CNN Sues.....

The funny thing is there is NO right to have a pass. White House events are by invitation, CNN filing a lawsuit is actual grounds for barring anyone in the organization. It would be unethical for anyone in the administration to have any type of contact with any person in any entity connected with CNN. Stupid liberals think they have the right to do as they please and violate the rights of others with no retaliation, they pull it off only because others are so far above their petty actions until they go too far to ignore.

Besides that, these goofballs have it wrong as usual. CNN isn't being blocked; in fact they have 2 other reporters in all of the pressers. You see, it is just "little Jimmy" getting the boot, and CNN can NOT bring suit for him, since they have 2 others allowed. It will have to be "little Jimmy" himself, and that will be a hoot, lol...……….if he has the balls to try-)

Now that doesn't mean CNN can NOT try to, but it will be thrown out faster than a Manny Machado home run leaves the ball park, lol!
Listen up, "aldo" stop your incessant ankle snapping and get past anyone cares you're a butthurt bitch because someone called you a name. How's that,snowflake?

Man up dude

Triggered much poor lil Trumpanzee?

Oooh you whine about name calling then turn right around and do it again? You really are one stupid SOB "aldo" LOL

Read back through this exhange and think, then realize how utterly ridiculous you look LMAO what a fckn loon

You really are a triggered little potty mouth. Poor, poor thing.

Dude you're just flaming and failing miserably at it...but you're a left tard you've never succeeded at anything...and never will

Now run along "aldo"

Nice tantrum lol girl, I know you can do better.

"Alpo" Drip sure like to harass one person. Maybe it's hungry! What happened? Mommy feed you cheap dog food at the computer, and bitch about you being in pajama's all day, lol!

Wait, wait Sassy, maybe "Alpo" has the hots for ya, and just doesn't know what to say, lololol!
Triggered much poor lil Trumpanzee?

Oooh you whine about name calling then turn right around and do it again? You really are one stupid SOB "aldo" LOL

Read back through this exhange and think, then realize how utterly ridiculous you look LMAO what a fckn loon

You really are a triggered little potty mouth. Poor, poor thing.

Dude you're just flaming and failing miserably at it...but you're a left tard you've never succeeded at anything...and never will

Now run along "aldo"

Nice tantrum lol girl, I know you can do better.

"Alpo" Drip sure like to harass one person. Maybe it's hungry! What happened? Mommy feed you cheap dog food at the computer, and bitch about you being in pajama's all day, lol!

Wait, wait Sassy, maybe "Alpo" has the hots for ya, and just doesn't know what to say, lololol!

That's the best you got, really?
Oooh you whine about name calling then turn right around and do it again? You really are one stupid SOB "aldo" LOL

Read back through this exhange and think, then realize how utterly ridiculous you look LMAO what a fckn loon

You really are a triggered little potty mouth. Poor, poor thing.

Dude you're just flaming and failing miserably at it...but you're a left tard you've never succeeded at anything...and never will

Now run along "aldo"

Nice tantrum lol girl, I know you can do better.

"Alpo" Drip sure like to harass one person. Maybe it's hungry! What happened? Mommy feed you cheap dog food at the computer, and bitch about you being in pajama's all day, lol!

Wait, wait Sassy, maybe "Alpo" has the hots for ya, and just doesn't know what to say, lololol!

That's the best you got, really?

Just cause you got the hots for Sassy, no need to ruin the thread woof-woof-)
You really are a triggered little potty mouth. Poor, poor thing.

Dude you're just flaming and failing miserably at it...but you're a left tard you've never succeeded at anything...and never will

Now run along "aldo"

Nice tantrum lol girl, I know you can do better.

"Alpo" Drip sure like to harass one person. Maybe it's hungry! What happened? Mommy feed you cheap dog food at the computer, and bitch about you being in pajama's all day, lol!

Wait, wait Sassy, maybe "Alpo" has the hots for ya, and just doesn't know what to say, lololol!

That's the best you got, really?

