!
What the fuck does someone in Arizona have to do with you implying Texans are stupid?
Back peddle all want but calling them "provincial" is your word for stupid.

in fact Sikhs have been attacked OUT THERE in provincial land several times----
once a person murdered and another time a sikh temple attacked. Provincial means persons naïve of the URBAN life, ----even those very bright can let
their minds remain "in the sticks" and tend to consider simple stuff like
<gasp> READING A WHOLE BOOK--------something "city boys" do
I had read enough of your stupid bullshit. Permanent Ignore.
Go join the other 'smart' URBAN LIB pyjama-boys.

for the record-----I grew up in just about the STICKS------a very rural area in the
north east-------NOT A CITY--------my city cousins called me and my sibs----
Terrorist terrorize, that's their goal. It's better to call them what they are: pathological barbarians and criminals doing the work of the devil.

Are you one of Hillary's speech writers? Semantics are your friend.

These terrorists are working for the devil Muhammad. They are inspired by the Koran. They believe if they behead children and then go an blow themselves up in a market square that Allah will reward them with 72 virgins.

There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who also believe that but are not willing to do any killing. Islam is the source of this evil. We cannot divorce one from the other. It must be addressed honestly.

Semantics include Euphemisms and Dysphemisms, I'd prefer speakers / writers us a dysphemism to describe the horrible acts of the IS, i.e. pathological barbarians & criminals; terrorists are too easily characterized as freedom fighters; pathological barbarians are not easily romanticized.

Your final paragraph confirms my allegation, first comes fear, than hate.

I guess I have less interest in theories or observations than I do in solutions. How do you propose the world rid itself of these "pathological barbarians?" (Again, such a generic term hides important truths, imo.)

First and foremost, we must recognize the source of this evil is the teachings of Islam, and its spiritual nature. There is a devil who is the greatest factor in creating terror and war. So I ask all Christian faiths to speak of it bravely and then pray constantly to God for assistance. I ask all armies of the West to come together and enter Syria and Iraq and destroy ISIS in its entirety where it can be identified. I ask these same armies to put Boko Harum and any other evil African Muslim cell on notice. If they continue in their diabolical murderous ways, then enter those nations and destroy those forces as best as one can. Continue the practice wherever a demonic Islamic cell can be identified.

Now I admit it gets far more tricky with those in Gaza and Lebanon and the West Bank. But I do believe if we could be successful with ISIS and the others mentioned, we in the USA and the West would be far more applauded than attacked for our actions. And covertly thanked by many Arab govts as well.
Terrorist terrorize, that's their goal. It's better to call them what they are: pathological barbarians and criminals doing the work of the devil.

Are you one of Hillary's speech writers? Semantics are your friend.

These terrorists are working for the devil Muhammad. They are inspired by the Koran. They believe if they behead children and then go an blow themselves up in a market square that Allah will reward them with 72 virgins.

There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who also believe that but are not willing to do any killing. Islam is the source of this evil. We cannot divorce one from the other. It must be addressed honestly.

Semantics include Euphemisms and Dysphemisms, I'd prefer speakers / writers us a dysphemism to describe the horrible acts of the IS, i.e. pathological barbarians & criminals; terrorists are too easily characterized as freedom fighters; pathological barbarians are not easily romanticized.

Your final paragraph confirms my allegation, first comes fear, than hate.

I guess I have less interest in theories or observations than I do in solutions. How do you propose the world rid itself of these "pathological barbarians?" (Again, such a generic term hides important truths, imo.)

First and foremost, we must recognize the source of this evil is the teachings of Islam, and its spiritual nature. There is a devil who is the greatest factor in creating terror and war. So I ask all Christian faiths to speak of it bravely and then pray constantly to God for assistance. I ask all armies of the West to come together and enter Syria and Iraq and destroy ISIS in its entirety where it can be identified. I ask these same armies to put Boko Harum and any other evil African Muslim cell on notice. If they continue in their diabolical murderous ways, then enter those nations and destroy those forces as best as one can. Continue the practice wherever a demonic Islamic cell can be identified.

Now I admit it gets far more tricky with those in Gaza and Lebanon and the West Bank. But I do believe if we could be successful with ISIS and the others mentioned, we in the USA and the West would be far more applauded than attacked for our actions. And covertly thanked by many Arab govts as well.

We have declared war on a noun, "terror", and that is absurd. The solution is not to scapegoat every member of the Muslim Community, but to define, prosecute and bring to justice - hang the assholes who commit premeditated murder against vulnerable human beings (and those who aid and abet them) - and not give them the status of a soldier or a martyr.

Those who murder unarmed civilians, women, children, infants, are by definition (since revised to personality disordered, a silly euphemism) sociopaths. i.e. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

They cannot be defeated by diplomacy, that is for a different arena and demographic. We need to set aside any pretense that profiling is wrong and use it as we have in our efforts to identify members of criminal gangs, passing a new iteration of the RICO law, issuing search warrants via the International Court of Justice and building a world wide data base of those who aid and abet violent acts anywhere in the world.
Terrorist terrorize, that's their goal. It's better to call them what they are: pathological barbarians and criminals doing the work of the devil.

Are you one of Hillary's speech writers? Semantics are your friend.

These terrorists are working for the devil Muhammad. They are inspired by the Koran. They believe if they behead children and then go an blow themselves up in a market square that Allah will reward them with 72 virgins.

There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who also believe that but are not willing to do any killing. Islam is the source of this evil. We cannot divorce one from the other. It must be addressed honestly.

Semantics include Euphemisms and Dysphemisms, I'd prefer speakers / writers us a dysphemism to describe the horrible acts of the IS, i.e. pathological barbarians & criminals; terrorists are too easily characterized as freedom fighters; pathological barbarians are not easily romanticized.

Your final paragraph confirms my allegation, first comes fear, than hate.

I guess I have less interest in theories or observations than I do in solutions. How do you propose the world rid itself of these "pathological barbarians?" (Again, such a generic term hides important truths, imo.)

First and foremost, we must recognize the source of this evil is the teachings of Islam, and its spiritual nature. There is a devil who is the greatest factor in creating terror and war. So I ask all Christian faiths to speak of it bravely and then pray constantly to God for assistance. I ask all armies of the West to come together and enter Syria and Iraq and destroy ISIS in its entirety where it can be identified. I ask these same armies to put Boko Harum and any other evil African Muslim cell on notice. If they continue in their diabolical murderous ways, then enter those nations and destroy those forces as best as one can. Continue the practice wherever a demonic Islamic cell can be identified.

Now I admit it gets far more tricky with those in Gaza and Lebanon and the West Bank. But I do believe if we could be successful with ISIS and the others mentioned, we in the USA and the West would be far more applauded than attacked for our actions. And covertly thanked by many Arab govts as well.

We have declared war on a noun, "terror", and that is absurd. The solution is not to scapegoat every member of the Muslim Community, but to define, prosecute and bring to justice - hang the assholes who commit premeditated murder against vulnerable human beings (and those who aid and abet them) - and not give them the status of a soldier or a martyr.

Those who murder unarmed civilians, women, children, infants, are by definition (since revised to personality disordered, a silly euphemism) sociopaths. i.e. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

They cannot be defeated by diplomacy, that is for a different arena and demographic. We need to set aside any pretense that profiling is wrong and use it as we have in our efforts to identify members of criminal gangs, passing a new iteration of the RICO law, issuing search warrants via the International Court of Justice and building a world wide data base of those who aid and abet violent acts anywhere in the world.

Nice discussion---BUT you left out a very important issue------the guilt not entirely
upon the shoulders of the perpetrators-------it is also no the heads of the INCITERS.
There is no real evidence that either Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin ever murdered
anyone with their own hands. A story-----my first invitation to experience the glory
of islam in a mosque came to me from a SHIITE muslim from India ---it might have been a Shiite mosque-----I would not know-----I was only 20 at that time---long long ago and did not yet figure out why Iranians and Pakistanis hate each other
(uhm----or why a Shiite family decided to remain in India in 1948) The theme of the "sermon" that day was-----GOOD FRIDAY (the Christian holiday ---Friday before easter) The discussion centered on the "fact" that "Christians are perverse liars" and "ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM" I was horrified-----
little flower child that I was. I looked around and saw the faces of innocent little boys ------their fathers nodding and smiling in AGREEMENT. To me the speaker was inciting violence. I thought----some of those kids are going to grow up and commit violence against the "ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM' -----that event took place walking distance from the site where the world trade center would LATER be built. For those who do not know-----the "lie" that Christians invented
is------the idea that Jesus (isa) was crucified. Christians invented that lie in order to defy ALLAH ---------. ------the inciters are just as guilty as are the perpetrators.
It is my understanding-----however sorta vague-------that the use of the term
"personality disorder" is no longer popular amongst psychiatrists------but I have been assured------that it is ok -----to "say" it (considering the fact that I am old)

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