Just cause you got the hots for Sassy, no need to ruin the thread woof-woof-)

So you really do not have anything, noted and dismissed!
Dude you're just flaming and failing miserably at it...but you're a left tard you've never succeeded at anything...and never will

Now run along "aldo"

Nice tantrum lol girl, I know you can do better.

"Alpo" Drip sure like to harass one person. Maybe it's hungry! What happened? Mommy feed you cheap dog food at the computer, and bitch about you being in pajama's all day, lol!

Wait, wait Sassy, maybe "Alpo" has the hots for ya, and just doesn't know what to say, lololol!

That's the best you got, really?

Just cause you got the hots for Sassy, no need to ruin the thread woof-woof-)

So you really do not have anything, noted and dismissed!

No, I do NOT have the hots for Sassy; unlike you who STALKS her everywhere, lol. That is why, SHE DISMISSED you-)
Acosta attacked a member of the white house staff. That should do it. bad that the WH felt the need to falsify the video of this "attack"....dumb enough to get caught. That's the real FAKE NEWS.

Fake it by zooming in on the facts, the total video is on YouTube, go watch it then come back an tell us what the WH FALSIFIED? You can do some research on your own, the MSM is blinding idiots every day

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I don't think they intend to bar Acosta permanently, just give him a timeout. They should let him ask a question and a follow-up but not let him hold the mic.

I disagree. What Acosta did should result in a permaban.
And....what did he do? Ask questions that tiny trump didn't like......that's what.

Or did he keep asking questions when it wasn’t his time?did he interrupt his fellow tabloid artists during their time to ask questions?
Was he totally rude?

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Acosta should be charged with a misdemeanor Battery.
I'm sure the Authorities will appreciate the doctored video presented by the WH as "evidence". :71:

Go watch the real video, and tell us what was doctored.


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'Doctored' when used by the unhinged left is the new catchphrase for that what you really see, is not what you really saw. And it is the opposite of reality!
Huh? Stop following the shiny object and stick to the subject. You can do it. What about my statement do you agree or disagree with?


Fuck Acosta.

Is that clear enough for you?
No, it’s not clear. It has nothing to do with the conversation. Sounds like you got no substance behind your argument so you are resorting to pure emotional outbursts. You hate Jim Acosta, we get it, but your feelings are irrelevant.

My substance is Acosta is a lying grandstanding POS and his credentials should have been removed long ago.

He gave an opening. It was taken.

Jim isn’t a journalist.
If the White House wanted to remove Acosta for grandstanding or interrupting then there is a process for that. You don’t lie and make up charges to get rid of somebody. And there’s also the fact that Jim was and is always called on by Trump and Sanders to ask questions. Did you ever think about why? They love the war, it’s feeds the low IQ puppets like yourself who need an enemy to hate. You are being played.

I notice you and JIM are on a 1st name basis-)

As far as your statement, then tell all these nice people why YOUR SENATORS fabricated a rape narrative to get rid of Justice K-)
The implication that senators fabricated a rape narrative is laughable. If there was any proof of that then they should go to jail. But there is none so stop lying.
Trump should of bitch slapped him, and made the little bitch cry.
FRAGILE CNN snowflakes have 5 other journalists with White House hard passes, CNN is not banned from the White House. Christ but the left are a bunch of cry babies boo hoo.
They'll lose only if it is before an OBAMA appointed "judge"

which is the equivalent of Eric Holder/Lynch./Jarrett etc....

Which is a ridiculous situation. Why is America "you get 'justice' with the right judge, and you don't with the wrong judge"?
CNN v Trump | Cnn | First Amendment To The United States Constitution

Some one with any real insight, please review the suit.

Here is the link to the actual filing.

Hustler Magazine versus Falwell is a nice precedent to refer to.

CNN equates themselves and Acosta to porn.

Has Jim Acosta been prevented from exercising his right to free speech?

CNN can put him on the air 24/7.

I can’t go to the White House and shout down the President.

Why has my first ammendment rights been violated by POTUS?
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Very funny overview of the Abilio "the intern beater" Acosta!

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